Polling day cancelled in the Maldives – “Irreparable damage to the state”, says EC

The Elections Commission (EC) was last night surrounded by special operations police with orders to take over the building and ballot papers and arrest officials, should it continue preparations for today’s scheduled presidential run-off election.

The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), which had urged its supporters to vote on the day, marched on the Supreme Court and was blocked by police and pepper-sprayed. Many resort workers also indicated they intended to go on “prolonged” strike should the polls be delayed.

The besieged EC finally declared last night that it was unable to hold today’s planned polls due to a lack of cooperation from the government, including from the police, Education Ministry, Finance Ministry and Home Ministry.

The commission also said its members and staff had received death threats and threats of arson attacks on ballot boxes should it go ahead with the election. It issued the following statement:

As article 111(a) of the constitution of the Republic of the Maldives states that if no candidate receives over 50 percent of the vote, a run-off election must be held within twenty one days after the first election, this commission announced on September 14, 2013 that the second round of the 2013 presidential election shall be held on September 28, 2013 and made all preparations necessary to hold the election on that date.

However, of the state institutions whose assistance the Elections Commission requires to hold the election, the Ministry of Education took restrictive measures and said it would not provide premises to place ballot boxes and release employees who work as election officials, the Ministry of Home Affairs said it would not offer cooperation and threatened to arrest commission members, and the Ministry of Finance Treasury said it would not release funds and imposed restrictive measures. Further, the Maldives Police Service said it would not cooperate and ceased providing security requested by the commission for the second round of the election. And Assistant Commissioner of Police Hassan Habeeb called the chair of the Elections Commission on the night of September 26, 2013 and warned that [police] would not allow the election to take place.

Furthermore, we note with regret that some political parties have threatened to set ballot boxes on fire and death threats have been made against Elections Commission members, staff, and officials involved in the voting process. As a result, Elections Commission members and staff have been plunged into a state of fear. The commission believes that this would also cause irreparable damages to the general public, the Elections Commission and the state.

The Supreme Court order 06/SC-SJ/2013 (September 26, 2013) instructed and ordered the security forces of the Maldives under article 237 of the constitution to immediately put a stop to any preparations by the Election Commission for voting in the second round of the presidential election held on September 7, 2013. And police have now closed the Elections Commission office to deny entry to members, staff and any outside parties.

As article 170(a) of the constitution which states the responsibilities and powers of the Elections Commission stipulates that it is the legal responsibility of this commission to ensure the proper exercise of the right to vote and [ensure that] all elections and public referendums are conducted freely and fairly, without intimidation, aggression, undue influence or corruption, and since the commission does not believe such an atmosphere presently exists in the Maldives, we announce that voting in the second round of the presidential election scheduled for September 28, 2013 has been postponed.

The election was suspended indefinitely by a Supreme Court order on Monday night (September 23), a decision that sparked global concern from international actors.

The court opened again at midnight on Thursday (September 26) after the EC indicated that it would go ahead with the polls as constitutionally mandated, and six out of seven justices ordered security forces to forcibly halt any election preparations.

Local legal experts have questioned the court’s authority to go against the constitution.

The stand-off ended late last night after the EC conceded that it would be unable to conduct the election without government support.

Police stated last night that they would allow EC staff to return to the building, but continued to cordon the area: “The decision to delay the second round of the elections made by the Commission might result in a negative reaction by individuals or groups who do not support the decision,” read a statement.

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8:20pm Protest crowd thins to around 200 people. MDP vice presidential candidate Mustafa Lutfi just voted in the demonstration’s faux-ballot box.

6:15pm Crowd at MDP reported to have grown to 400 people.

6:10pm Jumhoree Party (JP) Policy Secretary Mohamed Ajmal has said the party remains confident a new elected head of state will still be inaugurated on November 11, even if the Supreme Court decides to null the first round vote held on September 7.

Ajmal said that the JP was now waiting to see if the the Supreme Court decides to annul the election, in which it narrowly finished in third place, based on the party’s allegations of voter irregularities, before it looks to begin to re-start campaigning.

“We will always follow principals of law and don’t want to see fighting or instability in the country,” he said.

On the basis of recent concerns from international governments and local NGOs at the delayed vote, Ajmal said he the JP shared the PPM and MDP’s concerns about having an election as soon as possible.

“We would want election during the course of next month,” he said.

6:05pm Sun Online reports that a PPM campaign office in Male’ was vandalised by a group of people early on Saturday morning.

According to Sun, windows and a television in the office were broken, and the walls splattered with paint.

An MDP office was also reported vandalised, with a glass front door smashed.

6:00pm Protesters have set up a desk in the middle of fareedhee magu with a plastic ballot box that people are voting into.

5:50pm – Haveeru reports police as stating that eight of the 10 MDP protesters arrested during yesterday’s protests remain in police custody.

Minivan News saw at least two demonstrators dragged through police lines and arrested, including DRP MP Mohamed ‘Colonel’ Nasheed. A Haveeru journalist was also arrested and reportedly taken to the Dhoonidhoo prison island, before being released four hours later.

5:45pm Protesters posting ballots into a cardboard ballot box described the Maldives as “Afghanistan, only the clothing is different.”

“We have no human rights. We don’t want tourists to come,we don’t want their dollars, it all goes to the businessmen & so called scholars that lead this coup,” another protester told Minivan News.

5:35pm TEAM Secretary General Mauroof Zaki confirms to Minivan News that two employees from Sun Travel’s Iru Fushi resort have been dismissed today.

5:32pm With the UK, EU, UN, US, Commonwealth, India, Canada and Australia all having expressed alarm this week over the Maldives’ sudden suspension of the second round of its ongoing presidential election, Tourism Minister Adheeb has downplayed suggestions tourism could be negatively impacted as a result.

Adheeb pointed to the Maldives government’s representation at the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group (CMAG) where the country explained its stance on the election delay.

“Our position was explained and taken well [by CMAG]. The real situation can be twisted. One party in the election has raised concerns about the voting process. A candidate has the right to go to the courts to address grievances,” he said.

“Even in the US, there has been a situation where the results of a presidential election were brought before the court.”

Adheeb called for media to provided what he called responsible reporting on the delayed vote in the Maldives.

5:28pm In an interview with Minivan News earlier today, Tourism Minister Adheeb raised concerns of international media coverage of proposed strike action predicting “travel misery” for UK tourists travelling to resorts, believing such reports were irresponsible.

He questioned media reports suggesting that there would not be workers to hand tourists cocktails as a result of strikes, arguing that reports were inaccurate and damaging to the nation’s reputation.

The comments were made after the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) launched the celebrations for World Tourism Day 2013 at the Kurumba Maldives resort yesterday (September 27).

5:23pm MDP protest now up to 200 people on Orchid Magu, shouting to police “Where is the underwear” (in reference to Justice Ali Hameed), and “Where is my ballot paper?”

5:00pm Tourism Employees Association of the Maldives (TEAM) Secretary General Mauroof Zakir was not responding to calls from Minivan News to confirm allegations in social media of resort staff being fired for political reasons.

4:40pm Around 60 people at MDP protest. Around 20 police have cordoned off Orchid Magu as a handful of German tourists look on. The tourists explained to a Minivan News journalist that they were unaware of reasons for protest, but were a little concerned about the prospect of violence.

4:21pm The Villa hotels group, which is owned by Jumhoree Party (JP) presidential candidate and prominent businessman MP Gasim Ibrahim, told Minivan News that its numerous resort operations in the country were operating as normal.

A spokesperson for Paradise Island Resort and Spa in North Male’ Atoll said the property did not have any comment regarding strike action on the property, while Villa’s Sun Island Resort and Spa said there had not been any strike action on the site.

Meanwhile, Royal Island Resort and Spa said that “everything was normal” at the property, with recent political developments in the country having no impact on operations.

4:16pm MDP Spokesman Hamed Abdul Ghafoor has said that the “way forward” will be resolved by the party’s National Council at Dharubaaruge conference centre, at 2pm tomorrow.

Former Special Envoy to Nasheed Ibrahim Hussein Zaki has been placed in charge of compiling the ‘roadmap’.

When asked about the likely duration of today’s protest, Hamed said specific details were as yet “unclear”.

4:08pm During recently concluded MDP National Executive Committee, Mohamed Nasheed talked of a roadmap for progress.

3:35pm MDP are to protest outside of the STO trade center at four o’clock today.

3:30pm With major international media outlets reporting on “political chaos has tarnished the Maldives’ image as a tranquil holiday paradise”, Khaleel said that a failure to resolve the ongoing election dispute was likely to lead to long-term negative impacts on the industry.

“Maybe we will not see these impacts directly, but a mutual solution has to be found,” he added.

Khaleel said that international media would ultimately have an important role in any efforts to “improve” the Maldives’ image going forward.

“I would ask everyone to still come here and enjoy the tourism experience without involving themselves in domestic politics,” he said. “Domestic politics should not impact resorts, we need to keep politics and the economy separate.”

3:30pm The Maldives Journalist Association (MJA) have called on police to not prevent journalists from covering MDP protests against the delayed presidential election’s second round. MJA’s statement released today expressed concern about restrictions placed on local media and noted that several reports of imminent attacks on various media outlets have been received. Additionally, a Haveeru journalist was arrested while covering Friday’s MDP protest for allegedly disobeying police orders, however media personnel and witnesses refuted the claims. The journalist was taken to Dhoonidhoo detention facility and tested for narcotics before being released.

3:26pm Maldives Association of Travel Agents and Tour Operators (MATATO) Mohamed Khaleel has told Minivan News that he had not been made aware at present of adverse impacts to the resort industry from proposed strikes called for across the country by groups like the The Tourism Employees Association of the Maldives (TEAM).

With the run-off vote scheduled for today delayed pending further hearings from the Supreme Court Khaleel said that industry stability was “no doubt” reliant on the country have an elected head of state sworn into office as soon as possible.

“I think we need to understand the reason for the delay,” he said of the Supreme Court case currently being heard over whether to annul the first round of voting held September 7.

“I don’t want to see the election voided, but there are concerns needing to be addressed.”

Local NGOs, foreign governments, and organisations including the Commonwealth and UN praising the conduct of the first round of the election.

3:23pm Social media reports MDP supporters will protest in Delhi, Trivandrum, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Madras, Chandigar, and Mysore India today at 5pm local time.


2:32pm A spokesperson for Sun Travel and Tours, which is owned and operated by local businessman and media magnate MP Ahmed Shiyam, said the company had observed “no unrest” at its resorts despite calls for strike action.

“I cannot comment on the situation at our individual properties, but in general, we do not allow staff to hold public political demonstrations on the property,” said the spokesperson.

The company operates two four star and two five star resorts in the country, including the Noonu Atoll-based Iru Fushi, where certain staff earlier this year alleged facing political harassment following Sun Travel’s decision to terminate a management agreement with multinational Hilton at the site.

MP Shiyam is the head of the Maldives Development Alliance (MDA), which is currently part of a coalition backing Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) presidential candidate Abdulla Yameen in the ongoing presidential election.

2:12pm Local NGO Transparency Maldives has released a statement today calling for all national actors, “especially the Supreme Court”, to respect the electoral process by upholding the constitution and electoral deadlines.

“Transparency Maldives did not receive any reports that suggest systematic fraud in its nationwide observation and no credible evidence that supports such allegations has been made public,” read the statement.

“Electoral disputes and tensions must be resolved in a speedy manner, and in addressing issues of national interest inclusiveness and acceptance of all relevant state and political actors are crucial for the long-term peace of the country.”

1:53pm Minivan News understands that that the National Executive Committee of the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) is presently holding a meeting with a statement expected to be released shortly.

1:27pm A spokesperson for resort group Anantara, which operates four properties across the country, confirmed employees had today asked management for permission to hold a “peaceful gathering” in support of certain political parties.

Staff at Anantara Kihavah Villas had requested to conduct such a gathering in their uniforms, but were asked to wear their own clothing instead – which they agreed to, claimed a spokesperson for the company.

“However, the event, if it takes place at all, will be done during their break in between the working hours,” added the spokesperson, who said that all four of the company’s resorts were being operated as normal.”

“It is business as usual and there are no effects on the guest experience.”

The company said that staff at its Anantara Veli, Anantara Dhigu and Naladhu Maldives resorts had been allowed to take pictures of themselves holding political paraphernalia such as banners or balloons, as long they were not wearing uniforms or displaying the resort group’s brand name.

1:00pm Tourism Minister Adheeb alleged that despite fears that strike action could do a lot of damage to the country’s tourism industry, calls by associations like TEAM had so far had a limited response from resort employees.

“So far TEAM has not got a good response [for calls to strike],” he said.

“Is it so far, so good, we are trying to mediate in these cases,” added Adheeb, who is also Deputy Leader of the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM).

The minister also questioned why strike action had not been targeted at other industries such as construction and fisheries in the country

12:56pm Tourism Minister Ahmed Adheeb today reiterated his belief that any strike action for “political reasons” at resort properties was illegal in the Maldives, while also criticising the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) for targeting the country’s lucrative travel industry.

“Making a protest at a resort is not the way to go,” he said today.


34 thoughts on “Polling day cancelled in the Maldives – “Irreparable damage to the state”, says EC”

  1. EC had violated our constitution by allowing Bagladeshi national to vote for Nasheed.

    EC must take the full responsibilities of these vote rigging for then sake of this country.

    There is hard proof that EC and MDP jointly rigged the votes and that is why they are objecting to do any investigation of the crimes that they had committed in the first round election.

    All the parties must respect our constitution and we should ensure that EC does not do a fraud like that they had done in the first round specially Fuwad Thoufeeq.

  2. Oh well. So the Maldives has now becomes a third world dictatorship and Shelob Gayoom continues to pull the strings of his puppets. It's sad. But angering half the population is a bad strategy and a recipe for mass civil disobedience.

    I hope the decent folks of the Maldives stay safe and those in the police and the army retain their humanity and refuse to obey immoral orders.

    Fuwad Thowfeek made a brave attempt to hold the election but his task was hopeless.

    Good luck for the future.

    Andrew Robertson
    Wellington, New Zealand

  3. What a joke of a country!!! Cannot hold simple elections for 200,000 people ,,,but their people will talk big about India and US.

    Come on Guys ...wake up before it is too late...

  4. Better India as well as other countries..pull out their nationals whether in Employment or any other reason(in addition to ensuring the safety of their nationals as well as their monetary Savings and their safe return to their respective mother lands).

    Maldivians are capable of self- destruction; Let us not give them a chance to blame it on Expatriates/Other Countries.

    Now it is a Game for the Moolah; Who gets to the Till faster and vanishes still faster.

  5. @facts

    Usual rubbish coming from you. Making up stories again. The rest of the world praised the cleanliness of the elections but the bent and crooked judiciary knows better right?

    You deserve what is coming for you are a fool.

  6. Military and police once again take helm and imposing dictatorship with the blessings of who, but only living dictator in Maldives.

    Coup leaders, corrupted lawmakers, money launders, sex addicts, pedophiles, murderers, thieves and religious extremists fear for their future, their lives and thus the cause of delaying the elections. Tomorrow, next week, next month or even years after, they will be prosecuted by law!

    Recent history has proved that the power of the people, the power of the street is the most powerful of all institutions in any society. Fear may prevail among a few now, but a time when 'enough is enough', sacrificing for our next generation would not be an option, but a necessity for any normal Maldivian.

    We have lived in fear and intimidation for too long. It is time to make things right.

  7. Maldivians deserve better. Escalation is what these thugs want in order to unleash their reign of brutality. But freedom from fear is here and there is simply no turning back. If they had the brains to think ahead we could all be spared a lot of pain. If pain is what is needed, then so be it. They may Twitter away with their usual hypocritical propaganda about having upheld their principles (what principles) on Sept 27th, but they have lost the long game. And as for the has been that is this sad old dictator and excuse for a man: dude your time is up, you cannot live forever. Just let go and sail off into your inevitable sunset.

  8. This makes it all clear:


    Today is a day of victory for Maldives. We have upheld our constitution, rule of law, n democratic principles. -M

    — Maumoon Abdul Gayoom (@maumoonagayoom) September 28, 2013

    Bye bye maldives .............

  9. The criminals in chargeknow that they and their filthy brothers will be round up and thrown into jail when justice is allowed in this country.
    Disgusting dictatorship back in power!!!
    Fight back now. We shall never surrender, never, never!!

  10. ...Today is a day of TEMPORARY victory for YOU kaaka and YOUR criminal gang...watch out the saying goes: the harder they come, the harder they fall!!!

  11. Very well said @Realty on Sat, 28th Sep 2013 3:17 PM.

    "Today is a day of victory for Maldives. We have upheld our constitution, rule of law, n democratic principles. -M"

    Constitution is "up held" only when a Supreme Court with an alleged porn star sitting on the bench, starts issuing order after order, in the thick of the night to halt the second round of voting the next president.

    Also the Constitution is "up held" and rule of law is implemented when the Police stands guard within the premises of a constitutionally mandatory independent institution, and intimidating them with court orders and otherwise, and obstructing access to staff and people calling for various needs and rejecting access to those not authorised by the Police!

    If this is "up holding" Constitution and enforcing rule of law; Yes! Mr. Disposed President! You have upheld your constitution, the way you deem fit!

  12. Facts:

    (1) The election was declared free and fair by highly experienced international election observers.

    (2) Gasim claims he should have won the first round. To get there he would have needed 40,000 extra votes.

    (3) If 40,000 votes were a fraud, that represent over 25% of the total vote which should enter the Guinness Book of Records as a world record fraud.

    (4) If 40,000 people didn't vote in their name, someone must have stolen or forged 40,000 National Identity Cards. As DNR Director testified, it's impossible to forge ID cards. Maldivian ID cards are Universally Unique and every living or dead Maldivian ever gets ONE number.

    (5) How can a fraud of world record scale take place in front of highly experienced international election observers as well as locals, i.e. in front of every one!

    (6) It's been over a month since the first round. If there was such large scale fraud, why hasn't the Supreme Farce passed judgement and annulled that round already? What's taking so long?

    These are the facts and the facts point out to the military coup led regime trampling on the rights of every single Maldivian as guaranteed in our Constitution. Free and fair elections must be held immediately.

  13. well "sumtin" the judges are supposed to respect has been upheld maumoon, but it ain't tha constitution

  14. @Patriot on Sat, 28th Sep 2013 4:03 PM

    """ Constitution is “up held” only when a Supreme Court with an alleged porn star sitting on the bench, ... """

    I wouldn't give Ali Hameed such credit. Porn stars don't pay for s*x, but get paid for it. Ali Hameed paid prostitutes to have s*x with him. That's an entirely different class of animal, the lowest of lowest of life forms known to us.

    A few points:

    (1) MDP should keep calm and refrain from falling into the trap laid underneath them. Continue peaceful protest, but let that not escalate.

    (2) Gay Yoom, Yameen and Gasim want the MDP and its allies to go into disarray and lose the momentum of support they have gathered throughout the country. The whole purpose of delaying elections is to scupper that momentum!

    (3) MDP should put greater pressure on the international community to take action against the illegitimate regime that hold on to power.

    (4) The next key date is 11th November. There's no way elections will conclude by then. Gay Yoom, Yameen and Gasim will try to keep Waheed in power beyond that date. That of course would be illegal under our Constitution. But as we have seen, the regime will use the Supreme Farce to issue a Fatwa and carry on. The fox is in charge of the hen house.

  15. What is happening in Maldives is really sad...brutal dictatorship...would JP an PPM objected the 1st round results if they would have won it...of course No...People of Maldives shuld do what was done in Arab Spring...Stand up against Dictators unanimously...

  16. “If this is being done in the name of democracy, it is unfortunate. I think this is something that undermines democracy,” India's Externa Affairs Minister Khurshid.

    "Today is a day of victory for Maldives. We have upheld our constitution, rule of law, n democratic principles." Abdel Gay Yoom.

    Now, here's a challenging quiz: Which of the above two has the credibility to talk about democracy?

    Answer: The Father of Democracy, of course (not).

  17. Correction:

    “Today is a day of victory for Maldives. We have upheld our constitution, rule of law, n democratic principles.” Abdel Gay Yoom, former Dictator of the Maldives.

  18. People who had doubt of rigging votes will see the proof at a latter stage.

    I doubt that 40k votes have been rigged but over 15k minmum would have been rigged .

    You will also see those proofs when court issue the verdict .

    MDP will never be able to stay calm , knowing that they can not rigged the voted like the way they did in the first round.

    Rule of law will only be applicable to people other than MDP members and MDP members are above the law.

  19. He He...Ho Ho...Ha Ha Ha...

    My laughs dedicated to the so called foreign returned locals who thought they can be as efficient as some of the expatriates and stole the thunder from the latter. You cannot even run a Kitchen (forget about a Kitchen Cabinet) properly without expats. Many of you are good enough only for drinking and frolicking (with you know who).

  20. (1) “We have no human rights. We don’t want tourists to come,we don’t want their dollars, it all goes to the businessmen & so called scholars that lead this coup.”

    This is absolutely true. An ordinary Maldivian sees very little from the billions of tourist dollars that flow into the country. I would argue that less than 1 cent in the dollar ever reaches a Maldivian!

    (2) “One party in the election has raised concerns about the voting process. A candidate has the right to go to the courts to address grievances” -- Adheeb

    Fine. No one denies that right. But that's not what's happening here. A month after the first round, there has been no decision on the validity of the claim by that "one party". Instead the Court just curtailed the 2nd round and ordered the security forces to stop even preparations for a 2nd round.

    If the grievances were valid, why has the Court not annulled the first round? There has been plenty of time to come to that decision, especially if the severity of claimed fraud was so great! If 25% of the vote was rigged, as claimed, it shouldn't take very long to see the trail of evidence, even by judges as competent as those in the Maldivian Supreme Court.

    “Even in the US, there has been a situation where the results of a presidential election were brought before the court.”

    Very different case. The entire election was not the subject of the court case. Neither the United Nations nor the ICJ have repeatedly highlighted systematic failures of the US judicial system unlike that of the Maldives. Even more importantly, a man suspected of the worst punishable offense in Islam is not sitting in a US court bench or never did!

  21. @facts on Sat, 28th Sep 2013 7:18 PM

    "I doubt that 40k votes have been rigged but over 15k minmum would have been rigged ."

    Can you do basic arithmetic? You are claiming 10% of the vote was rigged! If there was vote rigging on that scale, 1 in 10 people voting on the day must have been imposters, frauds, charlatans, fairies, Jinn or spirits!

    One word for you: f**k off!

  22. "Ajmal said that the JP was now waiting to see if the the Supreme Court decides to annul the election, in which it narrowly finished in third place."

    Do you think we are going to just lie down and accept an annulment of the first round? No way Jose! Annul the first round at your peril; you'd plunge the country into a place worse than Somalia. Two can play this game...

  23. @Facts, use your god given brain for once. Why did Gasim and Yamin not object or complain when the voters list was first gazetted and EC asked for people with any problems to forward them the complaints?

    Answer by JP spokesperson Khaleel to this question by a journalist was ' Its not our job to check lists, its EC's job to make sure list is ok'.
    Now does this sound logical??

    Voting took place in front of local and international observers all of whom without exception declared elections free and fair. the smoothness with which the Elections went is something Maldivians should be proud of, and citizens with different political views queued patiently together sometimes for three hours to cast their votes.

    Observers and monitors from all political parties were present at voting booths, votes were counted in front of them. Not to mention the fact that these monitors and observers were present from the start to see the box was also empty and to see votes go in one by one.
    To this day JP has not been able to prove in court even one irregularity in voting. Its always someone said something or this nameless person had this done to him. Names of boxes are withheld.

    No elections can be 100 percent perfect, there will be some slight problems but by and large as all observers had repeatedly said these irregularities were not so numerous that it would have had an effect on the outcome.

  24. @Addu:

    I think its obvious that fighting it out on the streets is useless because it would further legitimize the current government's grip on power.

    Let us all patiently wait and see what comes out of the furious behind-the-scenes action taking place now. I think Nasheed is trapped between a rock and a hard place and it would do his advisers real credit if they pull him out of this one.

  25. @tsk tsk on Sat, 28th Sep 2013 9:40 PM

    "I think its obvious that fighting it out on the streets is useless because it would further legitimize the current government’s grip on power."

    The situation is very serious. There is no Muslim, never mind a Maldivian, who would accept a verdict from a Court that has Ali Hameed on its bench. This man is evil personified. We have Satan on the Supreme Court bench!

    Whilst keeping an animal on the Supreme Court bench, Gasim and Hassan Saeed have done irreparable damage to this country. This is not rhetoric; this is real. Taking power illegally by a coup started a process which has gone beyond the point of no return.

    The message that the Maldivian people have gotten is very clear. Gasim and Yameen will use Satan if it serves their own ambition.

  26. The list given to parties and the actual list at the ballot boxes are not same.

    JP and PPM is requesting to provide the voters list from EC after knowing that MDP together EC had rigged the votes .

    Why EC is refusing to give the list ? Tell me any reason why they have to hide the voters list ?

    This is because if they give the actual voters list and then JP and PPM can compare the list given to them and the list which was kept at the ballot boxes.

    If one can cross check these two lists there will be huge differences between these two.

    JP had given the proof and JP had given the details of some people who were not in Maldives on the election but had voted in a ballot box located in Male'. If this can not be considered as a proof , then you are right and no proof was given JP and that was just mere lie.

    Even Fraud Thoufeeq had openly agreed that there thousands of people who had registered with the forged ID cards also? JP had even proven that also ?

    Basic rule here in Maldives is that no one should open their mouth against cult Nasheed and every one must follow him and that is the beauty of our democracy.

    Democracy in this country mean follow Nasheed

  27. India should have no dealings with any government that does not have the wider support of the Maldivian people. Till then:
    Stop the recruitment of Indian workers especially doctors and teachers
    Stop the export of foodstuffs and medicines from India
    Shut down the visa section of the Indian Embassy
    I will take just one week before your bankrupt economy goes belly up.

  28. India and its politicians...Please withdraw all support for Maldives like Ms. India has suggested. Please do not desist from this action thinking that it will affect individuals...90% of the Maldivians are Anti- India..they are suckers.

  29. I dont Support any Politician in Maldives they all are PUPPETS.My Concern is our Country which is not a Private Property of any Politician. I Call on to MNDF to clear our Country from these Power hungry THUGS. Arrest them all from MP's to Judges all the Presidential Candidates for Causing Division in our Community.

  30. Greetings citizens of the Maldives,

    There was once, in the Arab worlds, two countries at war. Citizens around the earth feared that this might escalate to the next world armed conflict, until Anonymous came. With Anonymous aid, activists around the globe setup world wide protests and started to flood the internet with news of the inhumane actions.

    Reporters got interested in the story and started investigating by contacting the people in both countries. But the evil tyrant, seeing that the world was watching, shut down the internet. In one day, hundreds of anons gathered in their head quarters and worked together to access critical servers that allowed them to install communication tunnels for the people to use. Via the tunnels they sent documents to victims, explaining how to protect themselves in this time of oppression and how to connect back to the internet.

    Anonymous voice is united. We believe, we speak up and we make our own decisions. In the last few years, we have evolved from executing pranks for the LuLz to a movement of activism, free thinking, knowledge and wisdom. An influential alternative information source. We are the voice for the voiceless.

    Make your voice unite with us and allow it to become an unrelenting force that will dismantle the corrupt, inhumane actions carried out by governments, wake up the blind and shine a light to a better tomorrow. Join us while we evolve and allow your own voice to gain the momentum of our united voice.

    Change your life forever and join forces in an epic journey with Anonymous. You can become Anonymous. All you need is the will to stand for whats right.

    You have two choices. Learn accepting the truth and evolve from it or to fear the truth and let it control you. Your pick.

    You Government Has Fail...

    We Are Anonymous
    We Are A Legion
    We Do Not Forgive
    We Do Not Forget
    Expect us!..


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