Extract from a 22-page dossier published by the opposition Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP), entitled “Abuse of Power and Assault on Democracy: A Dossier on the First 500 Days of the Nasheed Administration”
At the onset, the DRP wishes to welcome all the distinguished delegates attending this year’s donor conference. We are pleased to note that the concept of hosting a donor conference in the Maldives annually was developed during the previous administration, and that the Nasheed administration has decided to adhere to this policy.
This donor conference takes place at a time when the Maldivian public feels deceived and let down by the government. Lawlessness has become the norm, people have lost hope, government controls the state media, stabbing and beating of private reporters and journalists has become commonplace, brute force including teargas is used to suppress peaceful dissent, and members of parliament and key opposition leaders are facing arrest and detention.
Democracy in the Maldives, in short, is in peril, and the country’s social fabric is on the verge of being ripped apart.
We need every help we can get to implement meaningful development, restore normalcy, hope, security and the rule of law, and to protect democracy. However such assistance needs to be tied to measurable targets in promoting democracy.
The DRP acknowledges the so called ‘five key pledges’ of the MDP government, and the many additionally promises made by President Nasheed during the 2008 election campaign. We call on President Nasheed to honour the large number of pledges!
We are, nevertheless, deeply concerned by his callous disregard for the sensitivities and wellbeing of the public. We are also concerned by the flawed policies used to implement the ‘five key pledges’.
Civil servants
The government’s rush to downsize the civil service within the year by over 9000 civil servants, who account for almost one tenth of the country’s labour force and breadwinners, is a very serious concern.
The fear of redundancy has created psychological anguish among the whole civil service and their families who account for about one third of the country’s population. The policy is bound to be counterproductive especially in the Maldives, where low and declining labour force participation rate has been identified as one of the most serious problems encouraging drug abuse and other social evils. It is outrageous that the government is going ahead with this flawed policy even after the majority in Parliament has given a clear message that the policy is unacceptable.
Reducing the public sector wage bill is important, but it has to be done gradually to ensure social stability. Government’s proposed saving of US$ 24.8 million a year compared to 2008, through forced redundancy of one tenth of the county’s breadwinners, sounds absurd in a democracy.
The government’s justification for the redundancies has no merit at all when we consider that the proposed saving of US$24.8 million is accompanied by a government’s proposal to increase other allowances to employees by over US$71.9 million a year compared to 2008. Most of these allowances will inevitably end up lining the pockets of political appointees.
Furthermore, the continuing appointment of political appointees, with average salaries eight times higher than civil servants, clearly shows that the government’s intention is not the reduction of the wage bill but a reallocation of it from civil servants to MDP supporters and activists.
At the moment the average salary of a civil servant is approximately Rf2,800 while the average salary of a political appointee is Rf24,793 according to information given to Parliament by the Finance Minister. Nasheed’s government which came to power promising a leaner public service has today more political appointees than the previous government and most democracies like UK, Norway and Denmark.
Foreign assistance needs to be conditional on a freeze on appointment of political appointees until parliament can set a ceiling for political appointees. DRP strongly feels that any reduction in civil servants needs to be accompanied by an equivalent reduction in political appointees based on salary if the process is to have acceptance of the public.
Lack of conviction
The donor community must also exert due pressure on the government to implement an immediate freeze on the release of drug dealers and serious offenders from jail before they complete their sentence. The current practice is leading to rising crime and violence, and it surely does not send out the right signals to the donor community.
I call on President Nasheed to stop the lying and to make good on all the pledges including the pledge for a mid-term election. There is a serious need for his administration to regain public confidence. I note that present popularity ratings of the MDP government are at a pitiful 15%.
President Nasheed needs to implement urgent measures to free the state media and to protect journalists in the country. Also, the stranglehold on the civilian police force, through his Home Minister, must be loosened with immediate effect. I call on all participating delegates to urge the government to stop its current practice of arbitrarily arresting opposition activists and leaders. In two nights this week alone, no less than 40 such arrests were made.
I believe it is time for the international community to closely scrutinise the Nasheed administration’s democracy and human rights record, as, far from his cosmetic image of being a staunch supporter of human rights, he has become the biggest perpetrator in living memory.
As the largest political party in the country, the DRP is committed to ensuring that the rights of the Maldivian people are upheld and that the government is held to account for its failure to deliver on its pledges.
President Nasheed resorting to desperate, unconstitutional and heavy-handed tactics to cling on to power and crush the rising opposition movement is likely to lead to violence, unrest and even civil war in the country!
President Nasheed’s failure to deliver on his promises of upholding democratic principles and the widening gulf between his actions domestically and words overseas has resulted in an overall loss in public faith in the democratic reform agenda.
Also, the opposition, now a majority in numbers in the country, have very little avenue to voice their concerns, as the MDP government continues to keep a tight grip on the media, with full control of the state media.
The opposition DRP is currently dispatching envoys to meet with key diplomatic stakeholders to seek assistance in exerting pressure on President Nasheed to put an end to these Soviet-style ‘show trials’. We believe that the international community, who worked hand-in-hand with us in implementing the democratic reform agenda, has a moral obligation to ensure that the opposition movement can continue to fulfil its parliamentary and institutional duties to the people, without intimidation, harassment and bullying.

You call on MDP to implement their Pledges while condemning perceived flaws?!
Disparities between Political Appointees and the LOWEST paid civil servants?! How is that acceptable. Most political appointees are at Minister, State Minister and Deputy Minister level positions! Of course they're going to be paid more than the newest office recruit!
Sending out envoys to attack the government plan and the program that was chosen by the people of the Maldives is to attack the democratic process and the integrity of our system! The people of the Maldives chose not only a leadership but a leadership model as well that has to be honored.
To release this dossier, in this fashion, at this time - attacking what the people voted for is completely against the national interests and only aimed at debilitating the Maldivian government. For what purpose?!
Just to make sure that this government can get nothing done in the days to come. To reduce their funding at a time when we are in CRISIS and desperately in need of money which was lost and squandered by the previous administration!
This dossier is completely irresponsible and an embarrassing attempt to try and pretend to be the champion of civil servants (even though they too advocate lessening of the Civil Service - over more time - because they know how ridiculously incompetent it was to inflate the civil service size in the first place).
Disgraceful. This hurts Maldivian development. This hurts Maldivian Progress. And this hurts the Maldivian people.
what a load of waffle and nonsense
I'd like to know where DRP got this 15% popularity rating of the current government. Did Thasneem or Mundhu take a poll inside their households??
Oh and regular beatings and stabbings of journalists is commonplace? Opposition have little avenue to voice their concerns? Well a lot of goverment bashing takes place on the airwaves and TV's now, and our very own Fox news, DhiTV does a good bit of propaganda for the opposition. In my lifetime i had never seen a time where Maldivians enjoyed freedom of expression more than now.
Mundhu even if you are desperate, why don't you atleast right something that is closer to the truth so that locals and foreigners alike can see that you guys can at least be a respectable and responsible opposition. From this dossier it seems like DRP is living in cuckoo land or continuing the age old Maumoon tradition of lying. Really DRP needs to come out of the nursery and act like grown ups. The country needs a good opposition right now, and not MP's behaving like thugs and liers.
Disgusted to find out that the government plans to reduced civil servants by 9000 in the name of saving money and then raises allowances by three times the amount saved. This is outright robbery and deceit.
Also very surprised that the present government has more political appointees than under Golha or other Wsetern democracies. Blowing our money on MDP supporters is just absurd especially when Anni came to power primnising a smaller government. These guys are sucking our blood.
It's very true. People have lost faith in the government!President Nasheed represents MDP not the people of Maldives.
Peoples'needs and how they feel is not important to him. His priority is to carry out the welfare of his party members.I voted for Anni.Because I believed him. But not I have lost my faith on him.
Demonstration during Maumoons time took place when there was no freedom to express our views and thoughts but now media just broadcast any views they have. My worry is the our youth and young getting utterly spoilt. Women go for party gatherings or pick up rides with their kids calling out disrespectful slogans. What are we teaching our younger generations. Its important the children keep away from all these unhealthy and harmful gatherings. Today we as adults should not think of only "our desires and needs." Our children are sexually abused and verbally abused by adults everyday.Is there anything being done to solve this problem. No just talk for a day and forget about it. I appeal to all political parties to make sure that no children join their famous "political" pick-up drives.