A Maldivian couple have been detained in India over a visa issue for more than three months, reports Haveeru.
The paper reported the couple’s son as telling the paper that his parents had asked another Maldivian woman to renew their visa when it was about to expire, and that they had stayed on relying on the documents that were handed to them by the woman. The documents were subsequently identified by Indian police as counterfeit.
The Foreign Ministry told the paper that officials at the Maldivian Embassy had visited the couple. Their case was currently in court and that they could not return to the Maldives until the court concluded the case, the Ministry said.

Well done Indian immigration authorities........way to go with these losers. If Maldives can deport an Indian school teacher Shijo Kokkattu(from the primitive Raa Atoll and reported by the dimwit principal of Raafainu School Mohamed Shiraj) merely for having christian hymns on his laptop for his private use..........then no Maldivian should be allowed to set foot on Indian soil again........especially Mohamed Shiraj and those with counterfeit travel documents. India should abolish the 30 day visa free rule for Maldivians and impose the same draconian travel restrictions that currently apply to our other failed state neighbours, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
My advice to all Maldivians contemplating a visit to India...........GO SOMEPLACE ELSE.
Bravo for being stupid. Blame the government now for not cleaning up your mess.
Dear minivan news, yes, all maldivians are terrorists and druggies. The great british consvative party needs to take over the stupid natives.... Wankers!
God help this country . Indra u seems to understand this country well
I am from Hyderabad, Andra Pradesh State in Inda. I worked in the Maldives as a High school teacher. I entered Maldives on 7th January 2010 and left the country on 16 November 2010. I was in an island school, though I am a Muslim by birth and follow the religion, I am a moderate. I have a place in my heart to all the people who belong to different religion. I display this in my daily life. This was not liked by other Muslim teachers, parents and island people of Maldives where I worked. It was a torture for me in the hands of Maldivian Muslims against a moderate Indian Muslim. I caution all Indians who are working in the Maldives or aspiring to become a teacher in the Maldives. Please think twice. These Maldivian Muslims are barbarian, who follow extremist model of Islam. I have been spreading this news among Indian teaching community. Indian schools and colleges pay better now. If any Indian goes to maldives to work as a teacher, take it from me, such teacher is not worthy even to teach in India.
It is sad that a true believer in Islam, president of Maldives, Nasheed was made to resign by the opposition parties who instigated the hard line fundamental Muslim elements in MNDF and Police force. Opposition party could not digest MDP policies towards Maldives and international community. Nashhed tried his best to eliminate the dictator and bring democratic principles in Maldives, making maldives a moderate Muslim nation. The fundamental Islamic forces of maldives wanted to see the true face of Shariath, now it is the time for Maldivian men folk to do their beastly act on Maldivian helpless women and girls. God save Maldives.
Now nasheedh may escape to Trivandrum.
Well done Indian immigration authorities.
Please make the laws more strict for this idiot people who really come to india only for abortion.
They are barbarians and drug addicts who dont have any kind of morel.