Islamic Foundation calls for death sentence if apostate fails to repent

The Islamic Foundation has called for self-declared apostate Mohamed Nazim to be stripped of his citizenship and sentenced to death if he does not repent and return to Islam.

Nazim claimed he was “Maldivian and not a Muslim” during a public question-and-answer session with Islamic speaker Dr Zakir Naik, the first time a Maldivian has publicly announced he is not a Muslim.

According to the Maldivian constitution all citizens are required to be Muslim, and the country is always described as a “100 percent” Muslim country.

The 37 year-old angered many in the approximately 11,000-strong crowd with his statement during Dr Naik’s ‘Misconceptions about Islam’ lecture on Friday.

Dr Naik responded that Nazim had read the wrong books and “deviated from Islam”, and requested him “to read correct books on Islam, and Inshallah, you’ll come back to Islam.”

However Nazim did not relinquish the microphone and pressed Naik to clarify the penalty for apostasy.

“In Islam, there are many cases, it doesn’t mean death penalty,” Dr Naik explained. “But if the person who reverts who was a Muslim then converts to and becomes a non-Muslim and propagates his faith and speaks against Islam, and if it’s Islamic rule, then the person should be put to death. But just because a person who is a Muslim becomes a non-Muslim, death penalty is not the ruling.”

Nazim was escorted from the venue by police for his own protection, after members of the audience attempted to attack him.

Police Sub-Inspector Ahmed Shiyam said two men who tried to attack Nazim were arrested after they attacked the police officers protecting him. Nazim himself “was not injured because police protected him,” Shiyam said.

He was taken to a police building where a crowd of protesters had gathered, calling for him to be punished. Shiyam confirmed that Nazim is now being held in an undisclosed location for five days while police investigate “in consultation with the Islamic Ministry and the Prosecutor General’s office.”

Today the Islamic Foundation of the Maldives issued a press statement calling on judges to give Nazim the opportunity to repent “and if he does not, then sentence him to death as Islamic law and Maldivian law agree.”

“The Islamic Foundation believes that the person who announces apostasy should be punished according to Islamic laws,” the NGO said, warning that Nazim represented “a disturbance to the religious views and the religious bonds that exist with Maldivians.”

“Hereby if this man does not do his penance and come back to the Islamic religion, the Islamic Foundation of the Maldives calls to take the citizenship away from this man as mentioned in the Maldivian constitution.”

If case crossed into areas not covered by the laws of the country, “then the judges should rely on Islamic law,” the NGO stated, as per article 142 of constitution which says judiciary shall look into Islamic shar’ia on matters not covered in law, and sentence accordingly.

“So it is requested that the commissioner of police run the legal research on this man and take this to the Prosecutor General’s office. We also request the Prosecutor General to go through this matter and to take this man to the criminal court for trial,” the Islamic Foundation said.

A government official involved in the legal process, who requested that his name and department be kept anonymous, said he was “really worried” and described the case as “a very sensitive subject”.

“Police are investigating the case,” he said. “My understanding is that the court authorities will give [Nazim] opportunities to change his mind. I think he will be given every opportunity to think about his decision.”

Minister for Islamic Affairs Dr Abdul Majeed Abdul Bari told Minivan News that Ministry officials had acted quickly to remove Nazim from the venue “for his own protection”, and had now handed the matter over to the legal system.

“I don’t know if there is a penalty for apostasy according to Maldivian law,” he said.

The Adhaalath Party issued a press statement claiming that the act violated the constitution of the Maldives and called on the government “to strengthen Islam and protect the constitution.”

Religious NGO Jamiyyathul Salaf declined to comment on the matter during a press conference held today on another matter, however NGO Jamiyyathul Musliheen expressed “concern and regret” over the incident.

”Not a few number of Maldivian youths are moving further from the religion, and many of them are going renegade,” the NGO said in a press statement, adding that “it is a responsibility of the government to strengthen Islam in the country.”

President of the Human Rights Commission to the Maldives (HRCM), Ahmed Saleem, said “what happened was really unfortunate.”

“I think the best thing will be to talk to him and to make him understand the situation and the repercussions, talks which HRCM will welcome,” Saleem said.

He said he was unsure how the Maldivian government would handle the incident.

“I’m afraid of the reaction from the international community should we resort to harsh action,” he said. “I don’t think it would be in our interest – we have just been given a seat on the UN Human Rights Council. This is something we need to think seriously about before we start using harsh language.”

Minivan News contacted several local human rights NGOs however they had not responded at time of press.

A senior government source, who requested anonymity, said he felt the case “will be a real test of how the government will abide by its international commitments.”

Press Secretary for the President Mohamed Zuhair was on medical leave and unable to comment.

Minivan News was unable to reach Nazim himself for comment, however a person close to the matter described him as “a very sensible guy who will think of the people around him. But he will not give up on calling for people to be more honest about themselves. I think he will become a genuine refugee if he refuses to take back his words,” she said.

A transcript Dr Naik’s response to Nazim is available here.


165 thoughts on “Islamic Foundation calls for death sentence if apostate fails to repent”

  1. get lost islamic foundation. you don't speak for maldives. go back to saudi. it's your extremism that puts these people off from islam

  2. Don't make a hero out of this lunatic...why we care if he choose to go to hell!

  3. The reason why people are turning away from Islam is because we have religious conservatives declaring that the only way to practice is their way. And as a result we had calls for violence and beheading.

    Never have a I been more ashamed of my countrymen and what I am sad about is how our nation has turned to one of intolerance and hate.

    The youth are turning away from Islam and I believe that it is the conservatives fault. Those who say that the Islam which is practiced in Cairo, Indonesia and Malaysia is not true and that those people are apostates as well. The people who advocated nigabs and hijabs as the only way a woman can be pious. And those who would condone child abuse in the name of faith.

    They are all leading us towards societal regression. Ignoring our economy and potential for national growth. Ignoring our culture and heritage. There is so much that we are loosing. Day by day. We need to to not let go of who we are because some salafi based preacher tells us to.

  4. There has been increasing evidence that Minivan News is complicit in this matter to de-stabilize the country. I call upon the govt. to take severe actions against Minivan News & deport all the foreign nationals in the MN that are working against the laws & regulations of Maldives.

  5. I do not know if HRCM is supporting Islam or the West. Who does HRCM answer to Islam or America first? You need to understand that not all concepts of Human Rights can be allowed in a Muslim country. If you had your western way, we would see lesbians like the feminist and gays walking around Male' openly knowing that HRCM is there to protect the ills of society.

    Maldives by law is a Muslim country. If you do not know this, look it up and start being a body which represents Maldives first and Islam first. Otherwise HRCM has no relevance for believers, nor would we give you any authority or any importance on matters which secular people might feel important.

    This is the ruling of Allaah and His Messenger, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever changes his religion, kill him." (reported by al-Bukhaari, al-Fath, no. 3017

    The saheeh Sunnah indicates that it is essential to put the apostate to death.

    Al-Bukhaari (6922) narrated that Ibn ‘Abbaas said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever changes his religion, put him to death.”

    Al-Bukhaari (6484) and Muslim (1676) narrated that ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Mas’ood said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “It is not permissible to shed the blood of a Muslim who bears witness that there is no god except Allaah and that I am the Messenger of Allaah, except in one of three cases: a soul for a soul (i.e., in the case of murder); a previously-married person who commits zina; and one who leaves his religion and separates from the main body of the Muslims.”

    The general meaning of these ahaadeeth indicates that it is essential to put the apostate to death whether he is waging war on Islam (muhaarib) or not.

  6. This is indeed a sad news. I hope government will handle this case well.

  7. Maley ga e oh kattar alhaameehun naai, anhenun ge iffaiy nagaameehunnaai, kudakudhin gayah araameehun maraafa thi kan kuran thaaeedhu. Alhefahe e ee eynayaa Allah aai dhemedhu oiy kamennu. Kon kamakaatha thi dhaiybaaruvanee..

  8. A person, who has not raped, molested, stolen, taken drugs or murdered - who has just given a statement and asked a question to Dr. Naik should be given the death penalty???

    Though Dr. Naik said very clearly "Non-Muslims, take the microphone and pose your question" ???

    And according to Dr. Naik, just for apostasy the death penalty is NOT a rule in Islam.

    What I feel now is that the Islamic Foundation is not believing in the Quran, according to Dr. Naik. So we don't know the reason why he was brought to Maldives...

  9. "...the first time a Maldivian has publicly announced he is not a Muslim". JJ Robinson, you are just as bad as these mullahs. Are you stripping all the pre-1153 Maldivians who were Buddhists and Hindus etc. of their national status with retrospective effect? What about King Hassan IX and his fellow Christians? In 1998 many Maldivians were detained for their Christian faith. Not all of them recanted even under torture. The Gayoom regime had to release them under international pressure. They are still in Maldives and are practising Christians. Nazim is definitely not the first Maldivian who publicly declared his non-Islamic faith.

  10. why should we care a damn about the guy's rights and sentiments if he does not care about ours.The guy should be punished.

  11. At least Nazim is honest and came out with the truth and for that he is being called for the ulimate punishment. What about the many politicians, businessmen and many other Maldivians, who drink, have extra marital sex, never fasts, never even bother to do a single prayer? They are still Muslims only by name, yet they are practically not a muslim according to my understanding. Why can't these Mullahs go against these people and call for their beheading?

  12. Why cant we practice a version of Islam that allows freedom of religion?
    There must be a version of Islam that is tolerant of people like Nazim.
    Then we do not have to kill him!
    In any case fair minded people with common sense must speak up for human rights.
    To let these Islamic scholars dictate how people live is destructive to society. They have a primitive and barbaric ideology.
    The mullahs should be re-educated by the MHRC.

  13. velaa...its because many of us live with double a sick society!

  14. Lets analyse who is logical and illogical in this debate. Dr.Zakir Naik asked Nazim which part of Quran he disagrees. And the response from Nazim was that "he dont find any reason to read quran" and on the contrary he mentioned that he had read quran translation several times. Also, Nazim mentioned that if he needed to choose a religion he would review all religion which Zakir gave a good logical answer. Also, there are many logical examples out there that Nazim answer was illogical.

    One can blabber anything what he wants. I would have accepted Nazim's comments if he had refuted any of the verse of Quran from his intellect or from confirmed evidence, which he could not. Instead, his statement were equivocal and feeble. I am sanguine that no one would have even oppressed him if he had asked such a question.

  15. Islam is said to be an all Compassionate and all Merciful Religion. Why can't Muslims show mercy according to their faith and accept that everyone may not choose to be a Muslim. After all we are discussing about a person who had the courage to be honest and speak out his thoughts!

  16. This issue is not just about Mr. Nazim. He has professes his views to which he is entitled to. It does not mean he is wrong or right. May be he was just naive or trying to score a cheap point.

    But I am sure nothing in the constitutions prevents him from migrating to another state that allows for his beliefs. He should have done it quietly.

    Islam is NOT a religious issue, believe it or not. Islam a premier political issue that is used by Arabs to protect their autocracy. West to assert their strategic interests. Poor muslims for social equality and so on...

    Why is Islam discussed in a way to further a political debate? Exactly what is the intention of Minivan news to bring Islam as an ISSUE the centre stage while there is no issue at all.


  17. Zakir Naik seems more like a sarcastic standup comedian than a religious preacher!. The best thing our young generation can do is keep him out of Maldives. This may just be the start of Maldives turning into Dhivehistan!!!

  18. Tell them Islamic Foundation boys to stop throwing innocent people out of the mosques first.

    @Velaa and cheshire: This society is full of these double standards. Heck, most of the "tr00 islamic nations" usually have these double standards.

    Here, let me demonstrate.

  19. Look why are we worried about this one particular apostate?

    What about the rest of them? Let's start with our president... ahem. I know this comment would never be published. but who cares. Minivan News is a bunch of Christian missionaries writing crap in the name of news.

    Back to what I was saying. Hang Anni, Sappe' and Reeko Moosa first. These people have never gone for a prayer in the last 10 years and drink vodka like water.

  20. I totally agree with muas MZ! The authorities has to take strict action against this person, in order to protect our national identity! Islam is the main pillar of our identity.

  21. You cannot strip the citizenship of a person who was born in Maldives to a Maldivian parent. The law says Maldivian are all Muslims so if a person says he is not a Muslim does not make him Non Maldivian neither a non Muslim but rather he will be a Muslim and a Maldivian unless he rejects his citizenship of Maldives. Secondly who are these bunches of lunatics to utter words on death to a fellow Maldivian. Whoever calls death on our fellow Maldivian should be punished with maximum penalty for calling on to kill an innocent’s person

  22. I support Nazim 100%. To hell with the constitution of the Maldives and the unjust sharia. The constitution of the Maldives is unconstitutional.

    And a point of note, Maldives signed the UN declaration of human rights which grants religious freedom.

    Rejje ah dheeni minivankan

  23. Just a week back or so we were boasting about gaining a seat on the UN Human Rights council with the highest number of votes. And now it seems they are preparing to prosecute a person and calling for his execution for choosing another religion.

    Are those guys with the beards and short trousers having such weak faith in Islam that their faith is destroyed when someone else changes religion. What does Maldives being 100% muslim have to do with one practising his own faith?? Then the whole world needs to be 100% muslim for these Maldivians to stick to their faith.

    Lets see how the "democratic and liberal" goverment deals with this. Having written in our consitution that we are a 100% muslim country n one needs to be a muslim to be a citizen is ridiculous enough. Now I think we are preparing to really ruin our image once and for all in front of the civilized world.

  24. There are no verses in the Quran explicitly dictating the death penalty for apostasy

    A faith which people maintain because of the fear of death cannot be genuine faith.

    If all religions approve of execution for apostasy, Islam will be most effected because mostly it is peoples of other faith embracing Islam. Also There is no compulsion in Islam and therefor calling Nazims excecution is un-Islamic.

  25. As Dr Naik correctly said, the death penalty is not automatic in cases like this. If Nazim doesn't believe in Islam, I'm not sure what other religion will be suitable for him; ALL religions have their shortcomings. Both Judaism and Christianity are in fact worse than Islam in many ways.

    If he simply choses not to believe in ANY religion at all, but still believe in a single God, then I can't see what law will allow a death penalty on him.

  26. Harmless guy who asked a question:


    Known gang members, rapists, child molesters, murderers walking free:


  27. marina i request you to see the video again he did not say that for apostasy
    death penalty is not a rule in islam.

  28. Nazim is a very brave person to speak out his mind in the gathering of fanatics. According to the Maldives Constitution he will remain a Maldivian as it categorically says that “citizenship cannot be withdraw from a Maldivian”.

    He is already a Maldivian therefore the clause which says that “to become a Maldivian a person should be a Muslim” does not apply.

    The fanatics and people who bring bad name to Islam should understand that Maldives is not a 100% Muslim country. Even in laboratories it is so difficult to produce 100% pure anything.

    My fellow mullah’s learn to live and respect others views, if not you lot may be wiped out by another tsunami. Nazom has every right to be a “whatever” he wants to be, same as you wanted four wives. He respects your view and never called to kill you lot.
    Maldives would have been a better country if it stayed as a Buddhist country.

    Surely there will be lots of World heritage site in the Maldives, had not these Mullah’s destroyed all statues.

    I request the international community to protect Nazim from the madness of Maldives mullahs.

  29. Why do we waste our time on this Nazim. By doing this we are giving him hero status. Can anyone honestly tell me if he is the only one who doesn't go inline with the beliefs of Islam. The answer is NO..but many are there but they wouldn't dare speak up. At least he was honest and open. So let him live his life and best would be for some scholars to convince him and bring him back to his senses.

  30. If Nazim is given the death sentence for his lack of a religious belief then it would be the end of Maldives' reputation abroad. This in turn will be the beginning of the end of our tourism. Maybe "Muas MZ" and the Islamic Foundation can sustain the economy on goat herding alone.

    I call upon the international community to work towards freeing Nazim. He doesn't deserve death but rather a medal for his courage for publicly declaring his views on religion.

    I wonder what good it does to an Islamic society to force apostates to remain silent for fear of death. Wouldn't it weaken the Islamic character of such a society due to people having to pretend they are Muslims? Wouldn't it actually benefit an Islamic society to know for sure who is and who isn't a genuine believer? This can only be achieved by allowing freedom of/from religion.

    Let's see if the "champion of human rights" has got enough dedication to the cause of human rights. Each day Nazim is in prison is a black mark on President Nasheed and the UN HRC member Maldives.

  31. Dear Mr President and MDP team:

    1. This is a blatant broad day light violation of the right to freedom of expression enshrined in the constitution.

    2. Unless YOU take action on this - bring these political appointees to your office and give them a piece of your mind.

    3. As you very often say in your climate change speeches - if you don't act now, we will die - you are making one of the BIGGEST mistake of your presidency.

    4. I am demanding immediate release of Nazim who has been ARRESTED for expressing his view and his personal view - Come on! why ARREST? You can never arrest anyone for this. This is entirely wrong and unjust. Re-do this. Call up Shaheem and Abdul Majeed and tell them they are out of their mind to demand investigation on this. Call Faseeh and tell them they cannot arrest him.

    5. Explain to us why your govt's Islamic Min is not implementing your plan and why you are silent on this.

  32. if nazim went to a religious scholar and he asked questions because he has not been able to believe in religion... majority wants him killed...

    did he ask this question for majority?


    Did he ask this question for his own knowledge?


    i ask the majority... do you believe that Muslim women should dance in front of men... it is very clearly said in Quran that they are not allowed to...

    i want to ask you so what makes a Muslim woman in the Maldives such as niuma or people like rani group, who is publicly dancing and it is also broadcasted in national TV... people in national TV make programs to support musicians to models to keep modeling?

    i asked this question to my islam teacher too when i was in aminiya.. years back.. he said its not allowed to do so i asked him why does Maumoon Abdul Gayoom bring all the aminiya students and other school students on independence day to dance in front of him?

    you know what... My teacher got so pissed out that he kept me out of the class for the rest of the period... and also at that time i was one of the students who was involved in the independence day dance

    women dancing in front of stranger (men), which is according to quran and prophet mohamed is "haraam" but it is not haraam in this 100 percent muslim exactly how are we a hundred percent muslim country... i am so confused???

    anything we do against religion(haraam things) will make us non muslim?
    or do we have to lie and say oh i am a muslim while drinking and dancing to be a muslim??

    now dont tell me we are 100 percent moderate muslims because we all know every single one in this country is not!! There are groups within groups to groups with in groups with different beliefs in one single religion... and it goes on and on!

    i dont even know what to believe in now... government? NGO, sheik fareed... ali rameez..bilal..naik etc etc... who are these people... why do i have to believe in them.. why cant i just believe in my self just like nazim did.

    is it so wrong to do so??

    If this government takes the citizenship rights of nazim or puts him to jail.. it means the government, human rights commission, Islamic ministry are all hypocrites.. and this country should not be given any opportunity in places like Geneva conventions, human rights,common wealth, or any other climate round tables to speak on behalf of whats right and wrong for the world.

    ISLAMIC LAW OF MALDIVES NEEDS REFORM... and if parliamentarians, judges and lawyers don't know how to do so in my opinion they should all give their resignations.

  33. I have to tell you giving the death penalty is the right way, what He (Nazim) has done is a big mistake. now lot of terrorists eyes are on Maldives because of what he said. sooner or later there will be blood shed and bombs!.

    so i pray to god and i wish and i hope even more than my life to give this guy his deserved DEATH PENALTY!!

    even if that has to do with me dying with him! i don't want maldives to be screwed up over this guy! he is lame and stupid! he needs to be killed or burned alive!

    100% muslim we stand 100% muslim we die

  34. If everyone on earth was born muslim shouldnt we kill all christians and people? btw zakir naik is just another mullah! except hes in a suit! These bearded idiots should go back to saudi!!

  35. Let us support hameed who was clear that we should not make a hero out of this lunatic…why we care if he choose to go to hell!Hameds idea should be respected.If he has chosen to go it his way, it is between him and Hs creator.
    If the woast comes, take him like a lunatic.Would you kill a lunatic.
    Let ours be to teach and to continue teaching people about the prettiness of Islam and we leave them to decide.
    They should have not even bothered to arrest him unless if they were rescuing him from our Muslim brothers who could not tolerant his denial of Islam. Let us use the resources and energy we have on educating those willing than speeding it by arresting people like Nazim.The only thing I can go for is to plead with him to denounce the name Muhamad.


    Islam forever \m/

  37. I am a Maldivian Citizen and I am an ATHEIST. And there are many others,
    What nazim has done is very brave; and it is a reality that all maldivians should face - that Maldives has never been a 100% muslim country and never will.

    I call on the Maldivian Government to immediately free Mohamed Nazim.

    His human rights must be respected.

    The full force of the law must be applied to find and bring those who attacked him to account for their crime.

  39. now drp and mdp and even Parliament will make politics out of it and the extremists will make the best use of this opportunity to convince rather brain wash people that we need more extremist from abroad to come and preach how good its to do jihad or rather terrorism. Nazim i m proud of you. Im sure the barbarics would want to kill you but you ll be a free man soon.

  40. i think Nazim has a mental problem or else could be a deliberate attempt to destabilize the 11,000 strong crowed. there could be now more than 100s of non practicing Muslims in the Maldives. they can live peaceful in harmony as long as they keep their faith hidden.

  41. So who is a better scholar, these bunch of self-declared guardians of our religion Islamic Foundation or Zakir Naik?

    Zakir Naik explicitly said death penalty does not automatically apply in this case.
    The guy just asked a question.

    This country is not 100% anything, its impossible to make everyone believe in the same thing.

    I've even met a maldivian allergic to fish, one would have thought eating fish would be one of the most basics of being maldivian.

    The way to atleast interest him and others like him would be to show a compassionate and tolerant religion that Islam really is.
    Radicalism is going to push more people off religion.

  42. The whole issue makes Maldives -- and Maldivians -- look like a joke in front of a rational international community.

    Welcome to the sunny side of life!

    This Haveeru version also made me not so proud to be Maldivian:

  43. There are Many like Nazim ... There are many like Sheikh Ilyas , Majeed , shaheem ... IF our Religious Scholars are unable to convince a Non-believer to repent then thats their failure ... I thought Zakir would convince him with enormous knowledge and experience this zakir claims .....

    Or zakir could have done it later .. and it was his duty as a scholar to convince this nazim ... but zakir failed in his duty as a scholar and preacher ...

    I call upon all religious scholars to convince him the right way .... if they cannot we don't need them just for the sake of Huge Names and Certificates ..

  44. The PROBLEM is with these “Mullahs & Modernists”. THEIR aversion to each other & THEIR need to prove/establish THEMSELVES/THEIR views as the ABSOLUTE, ULTIMATE truths. Oh the hypocrisy & sheer irony (just how alike these two groups are, DESPITE their efforts to "dis-associate" with one another)!!! BUT WHAT ABOUT US-THE REST OF US?!?" The "average" Maldivians are unfortunately caught in the vortex of this hatred that these “philosophers” incite. I, for one, AM SICK to the core by their actions & words. Too many cooks spoil the broth-now this must be why they say “ignorance is bliss” 😉

    But seriously though, we must learn not to let these “Mullahs & Modernists” dictate our way of life for us. Sadly, the word “moderation” is highly underrated these days 🙁 Why do we feel that we must ONLY be at one extreme to get any attention/be taken seriously/lead a happy, “successful” life?!?

    That being said, I still have COMPLETE FAITH in US as a people (not especially as “individuals”). JUST STOP THINKING YOU ARE EITHER SUPERIOR OR INFERIOR TO OTHERS-WE ARE ALL EQUALS AS CITIZENS OF MALDIVES! Sometimes, we MUST put the COLLECTIVE ahead of the INDIVIDUAL. BEWARE of BOTH passive "non-conformism" & active "extremism"! I truly believe we could do so much better IF we CHOOSE to eliminate these self-appointed “factions” amongst ourselves.

    Good luck to us ALL!

    -Theduveri Dhivehi Dhariyeh-

  45. This news report is a blatant lie and nothing but sensationalism. Dr. Naik NEVER said death penalty if the apostate fails to repent. He said if the apostate starts attacking Islam after apostasy then in an ISLAMIC STATE he will deserve legal action.
    This is perfectly ok. I wonder why u want to sensationalize it and provoke people. This is really bad journalism.
    point number 1, NAZIM had no reason to come on the mic and ask for death. He was just crazy. So stop this kerosene journalism. Dr. Zakir give a good answer and even told the crowd to be patient. u ignore it completely. What sort of newspaper is this minivan news. Full of anti Islamic people.

  46. @Leena

    Agree. Force a child something to do, he will not do it. Ask him not to do something, he will do it. Makes me wonder whether Islamic Foundation guys are people at all. Were they ever children? Or were they Adult Robots Manufactured from Medina varsity?

    @hameed and Beyya

    Nazim is already a National Hero as the other Many Nazims also graciously pointed out. Why do YOU guys want to him strip of that basic right TOO?

    @Muaz Ms



    Dr. Zakir Naik clearly said death is not the punishment for apostasy.

    I do wonder why the Government wastes so many money from our Treasury to bring “unbelievers” like this to educate Maldivians.

    @Wine Lover

    Let me also add a prayer to all our unsung Maldivian Ancestor Heroes : the thousands of Buddhist Maldivians and non-Buddhist Maldivians (who refused to convert to Islam) who were systematically murdered to achieved “100 percent whatever status” and put in traditional bodu jaadi and other mass graves we now rosily call Historical Sites.

    @Ahmed Anony

    Awesome video, for a sex predator. Do we have any more of those Educational Videos in Arabic Mercy Syllabus 101? Or Middle-Eastern Suppressed Homoerotic Violence for Dummies and Sissies?


    Why are your rights bothered? Did Nazim’s declaration of apostasy send a PHYSICAL ARMED WEAPON that destroyed your property, killed a loved one of yours or even maimed you in any way?


    If they did, all Maldivians today will be missing a limb or two. What a sight that will be! Shawn of the Dead anyone? You don’t want Maldives to transform from Heavenly Paradise into the Land of the Walking Dead, do ya! Would made a good production studio location for Hollywood’s blockbusting Horror film shootings.


    Your defense of your personal religion will always be weak for those who don’t accept your personal views of your personal religion. I mean to say you might like rabbits and I might like German Shepherds.

    Are you an INDIVIDUAL by the way?


    What gives YOU the right to demand Nazim to emigrate? Why can’t NAZIM also demand that you go to Afghanistan and herd goats?

    However, you are still right about Arabs using Islam as a weapon to sustain their Anarchy and Aristocracy over the ordinary masses of the Middle East. So I’m going to let you off lightly this time.


    They drink vodka like water? Let's hang Captain Haddock first cos he never drank water in his whole life.

    If anyone drinks vodka like water, let them die in their vomit. Who are we to judge?


    You sound like an idiot who thinks that your Identity changes every time Time Zone also changes its new stocks and arrivals once every six months.

    Did you work as a Sales Promoter at the rival College?


    You seem right. I would go a step further and take the real action that Islamic Sharia law prescribes: Who ever calls for the killing of an apostate has to be punished for trying to close down all opportunity for the "apostate" to come back to Islam. Who knows? Nazim may even repent on his death bed. We know of many cases where on death bed many people realize the Truth in their Final Moment and they say "Laailaaha Illalloahu" before their Last Breath leaves from their nostrils.

    @Dhivehi Dhariyeh and Maldivian Buddhist

    Constitution says that Islam shall be the religion of the STATE. There is no clause that all Maldivian citizens have to be Muslims. The Constitution says that any "foreigner" who want to "belong to Maldives society has to convert to Islam first."

    One could understand why the Clauses are like that. We have been more or less a homogeneous society and the people then were afraid there might be disharmony. But now that the Maldivians are ready to be part of the global community, what with no money in our Treasury and this Climate Change horror coming along, isn't time we revert back and practice the real Islamic stand of tolerating other religions and even apostates.

    I have to say I have to agree that Maldives would have been much much better if our Ancestors had remained Buddhist. They wouldn't harm a fly.


    The Islamic Foundation of Dhivehistan sounds like a watered-down version of the Nazi Party. Islam at gunpoint? Hitler would have been proud and would have recruited you in thousands.


    I would go a step further and take the risk of expressing a personal opinion. My personal opinion is that all religions are made by people who had good intentions for their people at a time when they were desperate cos there were no answers cos they had not yet discovered the Scientific Methodology.

    I think God more or less left things after Creation, to Evolve in the way it's meant to be, and we can only Play Along to His Will.

    He gave us a brain and since Destiny is always written, He is just sitting there without interfering in our Universe.

    Therefore, the only people He will approve of in the End is the people who tried to maintain Balance of Nature and Life.

    That's my Personal Opinion by the way. I may be wrong. Who knows. Who cares.

    Organizations like the Islamic Foundation are working against Nature by infecting human minds with anti-social SOFTWARE.


    I couldn't believe it too. An "apostate" "under investigation" and "under arrest" and even "court order extended" under the First Liberal Democracy under the First Democratic President under the First Rayyithun-Ge Government in Maldives' 4,000 year old history.................. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    ...ah... where was i? ... before signing off,


    Your Teacher sounded more like a Maumoon-Agent to me.

    Hypocrisy will be Maldivians' UNDOING.

    I could give you something to believe in -- a Pink Floyd CD.

    Good night, Knights!

  47. I think Nazim has asked for trouble by acting the way he did. We all know religion is a passionate issue for Muslims in Maldives. If he is a non-muslim he should have acted as a non-muslim which is self preservation by all means as the 1st pillar.

    What is his purpose by declaring such a notion in such an event. I can understand a man of faith doing illogical things by science but not by a man of no faith. He seems to be confused and lost (possible psychiatric condition) and need to be helped. I also blame recent religious scholars for creating an atmosphere of compulsion that is making people angree towards the religion. Not everybody can easily dislike the twisted scholars but still love the religion itself.

  48. Next thing that will happen will be Nazim will seek asylum in a country that is sympathetic to him.


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