Parliamentary Group Leader of the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) ‘Reeko’ Moosa Manik has called on leader of the People’s Alliance  (PA) Abdulla Yameen to resign from parliament’s National Security Committee.
Moosa accused Yameen, who is the speaker of the National Security Committee, of using his position on the committee to seek revenge against police and the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) after his arrest and detention by the government in July.
‘’After Yameen was arrested on charges of corruption, he has been continuously trying to smear the name of police and the MNDF,’’ said Moosa. “He will never succeed by chasing after the police and MNDF to get revenge.’’
Moosa alleged that Yameen was trying to summon superiors of armed forces to appear before the committee in “a cunning plan” to denigrate the institutions.
“This is a plan to take revenge on police and armed forces,’’ Moosa claimed.
Media Coordinator of PA Ahmed Faisal said Moosa’s comments were “a personal attack” on Yameen.
Yameen and Secretary General of PA Ahmed Shareef were abroad and unavailable for comment at time of press.

I think the entire nation deserves an explanation for the MNDF's involvement the detention of Abdullah Yameen.
A detention where he was not officially charged with any crimes. And accusations which have not been yet forwarded to the Prosecutor General's office.
I also remember Yameen saying the MNDF was very professional, apart from telling him that they would take him by force should he not willingly go. But why was he not taken to an island of his choice? Why was he forced to go anywhere? And how is forced protection and confinement constitutionally valid?
My concern stems from the fact that if MPs could be arbitrarily detained, then anyone can. If it is the MNDF who is doing it, and not the police, then we normal citizens have no means to redress such injustice.
It is exremely sad that President Nasheed as the head of our defense force involved MNDF in his personal vendetta against Yameen and eventually ended up smearing the name of our defense force. This is one of the the sadest days for the nation. When the defence force starts commiting crimes we as a nation are no more.
President Nasheed has been in a public relation fiasco. Why! Because this cacophonix speaks for him all the time!
yameen nothing but a thug and gangster. i'm surprised anyone sticks up for him
People will never get an explanation in a dictatorship.
Now that Reeko has called on Yameen to resign from National Security Council, Yameen has to resign. Otherwise no sooner or later MNDF will come in an armoured carrier and fetch Yameen from his home and take him to the new political detention centre Aarah.
Oh this is a good play again. A pawn on the H6 has been moved to H5.
Hey MF. Try and do something for the country. If you want to remove yameen, go and do it on uncharted grounds. Just don't continue yapping around like wounded dog.
And then turn your attention to doing something constructive to the country. For a change at least.
Yameen should not be the chair of the Majlis National Security Committee. I dont trust him. He has never raised the issue of gang violence in Male' and more recently advocated for these leniency for criminals in Majlis.
@ Ahmed Nazim - This shows that there are some decent people in the country. People who will speak against injustice even if against a thug. As far as I am concerned Yameen is innocent till proven guilty and President Nasheed, head of the armed forces, was found guilty today.
If President Nasheed as head of Military found guilty by court of law today, whats the validity of his presidency now. Who will take this to supreme court. Where is Moosa Anwar?
Democracy is not fantasy. It is focused.
This man Reeko is not only ingnorent but equally stupid.One day he will come out and threaten free media and next come and accuse people of abusing power. I think we all know how a mad dog will behave when let loose. We just have to ignore but be mindful of its behavior.
I, Presiden Nasheed, use my legal power to order MNDF to isolate Reeko Moosa from the general public and keep him in Kurumba for the rest of his life. This will be good for all mankind.
I think yameen should be isolated even before i was born.
Reeko, so, only now you know who Yameen is, huh? you invited his venom by talking him up a few months back...
serves you right for talking him up though he was something great only a few months ago...
@Salim, I am a little shocked and disappointed that you do not feel the reason Yamin had been arrested. I hope in time you will learn who Yameen is.
Makes me sick that Yamin could be considered the victim... lose hop, all hope of justice on earth if ppl could get the perception that he is a victim... burn for all Yamin's victim's... why do they not get justice?
Someone should clean up the Majlis. How can Yameen, whom most people associate with gangsters, be the chair of the National Security Committee? How can Jangiya Nazim, against whom an independent Prosecutor General has pressed formal charges in court against corruption, be the Deputy Speaker of the Parliament?
I am in total agreement with Deejay Majeed. I have always found it offensive as a citizen that the people's representatives could have elected Nazim as Deputy Speaker of the Majlis. Is it any wonder that people lose faith in institutions?
Given that citizens of his constituency have elected him into Majlis, there is not much that can be said about him being an MP, but I believe the parliamentarians who voted for him to be Deputy Speaker did wrong by all of us. Same goes for him chairing the Public Finance Committee, and in my view, also, for Gasim chairing the Economic Committee and Yameen chairing the National Security Committee.
But then, 'they are all, all honourable men'!
The sooner MDP can get Reeko out, the better for the party. He become a laibility and because of his bad mouthing MDP losing ground with Oppositon as well as majority people. He was elected uncontested becuase of his big mouth with support of Anni who also like bad mouthing. Anni also need to reform to serve to the Poeple of Maldives not to his Pary MDP. The days on the road is gone. Be a President and serve the nation and get Rooko and the simillar kind of actors or stupid guys out. If not please take this word again. MDP will lose any election held like how they lost Majority or Parliament just after taking office with in such a short time. Even MDP MPs are sick of Reeko.
We have said that we will need a another dictator to rule the country, a dictator who loves the nation and its people. Without the dictatorial proclaim we wont be able to archive or develop this nation. The law will always keep the way to these corrupted insane.
We have the Mafia essentially controlling the Parliament. As SS notes, Jangiyaa is the Deputy Speaker, his accomplices in crime, Yaameen and Gasim are chairs of the National Security and Economic Committee respectively.
Tell me, what exactly has Jangiyaa Nazim contributed to the country? His wealth is looted money from state coffers. Why is he still running around like a headless chicken claiming to be the "people's" hero when court cases are piled against him? Now, the fact of the matter is that he has been looting state money for more than 20 years. Some of his robberies from state coffers go back 2 decades, under a regime which encouraged it. What are the chances of finding evidence today to convict him? Almost zero!
Is that justice? Hell, no! He clearly knows all of this, of course, and is laughing his head off. The m***er f***er knows that the law can barely touch him at the moment.
We have to think of alternative, creative ways...
Yameen is innocent and Nasheed was found guilty? By a Court not formed in accordance with the Constitution?
Reeko does that stunt now and then to keep people off from the mega projects his company is collecting from government. The loud mouth was never interested in politics or the nation to that matter ... he see green money.
Major General Yaamin Abdul Gayyoom Seedhee Vs. Filmustaaru Reeko Moosa Manik
It is not MDPs call. Moosa thinks what ever he wants is automatically what MDP wants. Like the multiple projects he collects for Heavy Load Maldives .. is this what MDP wants. If so the bags of money should also belong to the party. What he is doing is acting the goat and tarnishing the image of MDP for his own good. After all what can one expect from a comedian and a circus master.