Letter on non-Muslim places of worship

Dear Editor,
It seems rather ridiculous to me that the President has called for a ‘religious ruling’ over the proposal to ban places of religious worship for non-Muslims.
While the constitution refuses to recognise non-Muslim Maldivians, so it rather obvious that any places of worship would only cater to foreigners residing in our country. (Just like they let us worship in their countries)
The petty, narrow-minded and rigid stance adopted by our parliamentarians in denying others the rights that they covet for themselves is going to set a very bad example indeed.
What will be the ramifications when word goes out to foreigners that they will not be respected or treated with dignity in our country?
What does it do to the reputation of the country among well wishers in other countries? And what indeed will such a petty move do to the image of Islam as a tolerant religion?
Similarly, the move to deny non-Muslim workers the Ramzan benefits and bonuses.
Will such a move raise the image of Islam, or demolish it among non-Muslims? It seems our leaders are bent on promoting the negative stereotype of intolerant fanaticism, rather than showing the better aspects of our religion, civilization and culture.
Our parliamentarians need to get their priorities right, and stop fooling the people. These are just loud debates they start to hide their overall incompetence in doing anything in the interests of our people.


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