The Maldivian parliament has installed touch-screens for the use of MPs, that display the agenda and relevant documents such as bills and the constitution.
The technology will allow MPs to browse the internet during sessions of parliament.
Secretary General Ahmed Mohamed told Haveeru that “it is one of our main objectives to utilize the latest technology on the parliament floor.”
“Despite the fact that the system has not been implemented up to our expectations, the members will be able to see a lot of documents even now. We will be developing the system,” he said.

Now they can do their real work in parliament too.
well its good for educated parliment members ppl like kubeyy .. wont know how to browse the internet .. i think u should have a seminar or a special computer class for the uncivilised parliment members hahah
🙂 politicians get caught in a cyber sex scandal, and the response is to give MPs touch screen computers to play with?
How is this going to work? Someone puts up a bill for debate and supporters click the 'Like' button of Facebook? What if they want to bribe someone? Will they 'poke'??