15 year-old rape victim deserves flogging for separate crime of fornication: Adhaalath Party

Additional reporting by JJ Robinson

The religious Adhaalath Party (AP) has declared that the 15 year-old rape victim who was recently sentenced to 100 lashes and eight months of house arrest “deserves the punishment”, as this is the penalty for fornication under Islamic Sharia.

The party, members of which largely dominate the Maldives’ Ministry of Islamic Affairs, stated that the sentence of flogging had not been passed against the for being sexually abused by her stepfather, but rather for the consensual sex to which she had confessed to having on another occasion.

“The purpose of penalties like these in Islamic Sharia is to maintain order in society and to save it from sinful acts. It is not at all an act of violence. We must turn a deaf ear to the international organisations which are calling to abolish these penalties, labeling them degrading and inhumane acts or torture,” the statement read.

“No one has the right to criticise any penalties specified in Islam,” the party added.

Quoting verses from the Quran, the statement said that no citizen should be allowed to express ideas and opinions about a verdict made in accordance with the religion in a court of law in a 100 percent Muslim country.

The Adhaalath Party further cautioned that criticising issues like this would “encourage enemies of Islam, create confusion among the general public and open up opportunities for people who aim to stop the practice of similar penalties commanded in Islam.”

“Furthermore, Allah has decreed that expressing disapproval of issues such as this contradicts with faith in Islam,” the statement continued, quoting more verses from the Quran.

“Allah has also commanded that we show no kindness when implementing these penalties.”

The party also stated that it was saddened by the physical and psychological abuse the girl had suffered at the hands of her parents, calling the state authorities to ensure they were given the punishments they were due as detailed in Islamic Sharia.

“If such sinful activities are to become this common, the society will break down and we may become deserving of divine wrath,” the Adhaalath Party stated.

Flogging amounts to degrading punishment or torture: UN

United Nations has expressed concern over the case of the 15 year-old being sentenced to flogging.

“The child is allegedly a victim of long-standing sexual abuse. Under international legal human rights obligations of Maldives, corporal punishment, including flogging, amounts to cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment or even to torture,” read a statement issued by the UN in the Maldives.

“ The approach to sexual abuse which has been adopted in numerous international human rights frameworks is that governments should implement prevention, prosecution of perpetrators, and protection measures to ensure that sexual abuse does not occur. Where it has occurred, governments should put in place measures for rescue, rehabilitation, and reintegration of victims.”

US “deeply disturbed”

The US Embassy in Colombo said it was “deeply disturbed” by the recent ruling, noting that the minor was “also a victim of rape”.

“We call upon the Maldivian government to recognise that she must be protected rather than punished by authorities. We welcome President Waheed’s statement that his government “will push for a review” of the decision. We urge the Maldivian judiciary to immediately drop all charges against the girl and for the Majlis to enact legislation that protects women and minors who have suffered sexual abuse.

“Promoting gender equality and advancing the status of all women and girls around the world remains one of the greatest unmet challenges of our time, and one that is vital in all countries to ensure full democratic rights, regardless of culture,” the Embassy stated.

President “saddened”

President Mohamed Waheed, who has previously insisted on the executive’s inability to interfere in judicial matters, stated on his official Twitter account yesterday: “I am saddened by the sentence of flogging handed to a minor. Govt will push for review of this position.”

The government is currently pushing for re-election to the UN Human Rights Council and launched its campaign in Geneva today (February 28), spearheaded by State Minister of Foreign Affairs Dunya Maumoon, daughter of former 30 year autocratic ruler Maumoon Abdul Gayoom.

In a statement today, the Foreign Ministry said the Maldives had prioritised its term in the Council “by focusing on women and children’s rights and the rights of persons with disability, had been a vocal campaigner for the prevention of torture, and brought the issue of the right of all to live in a safe and clean environment to the forefront of the Council’s debate.”

In a second statement later today, the Foreign Ministry expressed “deep concern by the prosecution and the Juvenile Court’s sentence to flog a 15 year-old girl on the charges of pre-marital sex.”

“Though the flogging will be deferred until the girl turns 18, the government believes she is the victim of sexual abuse and should be treated as such by the state and the society and therefore, her rights should be fully protected. The Government is of the view that the case merits appeal. The girl is under state care and the government will facilitate and supervise her appeal of the case, via the girl’s lawyer, to ensure that justice is done and her rights are protected,” the Ministry stated.

“The Juvenile Court’s verdict has brought home the critical and severe need to review existing mechanisms, especially legal framework, available for protecting the rights of the children in the Maldives. The government calls on all stakeholders to view cases of child abuse and child-sexual abuse through a human rights lens and to base each case on the best interest of the child.

“In view of the urgent attention required for protecting the rights of the children, the government has established a Committee to review the existing child protection mechanisms, particularly the legal mechanism, in view of the universally accepted norms and principles, and recommend to the state areas that require urgent changes,” the Ministry said.


67 thoughts on “15 year-old rape victim deserves flogging for separate crime of fornication: Adhaalath Party”

  1. Many rape victims would make up stories of love and relationships with other men in order to have some normalcy in their shattered lives.

    This child is being punished cause she confessed to having had "consensual" sex with a man.

    No other person has come forward, is being charged or is being sought for this "crime".

    Does it not take two to commit "Zina" in Quran, Oh Scholars of Islam?

    It is just her being charged, prosecuted and now given sentence for a "crime" that takes two to commit.

    This is a shame, the judge who sentenced her, the social worker who got the confession out of her and everyone in the PG office involved in the prosecution of this girl must be named and shamed.

  2. Minivan in overdrive to get as much out of this story as possible. Each of these "minivan classic" stories are designed to elicit as much negative publicity as possible to the country and to our religion. Just inviting islamophobic fascists to rant against islam.

  3. I implore any of my Maldivian friends to loudly and vehemently condemn this barbaric sentence and pledge to do whatever is reasonable to remove from power the men advocating this barbarity against an abused child. How can such a beautiful country that I have loved for over thirteen years display such an ugly heart? The solution lies in the hands of everyone who, by choice or by apathy and inactivity, allows these sexist laws and punishments to be enacted in the name of bronze-aged, patriarchal doctrines.

  4. Provide the whole world with absolute proof that this is the will of Allah and not the words written by men, then and only then can you idiots state no one critise what is written in the Quran.

    I believe once upon a time people thought the world was flat because scholars claimed it was, whoops i've fell off the edge of the world many times this year already.

  5. Not surprised this to happen in a failed state. Government is the slave of Mullahs , thugs, pedophiles , drug dealers, murderers ..goes on and on . Whoever brain washed the girl to confess is a child abuser n only deserve prison .. For Adaalaath religion is sex .. I suppose ..

  6. I agree to erect sharia law; anyone who corrupts or steal and rob, their hands must be cut off. It is fair and good for Maldives. Your people will have no hands.

  7. 28 February 2013, Malé; The Government of Maldives is deeply concerned by the prosecution and the Juvenile Court’s sentence to flog a 15 year-old girl on the charges of pre-marital sex. Though the flogging will be deferred until the girl turns 18, the Government believes she is the victim of sexual abuse and should be treated as such by the State and the society and therefore, her rights should be fully protected. The Government is of the view that the case merits appeal. The girl is under State care and the Government will facilitate and supervise her appeal of the case, via the girl’s lawyer, to ensure that justice is done and her rights are protected.

    The rights of children are protected under the Convention on the Rights of the Child and corresponding domestic legislation in the Maldives. Protecting the rights of the child, particularly that of the girl child, has always been a top priority of the Government, not only in this Administration, but previous Administrations as well. The Juvenile Court’s verdict has brought home the critical and severe need to review existing mechanisms, especially legal framework, available for protecting the rights of the children in the Maldives.

    Although the Maldives heralded a modern new democratic Constitution in 2008, much of the corresponding legislation aimed at reforming the criminal justice system and the juvenile justice system remains. While the Act on Special Measures for Perpetrators of Child Sexual Abuse was enacted in 2009, a large number of Bills remain pending that are essential to reform the criminal justice sector. This includes the Criminal Procedure Code, the Amendments to the Child Rights Act as well as the revised Penal Code and the Juvenile Justice Bill. The Government therefore calls on the Parliament to pass these Bills urgently.

    The Government also calls on all stakeholders to view cases of child abuse and child-sexual abuse through a human rights lens and to base each case on the best interest of the child.

    In view of the urgent attention required for protecting the rights of the children, the Government has established a Committee to review the existing child protection mechanisms, particularly the legal mechanism, in view of the universally accepted norms and principles, and recommend to the State areas that require urgent changes. The Committee compromises the Ministry of Gender, Family, and Human Rights, the Attorney General’s Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Islamic Affairs, and the Family Protection Authority of Maldives.

  8. @adhaalath by you definition of islam, i doubt that even 50% of Maldivians are muslim.

    you are a disgrace to islam & you are the ones encourage enemies of Islam.

    i have no intention of being part of YOUR sadistic "islam"!!

  9. No citizen should be allowed to express ideas and opinions about a verdict made in accordance with the religion in a court of law in a 100 percent Muslim country.

    In order to acheive full acceptance without reluctance, how about you please working harder on making people understand the merits of islamic law without question.

    But most islamist politicians here prefer to use scare tactics.

  10. @bitter truth
    maybe it is the verdict that is not in accordance with the religion, instead of the ideas expressed by citizens. this punishment has been in law for a long time but this level of concern about the verdict has not been expressed before. maybe because this case has circumstances which make it different from others, and warrant special consideration.

  11. I'm deeply impressed for the seriousness Minivan News and its commentators, treat this unfortunate affair. The Maldives as a 100% muslim country has the absolute right to punish fornication with flogging as said in the Sharia. Whereas in this particular case we speak of a minor who has suffered repeated abuse, we should evaluate the possibility of not accepting as valid the guilty pleas of a creature that certainly deserves priority emotional care and protection of society. Maybe Allah does not want to punish girls with lashes (even if mild) but to adults who knowingly commit fornication. I prefer to believe that it is men who have difficulty to understand God, and not that there is any sign of injustice in Muslim moral. I'm from Argentina, not muslim, but concerned for a better life for all the child.

  12. Read, think and sign:


  13. Why does bad Adhalath party not demand the flogging for hundreds of Maldivian men who are restless and anxious to go and F....k the local and foreign girls actively offering sex in Maldives all around...............??????


  15. “The purpose of penalties like these in Islamic Sharia is to maintain order in society and to save it from sinful acts."

    What thick skull writes this sort of crap and still do not understand how an under-age child has been repeatedly subject to sexual acts by ADULTS!

    How does punishing this girl serve to save Maldivian society from "sinful acts"? I am not questioning the Quran, but questioning the mind of idiots who do not understand the Quran.

    Surely, there is not God (of any kind), who would beat up a child to a pulp, just to save society from "sinful acts". Go and find those in society who were responsible for abusing this child, and then beat them to a pulp! God will love that, I'm certain.

  16. Quite impressed to see the CNN bar repeatedly showing this "lashing" bit of information to the world all the while today. Probably trying to show the beautiful Maldives but the barbarism of Islam. Typical scenario???!!

    But i strongly do Agree with my friend Pablo Ferro here!!Adhaalath should protect the child first before handing over any punishment because her case was neglected by govt and the society for years and this is not what Allah demands muslims to do!

    Allah’s Apostle, PBUH also said: "Every one of you (people) is a shepherd. And every one is responsible for whatever falls under his responsibility. A man is like a shepherd of his own family, and he is responsible for them."

    The Prophet Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him said: "Allah does not punish the individuals for the sins of the community until they see the evil spreading among themselves, and while they have the power to stop it, do not do so." (Ahmad)

    So the society and the govt is to blame as this case was brought into consideration years ago but nobody bothered!!(not even the so called human rights activists speaking here??


  17. If God send Quran, why he did not write it himself? Why we have so many books by God? He make mistakes and do not have tipex maybe. Adhaalath has to write a new book. The book has mistakes, because child cannot get 100 lashes that is not fair.

    Nasheed needs 100 lashes or more as he broke constitution and sold airport to GMR. We must flog Nasheed instead of this girl.

  18. If someone can plant the seed of doubt in Adalathist brain the whole issue is solved. How can they be so adamant not to have any doubt to cast a question on their Shaira when it is so senseless and unacceptable for a time of reasons and.
    If you remove god factor from the Sharia, it is so obvious that this is most barbaric and inhuman laws ever written by human and forced on people with fear of god.
    God’sharia is not based on written documents; it is the laws of nature that shapes everything what we see. For living thing everything is survival instinct, we human are good because if we are not good to each other we will extinct, our conscience and conscious mind evolved to fight for our survival and it is evolving and shaping the way we experience our world today. Mullahs must change their course otherwise you will crash with nature and God’s real sharia. If the world’s huge diverse human population start clash with ideological difference, do Mullahs think that the human race will survive today with dangerous technology we have to destroy the whole planet. Mullahs and the fishermen folks are very insignificant when you apply our existence to human drama. Therefore my advice to Mullas are to keep your religion as an individual matter like the food you eat. You can’t expect everyone to eat and like Garudhiya and rice, and gulha bajiya.

  19. how can i get through to adhaalath? denying facts, reality and looking through stained and cracked glass is what they do. Hoax talk.
    I am a Maldivian and so not a muslim with the god persona adhaalath hallucinates and s*** out. simply put, I dont want to be a god and Maldives is not a 100% muslim state. and we will talk, think and deliver our message. pls change the spot you s***.

  20. good work mariyath, and I ( speck of the public multitude) appreciate your views and concerns. I wonder if adhaalath tweeted this dramatic version of islamic law using an iphone. ooh the pools of contradictions they swim are so deep and dark.

  21. @Bidhua

    Mullahs will never change. They will keep on molesting their young relatives (while ranting about how women should cover up and how people should have sex), and inbreeding with their cousins. It's only natural they are incapable of thinking for themselves. These neanderthals will sleep with their own mothers if their non-existent god said not to do so.

  22. Wha happened to the video of Sheikh Shaheem holding hands with a woman who was not his wife and leading her to a bedroom?

  23. The Maldives does not need Christian missionaries to turn people away from Islam. They need people like this man Shaheem who knows that paternity testing is allowed in Islam now and yet has done nothing to bring paternity tests into the legal system and bring the men who put their seed into our young girls to justice.

  24. President Nasheed is silent on this cause he agrees with adhaalth and wants this girl to flogged. So called champion of democracy.

  25. @human being...no use blaming this news site! Such a medieval mindset deserves all the negative publicity possible, throughout the civilized world. Only in primitive Saudi Arabia would this be regarded as normal.

  26. This girl is a minor. Minor means they cannot be held responsible.

    I am deeply disappointed by Sheikh Shaheem's statement. And fearful for our girl children while he remains the Minister of Islamic Affairs.

    From what I saw of a video on Raaje TV, Shaheem is hardly one to preach of virtues!!

    One should not throw stones living in a glass house, Shaheem.

    Dr Waheed, we need an urgent review of our laws on children.

  27. Traditional Islamic Jurisprudence has within it, a principle of culpability, it is derived from the Speech of ALLAH, the Holy Qur'an.

    In the Qur'an, it is made very clear that ones level of ability to rationally determine their own behaviour is taken into account in the determination of the extent to which they can be considered guilty of sin.

    For example, it says in the Qur'an that there is no sin on a person for eating Haram food when there is no other choice. Read the last sentence of the Ayat below.

    "O you who have believed, eat from the good things which We have provided for you and be grateful to Allah if it is [indeed] Him that you worship. He has only forbidden to you dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine, and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah . But whoever is forced [by necessity], neither desiring [it] nor transgressing [its limit], there is no sin upon him. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful." Qur'an 2:172-173"

    In regards to punishment for Zina, (fornication with one you are not married to) a slave is only allowed to be punished half of what a free person is to be punished.

    "4:25 - And if when they are honourably married they commit lewdness they shall incur the half of the punishment (prescribed) for free women (in that case)..."

    A slave is deprived of their capacity to determine their own behaviour due to the mentally debilitating condition of slavery. Therefore, in accordance with the deep Social Justice principles of Islamic Law, a slave is only to be punished half of that a free person is to be punished.

    In the case of this child, it is a grotesque violation of justice to consider her to be capable of being held resposible for fornication.

    It is well understood by counellors, psycholgists, that when a person has been sexually abused severely as a child, it becomes a learned behaviour not to have the capacity to resist a sexual advance. The girl has been programmed to believe, at a subconscious level, that giving herself sexually is necessary for her security, for her basic survival.

    From then on, she would find it impossible to resist a sexual advance, as, a sexual advance would stimulate her survival instincts, and she would subconsciously believe she MUST give sex to survive.

    Furthermore, she would be programmed to need to offer sex when she feels insecure, threatened in any way, sexual desire has become associated with fear inside of her. Her sexual behaviour, and desire, is not normally understood sexual desire, it is controlled by fear, it is a learned - misconstructed survival mechanism.

    Therefore, she is not guilty of feeding unlawful sexual desire in having sex. Due to her belief that sex is necessary for security, her mind is merely doing what it has been programmed to do to ensure her sense of security. She has no power over it.

    She is no more guilty than those who eat Haram food when forced by necessity to do so.

    She needs serious help, serious reconditioning, serious love and caring, as she is damaged.

    It is an extremely serious violation of the Islamic sense of Social Justice to punish her for something she was forced to do by damaged conditioning!

  28. I think ALL tourist should boycott the maldives and let it go back to tuna and caves.

  29. @ Everyone!
    See the agenda here. This story was about a girl but ends with Adhaalath and islam. Just political scoring. They do not care about the girl. All they care about is politics and bickering.

  30. I dont understand why Minivan is mentioning one side of the story here.

    This lady had not had sex with herself and there was a man involved in this sexual act. The man was also been flogged and not only the lady. The hand were given much severe punishment and for the lady flogging to be carried out only when she reached 18 years.

    The flooding was not to be executed today and it to be done when she reached 18.

    I think we all have some responsibility to take when passing information to people and it should not be biased and people need to protect the other people rights and need to learn to respect the religion of other. Here international community should also respect our religion Islam also.

  31. some Fili Nasheed supporters, here use other people names to comment things agains Fili Nasheed. Here Uunder " Kuribee" the first comment is made by someone else who are strong supporter of Fili Nasheed.

  32. Simple Analysis and comments.

    1) The president is 'saddened' and government will push for 'review' of the issue.
    In every of his political speech, the president always claims that he or his government would not interfere with decisions of the courts/judiciary. WHY in this case? Is it due to external pressure, humanity or a campaign strategy?

    2) The Adaalth supports the punishment 'to maintain order in society and to save it from sinful acts'.
    * ORDER - it does not exist in Maldives today whether it is at home, in schools, in offices, in parliament, in security forces, and within the scholars themselves.
    * SINFUL ACTS - If you look around you, you can easily see, experience sinful acts as defined in religious terms.
    a) Women should not wear clothes that are revealing to lead a man to develop lust. Well you can see it in every street.
    b) Alcohol consumption - it is everywhere in our society and many people do it and we all know
    c) Child abuse, women slavery - how many children are abused daily in houses in Male?, how many girls are sexually abused everyday in houses in all islands, how many woman are sexually abused in offices? Are theses stories or facts?
    d) Corruption - everyday there would be an article of corruption which involves law makers

    The list is just too long...and it is apparent that we cant live without these sinful acts because we are so sinful to begin with. A well respected religious scholar in Male was found guilty for abusing girls who he gave koran classes on TVM. Nothing happened to him, actually he continues to practice privately.

    I ask Adaalath for how long shall we live a life of blindness where on side we pretend to be god loving, pray five times..and in darkness we change into evils creeping into rooms and tarnishing lives of girls, women who have and will never have the ability to TELL the truth!

    For how long shall the laws, religious or otherwise, protect the men (culprits) and punish the women (victims) in sexual cases where women are used and abused?

    I am a parent too and I fear for my children. The fact i know, and everyone knows is that, sex in Maldives starts at very early age. Whether forced or not...and our society, parents, the system and incompetent law system is to blame.

    The use of religion to inflict pain and suffering is not acceptable today or tomorrow. The 15 year old girl did not commit any crime but used, abused, misused and now heading for the damps!

    Give it a thought and ask yourself (if you have a daughter). Is my child safe and not being sexually abused in school, at tuition's, at work or when shes out socializing with friends?

    Malaysia is a huge country with so many muslims and strong belief in religion. But I ask any of the Adaalath members who have a child studying in Malayasia if they know a place/club called 'Rain forest'. Please pay a visit on any weekend and am sure 80% of those kids there will sentenced to 100 lashes plus even worse punishments because of the EVIL and SINFUL ACTS. But before you make judgement, ask yourself what led them into such deeds.

    For all normal Maldivians let us say NO to this unlawful, cruel, unreasonable, biased judgement and punishments against young girls and women! It is not gods wish for women to suffer...not in any holy book is it mentioned!

  33. half monkey and pig brains cannot comprehend the greatness of Sharia and the islamic laws. Too bad. I seriously feel glad to see idiots like you. call me a sadist but i KNW people like u end up in hell.... burn like trashy pigs

  34. I recommend that we introduce a Singapore style modern lashing system in the Maldives to deal with certain crimes.

    Let us flog a few men with sufficient meat on their backs before we flog this poor girl.

    I say we flog a few politicians and Majlis members first. God knows we have quite a few nasty fellows masquerading as politicians who deserve a few well delivered strokes from the cane on their butts.

  35. This is why no religion should ever be permitted any say in any Governmental matters. The people who run religions, or actually believe in them, are all insane.

  36. What is clear is the girl in question had been abused by the very people who were meant to protect her for a long time. Given the physical, psychological and mental damage inflicted due to sustained sexual abuse, it is absolutely unacceptable for any investigative or judicial body to take her confession valid. It insane for the barbaric judges to pass sentences of sort based on statements of a girl who for certain is traumatized by the violence she had to endure.

  37. If there's a hole to stick it in, that's your consent. All females, small boys and goats living in Maldives beware!

  38. Someone has created a petition imploring the government to provide the girl with the councelling....


  39. Call non-Muslims as heretics and atheists - check.
    Hate West, Israel, India - check.
    Quote Quran for every non-sense you speak/do - check.
    Punish your own people - check.
    Try to get your family in one of the white country (which you publicly hate) - check.
    Well sir, Taliban have successfully infiltrated Maldives in disguise of Adhaalath.

  40. @Virendra, (Guessing you to be an Indian and keeping aside the comment i made before)

    I thought the Whole of India was calling for the death penalty(which is mentioned in Sharia Law) for rapists just days ago and is still calling for it today!!


    India Gang Rape Case: Death Penalty Demanded By Protesters In New Delhi

    It was all over the news but then again the west hijacked the situation and let the perpetrators be!! i thought democracy went with the sentiments of the public but no! religion is the very thing that demands justice for the victims but i guess the victims does not want that!!??

    How have the west made a better, safer heaven on earth by letting go off the laws that religion brought us!!their media is really screwed!!
    and you want us muslims to believe the west!!!??
    Just watch RT or Al jazeera for a change!!
    you really think media dominated by the west will bring anything against themselves!they will always be the peace loving sane beings!!

    If a Muslim country wants to implement the death penalty or punishment as required, then they become the most brutal of all??how come we do not question the west, or America or Japan!!

    Japan executes three death-row inmates

    Sex by minors in Hollywood flicks is common but i guess that is ok as long as you enjoy it!!??what message are we sending, by the way!

    And women being treated equally in the west is such a boring topic to discuss on!!

    How can one justify a women, who is incidentally abandoned by her partner, leaving her as a single mother to fend off for herself and child! ultimately she find refuge in sex slavery!

    Single Aussie Moms Hit by Cut in Welfare Allowance Engage in Flesh Trade; 10 Prostitution Memes - See more at: http://au.ibtimes.com/articles/425921/20130121/single-aussie-moms-hit-cut-welfare-engage.htm#.UTEks6N8NcU

    Anything but Islam, Right??!!

  41. The Prosecutor General has in one stroke undermined all the hard work that Minister Aisha Mohamed did as Minster of Gender to bring forward to the national consciousness the horrific legacies of our abused children. Well done, Prosecutor General. And well done politicians who appointed this man to this position. AND refuse to remove him from this position.

    How, Mr PG, do you expect any sexually abused child to come forward if this is what they can expect from you?

    As for the heavy pronouncements coming from the Adhalath Party, I am speechless. Is the sexual life of a 15 year old girl, groomed and abused from an early age by her stepfather the ONLY thing the Adhalath Party can see as sin in the Maldives?

    Sheikh Shaheem once told me that in Islam the right thing to do when we commit sin is to keep our mouths shut. It’s between Allah and us. The moment we speak up we will have to face punishment under Islamic law. But does this aspect of Islamic Sharia apply to children as well?

    Apparently yes. This poor girl has been sentenced to being flogged a hundred lashes.

    Why are we accepting what the Adhalath Party say as the Holy Truth? Who are these people? Where did they study? What degrees do they have?? The future of the Maldives is in grave danger when we have these people using our beloved religion as a tool to muzzle those who have the courage to speak against those who abuse us. I refuse to believe Islamic law is this flawed. I refuse to believe Islam is this unjust. I have lost all trust in these Mullahs? The Mullahs cannot continue protecting men and eternally damning our girls children and women, the most vulnerable of our population in the name of Islamic Law.

    One in 3 girls in the Maldives has experienced sexual assault or molestation by a relative or family friend in the Maldives. This is fact. And yet until MP Mohamed Nasheed (Hdhall) submitted his bill for the protection of children there was no law to protect children and to hold abusers accountable.

    We cannot ignore this situation any longer. Enough.
    Mr President, Mr Speaker, and Chief Justice. As the heads of the three governing bodies of state you can no longer sit on the fence and ignore the havoc the Adhalath party is creating in the country in the name of Islam.
    As the UN legal officer who recently visited the Maldives said, its time you took action to to overhaul the legal system in the Maldives, reform the penal Code, bring in an Evidence Act and reform the Juvenile Court.

  42. the lady has willingly agreed upon fornication.... how can a child get pregnant and get children? u stubborn selfish and self centred people do not have any mercy upon pple mercilessly raped in Kashmir iraq afghanistan and chechnya.....we already knw tha u are not interested in child protection, u aim is to disrupt sharia in maldives and free zina

  43. The man who had sex with this lady is being flogged already and was given much severe sentences.

    This lady had observe her flogging only when she reached the age of 18 not before.

    Problem here is that this article and many of the comments are not really concerned about the girl victim but rather politicized and are against the Islam .

    These people are not taking nay sympathy about the girl and it is all about the Islam.

    We need to be very careful of this

  44. If this is how its supposed to be. then i guess most of the girls in the Maldives deserve lashes? isn't it? why only this poor girl?? NOT Fair right?

  45. "ސައިކޮލޮޖިކަލީ ޓްރޯމެޓައިޒްޑް ކުއްޖެއް ކަމަށް ބުނެފައި އޮއްވާ ހަމައެކަނި ކޮންފެޝަންއެއްގެ މައްޗަށް ހުކުމް ކުރެވިދާނެތޯ އެއީ ކުރަން ޖެހޭ ސުވާލެއް. އިސްލާމީ ޝަރީއަތުގައި ވެސް، އިއުތިރާފަކީ އޭނާގެ ފުރިހަމަ ބުއްދީގެ ބާރުގައި ދޭން ޖެހޭ އެއްޗެއް." When she is psychological traumatized she is not a normal child and you can't punish a victim.

  46. “No one has the right to criticise any penalties specified in Islam,” then you want Maldives a DEMOCRATIC country..

  47. @shiny
    Indians were demanding death penalty for rape-murder of a woman. Your Adhalaath party is demanding punishment for an underage girl for being raped. It says nothing about the rapists. How can you even remotely compare the two demands? Moreover, Indian courts don't change their decisions based on popular sentiments and are not run by politics or army unlike Maldivian courts.
    You need to see the world - Western world still serves the most humane and just treatment, they are not plagued by corruption. If you believe what they show in Hollywood only, I pity your IQ level. You compare your justice system with that of US and Japan - what a joke. I watch Al Jazeera and RT, alright. And I personally believe the West can't be aped by our societies, yet I find no reason why we should not learn good things from them - one of them being treatment of kids and women. In your post, I don't see any reason why I shouldn't speak against a group which wants to punish a 15 year raped girl and say nothing about the perpetrators.


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