PG’s office sends corruption cases back to Auditor General’s office

The Prosecutor General’s office has returned cases against former government ministers forwarded several weeks ago by former Auditor General Ibrahim Naeem.

Naeem claimed that former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, together with many of his cabinet ministers and several members of the current government, had failed to declare details of their financial assets as required by the Constitution.

Deputy Prosecutor General Hussain Shameem said the cases was returned to the Auditor General’s Office “because they were not investigated sufficiently.”

Shameem said they should have been “properly investigated” by the Auditor General’s Office before being sent to the PG’s Office.

“People who were named in this report were not asked to submit their forms,” Shameem said. “[In addition] they were not informed about the criminal charges. It is unfair they had to hear about it from the media.”

He said the PG’s Office believed “they should be given an opportunity” to declare their assets and to further investigate the claims.

He added that the cases have not been dropped by his office, and “if they are sent back, we will proceed.”

Assistant Executive Director and interim head of the Auditor General’s office Mohamed Hussein said he could not give any information about the case.

Press Secretary for the President’s Office Mohamed Zuhair said the former Auditor General “did not make up this case on his own or without collecting information. He would have sent these cases to the PG after working with a team.”

Zuhair said parliament’s no-confidence decision on Naeem did not mean that the whole Audit office was corrupt.


5 thoughts on “PG’s office sends corruption cases back to Auditor General’s office”

  1. Interesting! Would Deputy Prosecutor General Hussain Shameem give others a second chance if they committed a crime without being fully aware of the laws of the country. If the the Former President and Ministers are given a second chance on the grounds that they were not aware of the laws and regulations of the country, then I guess all those who commit crimes should be given a second chance.

  2. I thought ignorance of the law is not an excuse for not following the law. The former cabinet wasn't aware that according to the constitution they are supposed to declare their assets, so they are not charged???? For God's sake we are talking about the former president and his ministers not laypeople, who might not be aware of constitutional clauses. What's wrong with the judiciary!

  3. The no confidence vote does not necessarily mean that Naeem was corrupt either! It does probably mean that rushed sending the case to the Prosecutor General's office before the investigation was done - but that was probably because he was afraid that his successor would not have the courage to do so.

    So much of what Naeem did throughout his time as Auditor General - even while under Gayoom required a lot of courage and strength of character. He was investigating Millions of dollars being stolen - and he was ousted for confusion over a tie and a trip!? This is completely shameful.

  4. Juha, not all but most are corrupt, that includes you as well

  5. މިސަރުކާރުންތޯ އެތައް ބައެއްގެ މުދަލާއި ގެދޮރު އެބައިމީހުން އަތުން އަތުލައި، ޑިކްޓޭޓަރުގެ ރައްޓެހިންނަށާއި ތިމާގެމީހުންނަށް ބެހީ؟ މިސަރުކާރުންތޯ ދަޢުލަތުގެ އެތައް މިލިޔަނެއް ސައުތު ތައުފީޤް އަށާއި “ސެވަން އިލެވެން” އަށް މާފުކޮށްދިނީ؟ މާފުކޮށްދޭން އެއީ ގެދޮރާއި މުދާނެތި މަގުމަތިވެފައިތިބި ބައެއްތޯ؟ މިސަރުކާރުންތޯ މައުމޫނަށް “ކުޑަޢަބްދުﷲ” ކިޔައިގެން އެކަނިވެސް ޢުމުރުން ދުވަސްވީ އެތައް ބަޔަކު ޖަލައްލައި، އަރުވާލައި، ގޭބަންދުގައި ބޭތިއްބީ؟ މިސަރުކާރުންތޯ “ގޮ**” ކިޔައިގެން 100 އަށްވުރެ ގިނަ މުވައްޒަފުން ވަޒީފާއިން ވަކިކުރީ؟ މިސަރުކާރުންތޯ ދެއިރުކާބޭހެއްހެން ( ސަރުކާރު ވަޒީފާގައިތިބި) ހިތާނުވާމީހުން “ގޭގައި މަޑުކުރަން” އެންގީ؟ މިސަރުކާރުންތޯ % 55 ފެންނަ ކަމަށް ވޯޓުލުމުން (%100) ނޫންވީމައި “ކެލާ މީހުންގެ ދުވަސް ދުއްވާލީ؟ މިސަރުކާރުންތޯ ހިމަންދޫ މީހުންނަށް އަނިޔާކުރީ؟ އިންސާފު ޤާއިމު ކުރެވިފައި ހުރިވަރު އެނގޭ ނޫންތޯ؟ ގުދޭ ގުދޭ ނުގޮވައި މަޑުން ހުރުން ރަނގަޅުވާނީ!


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