Dear Brother,
I would like to bring your attention to an event, “Sounds of Maldives” planned to be held at Kuda Bandos on May 19, 2011.
I cannot understand why the Maldives Government banned discos organised for the New Year’s Eve celebrations in 2009 and now take no such action for such events that are contrary to Islam.
Sounds of Maldives could have been held in Male’, there is certainly some reason why the event is scheduled to be held out of Male’, youngsters can easily smuggle bottles of liquor in their backpacks to Kuda Bandos.
I strongly condemn this and ask you to call the Maldives Government to stop this.
Yours Faithfully,
All letters are the sole view of the author and do not reflect the editorial policy of Minivan News. If you would like to write a letter, please submit it to

Oh lighten up! Do you know how sanctimonious and boring you sound? Get on with your own life and stop telling the world how to live theirs in the name of whatever rubbish you choose to believe.
No, I can't think of a more diplomatic way to say this! If anything should be banned it's the word 'ban' as the answer to all the world's ills.
Yeah give it a rest bro...We seriously need an event like this to divert youth attention from our crippled economy and the slow regression of our State towards a dictatorship.
It's not religion stupid. Who gives a flying rat's hiney about whether or not we follow any of the stupid rules our Majlis sets and government sets for us. Anarchy man! Get with the drift.
You get wasted. Wake up with a bad hangover. Still, the economy is at the same state. Doesn't get any better by 'diverting your attention'. Who gives a flying rat's hiney about that?
Is Enaz related to anyone in Minivan?
and Enaz if you don't want to participate please stay away from Kuda Bandos and do something that pleases you. Problem solved.
it was your Islamic Ministry who banned the Discos.
'youngsters can easily smuggle bottles of liquor in their backpacks to Kuda Bandos'
why smuggle to Kuda Bandos when you can party in Male'.
Its meant for that purpose that people can taste all sweat and sour of the life. Those who wants good teaching they can join those who wants to consume alcohol they can do that do.
In male its bit risky so better option is Kuda Bandoos.
I have seen the devastating impact of alcohol on oppressed people and also believe ppl should not drink, but alcoholism, addiction is not THE problem, but a symptom of a deeper problem.
You see, I don't know who Enaz is, and there is not enough information in this letter to let me know whether Enaz's letter is good or bad.
Enaz, if your true motivation is because you care for your ppl'e health, then I am with you one hundred percent.
But if you are seeking some kind of a moralistic, self righteouss Holier Than Thou power trip, then sniff my smelly armpits! As that kind of self righteouss, uncaring, power trip is the reason that Maldivians are so oppressed, feel so uncared for, misunderstood and therefore become so violently, selfishly hedonistic. It is, vengeance, narcisism breeds narcisism.
So, if you are writing this because you care, well, you are a hero, if not, you are contributing to the problem you profess to be against.
Dear messenger Enaz,
Thanks for your concern, but it's not needed here. Why don't you go to Afghanistan and take over Bin Laden.
I have seen the devastating impact of alcohol on oppressed people, the Irish, and Australian Aboriginal Communities. Due to the suffering I have seen, I also believe ppl should not drink if they have very serious social issues, as, when there is deep pain in a person, alcohol often brings it to the surface.
Alcohol related problems are symptoms of a deeper problem.
Enaz, if your true motivation is because you care for your ppl’e health, then I am with you one hundred percent.
But if you are seeking some kind of a moralistic, self righteouss Holier Than Thou power trip, then sadly, I cannot agree with your approach. As that kind of self righteouss, uncaring, narcisistic power trip done in the name of Religion is the reason that Maldivians are so oppressed, feel so uncared for, misunderstood and therefore sometimes become hedonistic.
It is survival, one has to become selfish to retain a sense of self if they are bullied, as they have to fight for their own emotions to be stopped from drowning under the pressure of repression.
One coping mechanism is to drown your pain with drugs and alcohol.
However, has actually BANNING alcohol ever stopped it? I have never seen it work. It is so easy to smuggle.
So, Enaz, let's think of ways we can help people not to hurt themselves using alcohol through means other than banning it. I am thinking of counselling.
So, if you are writing this because you care, well, I am with you, but, if not, then perhaps it is possible that you are contributing to the problem you profess to be against.
Hey Fools!!!!
Kuda Bandos and Resort Islands are not considered as Inhabited Islands and that's why such events are organized there.
If it's still difficult for Enaz to differentiate Inhabited and Uninhabited islands, please feel free to call me on my mobile +919191919191919191919
Hehehe may be sometimes it's difficult to get through but keep trying my nice number
Are you off your mind???your comments seems too much immature.Please show your intelligence by posting some knowledge full comments and not funny jokes.Please grow up.
It's not about alcohol.
There are many young Maldivians out there who just want to have FUN (coz Adhaalath lectures are not for everyone).
It's about FUN, ENJOYMENT.
If you don't like it, just stay away from such events, but writing on Minivan that the Government should stop this is inappropriate.
Your desires can't count for the whole country. Everyone is different. Just don't attend.
Dear Enaz, none of us are stopping you from NOT going to a DJ. nobody is promoting Discos for people who do not believe in it.
here is the thing, what you are asserting is that the rest of us are ignorant, stupid and grossly misinformed, which also means that you somehow know so much better how free individuals should lead their lives. Live your life and let others live thiers.
Enaz, you're invited to my DJ. I shall inform the authorities if you do not attend.