Vigilante actions by Adduan people ‘to continue’

Peoples’ arrests made by hundreds of Adduan people are to continue for a second night, residents from the Maldives southernmost atoll said. “If the police cannot keep law and order, the people will have to take action”, a youth who spoke to Minivan news noted today.

Some five hundred people who live in the atoll capital of Hithadhoo island were out on the streets from 1900 Hrs till dawn, effecting 34 arrests, reports said. The people’s action in Addu follows the resignation of all foreign doctors working in the island hospital. Two days ago a doctor was attacked while he was sleeping by alleged drug users. “They physically beat him up and took all valuables. He was alone at his house that time. It was around midnight”, Hussain Adil, an Adduan youth who spoke to Minivan news said. The subsequent strike by the doctors led to a pregnant woman losing her baby and other complaints from numerous people seeking medical care in the Atoll, reports said.

An Adduan businessman commenting on the happenings said that “this atoll has been best by lootings and theft for quite a while now. This is mainly seen to be carried out by drug addicts desperate for money.”

According to a self-proclaimed vigilante who called Minivan News today, the people in the Atoll intend to carry out more arrests tonight. “There are about 50 more people in our arrest list”, he said.

The country’s most populous atoll after Male’, Addu has some five islands connected by causeways to the former British Air base of Gan. Male’s National Security Service houses some 500 personnel in Gan. “They have not bothered with complaints of the breakdown in law and order”, Hussain Adil noted. “Male’ is sending more security people here to intimidate the people, but their biggest concern is to influence ongoing campaigning for general elections”, he said.
