Maldives delegate to UN General Assembly call for assistance in fighting climate change

The Maldives delegate to the 67th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), Hassan Hussain Shihab, has appealed to larger nations to commit themselves towards more clean and renewable forms of energy in order to reduce carbon emissions.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reports that Shihab told those at the assembly in New York that the Maldives was doing all it could to build resilience to the effects of climate change.

He said that the Maldives government was currently spending more than 27 percent of its national budget, suggesting that a small country such as the Maldives could not overcome these issues alone.

He also highlighted the Maldives commitment to implementing the decisions made at the recent Rio +20 conference on sustainable development,  expressing hoping that progress would be made during the current UNGA towards on issues relevant to Small Island Developing States (SIDS).


9 thoughts on “Maldives delegate to UN General Assembly call for assistance in fighting climate change”

  1. Amazing, in one breath the country tells the rest of the world to keep their noses out of the Maldives and in the next it's please can we have your money to stop us disapearing under the waves.

    No doubt most countries will hope the waves get bigger to remove the problem once and for all. Pray to Allah, he might listen and raise your country up into the heavens for your devotion.

  2. Wouldn't it be better for the Maldives not to build new airports and new resorts like it is currently doing? More tourists mean more CO2. It also means a greater strain on the fresh water supply. If the Maldives were serious and actually believed they were doomed they would stop all tourism immediately.

  3. "He said that the Maldives government was currently spending more than 27 percent of its national budget, suggesting that a small country such as the Maldives could not overcome these issues alone."

    That is very parsimonious. We in the UK spend all our budget and more. Or did you mean wasting 27 percent on mitigating climate change?

  4. To begin with I would like to ask how did Hassan Hussain Shihab get his post with Maldivian government soon after President Nasheed was out of office....

    Hassan Hussain Shihab is the son of Waheeda who is the sister of the new president..could this be the reason he got this post soon after the new president took the office one wonders...

    As far as we in the Maldives know Hassan Hussain Shihab NEVER worked in Maldives at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs...and there are many people who worked hard there and fought hard to get scholarships to get an education...

    How did Hassan Hussain Shihab study in USA..where did the funding come from..

  5. Looks like he is the Ambassador who is speaking on his capacity as the Permanent Representative. It should have been appropriate if it says at the very end the statement is delivered by Hassan Shihab as a member of the Mission and the official delegate of the UNGA..

    why it is changed this time? is it because he is the nephew of Dr. Waheed
    ? Im sure other delegates press release wont be like this.

  6. As far i can see Hassan Hussain Shihab did a great job representing Maldives at the United Nations (and this is for those who didn't see the whole speech).

    Also Fact that he was an intern in the New York Mission When President Nasheed Was still in Power and that he was offered the job of first secetry by Mr. Naseem the Forign Minister at the time.

    Am sure your jelsous of a person who has done things that you could only hope to accomplish so don't try to belittle that the country is doing.......

    Stop being a hater and take it like a man...

  7. Well, It was the current president who gave Hassan hussain shibah the first secretary job NOT Mr. Naseem.
    It was announced from the government and reported in many newspapers. So this is something that cannot be lied to us!!
    For example...
    read the second para of this article

    I just wanted to make the point just because people are related to people shouldn't be a reason for getting jobs. If things indeed happen this way it is not right on many of us Maldivians who work hard on our jobs....after getting also educated by trying hard for scholarships...Many people like this are in Maldives at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs…

  8. Well if these people are so well educated and they aren't getting jobs they want why don't they move on to another orgenization, I mean your a scholarships student ya, but just because you got a government or private scholarship doesn't make you better than anyone............. What it means know is that you obviously didnt try hard enough so well you didn't get the job so now all you do is whine whine whine on the internet........ I guess this is where we see different work ethics (HINT: Change yours)

  9. Hassan Hussain Shihab & Jefree Salim Waheed.... giving foreign ministry jobs is a family affair of Baghee Waheed.


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