Q&A: Dr Ahmed Shaheed

“It’s better to burn out than to rust,” former Foreign Minister and newly-appointed UN Special Rapporteur on Iran tells Minivan News, describing the push for reform on both sides of the country’s first democratic election, the extent of PR firm Hill & Knowlton’s involvement in drafting policy and Gayoom’s use of private security firms to investigate the origins of the MDP.

Comment: The politics of arrogance

Placing the politics of arrogance ahead of the slow process of democracy deprives a nation of honest and virtuous politicians, buries the common good and on its tomb, plants the seeds of political power and waters it with the greed and lust of an emerging generation of crass, shackled and morally stunted politicians, writes Era Ali.

Business should not feel threatened by economic liberalisation: MACI President

“We have more than enough political forums, but not enough is being done to allow businesses to talk on a purely technical level,” President of the Maldives Association of Construction Industry (MACI) said during roundtable sessions on the government’s economic reforms.