Ten former addicts released after completing drug rehabilitation program

Eight people were awarded certificates by the Drug Court this week upon completion of a drug rehabilitation programme and released with suspended sentences.

According to Sun Online, of the 10 who completed the program and were released, certificates were awarded to Hassan Daood of Boakulhandhurumaage, Lhaviyani Hinnavaru; Hassan Rasheed of G. Life; Mohamed Faseeh of Faseemaage, Raa Hinguraidhoo; Ibrahim Shafeeu of H. Lobby; Muslim Shakir of Janavareege, Gaafu Dhaalu Vaadhoo; Muhiyyuddheen Abdul Gafoor of Gulaabeege, Baa Kendhoo; Ali Rasheed of Ranvilaage in Haa Dhaalu Hanimaadhoo; and Abdullah Zareer of Ma. Kandooge.

The other two could not participate in the ceremony as they were out of Male’ at the time. The certificates were presented by Judge Mahaz Ali Zahir, Judge Abdul Sattar Abdul Hameed and Judge Husain Shahamath Mahir.

Speaking at the ceremony, Judge Mahaz revealed that the court had sentenced 275 people to rehabilitation, out of which 19 people had been arrested and sent back to jail.

The Drug Court was established in 2012 by the new Drug Act passed by parliament in December 2011, emphasising treatment and rehabilitation while moving away from taking a punitive approach against “small-scale” drug offences.

The court commenced its first trial in August 2012. In May this year, the court was temporarily forced to send addicts back to jail with government detox centers at full capacity.


One thought on “Ten former addicts released after completing drug rehabilitation program”

  1. ''......with government detox centres at full capacity''
    It seems everyone is on drugs in Maldives. The place must be crawling with junkies.
    You can look forward to a massive increase in urban crime and HIV.
    What is it with Muslims and drugs I wonder? I note the same pattern of drug abuse in Saudi, Afghanistan, Yemen, Iran and Pakistan.....the common denominator is you're all 'true believers'.


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