Looking at the developments in the Maldives, one gets the feeling that President (by accident as some prefer to call him) Waheed does not appear to be in control of the events, writes Dr. S Chandrasekharan for the Eurasia Review.
In a moment of frustration he is said to have remarked that “Everybody runs the State as they please”, and this has been widely reported in the press.
He is aware of the remarks of his own adviser Dr. Hassan Saeed who said that President Waheed is “politically the weakest person in the country” and yet Saeed is merrily carrying on and some suspect that he may even join hands with Waheed to contest the next presidential elections in 2013.
President Waheed’s own official spokesperson Abbas Adil Raza broke all diplomatic protocol and openly called the Indian High Commissioner as a “traitor and enemy of the Maldives and the Maldivian people” over the controversy surrounding the GMR agreement. Though he tried to distance himself away, it took a while for him to remove Raza from the post of official spokesperson, only to be given a ministerial post later.
Relations with India appear to be reaching rock bottom. Following the cancellation of the GMR agreement, the Indian Foreign Secretary summoned the Maldivian High Commissioner in Delhi and expressed India’s deep regret at that the unilateral move and had also warned that the decision will have a negative impact on bilateral relations.

When british army were asked to remove their base in Addu, there is huge outcry from intentional community specially common wealth had warned the country not todo.
But our president Naasir went ahead with the cancelation of the agreement . That time british were ruling half of the world .
GMR agreement is one of biggest corrupted deal that was done in the history of Maldives and the Nasheed and bis allies had taken huge bribe under the table . This is why Nasheed is making so much haa hoo about the GMR deal.
Nasheed is still promising GMR that he will get the airport back to them if GMR helps hims to win the election. This is why still key GMR staffs are not leaving this country .
Nasheed had promised them that he will get the airport back within 6 months and asked GMR to keep their senior officers in Maldives to put the pressure on Government and use their corruption techniques to use the indian official to mount pressure on Maldives.
Nasheed is the man who is ruining this country for his own benefit and we need to arrest this guy based on the crimes that he had committed during his dictatorship.