The Police Integrity Commission (PIC) has said that no charges can be pressed against police in relation to the alleged attack against Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) MP Abdullah Jabir.
In November 2012, police carried out a ‘special’ operation on the island of Hodaidhoo in Haa Dhaal Atoll following reports that drugs and alcohol were being consumed.
Despite a complaint filed by Jabir’s brother, Ibrahim Shiham, claiming that there is sufficient evidence proving that police beat Jabir in the arrest, the PIC decided that the case could not be sent to the Prosecutor General’s (PG) office for criminal prosecution, local media reported.
Shiham’s complaint states that proof exists of police brutality during the arrests, as a medical report from ADK Hospital notes that Jabir had sustained injuries, and a video of the police operation shows a police officer kicking Jabir in the head, local media reported.
The PIC said that the because the face of the officer in the video could not be seen, nor his name, the PIC cannot forward to case to the PG’s office.
Jabir told local media that he now plans to file a case in the Civil Court against the police.

The PIC said that the because the face of the officer in the video could not be seen, nor his name, the PIC cannot forward to case to the PG’s office.
We say the police have a record of who was on duty that night and who was dispatched to the island to make the arrest. Investigate all of them and get us justice. Police brutality cannot and will not be tolerated.
"The PIC said that the because the face of the officer in the video could not be seen, nor his name, the PIC cannot forward to case to the PG’s office."
Okay, I'll sell a balaclava along with any guns I sell so the Maldivian people cannot be prosecuted for executing PPM gundas. Thanks for the tip, PIC!.
How much more evidence do they need.
"...medical report, video, local media reports..."
Oh! Allah bring justice to the wrong doers. When justice is withheld what good can be there?
"The PIC said that the because the face of the officer in the video could not be seen, nor his name, the PIC cannot forward to case to the PG’s office."
This is not enough! This is kid stuff!!!
Cannot believe this stuff.
Police aught to know who and who went on the mission, and they would be aware of who and who are attached to their intelligence unit. They will be fully aware of what happened!
Cannot believe this stuff!
Instead it proves that Police Commissioner wants to protect his force and do not want to give in those responsible for it!
Though many of us may not be top class investigators or prosecutors, there will be many who can do better than this.
Truly justice is withheld here!!!!!