Cabinet voids US$511 million GMR contract, gives airport developer seven day ultimatum to leave

Additional reporting by Neil Merrett and Mohamed Naahii.

The Maldivian cabinet has declared the agreement with Indian infrastructure giant GMR to develop Ibrahim Nasir International Airport (INIA) void, and has given the company a seven day ultimatum to leave the country.

“The government has given a seven day notice to GMR to leave the airport. The agreement states that GMR should be given a 30 day notice but the government believes that since the contract is void, it need not be followed,” said Attorney General (AG) Azima Shukoor.

During a press conference on Tuesday evening, Shukoor stated that the government reached the decision after considering “technical, financial and economic” issues surrounding the agreement.

The attorney general claimed the government had obtained legal advice from “lawyers in both the UK and Singapore as well as prominent local lawyers – all who are in favour of the government’s legal grounds to terminate the contract.”

“We also got advice from both local and international lawyers in the Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL),” she added.

Shukoor said the government had two legal grounds to terminate the contract: one in which the government believed the contract was ‘void ab initio’ – meaning to be treated as invalid from the outset; and the second being ‘frustration’, an English contract law doctrine which acts as a device to set aside contracts where an unforeseen event either renders contractual obligations impossible, or radically changes the party’s principal purpose for entering into the contract.

“The contract is governed by the English contract law. The government believes that the agreement is void ab initio meaning the contract was void from the beginning or the contract is frustrated,” she said.

She added the termination of the agreement was a “purely legal decision” and did not have any connection with the recent series of anti-GMR protests headed by the religious Adhaalath Party (AP).

The decision was, Shukoor insisted, made “professionally” and after “thorough research”.

Shukoor also claimed the government was going to initiate the arbitration process in Singaporean Courts and had already informed its decision to both GMR and MACL.

Asked how the government planned fund the estimated US$700 million in compensation for terminating the contract, Shukoor declined to speak of the sum of money but expressed “full confidence” in winning a court battle.

“We were advised by very professional lawyers including Queen’s Counsels (QC). We have full confidence in winning the case,” she said.

“We do not intend to share all our legal arguments in this press conference. Please do respect that decision,” she added.

“Completely irrational”: GMR

GMR has slammed cabinet’s decision as “unilateral and completely irrational”.

“This unlawful and premature notice on the pretext that the concession agreement is ‘void’ is completely devoid of any locus standi and is therefore being challenged by the company before the competent forums. The company disputes that the concession agreement is ‘void’,” GMR said in a statement.

“The company would further like to state that it has taken all measures to continue operations at the Ibrahim Nasir International Airport thereby ensuring that this vital gateway to Maldives is kept open.

“We would also like to inform all that this action by the government of the Maldives is in complete disregard of and has been done during the pendency of arbitration proceedings in the designated tribunal in Singapore. We are therefore taking all measures to ensure the safety of our employees and safeguard our assets. We are confident that the stand of the company will be vindicated in every way.”

Speaking to Minivan News, GMR Executive Vice President & Group Head of Corporate Communications, Arun Bhaghat, said the only reason for the decision as stated in the government’s letter was that the airport development charge had been ruled unleviable by the Civil Court, and therefore the entire contract was void.

In late 2011 the then-opposition Dhivehi Qaumee Party (DQP) filed a successful Civil Court case blocking GMR from charging an Airport Development Charge (ADC) – a US$25 charge for outgoing passengers stipulated in the concession agreement – on the grounds that it was a tax not authorised by parliament.

Nasheed’s administration chose to honour the original contract, and instructed GMR to deduct the ADC revenues from the concession fees due the government, while it sought to appeal the Civil Court ruling.

However, the Nasheed government fell a month later and the opposition inherited the result of its court victory, receiving a succession of bills from the airport developer throughout 2012, despite the government’s insistence that the January 5 letter from MACL outlining the arrangement was no longer valid.

In the first quarter of 2012 the government received US$525,355 of an expected US$8.7 million, after the deduction of the ADC. That was followed by a US$1.5 million bill for the second quarter, after the ADC payable eclipsed the revenue due the government.

Combined with the third quarter payment due, the government now owes the airport developer US$3.7 million.

“The net result of this is that the Maldivian government now has to pay GMR for running the airport. On this basis it is likely that the Maldivian government will end up paying about MVR 8 billion (US$519 million) to GMR for the duration of the contract,” wrote Dr Hassan Saeed, DQP Leader and President Mohamed Waheed’s Special Advisor, in a recent appeal to Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh calling on him to cancel the Maldives’ agreement with GMR and warning the Indian PM of “rising extremism” as a result of the GMR deal and anti-Indian sentiment.

GMR attempted to compromise by offering to exempt Maldivian nationals from the ADC, with GMR Chairman G M Rao personally mailing Waheed with the offer, but claimed to have received no response from the government.

“This is by far the single largest foreign investment in the Maldives at US$511 million – in today’s figures, 40-50 percent of the Maldives’ GDP,” observed Bhaghat, adding that the company was supremely confident of defending its legal position.

“We have no plans to go. We have 23 more years here,” he said, vowing that the cabinet’s decision would have “no effect” on the operation of the airport.

“The defence force in this wonderful country is well geared to ensure smooth operation of the airport,” Bhaghat told Minivan News.

India backs GMR: “All necessary measures”

The government of India “proposes to monitor the situation in Maldives closely and is prepared to take all necessary measures to ensure the safety and security of its interests and its nationals in the Maldives,” India’s Ministry of External Affairs has meanwhile said in a statement.

“We have noted the decision by the Government of Maldives to terminate the agreement with the GMR Group to manage the Male International Airport. It would be recalled that the consortium consisting of GMR and MAHB (Malaysian Airport Authority) had been awarded the contract to manage the Male’ International Airport concession through a global tender conducted by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), Washington, a member of the World Bank.

“As the Advisor to the Government of Maldives, the IFC has stated that it has complied with Maldivian laws and regulations and followed international best practices at each step of the bidding process to ensure the highest degree of competitiveness, transparency and credibility of the process,” the statement read.

“The investment by GMR represents the single largest foreign direct investment in the history of Maldives. The decision to terminate the contract with GMR without due consultation with the company or efforts at arbitration provided for under the agreement sends a very negative signal to foreign investors and the international community. The Government of India would continue to remain engaged with the Government of Maldives on this issue, and would expect that the Government of Maldives would fulfil all legal processes and requirements in accordance with the relevant contracts and agreement it has concluded with GMR in this regard.”

“Destabilising the country”: MDP

The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has meanwhile accused cabinet of destabilising the country by attacking foreign investment and supporting “extremist” rhetoric.

“This decision is bad for tourism, bad for the economy and bad for the Maldivian people,” said former President Mohamed Nasheed.

“Waheed’s government has cynically used xenophobia, nationalism and religious extremism to attack GMR, the country’s largest foreign investor. This will put off potential investors for decades. Waheed is leading the Maldives down the path to economic ruin,” he stated.

MDP MP and Spokesperson Hamid Abdul Ghafoor told Minivan News that disputed contracts could be unravelled through a legal process, but said the executive’s decision to void the contract and evict the country’s single largest foreign investor was not backed by any law.

“If cabinet has now decided to revoke the contract, who is going to execute the order? The contract is bound under international law. The case is still being heard by a court of arbitration in Singapore,” Ghafoor said.

“Will police be executing this order to reclaim the airport, or will it be Islamist elements? This is an executive decision that is being taken without any legal or political backing.”

Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) Spokesperson Colonel Abdul Raheem said the military was “not involved” in the airport issue: “We will however, continue to take care of security [at the site] and look after it,” he said.

Police Spokesperson Sub-Inspector Hassan Haneef told Minivan News that any decision to enforce the decision would have to be directed by the President’s Office.

Decision prompted by “extremists”

Ghafoor claimed that threats of direct attacks on foreign investors reflected what he was the growing role of extremist Islamic thinking within the most senior decision making of the present government.

Raising concerns over the legality of voiding the GMR contract, Ghafoor pointed to recent comments in local media by the government-aligned religious Adaalath party, whose president Sheikh Imran Abdulla was yesterday quoted as threatening to “invade the runway” should the government not renege on the airport agreement.

“The deal was done very transparently, and [the government] have never been able to prove any wrongdoing,” Ghafoor claimed. “Yet, what is most worrying is that we have the cabinet of what we believe is an illegitimate government that is being influenced by extremist influences.”

Ghafoor alleged that the government’s decision over the GMR issue was being driven by former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM), Adhalaath Party President Sheikh Imran and fellow party member and Minister of Islamic Affairs, Sheikh Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed.

“We are now seeing the government partnering with and backing the rhetoric of a movement led by an Islamist group, it is very apparent what is going on here,” he said.

MP Ghafoor further claimed that parliament had, as of this evening, received no information on the decision to renege on the GMR agreement, adding that several no-confidence motions against senior government figures including President Waheed were scheduled.

“What is going on right now is a shift in parliament,” he said.

Ghafoor also claimed that beyond the potential legal and economic ramifications of reneging on the sovereign agreement with GMR, rumours of a Chinese intermediary stepping in to cover possible financial consequences could significantly affect the Maldives internationally.

“In terms of geopolitics, we are hearing about a Chinese connection to the [airport issue] that does not put the country in a comfortable position,” Ghafoor claimed. “Ideologically and culturally we have much closer ties to India than China.”

Returning from a visit to China back in September, President Dr Mohamed Waheed Hassan told reporters that Chinese aid to the Maldives would not be limited to a US$500million (MVR7.7billion) loan finalised earlier this year.

Waheed revealed at the time that the Chinese government had pledged to make all necessary aid available to the Maldives, including assistance with road and shipping development, local media reported at the time.

Regarding China’s view on Maldivian politics, Waheed noted that the Chinese were amongst the first nations to recognise his unity government.

“The Chinese Prime Minister personally told me that he had full confidence and support for the Maldivian government,” Waheed was reported as saying.

However, the Maldives government this evening dismissed suggestions that China would be taking a role in any future airport development.

“On this matter, China is as far away from the airport development as is physically possible,” said Presidents Office Media Secretary Masood Imad.

Troubled airport agreement

The agreement with the GMR-Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad consortium was signed on June 28, 2010 with the Nasheed administration, following a bidding process conducted by the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation (IFC).

The GMR-MAHB consortium narrowly beat Turkish-French consortium TAV Holdings-Aéroports de Paris Management (ADPM), scoring a final Net Present Value (NPV) score of 495.18 to the runner up’s 454.04 at conclusion of the bid.

GMR’s win was based on playing to the government’s highest-scoring factors – fuel share revenue and upfront payment – at the expense of non-fuel related airport revenue.

As part of its successful bid, GMR paid the government US$78 million and 1 percent of non-fuel revenue and 15 percent of fuel revenue for 2011-2014, increased to 10 percent and 27 percent respectively for 2015-2025. The developer at the time anticipated that additional services and duty free development for the country’s well-heeled clientele, as well as the Maldives’ tourism growth potential, would offset the risks of the higher fuel share.

Opposition parties at the time the agreement was signed – and are now in government following February 7’s controversial transfer of power – first opposed GMR’s development of the airport on nationalistic grounds, and then levelled numerous allegations against the company ranging from corruption to concerns that the deal would allow Israeli bombers to refuel en route to bombing Arab countries.

Further protests occurred in December 2011 after GMR ceased renewing lease agreements of several existing airport duty free operators, notably duty-free liquor store Alpha-MVKB.

The High Court upheld at the time that since GMR had given notice on March 1, 2011 and, as per the agreement, the contract had been terminated on March 31. The court concluded that MVK had no right to remain at the airport without approval from GMR, and began packing up the store’s contents on December 4. Following the eviction, MVK CEO Ibrahim Shafeeq accused GMR of breaking into his shop and stealing his stock, and then launched a ‘Go Home GMR’ protest.

As tension with the developer increased, President Waheed’s cabinet attacked the IFC as “irresponsible” and “negligent” in conducting the bidding process.

The IFC denied the accusations, stating that its advice was geared towards achieving the “objective of upgrading the airport and ensuring compliance with applicable international regulations” and providing the Maldives government “with the maximum possible revenue”.

The stand-off escalated in early August 2012 following a stop work order on the new terminal development, after the government alleged certain planning permissions had not been obtained from the Civil Aviation Authority.


66 thoughts on “Cabinet voids US$511 million GMR contract, gives airport developer seven day ultimatum to leave”

  1. Hooray ! Hope GMR leaves the Maldivian airport and everything goes well.

    The Maldives Government should pay the utmost respect to GMR and facilitate all arrangements for GMR to leave in peace.

    Maldives Finance Ministry should also pay back to GMR the 76 Million dollars that GMR paid upfront to Ministry of FInance when they took over.

    Other than that, Maldivians should ignore all the stupid claims relating to 600 million dollars. Not much investment has been done in the airport, and we see the state of the facility has been nearly the same as when GMR took over.

    Wish GMR all the best, and hopefully GMR will learn a lesson, they failed mainly because instead of paying revenues as promised, they started charging the Maldivian people. This was the catalyst that drove the Maldivian people into anger. If GMR had continued to deliver the fuel concession fee's and the percentage of profie, instead of billing Maldivians airport development charge, then Maldivians might have given GMR a second change.

    GMR's actions were the main reason that led to their downfall.

    We must all remember that this is not an issue we have with Indians, and all Maldivians have the utmost respect for Indians who form a vital part of our economy. India's contributions to our country, their doctors that contribute a lot to our society are highly valued. No Maldivian must initiate any form of intimidation towards any Indians, and we must learn to repsect people of all nationalities, be it Indian, Sri-lankan, or Bangladeshi.

    Wish GMR all the best, Tata and goodbye.

  2. GMR is a very corrupt deal done in a pseudo legal fashion. Its legal because it is legal. Its corrupt because the then administration got kickbacks from the deal.
    But then there are good business deals going on in Maldives like the Taj. Its sad that the Yellow party (MDP)tried a corrupt deal to make a quick buck.

  3. It is the will of Allah (swt) himself. It is not our place to question. Let us now move on to even better things.

  4. Excellent move! When you cant live together the only course left is "Divorce"!

    The GMR deal is flawed. When the court ruled that ADC (of USD 25 per person departing from the airport) as illegal Nasheed's government offered to "pay it from the government" by agreeing to deduct this amount from payments due to the Government by GMR! This is how ridiculous the present status is! In short, the Maldivian Government is paying more than US 1.5 million per year to GMR at a loss by keeping GMR!

    All this while GMR is expanding retail facilities at the airport making a profit of more than US$ 60 million within the last 02 years alone. In the same period the Government ended up paying to GMR!

    I don't blame GMR for this mess. This whole mess is the legacy of Ex President Nasheed and his corrupt henchmen who made a small fortune from this deal. Call it the biggest corruption case in Maldivian History!

  5. Chaos, confusion and overall a big mess. Who stands to benefit from this. Maumoon, who will soon appear into the scene as the savior promising to restore peace and harmony back to the MALDIVES .

  6. GMR is capable of challenging the cabinet decision.Wait and see what will happen...

  7. India was first to recognize this controversial government n NASHEED said he thought he had given a clear picture of its political reality, India must have realized it now or they had no influence of changing power in my little country and I prefer India little more above china.

  8. wheres the NGO's and lobby groups while all this is happening. is it only the political parties who should be concerned over this unlawful decision? wont the tourism be affected? wont the trade be affected? wont our own people in India be affected? this is ridiculous...

  9. LOL LOL LOL @ US$ 511 million... haaahaha.. even i can make such an investment by charging the million tourists.. 😛

    I am a member of MDP but i always say no to corruption!!

  10. Wrong. The only real beneficiaries from this will be lawyers.

    Ilyas, you have no proof of corruption so just shut the fuck up.

    ADC would not have harmed tourism, It could have been levied on foreigners only.

    what's the next foreign investment in the target. after that, let us all extend a warm welcome to......China.

  11. Don't be surprised to see a couple indian Military ships show up soon, then what you gonna do huh ?? LOL, GMR isn't just going to leave quiet and the Indian government has there back. Good job twits !

  12. Back to the dark ages! Of course, the rest of the world get international companies to build their infrastructure when the resources, experience and skill set is missing. Maldives is different. We had the airport for 50 years and it was an embarrassment to our tourists and voted one of the worse. Now, under an invalid regime we have invalidated agreed contract. Tis is commercial suicide and GMR have every right to call in the big gun lawyers to deal with us. The greed and curruption of the mafia and old dictatorship v international lawyers of GMR. We are dead!

  13. Every one knows Indian business are corrupt.I went India once via Indian Airlines and I was stucked in Trivandrum for a week though I had confirmed return tkts on Indian Airlines.But the bloody IA manager has to be paid through his agents scavenging outside his office for me to get my ticket reconfirmed..So the GMR deal sure was at best a dodgy deal by Anni which is hardly benefiting the Maldives,Thumbs up to this bold decision by Prez Waheed

  14. GMR was developing the areas of the existing terminal where they expect more revenue for them and all the services either remain same or have deteriorated. They were unbelievably selfish and very bullish with the authorities. Having said that the decision to void the agreement the relevent parties gotton themselves into cannot be made void without dialog and proper legal councel. The demand by the Government to stop operations within 7 days and remove their assets within a month is not practical. I wish sanor council will prevail for the sake of our people and the highest authority in Maldives will call the bluffing and strong arm tactics used by the extremists. People like MP Muthalib should be removed from Parliament for issuing fatwas to kill Mr.Zaki.

  15. Waheed has done a face saving deal with his Islamist friends. The Islamists can now claim that they've successfully thrown out GMR, even though this is a minority group by all accounts!

    In the meantime, the regime is going to tell the Indians a completely different story. This is typical of Waheed's two faced persona. From day one, he has shown a split brain syndrome. To local audiences, he delivers fiery Jihadist rhetoric, whilst infront of an international audience, he suddenly appears to be Mr Teflon:

    "Nuffin' to do with me guv, I'm just the President..."

    Well, you can count on your tuna fish that this is exactly what he's going to be telling the Indians and other diplomats!

  16. The Indians clearly do not agree with Azima Shukoor. Here's a relevant quote from The Hindu (

    "The government reacted strongly to the decision of the Maldives government to terminate the agreement with the GMR Group by promising to pursue the issue with Male as it thought politics had intruded into what was a purely commercial matter."

    I'll be very interested in what "Male" has to say to the Indians. There's an old saying about not waking up sleeping giants, especially when they are right on your doorstep!

  17. Hope again end of Ggrooms military government 7 days time. Allah soon will free people of Maldives from Gloom.Admin

  18. Without GMR, its very unlikely that MDP can financially survive.

    GMR's mistake is getting into bed with MDP. They could have appeased other parties but they have already paid MDP too much.

  19. The part Azzima forgot to state out in the press statement is that, the amount of damages Maldivian government has to pay if they don't win the case. Be prepared to pay another billion $$ and courts instructing to honor the agreement

  20. Allahu Akbar.

    God is great. Our Sheik Fahari Imran’s, dhua came true, and God gave Muslims victory over the infidels.
    Last night I went to the GMR Airport after it was liberated by 23 December Ittihard and cabinet ministers, the whole 10 minutes of boat ride to airport and roaming around the airport was like Miraj. Miracles happened right before my eyes. The instant I landed my foot on Hulhule soil I felt cleansed and religious evoking filled the air. The whole airport and its orange street lights were glowing so bright as if angels were there protecting GMR Airport from the infidels.
    Thank you President Waheed for being an hero to the people of Maldives
    Sheik Fahari Imran you are an hero and all of 23 Dec Ittihard members are an heroes too.

    Thank you

    I request President to make 27 November a national holiday and declare 27 November as Islamic Airpors Day

  21. Nasheed after observing the interview and with reference to all his advisors, allies, and friends stated that AG hasn’t consulted any of the lawyers. Stressing on his argument nasheed said that if she had, she should tell the origin of lawyers. My humble request of this MDP-based newspaper is to provide this piece of news to him ASP.
    [The attorney general claimed the government had obtained legal advice from “lawyers in both the UK and Singapore as well as prominent local lawyers – all who are in favour of the government’s legal grounds to terminate the contract.”]
    A contract can be void ab-initio when contracting party has no authority to commence or execute such contracts. In that sense, MACL was replaced with its new Board of Directors not more than 2 hour to the time of signing the contract. In fact, the previous board rejected the government request to sign the biased and unfair contract with GMR.
    GMR must seek legal advice before entering in to an agreement. Basically they should ask local prominent lawyers about the capacity of government and MACL to sign and award the contract. They had failed in seeking advice. It was apparently known to everyone GMR have lost its power to levy an unconstitutional tax authorised by Nasheed himself.
    Moreover, this MDP-based news is totally unaware that ADC claim wasn’t filed by Qaumy Party or someone else. Qaumee party should take legal action against this MDP based News.

  22. Self deposed ex Prez Nasheed is calling on MDP's (Widely believed financiers) GMR to defy the government and stay at the airport .and ignore the order to hand over the airport back.

    Apparently MDP & GMR hope to succeed in their joint effort to topple te government by the no confidence motion at the Majlis. This is te extent to which MDP has involved a foreign company to interfere in this nation's politics.

    The murder of Hon Dr Afrasheem, a member of PPM which is highly vocal against GMR deal, the alleged GMR sponsored no confidence motion aginst Prez Waheed, the booze meeting /over night picnic (on an uninhabited island) between self declared Indian loyalist Zaki & debt ridden MP Jabir who hopes GMR can help to pay off his debts are not coincidences.

    GMR is acting like as if they own Maldives. But they will have no choice hand over.the.airport. MDP will loose ther financial backer.

    Only six days.more left

  23. you all dumb wits who talk about no development yet in the airport should come and see what the illegal Waheed Government has done. The barren deserted foundations which were meant for the new terminal, the rusted iron bars and trucks, the rotting cement go downs and the non leaking old terminal with new uplifts are witness.

    surely some airport workers themselves should have seen it with their own eyes. What rat story reality are you ever going to know just by being on mainland. There in the city you would have mullahs and mad men telling you stupidty you readily agree to. Come to the airport and see. Not Stand on the other shore and repeat mad rhetorics like muppets for Imran and his illiterates.

  24. Nasheed should not have based his 2013 campaign financing solely on GMR and advertised the matter so openly.

    This is why we got to where we are now.

    I also support terminating the contract and asking the GMR-MAHB consortium to leave. This is a small country and the sort of money-politics by big corporations cannot go unnoticed especially in the case of big-mouthed beneficiaries.

    For those of you who want proof of the MDP-GMR connection just turn on any television channel of your choice and look at Nasheed's spirited defense of GMR. He also wasted precious campaign time in Makunudhoo to speak about the benefits of then deal when the people of island are sure to be unconcerned.

  25. So kicking out of GMR is victory of Islam over infidels and India may send its warship to attack Maldives? Are you guys even literate and know how much world has changed? First - India will retaliate, no doubt about that - especially when you plan to bring in Chinese to replace them - rest assured it would be economic attack rather than military - world fights in different ways these days. Second - in court of law, government would be forced to pay by its nose to GMR. Third - Stop dragging religion in any matter. I don't see any religious victory - unless you are part of Taliban think-tank.

  26. its was not done on transparent open bidding process ? It was a corrupted deal where Anni, Zaki, raze and Kuada band he had taken cut .

    GMR was disqualified from the first round and there two other parties who came 1st and Second and if the contract was awarded to those two parties, there would have been any issue.

    But Anni refused to award the contract to the 1st and 2nd party because they refused to pay money to Anni and his associates.

    GMR itself knows that this was an illegal contract and they signed it thinking that MDP will be in power for next 50 years as promised by MDP leadership and never expected to collapse the government .

    This is good move by the Government and it is very bold step taken for the sake of the country.

    How could the government pay GMR to run the airport ? this is a joke ?

  27. waheed, you've got some balls. i'll give you that.

    why don't you have a look at the ruling by the supreme court of india regarding the $25 fee imposed on delhi airport passengers by gmr?

    why isn't the issues outlined by india's anti corruption institutions regarding the handing over of delhi airport to gmr being emphasized?

    gmr is not merely an economic interest of the current government of india. it is more of a political-strategic asset.

  28. GMR deal may have well been corrupt. After wall we all know what a shady character Zaki is. This coming from and MDP supporter.

    However this could very well lead to a precedent, any deal a political party makes from now on with a foreign party will be questioned by the opposition..whoever it maybe. Go on strikes and demonstrations and to drive them away. This will loose the little confidence which investors have in Maldives currently

    This is what happens when Mulla's become politicians.....there only agenda should be veiling all women and marry pre teen kids.


  29. MDPs fault is putting all bets on GMR to fill its coffers.

    GMR is duped by MDP and MDP henchmen now has to pay back the cuts they have taken from GMR.

    GMR should take lessons from clean Indian investments like SBI and Taj group.

    GMR has crossed all the ethical and moral lines and does deserve to be in any country. Maldivians should be rightly proud of kicking them out. Good riddance.

  30. @ mody

    you rant corruption, GMR, Corruption GMR, like a mantra? You repeat & repeat , repeat and repeat it

    But is there any proof?????? NON ... keke 😛

    Whether Shake Fahari bin Imran and his lovely boys like it or not, GMR will stay here in the Maldives.

    Where the F### your Baghee Government get 76 million Dollars to payoff GMR the advance airport rent money paid to the Maldivian Government. Will it come out of Hassan Saeed or you think free money comes from China when you tickle the Panda
    BMW Waheed fooled the Rent A Sheiks, to buy 37 day’s time to stay as President

  31. and yes, i agree with virendra.

    stop bringing religion into everything. just because the leader in the anti-gmr campaign is a sheikh and the president of an islamist party doesn't necessarily mean this is a religious victory. he is a head of a political party - he is a political leader.

    on top of everything, i don't even see how one can connect islam with gmr's investment.

    in fact, the call wasn't prompted by 'extremists'. there were large public gathering on anti-gmr which had mostly PPM members - not beards.

    but of course, hassan saeed wouldn't want any public support to go for an islamist party. so it's natural he would create a fear of 'extremism' just how nasheed uses 'extremist' threats as a tool to get international attention.

  32. well throwing the GMR out of maldives,
    maldives is loosing its economy and what the comment given by Dhivehin Hanguraama show your illetrate minds,before GMR could build airport many airlines would dare to land their planes in your country.if you allow chinese into your country all your natural treasures will become artificial ones,

  33. The ADC charge was cancelled because that tax is not in the Taxes act and therefore cannot be charged.

    Dear Adhaalath, congratulations for sending GMR away. Let me just say in the Maldivian constitution it also says alcohol and pork are not allowed in Maldives. Lets see if whether you come out and Ban these two products. Show the people you have balls...if you dont come out with this..we will know that you just lick balls of some people and did this GMR thing for some shady bucks and political other reason whatsoever.

  34. India need to put pressure and may put full economy sanction on Maldives ….may be we should declare a war against Maldives before china take over the airport.

  35. Maldives- where legal decisions are made by politicians and political decisions made by the courts

  36. I tell you India, dont let this Coup Government mess with Indian Businesses in Maldives.

    I hope india protects its interests in the Maldives, just like any other developed counties in the world.

  37. It is rather difficult to believe a cabinet can terminate a legal contract. However, since Waheed is a traitor and puppet, idiotic and unreal things like this, and more can happen!

    GMR undoubtedly can be pushed out with the help of "special" friends loaning money.

    The fear is then on us! When GMR was conducting business, we did not have to pay a penny from our coffers.

    However if and when we start running the airport as before, we have to pocket out for repayment of these loans.

    The people who sent GMR out and captured the airport from the foreign infidels can sit back relaxing and minding their beards along with the person who applied tomato sauce to shave their beards when in power!

    This is idiotic and disgusting!

  38. One side Government says charging USD 25 is illegal and this is impact tourism in this useless country.

    Another side Finance Minister proposes to increase Passenger Service Charge from 18 to 30. What are you doing mindless jokers

    If kicking out GMR is your priority as contract is null and void then Indian Government and other governments will have to stop all loans saying agreements signed by Nasheed government are null and void

  39. Former President Maumoon Abdull Gayoom told me Direct that can never be able to bring any settlement to Maldives and to the Maldivians

  40. i had been to maldives there is lot of islamist there it is a small countrywhy this hatered how many years will the island be oneday it will be underwater then where will the people go the economy depends only on tourist if this tings happen it will cause a bad effect

  41. This must be the first step by coup government that will shake Mundu republic’s independence. India will isolate Mudus now and where will mundu people will go to get Psycho medico, the inidian doctors are the best for this type of medicine
    Inida has every right to protect the rights of its people, and their investment overseas, and Mundu republic is not a diffuct place to teach a lesson. India has to ban all Maldivian to go to india for psycho medico. All Maldivian psychos’ will go on the street and will stone to death their coup leader and Mullahs.

  42. We have revoked the GMR contract, I wonder what the next move of former President would be. He cannot use strong arm tactics with everything and cannot play fool with us. At this juncture, I am tempted to recollect a song in the late 80s sung by Mr Hussain Shihab, called Oh, la, la, la, la, la, la, laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!


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