The National Council of the ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has approved a resolution to conduct “direct action to defend the government, the constitution of the Republic of the Maldives, the President of the Maldives and senior government officials” against an opposition-led protest planned for Friday afternoon.
“Following disturbances over the past three nights, the [opposition allied] parties said [Monday night] that as they do not recognise the President and consider the government inept, their real purpose is to gather people to the capital Male’ from all across the country on Friday, May 6, 2011, to take the President out to the Republic Square, remove him from office in the presence of the police and army, and then torture and kill the President along with ministers and MDP leaders,” the resolution states.
The MDP resolution adds that as the opposition parties’ “decision to carry out this brutal deed was announced openly and publicly on VTV and DhiTV at 2.30pm last night [Monday night]” a council sub-committee shall be formed to determine the measures to be taken “in defence of the state.”
The committee consists of newly-elected MDP President Dr Ibrahim Didi, Vice-President Alhan Fahmy and MP “Reeko” Moosa Manik, leader of the party’s parliamentary group.
While the protests have adversely affected the public, school children and shops in the busy intersection of Chandanee Magu and Majeedhee Magu, the MDP resolution claims that corrupt ministers of the former government, wealthy businessmen and resort owners capable of controlling the dollar supply were leading and orchestrating the demonstration “in the name of youth”.
The resolution further accuses the protestors of “misleading the international community and the public” by spreading false information using opposition-aligned media.
Bad blood
Moosa meanwhile claimed today that a large group of opposition protesters broke into the house where his three children use to live, Henveiru Zeeniya, and made death threats against them and their grandmother before causing damage inside the residence.
“Fortunately, my children don’t live there anymore,” Moosa told the MDP website.
Moosa alleged that the group was acting on orders from Umar Naseer of Gayoom’s faction of the Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP), whose dismissal as Deputy Leader precipitated the rancorous split in the party.
On the second night of the protests, VTV showed footage of Moosa getting hit on the head with a rock while he was attempting to confront the protesters with a group of MDP activists.
Umar Naseer told Minivan News that “Moosa Manik must have been drunk and he probably meant to say Mohamed Nasheed and mistakenly said ‘Umar Naseer’.”
He called on Moosa to clear his car’s trunk, referring to the incident where some alcohol bottles were discovered inside a car belonging to Moosa, an incident over which Moosa sacked his driver claiming it was a set up.
Naseer added that protests would continue this evening, starting from the artificial beach.
”The youth are organising these protests, and we are taking part in it,” he insisted.
The National Council of the ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) approved a resolution Tuesday to determine direct action to “defend the government, the constitution of the Republic of the Maldives, the President of the Maldives and senior government officials” against an opposition-led protest planned for Friday afternoon.
“Following disturbances over the past three nights, the allied parties said [Monday night] that as they do not recognise the President and consider the government inept, their real purpose is to gather people to the capital Male’ from all across the country on Friday, May 6, 2011, to take the President out to the Republic Square, remove him from office in the presence of the police and army, and then torture and kill the President along with ministers and MDP leaders,” the resolution states.
The MDP resolution adds that as the opposition parties’ decision “to carry out this brutal deed was announced openly and publicly on VTV and DhiTV at 2.30pm last night (Monday night)” a council sub-committee shall be formed to determine the measures to be taken “in defence of the state.”
The committee consists of newly-elected MDP President Dr Ibrahim Didi, Vice-President Alhan Fahmy and MP “Reeko” Moosa Manik, leader of the party’s parliamentary group.
While the protests has adversely affected the public, school children and shops in the busy intersection of Chandanee Magu and Majeedhee Magu, the MDP resolution claims that corrupt ministers of the former government, wealthy businessmen and resort owners capable of controlling the dollar supply were leading and orchestrating the demonstration “in the name of youth”.
The resolution further accuses the protestors of “misleading the international community and the public” by spreading false information using opposition-aligned media.

Once again the youth becomes misguided by political alligators and their minds are being raped. The youth is the most vulnerable and hopeless group now and they are being used.
Sounds like another 'peoples court' by Moosa.Who are you to defend the country.Hosni Mubarak killed 800 unarmed demonstrators , formed a committe like yours and created trouble within the protests...but at the end of the day people won.. Remember our president Annis' style...When Maumoon was president can u remember how many MDP protests were there in Male' in the same location. MDP thugs caused havoc and mayhem those dnt make protests such a big issue.its legal and the protesters have legitimate and genuine reasons for this uprising against the governments policies.
reeko moosa was once jailed because he bribed mps to get his brother elected as president. but he used that incident as something for his advantage for whole his political career, all he talk was about how much he was hurt in prison but forgot the reason. bribery and corruption is then against law and even today it is. however they voiced as champion of democracy and protested every day and night here and there, the countrys youth wanted change and the wanted democracy badly. today when the sides is flipped, reeko and anni aka ganja cannot digest protests, anni even said he do not know if there is a protest, they use hired mdp thugs to intimidate public and use every means to not let public voice against them. the freedom of expression and freedoms all became total tool to gain power today its only anni who decide what ppl can get. he break laws day light. ppl like reeko go on taking big funds from state and so many corruption occur everyday, and they are so insecure and want to kill everyone who voice against them.
Yaaaay the youth!!!
we love you youths. some guts pouring in the maidhaan
moosa you have done enough to maldives why dont you just stay at home .... Bcoz of you and anni all this started now jst eat your own fucking medicine ....hama havara dheyn vee ...
I am an ordinary citizen of this country and I have my constitutional right to live in a peaceful democratic country.
If the opposition wants to overthrow the Government for doing a poor job, through public demonstrations, well then I say the rest of the population needs to get together and overthrow the Parliament first! The Parliament is given legislative powers for a reason, and all the MPs collectively have an equal if not greater responsibility as the Government or President to ensure the rights of the citizens of this country are protected! The economics and social mess the country is in today, is to a great extent due to the lack of the necessary legislation to address all the major issues facing us. And what has the Parliament done even within the last year to address any of these issues?! NOTHING!
So Mahlouf,Riyaz Rasheed, Ali Waheed etc, have the guts to admit that you and your fellow MPs have FAILED us, the people who elected you! You people don't deserve to be called MPs! Rather you have proved that you actually belong on the streets with your gangs and hooligans! So I call on the Government to arrest all these criminals and put them behind bars for good, so that we can live in peace and have a democratic election in 2013! Having said that MDP, you'd better come off your high horse and accept reality and make some drastic changes if you want to win the 2013 election! A lot of your supporters are fed up with your top heavy government....cut back on political positions and set an example that you are ready to do what's right to put this Country on the right track!
”The youth are organising these protests, and we are taking part in it,” he insisted.
Oh yeah, that's why he also announces them himself. Of course he is ONLY taking part in it. He is announcing and coordinating the protests ONLY to help these disenfranchised youth, since they are incapable of any form of leadership or lack organisational skills. Umar is lending them his skills free of charge. I must be living in a dream.
Might as well rename this place South Bangladesh, hand over the keys to Umar Naseer, and the rest of us can take to the rafts and the high seas...
Funny how Reecko has forgotten that he regularly makes such threats against his opponents and calls for violence, Reecko has forgotten that others are human as well....The protests are 100% legal Reecko or MDP cannot stop it...
Please let me know the legitimate and genuine reasons why the lives of my family and me are every night. Why are we not able to move freely within our home island? Why are my children unable to concentrate on their homework due to abusive language by a noisy mob? I do not buy yr crap and do not support yr cause. Value of USD is in decline and cost of fuel is on the raise on the world market. For an importing country like ours the prices will increase, you idiot.
Please give me some of whatever you're smoking. Pleeeaaase.
Only MDP and Nasheed allowed to protest in Maldives, they can do so anywhere they like,whenever they like, and whatever way they like drunk on Sula Shiraz, sober, high on cannabis, in any method they like, left, right, north, south, forward, backward sideways, free style, and even anarchist gang style..Booo hoooooo Ganjaa Police.
Forget it MDP and Moosa. Your days are number and things have changed. If you guys try to confront the protesters we will show you your size. Still can't announce the official result, huh, why? That would show your true numbers.
You can only gather those MDP members who benefit from heavy load and corrupt companies.
I find it hilarious that idiots like Mohamed Rasheed complain that their lives been disrupted because of protests. Where were you when MDP and current idiot in chief was having running street battles with the police with the expressed reason of over throwing the government.
where were you when they were running mass campaigns to deliberatively sabotage the economy (which i maintain was treasonous dictator or no dictator)
seem like Reeko(how did this fool get elected any way) and rest of the morons cannot take taste of their on medicine.
If this planed "direct" action comes to heed we will soon dissent into civil war ala Libya
@Nash Rafeeq
Totally agree with you.Im a member of MDP from the very beginning .its idiots and cronies like this M Rasheed and Reeko destroying MDP having undue influence for their own gains.These morons of MDP claim they the most democratic and have 45000 members.But the pathetic voter turn out (12 O 15 thsnd) few day ago shows that MDP members don't give darn abt MDP and no trust whatsoever in its so called leaders.hama hus vagun MDP ga.I am gonna be with the oppostion come Friday. MDPs' ruling days are really numbered.lets c how many u can bring out Moosa on Fri.
Anni, Reeko and his gangsters have to be brought to their knees!
Reecko plase help relive the dollar shortage by depositing your 21 million dollars in Bank of Maldives...and please sell it for 10.40