I totally agree on the importance of women’s contribution to our economy and our job market.
So, let me share my experience. I have noticed that the practiced rules and procedures for employees do not encourage women to work.
If one looks at a working woman who requires no-pay leave for a short intensive course, leaving behind her young child with an expatriate baby-sitter, it’s not a difficult thing. But if a woman requests no-pay leave due to a problem with her child – for instance, if it is suffering from being severely underweight and no one is available at home to take care of the child, she has no choice other than to resign from her job. This means the existing rules and procedures for employees are encouraging the importing of a baby-sitter for each and every woman working in this country.
I think this is a serious issue that has to be addressed without any delay. Why has a concept like day care centres not been set up? I have noticed there is a Hulhumale’ ferry service for those living in Hulhumale’ to go to Male’ for their work. Also there is now a bus service between Hulhumale’ jetty and various locations of Hulhumale’.
I take interest in the issues, hidden and untold, and I thought I would try to bring this important issue to all concerned to comment on.
Mohamed Saeed
All letters are the sole view of the author and do not reflect the editorial policy of Minivan News. If you would like to write a letter, please submit it to editorial@minivannewsarchive.com

Agreed that women should be supported in the workplace but I for one would not like my children to be put into day care. There is widespread abuse going on in establishments run by the government and in our schools, in some cases even by the teachers. We read everyday about child abuse and rape, So who would be responsible for keeping a watchful eye on those who care for our children?
Maybe we should start by making people more accountable for their actions and punish those who carry out illegal acts against children.
Then we can introduce laws that encourage, support and protect women in the workplace-in other countries this is called 'equality'-, as women do contribute a great deal to the workforce and the economy.
What about men helping out and doing their fair share of housework? Maldivian men expect their share of household chores to be outsourced to foreigners. No wonder so many Maldivian women are marrying Bangladeshi workers. They are aren't lazy like the locals.
Being a mother having exactly this problem, I feel that if some Day Care Centers with qualified Baby-sitters are set up instead of importing an unqualified baby-sitter for every working woman shall be much better.
There should be penalties and punishments and of-course they should be enforced so that all the people living in this country shall be aware of and be careful. Now what's happening is we all know that nothing will happen even if we abuse a child or commit any crime. We know very well even if one is taken to Police later shall be released because we have an outdated Judiciary that often work in apparent cases by saying not enough EVIDENCE!!!! Criminals are requested to do crimes with appropriate evidences so that our Judiciary shall provide Justice!!!!
I suggest that we go back to old working hours. Women should be able to work. When Velaanaage was built there was a talk of 12th floor being allocated for a childcare Centre. When working hours was changed many women had to bring child minders from neighboring countries. I feel Government will spend less on electricity phone etc. if we go back to old working hours at least if the Government wants women’s participation in the countries development.
For the love of god DO not give ideas to a beardee. they would immediately set up a 'child care' centre to gather up children, like the quran classes, and abuse them.
And select their 11 year wife as well.
Child care centre must be very well managed not to let beardee pedophiles in.
Not only beardees!!! even if one without a beard should not be given a chance to abuse a child or any crime...
Ali, did u see any enforcement work in progress when u walk around or travel around the country??? If someone asks me if I saw anything written that are not allowed or prohibited, I would say YES. But one asks me if I saw any enforcement work like implementing a penalty or punishment, I must say NO. Not even a traffic violence was punished other than giving a sticker for parking where people have no place to park their vehicles. I think our enforcement must not make money by simply giving stickers because the Police or the City Council officers can easily make money by doing their duties properly like by not ignoring those young boys keep violating the traffic rules as a habit daily and all the times
I am managing a child day care center for last two years. CUDDLE CARE DAY CARE CENTER.Presently I am looking after 35 kids 6months -5 years,most of the kids spend 7 hrs per day under our care. it has been noted that most mothers of our children serve as senior executives in the govmt. inc. nurses, teachers, lawyers,.There are 8 experience mothers as helpers and 2 qualified pre- school teachers at Cuddle Care to attend the kids while they are at Cuddle Care .
Giggles care located in Chaandhaneemagu is a newly opened child day care center owned by a well qualified Teacher and a Nurse. By profession, owners are a senior staff nurse with a masters degree in Nursing and a well qualified and experienced teacher with Diploma in primary teaching. Gigglescare is a child friendly place with an small open play ground where children loves well planned indoor and out door activities. Child's safety and quality of care is our main priority.
Although our working hours are from 7.15am to 3.30pm, we provide care when ever parents need it till 10pm.
During the care hours, nurse, three teachers and five experienced helpers will be providing care keeping in mind, that the time kids spent in Giggles care is a unique learning experience which will enhance both kids and parents life.
We can be reached at- 00960 7916222 or visit our facebook page- https://www.facebook.com/gigglescare?ref=hl#!/gigglescare/info
Email- gigglescare@hotmail.com
Our location- Ma. Vinafehi, Chaandhanee magu (Near Redbee)
Our fb new page is:https://www.facebook.com/pages/Giggles-care/530845433646622?ref=hl
Pls keep following our new page.