Letter on wind farm

Dear Editor,
Looking deeper into the parties signed up to partner with the government for the wind farm project in Gaafaru, I am extremely pleased to know a global company such as General Electric has taken an interest in the project. However, I have failed to find out any trace of the other partner “Falcon Energy” on the internet. This certainly does raise some eye brows considering Falcon Energy’s pivotal role in a USD 200+ million energy project in the Maldives with GE.
So i decided to investigate and here is what i have found out so far.
There are two companies called Falcon Energy.
(1) Falcon Energy (UK) http://www.falconenergy.co.uk/
Is a company that checks “air tightness” and smoke tests. I immediately ruled this company out!
(2) Falcon Energy Group (SEG) www.falconenergy.com.sg/
An offshore marine and oil and gas company. I was pleased to see this company and was glad to know that it had taken an interest. But as i dwelled further, i found out that the CEO is not the man we saw on TV – Danny Boutin – who was introduced as the CEO of Falcon Energy at the function. See organisational chart of the real Falcon Energy
Secondly, I noticed that the logo of both companies are not the same, the logo of Falcon Energy that i saw in Maldives had a picture of a Falcon on top of the typography. This Falcon Energy had the letter FEG for Falcon Energy Group as its logo (no picture).
So I ruled this Falcon Energy out as well with disappointment and started looking into who Danny Boutin was.
So who is Danny Boutin?
Doesn’t he look familiar and muscular!
But then it gets very mysterious, I was googling in various combinations, and when I searched for “Danny Falcon Energy” I came up with this result for a one “Danny Broughton” not “Danny Boutin”
Notice his current workplace – FALCON OILFIELD SERVICES! what a freaky coincidence.
and then i went to Falcon Oilfield Services website


The logo of this company looks like a logo that could inspire the falcon logo that we saw on TV.
Of course none of this is substantial to make any sensational claims. But after reading and looking into all the above, I have grown a bit wary about Danny Boutin and his Falcon Energy.
It is very convenient to masquerade as a powerful energy company when its nothing but a shell company and it is very scary to think of the misappropriation that could perhaps take place when an investment of over USD 200 is involved with this “Falcon Energy” leading the project. Once again, i have nothing substantial, just a couple of minutes of googling, but i am no fool to be told that this “Falcon Energy” has handled over millions of dollars of projects earlier. If it had, there would be some credible trace on the internet.
My closing point being, i just wonder if the current government realise this and how much of due diligence has been done before such a big move is made with a virtually non-existent company.
