Maldives endorses war crime investigation in Libya

The Maldives, together with the UK, Qatar and Jordan have passed a resolution in the UN’s Human Rights Council to extend the mandate of the international Commission of Inquiry into human rights violations in Libya.

Foreign Minister Ahmed Naseem said he welcomed the “strong message” the resolution would send to Libyan President Muammar Gadaffi.

“Civilised nations around the world will not stand by as he kills and violates the fundamental rights of thousands of our Muslim brothers and sisters. He will, in the end, be held accountable,” said Naseem.

The resolution came in response to the inquiry’s preliminary report into the Libyan situation, which found evidence of arbitrary killings, enforced disappearances, arbitrary detention, torture and sexual violence against women and children – violations it found represented war crimes and crimes against humanity.


One thought on “Maldives endorses war crime investigation in Libya”

  1. War crimes are serious violations of the laws applicable in armed conflict (also known as international humanitarian law) giving rise to individual criminal responsibility. Examples of such conduct includes "murder, the ill-treatment or deportation of civilian residents of an occupied territory to slave labor camps", "the murder or ill-treatment of prisoners of war", the killing of prisoners, "the wanton destruction of cities, towns and villages, and any devastation not justified by military, or civilian necessity".


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