Nine parties submit audit reports within Elections Commission deadline

Nine political parties have submitted their annual audit reports to the Elections Commission (EC) by a deadline that expired yesterday (May 14), local media has reported.

Under EC rules, all political parties wishing to receive state funds are required to submit their annual audits reports by a specific deadline.

EC Secretary General Asim Abdul Sattar was today quoted by Sun Online as confirming that a total of nine parties had met the deadline to submit the reports. He declined to identify the nine parties at present.


2 thoughts on “Nine parties submit audit reports within Elections Commission deadline”

  1. MDP had spend MRF 32 million last two years and wonder from where these money had come ?

    These money were received from GMR and yet more money is to be received and not even recorded.

    Millions of Rufiyaa are being wasted too.

  2. MDP may have spent billions or trillions.
    But I am sure it will never be people's money!
    Personal Properties and PIGs have and are consuming it without giving anything to it's rightful owners!
    You truly seem to be J!!!!


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