The Ministry of Islamic Affairs has unveiled sweeping new regulations governing religion in the Maldives, to be published in the government’s gazette and made law under the Religious Unity Act of 1994.
State Minister for Islamic Affairs Sheikh Shaheem Ali Saeed said the new regulations had been produced with the assistance of the Attorney General Husnu Suood and the Maldives Police Service, and would be instrumental in curbing extremist ideologies in the country.
“The Islamic Ministry and the Government of the Maldives strongly support international concern about terrorism,” Shaheem said. “This why at the Islamic Ministry we are doing our best to work together with groups like the MNDF to make sure our country is peaceful.”
Key to the new regulations is the creation of a board with representatives from the Islamic Ministry, the Education Ministry, the Maldives College of Higher Education, the Fiqh Academy, police, NGOs, Maldivian religious scholars and licensed lawyers.
“Their job is to give advice to the Islamic Ministry and the government about how to make religious policy in the Maldives, and how to control these ideas,” Shaheem explained.
“For example, if we want to cancel a scholar’s license, first we will submit the problem to the board and the board will investigate and determine if it should be cancelled. Previously if a minister or the President of the Supreme Islamic Council could just cancel it, and it’s not good to have all the powers in one hand. We need to share it with NGOs and especially the Maldives police, because they have a lot of intelligence about international problems.”
He said he wished to thank “the international community, the President’s Office, the Maldives Police Service and the Maldives National Defense Force for their assistance and input [with the new regulations].
Shaheem noted that the new rules would require private organisations or civil society associations to seek the ministry’s approval before organising sermons by foreign scholars, and added that it was particularly strict concerning the issuing of fatwas (religious edicts) by individuals.
“Individuals issuing fatwas can be very dangerous and increase the level of extremism and terrorism,” Shaheem said.
The new regulations would also restrict the content of public speeches, in that “when a scholar gives speech he must respect both men and women, and he has no right to encourage aggression.”
Such talks could no longer be broadcast or telecast, he said.
New regulations in depth
The stated purpose of the new rules and guidelines is to “protect and maintain the age-old religious unity among Maldivians, eliminate problems that arise in society because of differences of opinion among scholars on religious matters, ensure that information provided to the public on these issues of conflict does not lead to division and strife, provide the opportunity for religious scholars to raise awareness on religious issues among the public, institute an advisory board to the Ministry of Islamic affairs and designate its functions and responsibilities.”
Clause 4 states that the regulations shall be enforced by the Islamic Ministry and authorises the ministry to delegate enforcement of provisions to other parties, while remaining the country’s highest authority on issuing rulings on religious matters.
Moreover, the ministry shall be empowered to issue “official fatwas” concerning issues on which scholars disagree, based on the Qur’an, the Prophet’s Hadiths, consensus among scholars and after considering “the social traditions of the country.”
Under the regulations, the president shall institute an advisory board in consultation with the Islamic Ministry to offer counsel and assistance in enforcing the regulations, including advising the ministry on revoking or suspending licenses issued to religious scholars.
The board shall also advise the ministry on ordering the relevant government authority to take action against “threats to religious unity”, recommend changes to policy, laws and regulations.
The Islamic Ministry will determine the composition of the board and assume its secretariat post.
To be eligible for the board, members must have at least a bachelors degree in either Islamic studies or Shariah law from an institution or university accepted by the Maldives government, while one of the three Islamic Ministry representatives on the board shall be elected as the chair.
Once the regulations are enforced, the Islamic Ministry will issue licenses for religious scholars to preach and deliver sermons.
The criteria for issuing licenses requires that the scholar be a Sunni Muslim of 25 years of age with a degree in Islamic studies from an accredited University.
Moreover, scholars who have been convicted of either a crime with a punishment prescribed in the Quran or of corruption, bribery, sexual assault or a drug-related offence shall not be eligible.
For scholars without the requisite qualifications, the ministry can issue licenses based on the board’s recommendation and the scholars’ experience and contributions to religious knowledge.
Further, foreign scholars must be mindful of Maldivian culture and tradition in delivering sermons or providing counsel.
Meanwhile, the guidelines for issuing fatwas requires that it conform to the Sunni sect and should not be in conflict with the consensus of Islamic scholars. Fatwas can only be issued in line with the Fiqh academy of the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC), the European Council for Fatwa and Research, the Egyptian Darul-Ifthaqil, Azhar University, the Maldives’ Islamic Fiqh academy, and the Rabiyathul Aaalamil Islamic Fiqh Academy.
Once the regulations are published in the government gazette, it will be illegal to promote personal views on matters where there is a difference of opinion among scholars.
Sermons should not contain language that “encourages violence” or could lead to “conflict, quarreling and antagonism among the people”.
Moreover, it will be illegal to either telecast or broadcast sermons that “encroaches on the rights of a person based on gender” in opposition to Islamic principles.
It will also be illegal to preach other religions, and disseminate information on “culture and traditions” of another religion in a way that could “engender admiration for it” or build places of worship for religions other than Islam.
Clause 30(d) states it will be illegal to preach a religion other than Islam “through any medium” or disseminate information on another religion in a way that could “draw people’s interest and attention”. Publication and distribution of religious literature translated into Dhivehi will be illegal.
The ministry will also be empowered to order the deportation foreigners “suspected with sufficient evidence” of preaching or proselytizing other religions.
However clause 22 of the regulation states that providing information about other religions for academic purposes, official research or lectures for the purpose of comparison with Islam will now not be illegal. Moreover, the protection and preservation of ancient relics would be exempt from the regulations.
It will remain illegal for licensed broadcasters to air programmes, advertisements or music that either “insult or denigrate Islam”, in line with article 27 of the constitution, which allows for free expression except where that expression contradicts the tenets of Islam. Clause 35(b) of the new regulations explicitly states that internet websites and blogs shall not be exempt from this.
“There are two sides to extremism,” Shaheem explained, “including the extreme irreligious side. Some people are saying their own opinions about the Qur’an and and our beloved Prophet’s (PBUH) sunnah; it is not allowed for anyone to say whatever he wants to.”
It will furthermore be illegal for local businesses or companies to make announcements or publish advertisements with content that is “contrary to Islamic codes of conduct or behaviour.”
Religious subjects may only be taught in the country with authorisation from the relevant government authority, which has to approve the curriculum and syllabus.
The regulations will also make independent or breakaway prayer congregations illegal and subject to police action.

I'm not sure that I fully understand this... it is illegal to disseminate information that could make people interested in another religion, but it is not illegal to provide information about other religions for academic purposes and lectures in comparative religion... so long as you are not interested in what you are studying?!
Another attempt to control Islam as we have known it, and to spread Saudi funded Wahhabism!
thank you mohamed shaheem ali saeed.
"Fatwas can only be issued in line with.. the European Council for Fatwa and Research, the Egyptian Darul-Ifthaqil, the Saudi people..."
Are you SURE this is translated correctly?? The "Saudi PEOPLE"?? I say enough is enough on your distortions. This will be a good test to see if this is reported fairly... once the regulation is gazetted, we can read it for ourselves and find out the mistranslated portion here!! I know for a fact that the actual regulation would not say so. Probably would refer to their relevant institution on the matter too.
The Islam that your know is not Islam - it's Sufism. Sufis worship God through a 'gaburu'.
'Thaveedhu de Nadhuru de Mauloodh-
Ads which are contrary to Islamic codes of conduct and behavior? So, pretty much any new Le Cute ad is going to be banned huh? Music that is not in keeping with Islamic principles?
Most of the scholars do not believe that there is a dynamic variety of traditions within the Muslim world. Instead, they continually advocate that there is only THEIR way of believing in God. Who is it that will decide if an ad is appropriate? Who will decide if a blog is insulting?
We are supposed to rejoice because now there will be regulations that do not demean a gender. These regulations regulate freedom of speech in every aspect of our society - in the name of Religious Unity. A Religious Unity that was destroyed years go when scholars started advocating an Islam that is inconsistent with our culture and heritage.
This so called "board." It sounds a lot like the beginnings of what eventually became the Guardian Council in Iran. You know, the theocratic rulers that ended up corrupting and destroying Iran's movement for democracy.
I've met with many Iranian Democrats. Many who helped Khomenini's group overthrow the Shah. And you know what they all say? "If I had known then what I know know, if I had known that our efforts was going to be used to bring about Theocracy, we would have never tried to overthrow the Shah. We would have never fought for democracy." (Abbas Milani)
I will not accept Salafi Based ideologies as the only acceptable Islam. And no board is going to tell me the right way to practice Islam. (I'm sure the nuts on the other side of the Islamic spectrum feel the same way).
Whats this wahhabism??? And how are they going to control stuff in Maldives? Are all those agencies mentioned following this so called wahhabism?
This is a win for Maldivian NON believers.
on what ground does Prophet’s (PBUH) sunnah became a concrete platform of our ideology? Quran never stated sunnah should be a point of reference. Beside quran which is the best book, why should we go for "second best"?
Sunnah will never be a protected by divinity like Quran.
Brilliant plan by the Mullahs to consolidate all the power under the 'Ministry', and silence all dissent.
In one fell swoop it has made it illegal to express ones thoughts, criticize the religion exploiting politicians, and destroy the religious traditions of the Maldives with their strict, salafi rigid 'Islam'.
Will Maldivians wake up NOW before the country turns into another theocracy?
This is a good start.. But I wonder how conservative Adaalath or the Ministry is. I remember when this government came into power the Minister stating that photography is Haram. He went to the extent of web censorship and even bannig Airtel for the gains of a businessman...
If this is not a mind game by Adaalath this could define the future of religious unity and peace in Maldives. If Salaf and Adaalath is working together this might as well be the end of peace..
Only time will tell.. I still don't trust Adaalath whose logo in on the banner of every islamic preaching that violates human rights.
Where is Muallah Majeed and Mullah Shaheem, when one of the largest Muslim population of the globe Nigeria and its Muslim leader is passed away due to a battle of long illness. Why cant this so called 100% Muslim country at least send a message of condolence to Muslim Nigerians. This shows the incompetency of the administration.
Perhaps the "Religious Unity Act of 1994", if just a Ministry can bring out such wide impacting laws specifically which can impede on free speech rights.
This is totally unconstitutional and these kind of laws should be made and voted into affect by parliament.
Perhaps the “Religious Unity Act of 1994″ needs to be amended, if just a Ministry can enact such wide impacting laws specifically which can impede on free speech rights.
This is totally unconstitutional and these kind of laws should be made and voted into affect by parliament.
I would think the majority of Maldivians would oppose this proposed regulations
All has gone to plan.
Now, a new age of war will bless the land.
Let their murderous hordes come, let their race traitors in the police and the street gangs come.
We have fought once for freedom and liberty in the past; and we can do it again.
Another Iran-transformation scheme very wisely devised by Adhaalath and Salaf. I am ashamed to say that today, I am from Maldives.
Wonder how long before this comments section is deemed illegal.
Wonder how long before bands are banned from playing live. It'll be the metal bands at first, but wait for it, soon even Baaree will be deemed unislamic.
Wonder how long before bloggers start getting arrested.
I love how they're laying the foundations of suppressing free speech; all under the regime of someone who claimed to give it to us.
The President said it was the up to us to be moderate, but Mr. President, this is YOUR OWN MINISTRY making up these potentially disastrous regulations. NOT some outside force.
In short, real politicains should be in charge of various government ministries. Not pseudo-politicians cum mullahs. As such even the Ministry of
Islamic Affairs should be headed by politicians,not by mullahs in the guise of politicians,who do not have any mandate from the peopl,not even a single seat in the Majilis.These mullahs'agenda is to introduce so called Islamic Extremism, Wahhaabism and ultimately Talibanism into Maldives. Islam is not any of these. It is a religion of moderation,accomodation and peace. So Mr. President dont let these mullahs have there way and allow them to radicalize our nation in the name of Islam.The former leader Maumoon for whatever his short commings did not allow the mullahs to have their way.I fully support the regulations but the implementation and formulation should be left with politicians not with mullas whose real agenda is
introducng extremism and bringing into the country, people who call Americans, British, Indians and Saudis terrorists,to give religious fatwas.People with no religious education but only creating hatred and anger towards other religions.
heck on Thu, 6th May 2010 5:02 PM
Wahhabism, and its variously inspired kin such as the Salafis and in its most warped manifestation the Taliban, are NOT Islam. In fact, much of what they preach and practice is quite un-Islamic: particularly when dealing with women, their non-acceptance of multiple forms of devotion, their sitting in judgement of others, and their silencing of debate are totally against the teachings of the Prophet (PBUH), which they proclaim they are preserving.
What they represent, the ideology and practices they attempt to impose upon all Muslims, is a narrow-minded interpretation that neither captures the spirit nor the humanity of Islam. Unfortunately, they are particularly vocal and well-funded (courtesy of the “house of Saud”, the 19th century upstarts whose only legitimacy to the throne of Saudi Arabia is the fact that the British colonial empire so despised the Ottomans and in return for their support to fight the Ottomans, placed the Sauds in possession of Saudi Arabia and thus the sacred landscape of Islam).
Wahhabism’s claim to a “true” Islam is not based on an enlightened position, but rather intimidating, silencing, accosting, and berating any who speak and practice differently (as well as out-funding them in mosque building and out-maneuvering them in the placement of Imams). Rather, they attempt to enforce their virulent interpretations through intimidation and by erasing from the sacred landscape of Islam any symbols and historical markers that suggest a more humane, spiritual, and plural Islam.
Though the Wahhabis and Salifis claim to be going back to the lives of the first three generations of Muslims as the ideal of the perfect Islam, they have intentionally only selected certain aspects of that history to revive. They are practising selective revision, relying on narrow cultural interpretations that reinforce their patriarchic and misogynist views, redefining Islam in a manner that is un-Islamic.
Psh, these vaunted police have no real legal basis to arrest bloggers, freedom fighters or even the Minivan news crew; on the fact that these "changes" are unpatriotic - and even unislamic.
Ah, back to the good ol' days of war, back in 2004!. I feel young already!.
Shaheem is a kaffir apostate. This is an issue on which there can be no doubt. Muslims must just ignore this wicked deviant and continue with their dawa.
"To be eligible for the board, members must have at least a bachelors degree in either Islamic studies or Shariah law from an institution or university accepted by the Maldives government, while one of the three Islamic Ministry representatives on the board shall be elected as the chair." This is a scary thought and I wonder how having people on the board with the same educational background is going to achieve the desired objectives cited by this regulation.
I have serious doubts that Islamic Studies or Shariah law taught in Saudi Arabian, or for that matter even most Malaysian institutions, take into account the fundamental human rights aspects of women. So this Board will only confirm the status quo already existing in Maldives rather than changing anything positively.
If the President decides to accept this as it is, I don't see any reason why he should not have signed on to the local elections bill! This is a similar duplicity by Adhaalath Party this time!
so what happens when afrasìm n co come to power? Will baree n them accept that as the authority on islam? The self styled liberals are ok with state enforced islam as long as it is their prefered version. Self styled conservatives prefer state enforced islam as long as its their interpretation.
The only way around this tyranny by majority is to seperate religion from the politicians. Thats the only way to protect islam from corrupt politicians. Why are we purporting a policy that has resulted in religion being made a political tool by corrupt politicians all over the world. What is so islamic about that?
Totally support Mode's post. However, it is a very interesting fact that no wahhabees, salafis or any sort of these "true" muslims will deny that they are wahhabees or salafis. In their terms, such people don't exist in the Maldives. However, like I told a couple of them earlier, everytime I cross the road, there's a high possibility of seeing one. This bill being passed will be one of the biggest mistakes Nasheed's government will make, as they are taking away a lot of what people fought for. People voted for democracy and freedom, not suppression and extremism.
well played MoIA. i have to admit they are getting better at it day by day. give a couple of years, they will establish the first caliphat here. forget the democracy that Anni is shouting. here is what our country is headed.
Islamic Ministry will check and approve everything. authority is the truth, not truth the authority.
“The Islamic Ministry and the Government of the Maldives strongly support international concern about terrorism,” Shaheem said.
Isn't Islamic Ministry part of the government? or Does Shaheem consider it a separate entity over and above the government?
Besides who defines what Maldivian culture is? Could Ministry of Tourism, Arts and CUlture please bring out a regulation defining our 'culture and traditions' and have a board to determine what can be deemed 'culture and tradition' so that we can maintain our Maldivianness in face of this thinly disguised attempt by Shaheem and co and Arabising us.
This is not the change we voted for...
If the govt believes they r nothing without Adhalath, why not just say sorry we cant handle the responsibility and give the nation to be oppressed by Adhalath.
I find it quite funny that Shaheem has added little things about not attacking certain gender... guess it is their way of saying that they r not "extremists". Extremists r not just those who blow themselves up in the name of jihad...i wud have thought the new govt understands that much??
When they say...
"Once the regulations are published in the government gazette, it
will be illegal to promote personal views on matters where there is a
difference of opinion among scholars."
you know things r not going to go right with such declarations... When this act is gazetted what we have to believe is Adhalath's or Salaf's views....and they will act like priests...the mediator between Allah and us....except of course in Islam we r not supposed to have mediators... FEAR & INTIMIDATION is coming our way...not unity!!
totally agree with jenny.
Majority rules in a democracy.
Jenny,there are no limits to what majority is allowed to decide.It can decide laws with no respect for rights. It can pass laws against painting your house blue as easy as it can pass laws against murder.Democracy is potentially the most dangerous of the political systems.
Unlike such systems,Islamic Shariah provides tolerence.
Heinrich Graetz, a 19th century Jewish historian expressed how Islamic rule in Spain favoured the Jews in the context of kindness and liberty of belief, “It was in these favourable circumstances that the Spanish Jews came under the rule of Mahometans, as whose allies they esteemed themselves the equals of their co-religionists in Babylonia and Persia. They were kindly treated, obtained religious liberty, of which they had so long been deprived, were permitted to exercise jurisdiction over their co-religionists, and were only obliged, like the conquered Christians, to pay poll tax…”
Reinhart Dozy, an authority on early Islamic Spain, states with regards to Islamic tolerance, “…the unbounded tolerance of the Arabs must also be taken into account. In religious matters they put pressure on no man…Christians preferred their rule to that of the Franks.”
Ulick R. Burke, a prominent historian specializing in the history of Spain, reached a similar conclusion, “Christians did not suffer in any way, on account of their religion, at the hands of Moors…not only perfect toleration but nominal equality was the rule of the Arabs in Spain.”
Italian Rabbi, Obadiah Yareh Da Bertinoro, travelled to Jerusalem in 1486 CE and he wrote a letter to his father telling him about the country and its people under the Islamic Social Model, “The Jews are not persecuted by the Arabs in these parts. I have travelled through the country in its length and breadth, and none of them has put an obstacle in my way. They are very kind to strangers, particularly to anyone who does not know the language; and if they see many Jews together they are not annoyed by it. In my opinion, an intelligent man versed in political science might easily raise himself to be chief of the Jews as well as of the Arabs…”
Jenny and Aysha and Mode!
If you can interpret Islam go ahead and convince the people!
No one is modifying Islam here - Salafis and Wahhaabees as you call them try to live their life according to Quran and Sunnah.
It's the atheists and agnostics who believe that there is no hearafter are making life easy for them but harder for Muslims.
By the time the Muslims have captured the spirit of Islam as per your WHIMS! - then you look back and see another religion which has no problem in gay-marriage, evolution theory of Man, discarded Sunnah, annihilated five daily prayers, ignored Zakath, forgotten Hajj,exonerated fasting during Ramazan and sanctified Ribaa!
Such modified religion better be called Chislam - not Islam, and the adherents be called Idiots not Muslims!
That's it! I'm voting DRP for the local elections! Votes and staying in power is the only thing that matters to this president.
The Ministry's claim that once the rules are published on the government gazette shall it become law is questionable. It doesn't reserve the right to introduce these rigid rules which will have far reaching consequences. It should be the responsibility of Majlis to amend if necessary, the religious unity act of 1994. Adhaalaath Mullahs from the Islamic Ministry have in the past attempted to curtail people's freedom in the past. Their attempt to ban Airtel was a huge embarrassment. Their plan to make a new TV channel by using Zakkath fund has yet to materialize. All the top officials of Ministry are of Taliban style ideology. They exploit their seats to promote their party which is nothing other than corruption.
Anni: This is the part where you run away..
Minivan news laadheenee fikuru fathuranee
islam has never been a religion of oppression. It was revealed as a liberation to the people. As such it teaches respect and tolerance for people with other beliefs. It is only the corrupt politicians who use it as a political tool for oppressing people. It is not against given liberty to choose ones religion. So why is that most self labelled scholars are against giving religious freedom?. One need look no further than the constitution of medina to see how it protects peoples rights. So it has become necessary to protect islam from these corrupt politicians. The way to do it is to remove their power over religion.
democracy is pretty dangerou without a constitution that protects fundamental rights. A lot more work has to be done to ensure that. We seem to be walking to removing those rights and freedoms rather than protecting them.
@Yamin, Anony, and other blind followers. piss on your pants!
Adhaalath played game well. First rumors of building temple, protest against legalizing alcohol in hotels build on islands and now personal blogs against their views. Who knows what next?
find something else to keep you occupied rather than addressing on baseless topics. keep your people in unity act.
Agree with Ayya, it is now becoming really confusing and hard to find any closure in the Maldivian identity to which I am supposed to belong to. Before it was a feeling of love and beauty, of pride and security, of blessed surroundings and bright smiles everywhere I looked around, but now its gradually morphing into this vague, intolerant, frightening, empty, dark feeling...
IF ONLY, for god sake if only, the Adhaalath and the Wahhaabis and the Salafis and the whole lot would turn to that enlightening piece of history (ref to shiru.musthafa notes) to find comfort in..
Ahh..maybe in another time or perhaps another world where aliens existed! We Maldivians are not so lucky after all with all this Democracy, Freedom, Human Rights, Justice, Love for one another mumbo jumbo. Just wait and see, this is only the tip of the cold iceberg we are about to hit... soon.
Shiru, you're so busy maglining democracy, while you claim that your religion is love.
You're a joke.
We have seen the cruelties inflicted on innocents the world over in the name of Islamic Sharia. If it means taking up arms to fight against the talibanization of the Maldives, then we are quite willing to do so.
But you're welcome to stay behind; only true patriots who love their nation and their people will dare to stand against this new, powerful group of oppressors - and those who do are the greatest and most noble among the people.
Religion is not a solution to anything in this world. Religion is the main cause of all conflicts we have in this world. We are living in a virtual world where you can't see the creator. Our creator is helpless,instead we have to protect him or her thinking that he or she will punish us if we don't attack anyone who insults him or her. Our creator can't even send a simple fax or a mail to his followers. So what a funny life we have in this vitual world?
Yasin Fikry, we know that you expect us to run, but no; our resolve to win liberty has doubled.
And there's no need to extol on your sick fantasies here. This is not the place to fantasize about them.
Adam Smith, the 18th Century founder of modern economics whose picture is printed on the current £20 note, was exceedingly inspired by the Islamic method of governing.
He proclaimed that ‘...the empire of the Caliphs seems to have been the first state under which the world enjoyed that degree of tranquility which the cultivation of the sciences requires. It was under the protection of those generous and magnificent princes, that the ancient philosophy and astronomy of the Greeks were restored and established in the East; that tranquility, which their mild, just and religious government diffused over their vast empire, revived the curiosity of mankind, to inquire into the connecting principles of nature.
Sixth Element.
In the relatively short history of secularism the following massacres have committed in the name of non-religious ideologies such a communism and social-Darwinism:
• 70,000,000 under chairman Mao
• 20,000,000 under Stalin
• 2,000,000 no longer exist because of Pol Pot
• 700,000 innocent Iraqi’s in the current occupation
• 500,000 Iraqi children in the 10 year sanctions
So it can be clearly seen above that war and conflict are not religious monopolies, rather they are human phenomena and not unique to religion.
When authority is given to radicals who consider themselves as prophets, they would obviously flex their muscles.
The struggle for power within the government have just tipped in favor of AP.
President, with all due respect.. Get your shit straight!! Keep your dog (AP) on a tight leash!
Thank you!
When we are sick we go to a qualified doctor. On legal matters and to interpret the constitution we seek advice of a lawyer. But amazingly when it comes to Islam everybody becomes an expert. what an irony!
@Anony, It's not me.
This can't be helped. Maldivians collectively lack a conscience for liberal causes. Adhaalath isn't the real enemy. They'll never win a majority of the popular vote and will probably never wield real coercive power.
The real enemy won a popularity award last week. He was clutching it like a proud 10-year-old - basking in adulation is what he lives for.
Gayoom had the Golhaa force. Adhaalath doesn't have a Revolutionary Guard to enforce these regulations.
The president (Anni) referred to Ahmed Waheed last week, a journalist who broke after seven months of torture in Gayoom's prisons. Maldivians don't seem to be bothered at all by the torture that went on under Gayoom. How can they be expected to respect freedom of conscience?