Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party’s (DRP) Deputy Leader Ibrahim Shareef has said that the party’s “honorary leader”, former president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, has not disclosed how he aims to campaign for them ahead of next month’s local council elections upon returning to the country last week.
Shareef said that following the return of the former president to the Maldives on Friday night the party had not discussed the role Gayoom might play for them during the upcoming contest.
“He [Gayoom] is our honorary leader and enormously popular right now,” said Shareef. “While we will appreciate his help during campaigning, we have not been informed of his plans right now.”
Thousands of supporters holding posters of the former president and banners gathered near the presidential jetty to welcome Gayoom on Friday after it was announced last month that he would return to campaigning for the party during the local council elections.
At Male’ International Airport’s VIP lounge, the former president gave a brief interview to the media on his return along with his views on the latest political issues like the war of words between current DRP leader Ahmed Thasmeen Ali and former Deputy Umar Naseer. Naseer was dismissed from the party by its disciplinary committee late last year.
The animosity between the two political figures appeared to come to a head last month amidst reports of violence at a meeting held at DRP headquarters between rival supporters loyal to either Thasmeen and Naseer over gaining entry to the event.
Gayoom told the media that there were no fractions forming within the DRP and added that he would describe the developments more as disputes. He also denied completely retiring from political life.
”I am still in the position of honorary leader of DRP, and it is also the highest position in the party, therefore, it is the responsibility of the head of the party to work for the unity of the party and for the progress of the party,” he said.
Gayoom was also questioned about allegations that the party’s deputy leader and leader – Abdulla Shahid and Ahmed Thasmeen Ali respectively – had travelled to India to meet senior officials of infrastructure giant GMR in relation to their opposition of a privatisation agreement with the government to manage Male’ International Airport.
Gayoom said that he received the information that Shahid was in India and when he enquired about the Deputy Leader’s location, Shahid replied to him via text message that he was in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
The DRP is itself involved in a coalition of opposition parties like the Dhivehi Qaumee Party (DQP), Jumhooree Party (JP) and the People’s Alliance (PA) against the privatisation agreement with GMR on the grounds of nationalistic interests.
Gayoom arrived in the Maldives whilst the DRP was holding the official launch ceremony of its Local Council Campaign, a function that the former president said he was unaware of.

I voted for MDP last election - Maumoon has my vote this time.
The Supreme Leader will campaign like he always has. His mere existence will create a great love for DRP in the heart of all citizens.. and only people running on a DRP ticket will get elected. Simple as that. The Supreme Leader does not require plans. The Supreme Leader IS the plan. All hail the Supreme Leader, the ever glorious Uz. Maumoon Abdul Gayoom al Azhari. Gayoom made love to the Nation for over 30 long years. DRP is the retarded lovechild of this long relationship.
Maumoon is running for an island council seat? You must be an islander. Middle islands where GCSE is regarded a doctoral level qualification?
You say "Thousands of supporters" gathered for gayoom's arrival? Surely you meant hundreds. Did seem like thousands in the pictures
We respect the old man, but lets face it, hes dying and we dont want to water a dying tree. My vote for the REAL DRP candidate, lol
Sad that you seem to think that there are only two choices even this far out, says a lot about the quality of our current political setup doesn't it?
You must be from an elite family in the capital.Graduated from sodomy university in greece. By the way are you related to the shihab who drops his handkerchief when teenage guys pass by.
Gayoom will not have erection plans for DRP. The man is too old for such things.
can't wait to shout at the old man if he comes to my island
Mavota has no respect for Maumoon. Otherwise he will not talk like that in public.
wots all these nosense abt maumoon..yaameen...thasmeen...anni...dont we have any other educated capable ppl in this maldives! sick of hearing always the same music...fools nation will elect also only fools so the fools will get fooled by fools and fools fools fools
Some people think that Gayyoom is like a bitter medicine. You hate it, but you know it's good for you in the long run!
They don't realise that Gayyoom is actually poison in the long run. Look at our social fabric today compared to when he took over. It's worse in every aspect.
lol sounds to me like you stepped on the lions tail there. What does he know? what else is he hiding? how stupid does ye think he is? Can he be appeased? can he not smell the scent of the limping prey? Will he just let it pass it this time? how does he do it? do you think you are able to do the same? is he so good that he can even make you think just that as well?
You have not yet had the pleasure (plea sure) of making his excellencies acquaintance. The first thing that gets you is an intense burning in the loins. And yes he loves to share. Shows you the presidents emails and it gets to you.
I'm loving his newest plaything.
"The king is Dead. Long live the King"
Maumoon is past and not future, His mere existence today is only to destroy DRP and which will eventually get more support for MDP.
Those who blindly love him are people who inherited illegal benefits during his 30 years of dictatorial regime.
Maldives does not need him any more, we need younger educated people with no history like him
Maumoon is past his prime. He had his chance and we know what he did. Its for his betterment (and for DRP also) that he keeps away from active politics. But it seems that he wants to settle some political scores. This wont do him any good. Tough time ahead for the country and the people.
Poor DRP.Maumoon is destroying them for his own selfishness. Why not Maumoon and supporters join PA and leave DRP alone. I am sure very few people will follow them.
I love to see Gay yoom contests. Can't hardly wait to win over 30 years of tyranny doctor again and again. He was mistaken in 2008 and he will be worse in 2011. Prior to 2008 he secured 99.99% votes and still cannot figure out how he failed to secure 50 from 100 in such a short time frame.
Why does DRP want to bring out President Gayyoom for people to shout and insult him? Let him live peacefully.
maumoon is a one trick pony. he has returned to try to return doing the only thing he knows: being president of a very silly third-world country. poor fellow.
i have great respect to H.E Maumoon, and will always have. But himself coming back into politics would only spoil his legacy. I dont think he is that stupid, and he is a man who keeps his words and promises. He will back the DRP candidate Thasmeen, and sideline everyone else, even that maybe his own brother.
He has kept and honored his promises for this nation for over 30 yrs...and we wont believe what 2 or 3 crazy people say. Mr President, you have our respect!
President Gayyoom should live in peace and harmony, lets not try to bring him to humiliation. What I feel is his family is slowly destroying his reputation and respect for their own good.