Attorney General (AG) Husnu Suood has claimed to have discovered a letter signed by the Speaker of the Parliament and Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) MP Abdulla Shahid requesting a former attorney general dissolve a case against Deputy Speaker and Deputy Leader of the People’s Alliance (PA) MP Ahmed Nazim, who has recently been charged for corruption and bribery.
Suood revealed he had the letter at a Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) event at Dharubaaruge last night.
Press Secretary for the President Mohamed Zuhair explained that Speaker of Parliament Abdulla Shahid was the executive secretary for the former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom when he sent the letter.
“The letter was sent to the former attorney general, and Suood managed to find it in his office,” said Zuhair. “It was a case related to 500 [electricity] house meters and one other case, both related to the State Electric Company (STELCO).”
Zuhair further said that People’s Alliance party (PA) leader and MP Abdulla Yamin was the Chairman of STELCO at the time.
“The government will investigate all cases of corruption and will send the matter to the Prosecutor General’s office and present those people before the judges,” he said. “If the lower courts find them innocent, we will take it to the higher courts, to the Supreme Court and if necessary, to the international courts.”
Shahid denied the claims and said he had never sent such a letter to a former attorney general.
“I was not even in a position to send a letter to the former attorney general requesting someone’s case be dissolved,” he said. “When people make allegations like this, they should define it so the accused knows how to respond.”
Nazim did not respond to Minivan News at time of press.

“The government will investigate all cases of corruption and will send the matter to the Prosecutor General’s office and present those people before the judges,” he said. “If the lower courts find them innocent, we will take it to the higher courts, to the Supreme Court and if necessary, to the international courts.”
I hope this is not rhetoric!
The government has so far arrested 4 politicians on charges of corruption.
I am waiting to see what will happen to even one of these people.
Gayyoom also did such stunts. He will arrest someone, reshuffle the cabinet, make the parteys slightly more prominent, release a bunch from the jail, etc, etc when he became nervous. It will be an excitement for many silent onlookers.
But Gayyoom's nervousness will be treated and the excitement will die down. Angry crowds will run out of steam. Life in Male' will return back as if nothing happened.
Arrested people will initially be flown out of the country. Later they will be promoted to better posts and given higher authority.
History repeats and the story goes on.
I hope history does not repeat any more.
"Suood revealed he had the letter at a Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) event at Dharubaaruge last night."
I think it is an extremely unprofessional act on the part of Suood et al to reveal such matters at a party event.
Why can't they investigate the matter without blaring it out loud on a loudspeaker? This is why the government is losing this game. I am so disappointed!
The public does not need to know bits and pieces of information of matters that are yet to be investigated by the government! The public should see the end result of these matters. And at the end, these bits and pieces of information can be made public, if they will add any value in any way to anything. For God's sake, wake up, MDP!!!
Interesting. This is almost funny. Obviously fun. What remains is a LOL.
These are the true warriors. Thakurufaanus for the Democratic Maldives.
When it's all done and dusted, everyone walks free. Everyone walks rich. Only the idiots fail. I mean true idiots who fail to even impress the other idiots.
Once upon a time, for a brief period, Ilyas ibrahim was an outcast. He still won and is winning. Nothing was taken from him. He did lose something which equates to nothing - his dignity (still not sure if it's possible though).
But who cares? He has money. He's had the girls too I hear and pretty young ones too ... ahem ahemn. He still has the money and the assets. Lots of it.
And there's Qasim. A tool in deed. F***. He's powerful. A power tool. O Bosch! We're screwed!
I am done.
Getting close... still within the chart.
Another stunt by my nephew, this man is mad. If he has this letter, just take shahid to police, lower court, high court, supreme court...and finaly the international court...
OR just put him in MNDF guest house "Aarah"
Isotope, very well said. Its history repeating itself. In 1978 Maldivian people voted to the highest office in the country a man who they thought was a an educated and honest leader who would serve their interest. But the man soon turned into a despot. The same thing is happening to the sincere, humble and educated man we elected in 2008 to the same office. The only difference is that this time it is happening much faster than it did previously.
You know your problem?
For once I'm getting personal.
You call yourself Robin.. Some bird or a man or a woman... (Trying so hard to keep it disguised)
You try to show to others that you have principles.
But you know the hard truth?
You are such a confused person. You want to be someone who is ruled by moral or less than moral values...
Let me tell you this... Even at times you want to be the King or the Queen of the 'Always Right' you have to know that you can't go on pretending you are Mr Nanreethi Saleem... The Man Standing On the High Horse and thinking everyone should bow down you because according to you you are the Oracle - Mr-Saleem-Fake-Almighty!
All Lies. Sood has 2 mouth...hehehe
Anni:"Note to self - must provide a paper shredder to AG Office by the end of term."
I'm surprised a little bit that they only found one letter. These guys did "day time robbery" while in power and there should have been tons of evidences against them. [Yea, We should realize that they aren't fools to have left all evidences wrapped as "Gift packs".Such cunning crooks they were and still are. Otherwise they would not have been in such posts and in power.]
I believe why these are now compelled to be released in such a manner is that there is no point in hiding such things to public till full cases are made against them.
Definitely the "Courts" will dismiss these as "not enough evidence" even to start up investigations.
Judges (most) are on the same league and suffering from "Blue Forever Syndrome".
@Robin on Thu, 22nd Jul 2010 6:37 PM
by the way.. Robin, you asked me some questions on the other post ( my age being 209. Well, just divide it by 19 and you get my age... 😉 11 Years in Earth Years 😉
Nope!I didn't make any crop signs on your grandpa's farm but I saw some of world creatures doing it with spades and shovels... 😉
Is not there any provisions provided to guard the guardians when they abuse and violate the law? What a sad situation.
Where does the Auditor General come in? Majlis needs to get their act together and finalise a decision (needless to say, in good faith) on the Auditor General nomination. We have been without one long enough.
Very unprofessional indeed. That has been the story of this government. The proper course would have been to present the case to the courts via the Prosecutor General with enough evidence to get a conviction.
I am 100% sure that nothing will come out of this. This government's records on handling corruption cases is extremely poor. Dare I say that this is now bearing on incompetence!
Whether Shahid did or did not, doesn't matter. He is innocent until proven guilty. If Suood has such evidence, then present them to the Courts. These are not meant to be used as party political stunts.
The total intelligence of this government is way below the standard needed to handle Jangiyaa, Yameen etc.
We will back to where we were very soon. Jangiyaa and Yameen will be free and will carry on just as they were. Who are the losers? All of us!
Jangiyaa made his money from dodgy deals when he was employed at STELCO. So, his association with gangster Yameen goes way back! Small wonder why they are such buddies. If one goes down, the other will fall, by default!
Why do people keep saying take the evidence to court? What court? Is there a court system in Maldives who will treat everyone equally? There are some crooks Maumoon implanted to safeguard himself and his associates after he lose presidency. You want current government to take this evidence to them? What a joke? Although Suood could handle this much better, going to the so called courts will be futile.
desperately trying to find a way to grill the opposition.
the more you dig the more you will find. the man should be charged. another Maldivian who should not be such posts.
Shahid is innocent until proven guilty. take the court or any where Suood can prove that shahid is guilty. I wonder when will government perform better interlligence work.We need those tugs charged for the crimes they have commited during their Maumoon time. I hope Jagiyaa, Nazim, and all the guys who suck the blood of maldivians will be sentence to jail soon.
Nothing will happen here until the judiciary is changed. Bunch of corrupt bast....ards
@ Aisha
"You are such a confused person."
Not until I read your above comment made on Thu, 22nd Jul 2010 9:41 PM. But now, I surely am. I am a bit shocked too.
My apologies if I have hurt you. But, I am oblivious to what I am apologizing for.
You know, truth hurts; and it hurts almost all the time.
My suggestion to you would be not to read my comments here. I have only expressed my opinion. I think that's what everyone does here. At times it might have appeared that I am attacking someone -- one can get such an impression from my earlier comment on this post. But I must tell you that I have nothing personal against anyone and that includes you. 🙂
@ Bismuth
Welcome to be with us, the Earthlings. 🙂
You are too smart for an 11 year old. I guess you can easily become a member of MENSA. I also suspect there is some kind of a code hidden in 209, 19 and 11.
This utter unprofessionalism.. At any government there would be cases the government decides wheather to charge or not to charge after investigations.. This shows the present government is trying to arrest opposition MPs one way or the other.
@ robin:
I dont understand why you said "the public doesnt have to know"
What utter nonsense! The public has a RIGHT to know!!
Hi Maldivians, my fellow countrymen!
Beneath the political stress in Maldives, I see what threaten to tear our beloved nation apart, I can see the emergent outlines of a largely unrecognized consensus that the Maldives, most of us want to bequeath to our children is very different from the Maldives in which we now live. The conservatives and liberals( who may be termed as oldies and the new generation) share a sense that the dominant culture and institutions of today’s Maldives are morally and spiritually bankrupt, unresponsive to human needs and values, to law and order, and destructive of strong families and community we crave and our children desperately need.
My countrymen! We are been deceived by the divide-and-rule tactics of power hungry, selfish and greedy politicians; each places blame on the other rather than forming a united front to reject lies and unite to achieve our common dream;- making Maldives a more promising, peaceful and harmonious nation for us all. This may be the sunny side of life as Maldives is advertised round the glob.
Ilyas is innocent; Abdulla Shahid is innocent; Yameen is innocent; Gasim is innocent; Jagiya is innocent; the Courts are innocent; the parliament is innocent; the government is innocent: well, what a country! There are so many innocent people running this country, this must be what Belinda Carlisle was singing about: "True, Heaven is a place on earth!"
And tomorrow...
Reeko 'finds' cure for AIDS. Extra, extra!
Prove it. Enough BS already.
@ mariyam
"I dont understand why you said “the public doesnt have to know”
What utter nonsense! The public has a RIGHT to know!!"
Three things to note here.
1. You have not understood what I said. 2. You have taken what I said out of context.
3. You have enclosed a phrase that is not mine in quotation marks but you to imply they are my words. They are not my words and that is not what I said.
I said:
"The public does not need to know bits and pieces of information of matters that are yet to be investigated by the government! The public should see the end result of these matters. And at the end, these bits and pieces of information can be made public, if they will add any value in any way to anything."
Let me explain.
If the government thinks someone is corrupt becuase of something the government found, there is a professional way of dealing with it.
To investigate the matter without giving out bits and pieces of information to the public is one professional way of dealing with such a case.
Of course, the public has a right to know. I do not disagree with you here. But blaring out information of an issue that may potentially be investigated by the government, before even the investigation begins is a highly unprofessional act. And I am surprised someone who is the AG is actually doing this. Such acts are reflective of the government.
Even though the public has a right to know, there are certain things that you can make public and certain things that you cannot make public. Take for example the details of Yameen's case or J Nazim's case. How much detail does the public know about these cases? Do we even know what all are the charges the government is trying to put on them? No.
But, at the end of their investigations we will know a lot more. Even then, we will not know all the details. This is not because the public would be kept in the dark or partial darkness. This is because the public is not the only party that has a RIGHT. The government, the accused, the guilty, the innocent, the public, the witnesses, the judges and the others involved in a given case, all have their own right. And as the leading body in all this, the government is responsible for almost everything. Suood is part of the government and if his act is unprofessional, that implies the government is unprofessional.
If you think Suood's act is justified because the public has the right to know, then, I am sorry but it is a sad mistake you are making.
Hope now you will not call what I said "utter nonsense." 🙂
@ Deejay Majeed
"There are so many innocent people running this country, this must be what Belinda Carlisle was singing about: “True, Heaven is a place on earth!”"
Well there is more than one reason why the Maldives is called PARADISE ON EARTH!
@ Alies
The danger is any support gained by stunts is transient. Moreover, these acts can backfire and create havoc.
@ The Wind
Looks like there must be a part 2 to what you said. You ended so abruptly.
Suood, please ensure that this Jangiya Nazim does not try and wipe out all the evidence at STELCO and elsewhere regarding those house meters. He has his stooges all over the place. Beware!!
We all know that Husnoo- Ul - Sood is a darn good lair. He is the single most corrupt individual in this administration. Just like his Boss Mr. Anni, He has mastered the art of speaking false as it was the truth.
Very few people have reached this level of excellence in seriously speaking false in public. Sood has.
Bravo Sood. Keep up the Corruption, so as serious a face as you can, don't smile when you go public.
Oh! I meant to tell you if you need some ganja to complement during the show, I'm sure Zuhair will have some, cos the cannabis that was brought by the Bangladesh guys were for Mr. Anni and Zuhair.
You will soon find the custom officers fired for some corrupt reason.
Take care Maldivian. We are on a nose dive.
Would the government please do something right for a change.
1) If you have evidence, don't let the case drag for long. ACT and get all the culprits punished.
2) if justice department has failed, remove them and replace them. This is one Anni should start first, as an out of chart activity.
3) For the sake of the future, resolve the current issues and let us proceed.
4) regardless whether DRP or MDP, get rid of corrupt and non-performers.
I think Aisha, Bismuth and Mariyam totally misunderstood Robin on his 1st comment. But his last para says it all, even for the quick reactors. I wanted to add further but I think Issey on Sat, 24th July 2010 3:38pm said most of it on his 4 points comment.
The Majlis must be consistant in their actions.
They voted Auditor General Naeem out of office on a no confidence motion, without a trial and without a proper investigation, on allegations of corruption. Now there are allegations against the Majlis speaker and his deputy.
Lets see if the Majlis treats everyone equally and remove these two from their respective positions of speaker and deputy speaker.
AG is too political now... but that is not important. take shahid to the court and hopefully the court will hear the case with a little bit of professionalism. i really want to believe in the Maldives justice system but...
It's unprofessional.........but public shud knw these things......there are other ways rather than party event.