A police officer was stabbed to death on Kaashidhoo island in Kaafu Atoll on Sunday night.
According to a press statement released by the police, the victim was identified as 26 year-old Lance Corporal Adam Haleem, who was attacked around 12:00am while on his way to report for duty.
The person suspected of killing the police officer is now under arrest, the statement reads. However, police have not identified the suspect or revealed any further details surrounding the murder.
Local media meanwhile has identified the suspect as Samah, a person with prior criminal record, and has reported that he was released to house detention on Sunday following a two day arrest over an assault case.
Health officials from Kaashidhoo Health Center have told local media that Lance Corporal Haleem suffered serious stab wounds in the attack, including a nine-inch deep stab wound to the chest.
They also confirmed that he was alive but in critical condition when brought to the hospital, and that he died soon afterwards while undergoing treatment.
The process is underway to move the police officer’s body to capital Male’. Haleem, from Kethi house on the island Kaashidhoo, was a husband and father of a three month old baby.
While more details into the fatal stabbing have yet to unfold as the investigation gets underway, with a special forces team dispatched to the island, social networks and media are swarming with comments from cabinet ministers and government-aligned politicians blaming the ousted former President Mohamed Nasheed and his Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) for the attack.
President Dr Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik updated his official Twitter account saying he “strongly condemn the killing of a policeman while on duty. Enough of hate mongering against officers of the Law.”
Dr Waheed added in another tweet that there should be “no excuses to kill anyone let alone policemen on duty. Shame on cowards hiding behind anonymity and inciting violence.”
He has also ordered the national flag to be flown at half staff for three days in honor of the slain police officer.
Though Dr Waheed did not explicitly blame the former ruling party, his spokesperson Masood Imad soon went on to claim on Twitter that “LCoporal Adam Haleem has been stabbed to death by MDP sympathisers. This is the result of Mr Nasheed’s call for inciting violence & hatred.”
Home Minister Dr Mohamed Jameel Ahmed also had tweeted that the “murder of police officer came after continuous attack on police force by MDP, calling entire police force traitors.”
In another tweet, Jameel also said that “evidence available to police [which] exposes MDP top leadership calling for violence against the police force.”
Jameel told local media that he had spoken to the father of the victim over the phone, who had requested police to finish the investigation soon and impose death penalty for his son’s murderers.
Lance Corporal Haleem’s murder is the eighth recorded homicide in the Maldives this year alone, and comes just a day after the Criminal Court sentenced to death a young couple charged with lawyer Ahmed Najeeb’s murder.
Government-aligned Jumhoree Party (JP)’s member Abdullah Jabir, who won the Kaashidhoo constituent seat in the recent by-election, told local media Sun, “this incident is a result of lies spread by MDP to incite hatred against police officers.” He further pledged to work within the parliament to do everything necessary to prevent such an attack from repeating.
Several unconfirmed claims surfacing over social media meanwhile claim that the arrested suspect is a JP supporter and is married to a relative of Jabir. Minivan News have not been able to verify the authenticity of these claims so far.
Meanwhile in a tweet, former President Nasheed expressed sympathy for the victim, condemning “the tragic murder of the policeman in K.Kaashidhoo in the strongest possible terms”, but stopped short from responding to any accusations.
The courts representing the failed judiciary are always ready to release any criminal! Only 2 days for a criminal with a 100-page long record of crimes!! They will grant 15-days for police to investigate someone who replies back to verbal abuse by police - charging him with preventing law enforcement authorities in performing its duties. A further 30 days house arrest sentence is handed over as a condition of release when nothing has been proven!
Yet the infamous Abdullah Gaazee will be too happy to release criminals and grant a 15 day-long custody warrant for police to any demonstrator (the MDPs) brought before him. Previously, he would conclude that, these people be immediately released from police custody!
Double standards at its best!
Life of certain people matter. While the life of others are worthless for this coup regime!
The only ones life ever valued are their own people.
It is tragic and violent act of a criminal, basically 90% of Maldivian has criminal genealogy, and their blood was in hibernation during the oppressed period and was tamed as domestic animal during the history of this barbaric uncivilized people. When there is enough causes to trigger their psychotic function in a convenient environment, their true origin is coming to life. In this situation the politician of this medieval people will definitely try to score for their political agenda.
Minivan is trying to twist the story in making this associated with the JP and Jabir.
Fact of the matter is that last night in Usfasgadu, one of the guy who was speaking had called for this kind of activities and check the recording.
MDP thugs want to create a chaos in this country and want to make this country uninhabitable to Muslims and then they think that the country can have religious freedom as they want.
Common this is just an illusion and this country will be able to have different religion and it will be and will always be Islam.
I wonder why the alleged suspect was released on house arrest after the assau.There should be medical officers and psychologists working for the courts so holistic assessment can be undertaken to reach the final verdict . My point is people with criminal minds should be isolated from the society when required instead of advocating for administration of death penalty.
We are so sad hearing death of another human being.........Unfortunately, our Judiciary & Majlis is watching and doing nothing!!!!!!!!! Shame on the relevant responsible Heads....
We hereby request the Police Officers try to act professionally and refrain from the dirty games of the unlawful government protectors
A life is a life, be it that of a uniformed officer or a civilian, so there is no reason for President Waheed and his cabinet to act like the life lost of a police officer is more valuable than that of any other innocent person. Why is there no outrage from them when a civilian is stabbed to death on the streets? Would the family of that victim hurt any less or mourn any less over their loss just because the victim was not wearing a uniform?! The murder of the police officer can be condemned by the strongest of terms, along with the murder of every other person who have fallen victim to street and gang violence. Waheed and his cabinet are just trying to politicise this and blame MDP when the government should be responsible for the state the judiciary is in which leads such criminals as Samah to roam around free killing people at their will. The Home minister instead of spending his time tweeting needs to find ways to lock up criminals and keep them there, instead of running after protesters and focusing all his attention and the state finance on holding onto his power. Likewise for all cabinet ministers and President Waheed. Having come into power with such difficulty, why don't you people do the job you are supposed to do instead of tweeting all day?!!
which civilian died from a political cause in the past 6 months? Hilath was attacked but he survived,
Whether you like it or not, if there's social unrest a robbery or whatever, who would you call? the cops.
And instead of sympathising with someone who lost his life, you are whining about some political bias, the man who died will never see the lights of day again, think about that for a second.
Now they are bringing the body to Male to add more fire... no respect for the dead even... hivani mee Maumoon ge tharika mudhaaa hen ... very sad ..
How can you blame a political party for a murder. Madness!! Jameel would have the whole MDP put to the death sentence if he could.
Navaho, if the suspects are not released the 'coup govt' will be accused of abusing and trampling on human rights by mdp and organisations like amnesty. and since we aren't a superpower it will be harmful to us when this happens. if only we had the same resources and institutions as developed world we could do better, but we don't. and if we don't have political stability or crime under control we will not be able to get there.
@mariyam, do you mean to say that a loss is only a loss when an individual loses a his or her life for a political cause? Really? How do you determine that?It's not just the police officer who won't see light of day, I don't think any of the murdered victims would.
Yeah, POlice officers are there to protect us but that does not mean that the life of a police officer is any more valuable than that of a civilian. And whether you like it or not, not every action is politically motivated but dirty politicans will not hesitate to optimise on the benefit they can get from even someone's murder and that is what we are seeing from the actions of Waheed and his cabinet. For people like you politics may be everything, but for some of us, the simple question we are asking is why there is no outrage over every innocent individual who is murdered? How about actually answering that question instead of trying to politicise everything?
May God rest his soul.
It is very irresponsible for politicians and anyone else to blame this atrocious act on MDP or any other person or group! This is murder we are talking about and the self righteous coup government officials are blaming this on MDP!! This very very wrong and i advice MDP to strongly condemn it. MDP should take action against the remarks publicly made by these puppets and file for defamation. Nobody can accuse anyone else for murder without proper evidence. I am ashamed that the Maldivian Politicians have no sense when it comes to draw the line.
When mdp march on the streets calling for the hanging of the baagee police and president, it is not suprising that people blame you.
I'm not making any accusation but it is certain Mohamed Samah was registered on Progressive Party of Maldives. Looks more like he killed him on a revenge. Some say that the cop arrested Samah couple days back.
Half mast for a murder only because its a police?? Why ?? Why didn't they put the flag on half mast for all the under age killings ?? I know because again its politically motivated. But not this murder was motivated politically. Investigate before making accusations!
ey meesthakunney. dhivehi gaumu halaaku vejje. adhives hey araabala
At tr
I don't think we need to be superpowers to overhaul the judiciary . We need to employ right professional ppl even on a part time basis to work in the courts . If we can allocate resources to construct harbors why not
I can't believe how quickly local media and police tried to take advantage of this murder by straight away accusing the murder on MDP members. Still the police did not reveal his information leaked however on social media. And he was supposed to have been imprisoned But some say that It was Jabir who requested this fellow to be released on house arrest. Suppose to have been on house arrest not on the streets does he?
I wonder what is PPM saying about this murder now. Where is Umar Naseer ?? Can you come out and start accusing PPM members for killing an innocent civilian ??
Within an hour of Adam Haleem's murder the vultures Gasim, Jabir and Didi were on villa tv blaming the murder on MDP protesters and President Nasheed. Taking advantage of the situation. Such shameless cowards who doesn’t respect the deceased or his grieve stricken family
It latter a turn out the murder is a relative of Kaashidhoo PM Jabir and he is a member of Gayooms PPM Party. Two days ago the murderer was arrested for some criminal activity and he was released through Jabirs political influence.
RIP Adam Haleem u are in a better place now. May god give ur family strength to overcome this difficult time.
gangstas paradise
Coincidence that this occurs right as the international report on February 7 is released? Gayoom will do anything to distract attention from the finding that Anni was removed in a coup. While he is not named as the leader of the coup, one can read between the lines.
because some police have been out on the street screaming obscenities and warning of killing people - old, women, youth, this is not really surprising.. on top of this, MP and lawyers like Dhiyana Saeed, Kutti Nasheed and Jabir have been encoring the police to be brutal. Dhiayana was calling to kill president Nasheed too.. and Jabir has been openly calling to kill President Nasheed.... pls verify this with Jabir.. he is stupid enough and may even admit and be proud of it now.. but the consequence is that this will backfire on the perpetrators who are brutalizing innocent civilians.. when the police force as a whole is unable to protect the people, this is not surprising at all..
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This fella was released from prison on Mr Lolly Jabir's request.
He is a member of PPM and was a campaigner for Lolly Jabir for Kaashidhoo.
Still these people commenting here trying to stick this thing on MDP are trying.
The Baaghee Kaalhu Waheed and Baaghee Wahidhdheen Bin Minibar also tried to portray democratic movement as the culprit as if democracy did all of this!!
In reply to ones who badly accuses (again) MDP, now of killing a police officer :
1. Killer identified as registered member of XXX - married to niece of XXX, campaigning for the same.
2. A drugs addict - which suits very well for several purposes
3. Early release
4. Murder same day
5. Regime / govt people / coup leaders : within mins after killing, pretend to know it's MDP who did and airing the same on TV - blaming Raajje an d MDP for inciting violence
6. All good reasons for crack down on everyting and anything not agreeing with "militia"
ޕީޕީއެމް މެމްބަރުން ފުލުހުން މަރަނީ!
ކޮބާތޯ ރޭގައި ޓީވީތަކައް އަރައި، މިއީ އެމްޑީޕީންނާއި ރާއްޖެ ޓީވީން ހިންގާ ޖަރީމާއެއް ކަމަށް ގޮވި ބާޣީ ސަރުކާރުގެ އިސްވެރިން.
އިރެއްގައި ރައްޔިތުންނަށް އޮޅުވާލެވުނަސް މިހާރު އެކަމެއް ނުވާނެ.
ކޮންމެ ސްޓަންޓެއް ތިޔަދަނީ އަތަށް ގޮވަމުން.
ފުލުހުންގެ ވެހިކަލަށް ގާއުކިއިރު އެކަން ވެސް ފުލޮޕްވީ.
ފުލުހުން ނިކުމެ ފޭރުމުން އެކަން ވެސް ފުލޮޕްވީ.
ފުލުހުން ނުކުމެ ޕެޓްރޯލް ވަގަށް ނެގުމުން އެކަން ވެސް ފްލޮޕްވީ. ޕެޓްރޯލުން ތަނެއް ނުގޮއްވި އުޅެނިކޮށް ފަޅާއެރީ. އެހެންނަމަ، ކޮންމެވެސް ތަނެއް ގޮއްވާފައި އެކަން އެމްޑީޕީ ބޮލަށް ކަނޑާލާނީ.
ޕީޕީއެމް މީހަކަށް ފައިސާ ދީގެން ފުލުހެއް މެރުމުން އެކަން ވެސް ފްލޮޕްވީ.
all this happened due to nasheed (anni) and MDP supporters.
My heart goes out to the family of this young man who was brutally killed while trying to do his duty. MDP is provoking violence, day and night even during Ramazan. How many police mens families are threatened, how many of them are harmed, thrown things to them. Please I beg the goverment to take harsh measures against these animals, activist and drug users supported by Nasheed.
May Allah grant Adam Haleem's soul eternal peace. May his family find strength in this difficult time.
By the way I salute Dr Waheed for serving his country with grace and dignity while animals and drug addicts are ruining this country.
You are the best president the country has ever had!!!
@ Mode
If it were inspired by Anni then the killer should have been from MDP!
Please don't act like a whiner and blame others on your own wrongdoings.
Blame Lolly Jabir and PPM leader - The-To-Be-Mummified Maldivian Pharoah Mr. Gay-yoom.
ކޯޕްރަލް އާދަމު ހަލީމު މަރާލީ ޕީޕީއެމް އަށް ނިސްބަތްވާ މީހެއް. މިކަމާއި ގުޅިގެން ޕާރޓީއެއް އުވާލަންޏާ އެ ޕާރޓީ އުވާލާ. ނަޖީބު މަރާލީ ވެސް ޕީޕީއެމް އަށް ނިސްބަތްވާ މީހެއް. ބޮބީގެ މަރުގައި ތުހުމަތުވާ މީހުން ވެސް އޮތީ ޕީޕީއެމް ދަފްތަރުގަ. މިއީ އިއްތިފާޤެއްތަ؟ ކޮބާބާ ރާއްޖޭގައި އެހެން މީހުން ފިތުނަ އުފައްދަނީއޭ ގޮވާ ފިތުނަވެރި ޓީވީތައް؟ މި ޤަޥްމު މިހާލަށް ވައްޓާލީ އެބައިމީހުން. އެމީހުން މިއަދު ވެސް އެއުޅެނީ މިކަން ވެސް އޮޅުވާލަން. ފުލުހުންގެ ވަކިބަޔަކު އައިސް ގޮތެއްފޮތެއްނެތި ވަލުޖަނަވާރުންތަކެއް ފަދައިން ރައްޔިތުންނަށް ހަމަލަދެންޏާ އެބަޔެއްގެ ހިތެއް އެ ފުލުހުންނަކަށް ހެވެއްނުވާނެ. އެކަމާއި ޕީޕީއެމް މެމްބަރުން މަރަމުންދާ މީހުންނަކާ ކޮންގުޅުމެއް؟ އަންނި ބުނެގެން މިކަމެއް ކުރިއޭ ކިޔައިގެން ގިނަ ޗެނެލްތަކުން ދޮގު ޚަބަރު ފެތުރީމައި ޕީޕީއެމް މެމްބަރުން އެމްޑީޕީ ކުރެވޭތޯ؟
Politicians will do anything for power, be it seyku anni, lolly jabir or the buruma
i hate them and hate them all for bringing our country to this situation
that's why i say annihilate all the seyku parties. democracy does not bring anything except chaos and rebellion
His death was in vain, as was about almost 20 others so far this year.
Why are we Maldivians so hungry for blood this year?
It is very sad to hear a father of 3 months old child is killed. As many mentioned here every life is valuable and never allow the thugs to take the upper hand.
My heart weep for the wife and the child of the victim. My deepest sympathies.
the death of police officer tregedy for police and nation. but MDP ( Maldivian Drug Party ) must take the responsible for the killing of uniform police officer why because the leadership of MDP always calling for the violance against the police ask why cause of they are totally a criminal party
The killer was infact a MDPian in the past.
Surely this death would be connected the recent parliamentry election held in Kaashidhoo. The police man may know how Jabir has won the election.. This is for sure