Police summon Supreme Court Justice Ali Hameed for questioning over sex tape scandal

Police have summoned Supreme Court Justice Ali Hameed for questioning over his alleged appearance in a leaked sex tape.

According newspaper Haveeru, Justice Hameed was summoned to police headquarters in Male about 8:00pm in the evening and left at around 1:30am after spending more than five hours in the building.

Police however did not confirm the summoning but said only that the case is currently being investigated.

Last Thursday police formally notified the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), the Prosecutor General and President Mohamed Waheed Hassan regarding their investigation into the case.

The existence of a video footage allegedly involving Justice Hameed indulging in adultery came into media limelight following the arrest of Ahmed Faiz – a senior Council Member of President Waheed’s Gaumee Ihthihaad Party (GIP) and former Project Advisor at the Housing Ministry.

Following the arrest, Faiz was dismissed from his government position and the Spokesperson of President’s Office Masood Imad – who is also a GIP council member – denounced any links with the government regarding the video.

Still images from the sex tape, allegedly showing the judge committing adultery with an unidentified foreign woman, are meanwhile circulating on social media networks.

A police media official told Minivan News that individuals believed to be involved in the scandal had been either summoned to the police for questioning or had been arrested with a court warrant.

“We are currently investigating two cases concerning the video. One is the case of those who had been using the video to blackmail the people in it, and the other concerns the content of the video,” the spokesperson said at the time.

The video also prompted the JSC to establish a five-member committee to look into the matter upon receiving a letter from police. Local media reported that the committee included commission members Latheefa Gasim, Ahmed Rasheed and Abdulla Didi, and two external lawyers: Hussain Siraj and Mohamed Anil.

A second video also surfaced on social media networks apparently depicting Hameed and a local businessman discussing political influence in the judiciary. Local media identified the businessman as Mohamed Saeed, the director of local business firm ‘Golden Lane’.

Justice Hameed in the video also goes on to reveal his political ‘hook-up’ with Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom – the current Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) presidential candidate – claiming that he was one of Yameen’s “back-ups” and that his stand was “to do things the way Yameen wants”.

Following Sunday evening’s police questioning, local media reported that Hameed had avoided the usual exit doors at the police headquarters in order to avoid the media.

“Senior figures of the state such as Ali Hameed often use the police main entrance, however Hameed knowing that media was present at that entrance, ran to the exit doors located in Boduthakurufaanu Magu. Hameed had also rushed to get into a white car waiting for him at the door after media followed him,” reported Haveeru.

Local media reports claimed that this was the second time Hameed was summoned to the police for questioning. However, a source close to Hameed denied the reports claiming that police had not summoned Hameed at the time.

Police have also searched the house of Mohamed Saeed on the same night at around 7:45pm. The police claimed that they searched the house after obtaining a search warrant.

The raid was allegedly carried out to find if Saeed had been withholding any material related to the sex tape.

The police have previously summoned Saeed twice for investigation but details of the case or the topic of questioning have yet to be revealed.

Saeed’s lawyer Noorban Fahmy told media earlier that Saeed opted to remain silent in the later session after he was first questioned without the presence of a lawyer.


4 thoughts on “Police summon Supreme Court Justice Ali Hameed for questioning over sex tape scandal”

  1. "Hameed knowing that media was present at that entrance, ran to the exit doors located in Boduthakurufaanu Magu. Hameed had also rushed to get into a white car waiting for him at the door after media followed him,”

    How I'd love to have seen him running like a scared obese rat, shame branded over all his face. People like him terrorise Dhivehistanis with their archaic sex laws, while breaking those same laws themselves, with prostitutes paid for by Dhivehistani tax money. You deny us privacy, you let the mullahs take over, you frame laws with victimless crimes - all the while thinking you are safe. But as they say, vagakah haas dhuvas, veriyakah eh dhuvas.

  2. The sun will rise from the west if this chap, Hameed was found guilty of anything! Just wait till you hear the case being closed due to "lack of sufficient evidence". Any other outcome is a total impossibility. This isn't the Banana Republic of Maldives for nothing.

  3. Call him a Justice!

    This guy is TARNISHED!

    I am sure if it were in any decent state where justice is upheld; this guy would be suspended. If not, media would break hell loose, until it is done so!

    @Ahmed Bin Suvadheeb is right!
    Being the Banana Republic with a TRAITOR (who deserve nothing but capital punishment) as President, things can be as cool as it is now!

    Everything to broke a deal will be ongoing within the system now, because the minute this guy is found guilty, it can cause a domino effect!

  4. Let him run. It's far easier to shoot a running man in the back.


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