Former President and leader of ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) Maumoon Abdul Gayoom has stated that a democracy is a system in which people are free to work with their personal political ideologies, and that in such a system people with varying ideas must be welcomed.
Speaking at a campaign event of PPM’s parliamentary candidate for Villin’gili constituency Saudh Hussain, Gayoom expressed concerns that residents of some islands harassed contestants campaigning for the party’s coalition.
“Since we are in a democracy, we must welcome people with different ideologies. We have to listen to what they have to say. It is a completely different matter whether you accept what they have to say or not,” Gayoom said.
Gayoom further said that it is very important to acquire a majority in the next parliament, stating that the reason for this is that the current government is led by the coalition.
He opined that failure to garner a majority would cause difficulties in fulfilling party manifesto.

Hah. Nice. Stab the dheenattaka baigandu in the back. Nice going!
How's this for thought.
I hear by declare the religious mumbo jumbo that came out of Mideast is the reflection/extension of what the region is going through now. It will remain the same forever.
It's a product of hunger for power, ignorance, laziness and stupidity.
The politicians blame everything on a god, and use that story to gain control and subdue any free thought and constructive nation building. Doing mind stupefying yoga five times a day, takes your minds away from all deficiencies of the ruling kings.
Nothing, absolutely nothing, have ever come out of Arabia, except for the natural, that is dates and black gold. Even that is harvested and the oil refined by the expats.
The religions are the source of in numerous conflicts. All of them, calming they are from god. Fighting for him. In the name of him. For his little finger. To his nose. Outside his house.
Think, for a change!
Very charming!
But the real fact is that we are in a said to be democracy where justice is a game manupulated by a dicatatorial clan who have a common enemy; Democracy!