Kerala minister to look into Indian teacher’s incarceration in Maldives

Chief Minister of Kerala state Oommen Chandy has pledged to provide all assistance necessary to secure the release of K.K. Jayachandran – an Indian teacher jailed in the Maldives.

Chandy gave the assurances to the Jayachandran’s family following the teacher’s wife’s petition to Minister for External Affairs Sushma Swaraj, reported the Hindu.

Jyothi Jayachandran sad that her husband had been falsely accused of abusing a student at his school on Feali Island, in Faafu Atoll, in April of this year.

“Subsequently, the complaint was withdrawn by the victim and his parents, but the police pursued the case by extending his custody, ” Jyothi was quoted as telling the Hindu last week.

“I have approached the Indian High Commission and Embassy office at the Maldives. So far, I have got no positive response from them,” she said.

Chandy subsequently said he would summon the consul attached to the Maldivian Consulate in Thiruvananthapuram on Monday as well as contacting the Indian High Commission in Malé.

Source: The Hindu


One thought on “Kerala minister to look into Indian teacher’s incarceration in Maldives”

  1. Open letter to the President of the Republic of Maldives regarding the incarceration of Mr Jayachandran

    Dear Mr President
    I humbly request you to take measures for the release of a teacher who is imprisoned in jail, and the media reports says he is falsely accused. Please look in the matter and reach a decision as soon as possible taking in to consideration the fact that the former President and your sibling was also a teacher himself.
    “Jyothi Jayachandran sad that her husband had been falsely accused of abusing a student at his school on Feali Island, in Faafu Atoll, in April of this year.
    “Subsequently, the complaint was withdrawn by the victim and his parents, but the police pursued the case by extending his custody, ” Jyothi was quoted as telling the Hindu last week.
    “I have approached the Indian High Commission and Embassy office at the Maldives. So far, I have got no positive response from them,” she said.”accordin to media reports.
    The release of the teacher, who do not pose a threat to the stability of State and public tranquility, in the interest of national races, will not only establish a strong faith in the judicial systems in the minds of the people and expatriates but also will in a way help promote peace and strong belief in the system
    Accordingly, I Dileep Mani who has served the Ministry of Education Maldives for 8 years again humbly requests the President as a reflection of his magnanimity to release the prisoner Mr Jayachandran on humanitarian grounds.

    Dileep Mani
    Former teacher and coordinator
    Under Ministry of Education Maldives

    Former VSO volunteer
    And Functional Youth literacy and core skills programme facilitator

    Education consultant
    Uganda East Africa
    Date: 12 November, 2011


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