IGMH seeking Indian government assistance to procure equipment

The Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) is working on bringing in a new MRI machine and CT scan machine with the help of the Indian government, newly-appointed CEO Farhath Shaheer told newspaper Haveeru last week.

The former brigadier general and vice chief of the Maldives National Defence Forces told the local daily that the Indian government has assured the new equipment can be brought within three months through the Indian Defence Corporation.

“We are hoping the machinery to be brought in and installed by February next year. They have come and taken inventory of space available to put the machines in,” he was quoted a saying, adding that the Indian government would be in charge of servicing the machines for the next five years.

Shaheer also said the hospital plans to improve the appointment process by putting an automated system in place in November.

MRI scans are currently available only at the ADK private hospital.


2 thoughts on “IGMH seeking Indian government assistance to procure equipment”

  1. @sheep Well said! Shame on the Maldivians! Hypocrites and bigots...when GMR was there to develop the airport it seemed that the sky was about to fall on these Maldivians heads and now they want more assistance from the Indians...if this isn't hypocrisy and shamelessness I don't know what is! yuck!


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