President Abdulla Yameen has today appointed Amjad Musthafa to the Elections Commission (EC), and Adam Saeed Moosa to the Police Integrity Commission (PIC).
The nominees were both approved by the Peoples Majlis last week, with Amjad’s appointment filling one of the two EC seats left vacant after the Supreme Court stripped former EC President Fuwad Thowfeek and Vice President Ahmed Fayaz Hassan of their membership in March.
The five year terms of two current commissioners – Mohamed Farooq and Ali Mohamed Manik – were scheduled to end today, meaning the EC does not currently have the constitutionally mandated quorum of three.
Moosa’s appointment to the PIC brings it up to the maximum of five appointees.

In the future, this is how ballot results will go.
X Abdul Gayyoom: 98%
[Opposition candidate]: 0%
Invalid votes: 2%
We know how they operate.