Letter on IGMH

Dear Editor,
It’s about time the government did something to improve the facilities and services at the IGM Hospital. My last visit to the place was a nerve racking experience and the place is clearly overloaded with patients. The ER looks more like its dealing with a disaster. There are people along the corridor to the extended area and you can barely walk with the beds on both sides. On Saturday there were at least five women in labour waiting for the doctor or a place in the labour room. Three patients that were supposed to be put into ICU were left in ER due to the ICU being full. There were no rooms available and the wards were full. The corridor leading up to the laboratory smelled of s**t and I’m not s***ing you.
The mismanagement of the past regime is visible but now it reflects very badly on the current goverment. The hospital has been largely ignored by the democratic sarukaaru [government]. While privatisation was announced just last week, I for one don’t think that the place can handle the current numbers. All the doctors look tired and overworked. Health Minister Aiminath Jaleel is clearly not a capable choice. Yes, we know that the former goverment was corrupt, it didn’t care about the people – that’s why we elected you to govern. Be the change that you promised, no more sick leaves.
Aishath Maleesha
