The Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture is threatening to suspend the operating licenses of a number of resort and hospitality properties unless they pay outstanding government charges and related fines before July 20, Haveeru has reported.
The Nasandhura Palace Hotel and 10 resort properties in the country reportedly owe a combined total of US$16million to the Maldives Inland Revenue Authority (MIRA), with failure to pay these individual debts expected to lead to a revocation of operating licenses under the Lease Rent Regulation.
Any enterprises that fail to pay these state charges before the 90 day deadline passes on July 20 will be able to have their licenses reinstated once any outstanding government debts are met, according to tourism officials cited by the paper.
Galaxy Enterprises, which rents the Nasandhura Palace Hotel, is facing legal action by the MIRA, who filed a case at the Civil Court this week over claims it is owed some US$265,000 by the company.

Its so sad to know that there were resorts and hospitality properties accumulated an outstanding payment to the government thus they are in the verge of closing their properties if they don't settle the payment in due time. I just wonder why it accumulated large amount of payment to the government and the government as well neglected their duties to demand the soonest payment so as not to accumulate larger amount. I hope resorts properties will settle its dues as well as government do their duties on time so as no one will suffer.