The Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group (CMAG)’s calls to review the composition of the Committee of National Inquiry (CNI) are based on incomplete information, Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) leader Ahmed Thasmeen Ali has claimed.
Thasmeen’s comments were made last night during an interview aired on private TV station DhiTV. During the interview the DRP head also claimed that the CNI investigation into the transfer of power on February 7 needed to be completed before early elections could be held.
CMAG stated Monday it would consider taking “further and stronger measures” against the Maldives government unless it reviewed the CNI composition and mandate within four weeks. The Commonwealth body also repeated its call for early elections to be held in 2012.
The government of President Dr Mohamed Waheed Hassan later responded that although it would work with the Commonwealth over its concerns, it could not constitutionally hold elections until July 2013. The President’s Office added that further clarification was also required on the nature of the Commonwealth’s concerns relating to the impartiality of the CNI – the body set up to assess the circumstances surrounding the transfer of power on February 7.
The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), which alleges that former President Mohamed Nasheed was deposed in a coup d’état, has rejected the government’s claims.
Ahead of national protests scheduled for tomorrow, the now opposition MDP has claimed that elections could be held within two months without constitutional changes should President Waheed step down.
However, responding in local media to CMAG’s calls, DRP chief Thasmeen alleged that the Commonwealth had failed to conduct proper research before issuing its statement this week.
Thasmeen reportedly added during the televised interview that CMAG had decided the CNI inquiry commission did not have public support having only spoken to select groups of people.
“I was surprised that CMAG said so. How could they assess what the people of the Maldives think? Talking to a select few on their visits is not enough to determine that,” Haveeru reported the DRP leader as saying.
The CMAG must also provide further details on the measures the government is to take to ensure CNI’s independence, Thasmeen added.
“We don’t understand what they want to convey. They point out that the inquiry commission is not independent but they don’t specify what needs to be done to make it more independent,” Thasmeen claimed.
Moreover, no organisation can call for early elections until the investigation into the transfer of power is complete, he contended. Thasmeen added that CMAG could only press for early elections if Commonwealth values had indeed been violated in the transfer of power, but such a conclusion had not yet been established through an investigation, Thasmeen added.
“They cannot set the terms on such requests, and even if they do, it is not on the hands of the government to organise an early election. An early presidential election can only be held after revising the constitution,” he said.
When contacted by Minivan News, Thasmeen said he was unable to comment further at the time.
Resignation calls
In addressing both the DRP and government response to CMAG’s calls, MDP spokesperson MP Imthiaz Fahmy said early elections were possible without constitutional amendments.
Famhy claimed that under the constitution, if President Waheed resigned, Majlis Speaker Abdulla Shahid would become head of state, a development requiring fresh elections to be held within two months.
Otherwise, “political parties will need to come to an arrangement to agree that a 2012 election will elect the president for a five-year term,” Fahmy added.
“We are asking them for a date. Once a target date is set, then we can make all the necessary arrangements. A date is the test of their sincerity” he said.

Oh Thasmeen, why do you feed the crocodile hoping that it eats you last?
If CMAG based their decision on incomplete information, then the blame lies solely with the incomptetent AG who represented Maldivian government at the meeting. She has failed the regime badly and David(aka Dr waheed)should consider replacing her!
Thank you CMAG, pressure Maldivian coup government to decide a date for early election in 2012. Thasmeen you've too much water inside your head.
This regime has a gold medal in miscommunication. This will be their undoing.
Apparently the currupt AG was squirming with embarrassment and incometence at the meeting in London. She had no answers and only pathetic excuses. If only Daddy could have been there to help out. At least when he is wrong he does not show it because he is so out of touch with reality.
Thasmeen has a lot to lose if PPM takes power completely. PPM see this regime as their launchpad for the next general election. People like Thasmeen will be thrown to the crocodiles when the time comes. Just wait and see.
We wont listen to the common wealth or EU. We can do without them.
Everything will be wrong and all information inaccurate, as long as CMAG doesn't dance to the tune of the current government. Thank god CMAG isn't weak, like the UN.
Guess this is like Thasmeen's facility with Bank of Maldives. Not enough evidence, Court Rulings not acceptable and shall not honor.
When someone owing over $ 80 m to the national bank and refuses to pay and becomes a Presidential Candidate, what more can you say of that person.
May be both Thasmeen and Qasim needs the Maldivian presidency to secure their business interests. They appear to be prepared to do that at any cost to the nation.
Thasmeen, when you say "How could they assess what the people of the Maldives think?"
perhaps they assessed on what AG Azima said. Last time Dr. Hassan Saeed went to London he talked about a "unique coup". Perhaps this time Azima went and told them that this was not an independent, impartial Commission.
instead of govt asking CMAG for clarification of what they meant, it maybe better if they just asked for the minutes of the meeting.
Maybe then all will be clear.
Thasmeen why don't you add the missing bit for CMAG? The bit where all of you were at the Police Head Quarters on Feb 7 but Yameen and Maumoon. That will complete the puzzle.
well we all know your a con man who bankrupted our Bank of Maldives. Every Maldivian alive knows the collusion of Gayoom and Ismail Shafeeu! We also know how close Bagee NAxim and Riyax are to Gayoom and his family and how close they are to Hadigilla Azima Shukoor. The others in NIC are puppets with not much legal background,one is a Medical Doctor many people respect for his medical service, but has no legal background or education on social justice and crimes
You know chasmeen that you can't win any election why don't you payback our money, you have taken nearly a billion MRF public funds from BML during Maumoons corrupted regime. You are also hungry for the same thing, Power.
It's a fact that some people would like others, to believe reality as how they like it to be. and justice as how they like it to be We Maldivians are not only the citizens of Maldives, We are Citizens of this Globe, they have a word for us , they have a feeling about us , so CHasmeen please do not utter none sense , this is not the days of 1940, CMAG would not change it's stand , nor the protesters which protest for their right on the street of Maldives. Chasmeen Shame on to your Gang, for you have disregard the British Royal highness Queen " ELIZABETH'' even you forgot your status.
Its very clear now.
There is no battle for democracy in the Maldives.
There are two competing interests struggling for power. One believes it has the support of the British Crown while the other is working through other foreign powers.
The Commonwealth advocates for an election and a single party co-opting those calls dashes any hope that the Maldivian people would perceive the organization as unbiased.
Meanwhile the issues that underpinned our support for a democratic movement; lack of housing; failure to establish a meritocracy; decreasing disposable income; is dashed on the rocks. The MDP failed to prioritize those issues during their rule and now during their time in opposition the language of revolt has once more returned to 'give us power or we'll make Amnesty/Commonwealth/whatever defame you throughout the world as a dictator/torturer/despot/baddie.
tsk tsk,
Pray, tell us what can be more unbiased than a call for a free and fair election?
Read and re-read my dear friend. I was just pointing out the fallacy of the MDP co-opting the Commonwealths calls to make the populace think that international organizations are advocating on their behalf rather than for the good of the nation.
There will be elections in due time. However I was just lamenting the fact that what began as a democratic movement has now largely become a power struggle between the Nasheed faction of the MDP and the rest of the political actors in the scene.
This shows only one thing: Our Foreign Ministry has failed.
They themselves could not do their job.
Now they make scapegoats out of AG and Hassan Saeed.
Why doesn't Waheed put more capable people in the Foreign Ministry?
Does he need to wait any more? Is he waiting until we are literally forced into having early elections?
Surely thats not what Waheed wants!
I agree with most of the comments here! Thasmeen's grievances are unjustifiable. The current Administration was represented at the CMAG meeting (at huge costs to the Treasury). It is the duty of that representative to defend the interests of the Administration by presenting sufficient proof.
I believe the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs fled because she realized it is not possible to defend this Administration!