The Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group (CMAG) will send an urgent ministerial mission to the Maldives to “ascertain the facts surrounding the transfer of power, and to promote adherence to Commonwealth values and principles.”
The meeting was convened by Secretary-General Kamalesh Sharma and chaired by Surujrattan Rambachan, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Communications of Trinidad and Tobago.
Other members of the Group who participated in the meeting were: Kevin Rudd, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Australia, Dr Dipu Moni, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh, John Baird, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Canada, Senator Hon Arnold J Nicholson, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Jamaica, and Joseph Dauda, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sierra Leone.
“CMAG received a briefing from the Foreign Secretary of Maldives, Mr Mohamed Naseer, on the events leading up to and following the resignation of President Mohamed Nasheed on 7 February 2012. The Group was also briefed by former President Nasheed. The Secretary-General advised the group regarding his own interactions with President Waheed and former President Nasheed, and the findings of the Commonwealth Secretariat team currently in Maldives,” the statement read.
Meanwhile, new President of the Maldives Dr Mohamed Waheed Hassan had today asked the Australian government to recognise the new government of the Maldives, which ousted President Mohamed Nasheed alleges is illegitimate following his resignation on February 7 “under duress”.
In an interview with The Australian newspaper, Dr Waheed said blamed international concerns about the situation on a “very biased message that has gone out”, claiming that “it could have an effect on how friendly countries like Australia view the situation.”
“I hope in the next two or three days there will be more understanding of what’s going on here,” he told the paper.
Dr Waheed said he was “not happy” about the arrest warrant for Mr Nasheed, but he would not intervene, the Australian reported.
“One of the problems that led us into this crisis was the involvement of the executive in the judiciary,” he said.
“I know there are some problems with the judiciary, but our democracy is still very young so the solution is not to have one branch of government fight with the other but to find ways of resolving matters.”
He conceded to an investigation into the allegations that Nasheed’s duration was under duress, and “that a half-brother of former president Gayoom had, just days earlier, offered financial inducements to any police officers who were prepared to mutiny”, the paper reported
“I think at the end of the day, he (Nasheed) is responsible for whatever has happened to him, and he should not be looking for scapegoats,” Dr Waheed said.
In the statement, the Commonwealth noted that heads of government had increased the body’s mandate in Perth in 2011 “to consider situations of concern in member countries in a proactive, engaged and positive manner.”
CMAG recognised “the impressive gains made by Maldives in recent years in consolidating multi-party democracy”, and “expressed its solidarity with the people of Maldives to select a government of their choice through democratic means.”
“CMAG stressed that the way forward must be determined by Maldivians themselves, through inclusive political dialogue in an atmosphere of non-violence, restraint and stability.”
The mission to the Maldives will be followed by a report, and a further extraordinary meeting.

Get ready for an election before 2013.Waheed no choice??? I really feel sorry for your short time on the top position.But some people are lucky and others are not not and suffer.Thats how our humen life goes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cabinet members you guys did not have much time to understand the positives and negetives in you area.So you will not be able set any goals.
Anni in on Move again!!!!!
Lesson is learned and repeat the same again!!!!!
Sorry illegitimate present regime!!!!
We,people in Addu would like to Thank commonwealth for their quick dicision to take action on this horrific and brutal event.Thank you and we appreciate your involvement.We want a government by the people and for the people.
Get ready for an election before 2013.Waheed no choice??? I really feel sorry for your short time on the top position.But some people are lucky and others are not not and suffer.Thats how our humen life goes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cabinet members you guys did not have much time to understand the positives and negetives in you area.So you will not be able set any goals.
Anni in on Move again!!!!!
Lesson is learned and do not repeat the same again!!!!!
Sorry illegitimate present regime!!!!
We,people in Addu would like to Thank commonwealth for their quick dicision to take action on this horrific and brutal event.Thank you and we appreciate your involvement.We want a government by the people and for the people.
CMAG recognised “the impressive gains made by Maldives in recent years in consolidating multi-party democracy”,
Looks like a full endorsement of Nasheed government by the Commonwealth.
"expressed its solidarity with the people of Maldives to select a government of their choice through democratic means.” - so that means an election to legitimize Waheed regime?
Addu Boy you are a philosophical genius!
Did the government of Nasheed have popularity and even legitimacy for that matter? He defied orders of the Supreme Court. Mind you Supreme Court was formed under the same constitution that gave the president his authority. So when he does not listen to any state institution and tries to control them all, he has to be removed.
If judiciary being corrupt gives Nasheed the right to defy court orders, the police and MNDF need not listen to his orders as his government is more corrupt than Gayyoom's. Nasheed acted against the constitution. He isn't a president of the people. He only favors his own party and spreads lies. He lies on a daily basis. I am glad he was thrown away - by a coup or anything, i don't care.
I suggest to take action against the Maldives government instead of legalizing the coup ,
Maldives president elected democratically
and most of the countries claiming they are democratic countries so I hope every one will help to for election and would not accept the government
if you do so you all are encouraging to change government like this by force and have coup
so safe all the coutires habit like this and safe life and piece please take action
I think US and UK has foolishly annouced their positions without the facts.
This is a good move where Commonwealth is going to find the facts before making a call.
I don't think any sane person would agree that Anni just wokeup and decided to resign. To me he is clearly pressured to resign and elections should be held in a few months not year and a half.
Former President Nasheed kidnapped chief Judge Abdulla using the military while the judge was sleeping with his wife.Commonwealth ignored the judge's plight.Aussie FM also ignored this kidnapping and having kept the judge in solitary confinement with no access to family or lawyer.Nasheed the "champion"of democracy and Judge abductor started something he really could not control.
Dear marie,
Why don't you write your comment in Bold, Capital, Underlined and in Red Font with a Font Size of 144? These guys will be conviced without any further ado.
President Waheed has nothing to worry. If the comonwealth wants to investigate facts, let them do so because the truth will come out then and Nasheed will be found to be blamed for his fate. Besides commonwealth is not that important of a body for us. It has never been. Its just something UK has invented to let the world know how great their imperial was at one time and how much they want to promote their Queen in the third world. So dont worry Mr President. Just concentrate on getting things sorted out in the country for the people of this country at the moment. We want you now, not that crazy mad Nasheed.
With the public announcement of Umar Naseer tonight, there can be no confusion over the coup d'etat that took place on 6th February. He admitted in public that Nasheed was forced to resign and that this was handled by his "brothers" on the ground. Those "brothers" were of course, ex-Colonel Nazim, former policemen Fayaz and Riyaz.
He claims that Nasheed asked for protection for him and his family. The Commonwealth needs to look very closely into this. Why did the President ask for protection from Umar Naseer, one of his most vocal opponents, from inside the headquarters of the Maldives National Defence Forces? It would be very interesting to find out the answer to that question.
By his own admission, Umar Naseer has made it abundantly clear that, President Nasheed was in fear for his personal safety as well as that of others. He also made it clear that resignation was forced upon the President at this critical time.
In other words, Umar Naseer gave saftey guarantees to the President on the grounds that he resigned immediately. Now, ladies and gentelmen, how would you define this "transition" of power. I can only find one definition: coup d'etat!
I know that there are a lot of ignorant people and some of them post here too but this Yasir takes the biscuit. Waheed knows that it is the International Community counts a lot. It is all the financial aid we get that sustains the Maldivian economy. If the Commonwealth finds that this a coup and Waheed or the Maldivian regime refuses to hold elections, the economy would collapse because the aids of the World Bank, the IMF, USA and all commonwealth countries would stop.
Then we all can shut up shop and go back the old life of fishing and say goodbye to all the television, all these motor cycles, all these people living in Malaysia and other foreign countries and dollar would be about 100 ruffiyya to the US dollar.
This is why Waheed is so scared of this. Just because an ignorant imbecile like you tells him not be worried, he is not going to listen. Waheed would do all he can to convince the International Community that it is not so the case.
Why we get into trouble is a lot of Maldivians like Yasir, Umar Naseer and even in MDP people like Sarangu Reeko has no clue about the rest of the World and they live in their little pond.
This is a pro-Anni bedroom-authored blog. You can't find even the most obvious facts in here.
“I think at the end of the day, he (Nasheed) is responsible for whatever has happened to him, and he should not be looking for scapegoats,” Dr Waheed said.
Waheed. This does not justify the coup. Common Wealth and any other authorities. Please see all the video footage. Please read Yaamin Abdul Gayyoom and Umar Naseer's statements.
Where was Commonwealth when Anni send the military, abducted and held the top judge of Supreme Court for 21 days against the constitution?
There are cases of 3 MDP MPs in Courts for corruption, child abuse, and commercial fraud. MP Musthafa refused to follow a summon of Criminal Court on the grounds that the mighty Anni has declared the Court as 'unconstitutional'. In other words, it was people like Reeko and Musthafa that made Anni do such crazy things and they were taking advantage of him by keeping judge Abdulla in military custody. Eventually Anni paid the price! MDP wasn't reforming the judiciary, a bunch of thugs in yellow were trying to take over the judiciary.
Anni was a dictator. He was arrogant and did not simply know to rule a country. I feel bad for you man, but you have failed and did more harm to the Maldivian economy and the people than good. Streets are the place for him. He only know "muzaaharaa" with thugs. Even when people gave him a mandate haruge was the place and only the opinion of activists who wore yellow color were given any consideration.
We have to collect all the information including the allegations by TVM saying they had found liquor in the President's palace, ex cops and MNDF personal in the headquarters, take over of the TV before Anni resigned, and pay out by Gasim and Yameen to the cops. Umar Naseer's statements, Abdulla Riyaaz Facebook.
No1 wil resign as presidnt of a country without somekinda pressure or force..Nasheed's lawyers need to advice him dat Duress in law is a DEFENSE to a crime or to a forced submission under threat of violence wit the threat being immediate and imminent.Announcing it to the world on Live televison with his cabinet and news reporters beside him and saying that he is resigning for the good of the country,Nasheed virtually agreed with the demands of the protesting military and opposition and blew up his last chance to save the situation as he showed consent when he had a clear chance to avoid it,thus the use of the defense of duress in such a situation will fail in any court of law.If he had refused resigning and yet was forced out by the military and opposition somehow, he would have all the defenses in law as the democratically elected presidnt.But you cant keep saying diferent things everyday and expect the law to support.Now the onus is on Nasheed to prove all the allegations of bribe and other charges against the military in court to have any success and lead to an early election.
Nasheed is demented. he does not remember what he says and lies a lot. Look at the live coverage of the events and the coverage by Haveeru Daily to see the facts. Police was ordered to leave the field of the protests to let the opposition and pro-government Dhevana Furusathu Thugs to have a clash. Police refused. They demanded that Nasheed stop giving such unlawful orders. Police Commissioner fsiled to give such an assurance. Eventually police started calling for the resignation of Nasheed. Sad but true. Nasheed is not so popular. He or MDP with the current leadership is never going to rule the Maldives. I am 100% sure.
I do support fully for the investigation. There's should be justice for this...
Im not MDP member, neither supporter. but the way they removed president, Coup, is not accaptable!!
Any person who knows what a democracy will not support the events that lead to collapse of Anni Government. If governments are to be brought down by violence of few who don’t like the government, we don’t call it democracy. The very people the police whose only roll is to curb riots and violence on the street joins the mobs and start calling their superiors to resign is not democracy. The only legal way to bring government down is through parliament or at ballot box, not by force of those who are there to protect governments and the security of the country. But we do understand the ignorance of the shortsighted people of the banana republic. What happens in the banana republic is, toddy they will support a leader for some personal quick gain and once that individual quick gain does not happen, than that very individual will go against this very leader who was his champion before and we are talking about every person in the republic. Everybody needs a position in the government and be paid enough money to enjoy their life. The government is elected to satisfy the needs of every individual that suits that individual’s belief and liking. Hopefully the quick change of government by force in every three years is the best way to grow up the democracy in these remote people. This is also a good foundation and lets be positive and hope this trend will lead for the people to realize that the government’s job is to provide opportunities to earn not to feed them keeping them in homes to chew nuts and gossip.
Judas Waheed, World is not asking for much, simply prove you legitimacy, simply disprove its not a coup.
Every statement, every video of the day, point out to coup thank god it was blood less.
Waheed, Please Step down and ask the speaker to hold election.
Whether or not the Commonwealth carries out an investigation into the police-led military coup that toppled the legitimate government of Mr Nasheed discovers the causes of the trouble the previous night and assuming that he is responsible for the unrest nothing will justify or reverse the fact that the legitimate president Nasheed was forced at gunpoint to resign by signing a letter of resignation to the Speaker of Parliament. Under the Constitution, the resignation is considered legal if it is voluntary, not under duress of any sort.
Whether it a coup or not a coup is the question,
Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to suffer
The sprays and battons of outrageous police,
Or for the MNDF to take Arms against a Sea of troubles.
Yea! very true.....I totally agree with Anees
I hope the Commonwealth Team will make their report and discuss it during their extraordinary meeting and that we all know what actually happened during the Transfer of power
For CMAG, Please consider that tape video recording, showing consiparacy amongs opposition parties leaders, waheed also joined that. It is a real proof , to show the world that it was a coup!!!
When we think about a country like where there is a fire there is smoke of ethic is not way out. In the mobilization of humanity of loyal, Specialty of coral, liberty of happy, who is the man of kindness? who is the women of brutal? Such nasty of brutal, such lonely of interior, killing and murder of man. murder of killing of human. very simple. the whole is helpless. people will die. citizen will cry. No women of men come out to save us. save the children. I am the man who can change the world. come and fight me. i will will win and be the president for the next 1500 years. wassalaam alaikum, varah bodah shukuriyya.
and last night Umar Naseer told the world that he was at the "Command Center" and he also threatened to harm President Nasheed, confirming what really went down. it doesnt matter whether the CMAG conducted an inquiry, or not, facts are clear. Umar Naseer was behind all this. ha!
It is mind boggling that they got rid of Nasheed in a coup when the Presidential elections are in the middle of next year and most probably Nasheed would have lost the election. Why cannot they wait for just one more year?
Is it because of this Islamic Judge who was coming to Maldives? I feel this is the major issue. If this Islamic Judge had come, he would have found the corruption in the Criminal Court and Abdulla Judge would have been finished.
Furthermore, the fraud investigation of Yameen was coming to a close and they have already sent this to the Prosecutor General.
I think these two are the important factors, why they decided to have this coup and get rid of Anni.
I know personally a lot of people who have been fed up with Anni and would not have voted for him in the next election. However, now the very same people have changed their minds and say that they would vote for MDP because they love democracy and would not accept the removal of a legally elected President by force.
If it was not a coup, how come news was on the streets about a mounting coup in the fews days before it took place. With the police and MNDF striking a deal with opposition members?
What exactly did the opposition parties actually discuss with Waheed at the time he was VP, just days before the coup happened?
Coup it was.
There must be a reason why India and US is on Dr Waheed's side. The international community has begun to realise the true colours and evilness of Nasheed and his MDP thugs. US official blake openly condemned the violence caused by MDP and its protesters. Don't worry Dr Waheed, Commonwealth is coming here to know the truth, which will offcourse be in your side. You have nothing to fear. Let the MDP get another blow of refusal from another international body. They thing the world is stupid like them to believe all those coup d'etat stories they are making. I salute you Dr Waheed for the hard and sincere work you are doing to normalise this country. If Nasheed had been calm and intellectual like you he wouldn't have seen this day.
It is very good that Commonwealth is set on finding facts.
No argument about this whole thing. It was a coupe and nothing else.
Cotton balls even coated with chocolate or whatever, will still be cotton balls!
PPM, DRP, JP, QP all remnants of the past wanting an opportunity!
@ attaturk,
Interesting comment.
"If he had refused resigning and yet was forced out by the military and opposition somehow, he would have all the defenses in law as the democratically elected presidnt."
What defenses he would have from the very forces who were demanding his resignation?
Also what would it be, if president did not resign and forced to face the angered mob outside?
What then would it be called lawfully?
yasir,give it up. No matter what you say there is more evidence coming out each day to prove that this was a coup. Now the taking over of MNBC is another fact.
A fact that his brother came over to take over before The President has resigned.
What Waheed did not anticipate was the reaction of the majority of Maldivians.
Anni was unpopular and the majority would probably have voted him out in 2013 but the majority do not accept a coup and that is what we are facing now.
If you think the Commonwealth would accept what Waheed says then you are living in a fantasy world. Actually you are living in a fantasty world even now.
The police-led military coup that ousted the legitimate government here in the Maldives requires redefinition of the supremacy of the executive, at least, in a presidential system of government. In theory, the president is the head of government, state, and the military. However, last Wednesday's coup in the Maldives shows that this is not true in practice. The government seems to be in power at the pleasure of the security forces, the police and military.
In the morning on Wednesday, the President ordered the military to arrest the mutinying police whereupon the police resisted and exchanged brief fire in the clash between the police and military. Soon, the military joined the police and together rose against the government and toppled the elected president. It took just a few hours and the Vice President was sworn in as President.
It makes one to think that the military or security forces are supreme in that even an elected government cannot exist without their backing.
US, India and China have all recognized the government of Dr Waheed. Ther's more to follow. Its time MDP realise that they are getting isolated in the international area. Anni, your thugs and your violence will never be accepted by the international world. You operate like a Mafia boss in the name of democracy and you think the rest of the civilized world is dumb not to realise your real face. Give it up. If you still have some sense and moral values, work with Dr Waheed in his government of else go away.
Bro sorry to say but you are very wrong! its a shame on me too.But we as muslims i cannot lie in regards the event of Coup! Yes it is if you are a believer of Almighty Allah yes it is a coup.
Most the countries around the world will believe the regime.This our internal problem and we have to sort it out by ourselves.But on the other hand we will not be flourished by forign aids.Beleiving doesn't mean the coorparation with those countries.So brother you,me and the rest will suffer.
God bless you Yasir and guide all of us in the right path.
Nasheed, when he announced to the world his intention of resigning in front of the media there was no military guy holding a gun near him.So, he must have been blackmailed by someone. I suggest Nasheed go to Supreme court and plead his case and win the presidency back. Then Waheed will get back the VP position. When Nasheed calls for fresh elections it looks like he resigned voluntarily.