Council invalidates resolution to seize Gayoom’s house

The Male’ City Council has invalidated a resolution it passed yesterday to seize former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s house, 24 hours after the decision was made at a ‘sidewalk’ meeting held amidst a protest outside parliament.

Deputy Mayor Ahmed Samah Rasheed told Minivan News that the decision to invalidate the resolution was made at a council meeting at 5:00pm today, which the North Maafanu Councillor chaired.

“There were two proposals up for a vote,” he explained. “One was for invalidating the resolution while the other was to make a decision next Monday after considering the legal issues. But all the councillors were in favour of invalidating it. There was a difference of opinion over when it should be done.”

As the vote for the first proposal was tied at 4-4, Samah said that he cast the tie-breaking vote to invalidate yesterday’s controversial resolution.

While the Deputy Mayor said that he wish to comment on the reasons for the council’s decision, he revealed that President Mohamed Nasheed had expressed displeasure with the resolution.

“We met with the President this morning,” he said. “The meeting was not held about this issue but President Nasheed told us that he was very unhappy about it.”

The council’s decision has been roundly condemned by all parties, including the Human Rights Commission of Maldives (HRCM) as well as the Prosecutor General (PG).

In a statement yesterday, PG Ahmed Muiz condemned the resolution, calling the decision “very irresponsible”.

The PG said that the constitution was clear that a person’s property shall not be taken without his consent unless a court of law issues a verdict to do so.

“In a circumstance that a court of law rules the seizure of property, it shall only be taken after paying fair compensation in return,” said the Prosecutor General, adding that the PG had a responsibility to uphold the rule of law and protect the rights of people.

Speaking to Minivan News, Muiz insisted that the issue of seizing Gayoom’s house was a civil issue and that it should be solved by a court.

“Technically it is a civil issue, and the court has to decide on the issue,” he said. “They have to defend themselves in court.”

He also said the PG Office had not yet decided to take any measures to address the issue.

Meanwhile, former President’s son Faarish Maumoon today issued a press release to the local media saying that Kinbigadhoshuge was property of Gayoom and that his family would do all they could to prevent it from being taken by the state.

Gayoom’s family expressed concern that a state institution was attempting to seize property owned by others while the constitution stated that it shall be protected and respected, and that ultimately such decisions may harm all the citizens of the Maldives.

Samah had previously told local media that the council had sent a notice to Gayoom asking to evacuate the house within 30 days, but Faarish said it had not yet been received.


21 thoughts on “Council invalidates resolution to seize Gayoom’s house”

  1. @Yaamyn, according to darwin that's our beginning, hahaha, the result of open mindedness.

  2. when uneducated thugs are appointed as city counselors,this is what happens.

  3. @ yaamyn

    "Our country is now run by a bunch of monkeys."
    Perhaps because we've been devolving for the last 30 years?

  4. There is nothing for PG to hide... there is only one different between PG and people like you.... you are a blind follower of MDP and PG is a genuine reformer... then and now..... This PG has sign among first 42 to form political parties with president nasheed.... this PG worked with president Nasheed's campaign when he contended for Male' constituency.... this PG worked with president Nasheed to form Minivan Daily.... may be you may have forgotten by now..... this PG was one shareholder of ADDUVAS weekly which very much criticize Gayoom's government....this PG is a relative of president Gayoom.... this PG is a person who has cross party support within parliament not necessarily because he is close to President Nasheed or a relative of President Gayoom but for his integrity.... thanks

  5. Perhaps our politicians are the missing links between humans and monkeys?

  6. Their (MDP) proclivity for undermining themselves is astounding.

    What good came out of the "side walk" resolution other than more ammunition for Z-DRP, DhiTV etc?

    It would have a slam dunk toss out is any court, biased or otherwise.

    These are the people chosen to lead us toward good governance.....we're going to need a divine intervention to prevent a Zeday comeback.

  7. When we elect imbeciles to positions of responsibility, this is what we will get.
    This is not a Kangaroo Court but a "monkey court"?

  8. Thank God the Council invalidated their resolution. It was personal and practical. I do not support what Gayyoom is doing but he is a Maldivian Citizen and his rights must be respected.
    It is great to see the PG try to "uphold the rule of law and protect the rights of people". My right is being violated when criminals are not prosecuted and roam around freely. My rights are being violated when I am denied representation to compete laws, in parliament.

  9. I think this was a good stunt. The headlines changed and more people had joined the band wagon to punish Gayoom for the disturbances in the majlis. He is the evil of all things in the country.

  10. I am not at all surprised of the outcome of these councilors. Most of them don’t have grade 2 educations even. This is what happens when we elect through party line. People like Aprah and Jambu Hassan have 2 year old brains and there is no chance of developing even.

    I was disappointed to see Maizain Ali Manik leading this comedy show. I guess he has shown what he is made of now.

  11. How the Maldivian can evolve to be in the human race. You need a proper habitat to evolve and Maldives lack this precursor. People always criticize those who come in to political arena, but we see no one who seems have two neutrons that work for coordinated computation. We see that in general public and those who claims to be different.

  12. The Council vote was not a stunt. It was a message to the "Eternal Never-Ending Zaeem for Life". If he continues to play dirty with his remote-controlled puppets within the Majlis, so can MDP play the same Game.

    This was a warning. Next time, he tries to destabilize the Majlis or any other State Institution, MDP will retaliate against the source of this evil with full force.

  13. Really Ilyas? And is this a feudal monarch? What about the rest of us? Are we just cattle? Or mindless zombies to sit by while your Full Force and Boogie-man Zaeem fight their silly little battles.

    You should be ashamed to even think that a word of what you wrote is justification for the schoolyard antics of either party. Two wrongs do not make a right. Take your standoffs to the streets or to the privacy of your own homes. I for one will never elect these crazy halfwits to the government again.

  14. I dont believe this drama was acted out because we have imbeciles on our Male' Council. It was a political move, and although looked stupid possibly had the results it wanted.

    But how interesting that we hear from PG over this drama when we have heard nothing from him as the rapists and criminals he has been sending to the courts are freed by our judges and his cases thrown out of courts!! While we are being told by our courts that the cases are being thrown out and criminals set free because of the poor preparation of cases by the PG Office and poor investigation by the Police Force, not a peep from PG Muiz. Not a peep!! So what is it, PG Muiz??? Is it that you are not doing your job as the courts are saying or is it that you couldnt care less what the courts do or say? Because you have certainly made a noise over this drama!!! So why, PG Muiz, do you stand up for the violation of Gayooms rights when you will not stand for the rights of other citizens? I think its time you told us why our criminals are not being held to account by our courts.

  15. I dont believe this drama was acted out because we have imbeciles on our Male’ Council. It was a political move, and although looked stupid possibly had the results it wanted.

    But how interesting that we hear from PG over this drama when we have heard nothing from him as the rapists and criminals he has been sending to the courts are freed by our judges and his cases thrown out of courts!! While we are being told by our courts that the cases are being thrown out and criminals set free because of the poor preparation of cases by the PG Office and poor investigation by the Police Force, not a peep from PG Muiz. Not a peep!! So what is it, PG Muiz??? Is it that you are not doing your job as the courts are saying or is it that you couldnt care less what the courts do or say? Because you have certainly made a noise over this drama!!! So why, PG Muiz, do you stand up for the violation of Gayooms rights when you will not stand for the rights of other citizens?

  16. Just about everyone with half a mind understands that the move was political. However Khadeeja please count among its effects;

    - The harm to the MDP's, President Nasheed's and MCC's image due to the natural ineptness and laughable credentials of SOME of its members coupled with the apparent idiocy of this move.

    - The fear and loathing instilled in an average citizen who does not have much invested in the ongoing clan feud between the former rulers and the present ruling junta.This fear stems naturally from the conclusion that the MCC and the President (who commands them) is willing to violate basic fundamental human rights to achieve his ends.

    - The decreasing popularity of an already unpopular President who has in recent times, resorted to buying average members and supporters of the DRP who do not have an asset nor skill to their name. (If anyone wishes to contest this fact then please open your eyes and look around)

  17. I expected good things to come out of MDP but yet things have never looked worse, surely now they cannot blame the present day situation on the previous government, time is ticking guys! Political situation aside, what about our polluted environment? our congestions on the street? the high level of crimes with armed thugs on the streets? the almost depleted fish stocks? need i go on? There are far BIGGER issues to the livelihood of this country than some stupid political contest and its high time EVERYONE realised before we become a failed state!


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