“I don’t Understand why Mohamed Shaaz Waleed is still in Dhoonidhoo” – Maldives Attorney General

The Maldivian Attorney General, Dr Hassan Saeed, has reportedly stated that he “does not understand why [Mohamed Shaaz Waleed] is still kept in Dhoonidhoo”. The comments were made in a meeting with Mr Waleed’s wife, held yesterday.

Mr Waleed, 34, a known reformist, has been held in solitary confinement in Dhoonidhoo Jail for over 100 days after participating in the August pro-democracy rally in Male’. Following the decision this week to extend Mr Waleed’s jail term by another 30 days, his wife went to confront the Attorney General.

She reportedly told Dr Saeed that she was convinced “the authorities had a personal vendetta against her husband.” The Attorney General replied that “he did not have a personal vendetta against her husband.” The Attorney General went onto say he “did not understand why he was still kept in Dhoonidhoo” and urged Mr Waleed’s wife to write a letter to the Overseeing Committee of the investigations of the August demonstration.

Dr. Hassan Saeed
Dr. Hassan Saeed
The Attorney further reportedly advised Mrs Waleed to write a letter saying that most of the 219 people detained in connection with the demonstration have now been released but not her husband. He also suggested referring the case to the Commissioner of Police. Mrs Waleed retorted that the Commissioner told her to refer the case to the Attorney General.

Mrs Waleed further grilled the Attorney General about whether her husband was being held in connection with the pending treason case against him. The Attorney General said that “it should not be the case since other defendants of the case were now not in detention” and that Mr Waleed “should not therefore be detained in connection with the case unless if gets convicted at the end of the case.”

Mrs Waleed snapped that everybody knew that Sergeant Habeeb, who was from the same atoll as her, had tortured confessions out of the defendants. She further reportedly told Dr Saeed that she went to the hearings of her husband’s case and “it was said in court that the testimony of a single policeman was equal to that of four ordinary people – with such deliberate unfairness how could they conduct a fair trial?” The Attorney is said to have replied that “the rule did not apply any longer.”

Mrs Waleed dryly asked Dr Saeed if “the judge had a special stamp with “30 days” cast on it for him to dish out 30 day extensions to everyone brought before him?” The Attorney General reportedly replied that “it was not the case any longer, that previously judges complied with whatever the government requested but now they consider the facts regarding the detainee before extending detention.” Evidence suggested for this was the fact that the judge refused to extend the detention for some of the Back Friday detainees to a full 30 days as requested by the police.

Mrs Waleed reportedly also requested the Attorney General to give back the passport of her husband and allow the family to leave the country since there was no hope for the family to live happily in the Maldives. The Attorney General is said to have replied that “it would not do for everyone to leave the country and that the future of the children have to be considered and that everyone should hope for better things for their children in the future and make this country work.”

Mrs Waleed reportedly told the Attorney General that her husband was pleased when he took office because he was known to be an un-corrupt reformist but now they were disillusioned with him. The Attorney General said “things were changing slowly and that it would take time for all the changes to come in place but he was resolute to push the reforms through.”

Mrs Waleed also complained that access to her husband had become difficult again even though most of the other Black Friday detainees had been released. The Attorney replied that he would address the matter.

Mrs Waleed reportedly received a call from the police late last night informing her that the Mr Waleed’s family have been allowed access to Mr Waleed at Dhoonidhoo Jail at 9am of December 1st.
