Police have concluded an investigation and sent to Prosecutor General’s Office the case of a 41 year-old man who allegedly sexually assaulted a six year-old girl multiple times.
The local media reported that the man was identified by the police as Mohamed Mukhthar of Shaviyani Atoll Fuvamulah.
Media reported that the 41 year-old man allegedly tied the six year-old girl to a tree and abused her sexually inside the girl’s house.
Three sons of Mukhthar who obstructed police attempts to arresting him were also investigated, and the trial is ongoing in Fuvamulah’s court.
One of his sons was arrested last year in connection with the attack of a married couple who were out on a bike ride. The husband was restrained while his wife was gang raped in front of him.

This would not warrant even scratching an ear, by any of our MP's.
They are hellbent, on revenge, on personal gain, gratification, corruption, playing musical chairs, than to give this a second thought.
I wonder, is this the quality of our life we are expected to live? Are Maldivians so ignorant?
I did not realize we are living in the 6th century, when this kind of action used to be the style.