President apologises on behalf of state to people of Thinadhoo

President Mohamed Nasheed has apologised to the people of Gaaf Dhaal Thinadhoo for “injustices resulting from measures taken by the government of the day” to end a short-lived secession of three southern atolls from 1959 to 1963.

Speaking at a working session of the cabinet held in Thinadhoo yesterday, President Nasheed said that the Thinadhoo Island Council had requested the apology and acknowledged that the central government in Male’ had “acted unjustly” towards the people of Thinadhoo in the suppression of the separatist movement.

Havaru Thinadhoo, historical capital of Huvadhu atoll, was attacked and depopulated on the orders of Prime Minister Ibrahim Nasir in February 1962.

Following Tuesday’s official apology at the cabinet meeting – held outside Male’ for only the second time – Vice President Dr Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik noted that his grandfather was among those forcibly expelled and stressed the importance of documenting the events in official Maldivian history.

Dr Waheed told state broadcaster MNBC One that “today the President who is the highest official of state has asked the forgiveness of the people on behalf of the state.”

“As someone who hails from Thinadhoo, I am very happy and grateful for [the apology]. I rest assured that everyone will accept the apology by the state,” he said.

The cabinet meanwhile discussed a request by the island council to revert the island’s name to ‘Havaru Thenadhoo’ and decided to hold a public referendum on the proposal.

The working session of the cabinet in Thinadhoo was attended by state and deputy ministers, island councillors and directors of regional corporations and featured a presentation on planned development projects.

At a ceremony after the cabinet meeting, President Nasheed inaugurated the Thinadhoo Development Corporation to develop the reclaimed area of the island and handed over the completed stadium of the Upper South Province to the island council.

Inhabited islands of the Maldives “have to be connected and linked together to ensure development,” Nasheed said at the ceremony.


13 thoughts on “President apologises on behalf of state to people of Thinadhoo”

  1. I believe that it is wrong for the goverment to name the airport after a person who has committed atrocities against his own people. The merciless expulsion of the entire population of Thinadhoo, including women and children is nothing less than a genocide.

    If state apologizes that means that state has to compensate for those who suffered Nasir's brutalities.
    People will never forgive president for naming the airport after the very person who treated the inhumanly.

    Nasir. Nasir has brutally evicted entire population and vacated the whole island of thinadhoo

  2. Great, my grand father was shot dead my men sent by Ibrahim Nasir. Now I have to use the airport who has his name on it. This is true injustice.

  3. president is burdened on both accounts. President Nasir was the descendant of a highly regarded Male clan that has since perforated in all domains. they are now an interwoven network of powerful families who have also inspired and possibly backed Nasheed politically as well as financially, during his long struggle. And after all Nasir has done great things and for all this time nobody has paid any respect to the man... so he deserved both.... its just that there has been a delay in both cases because of the tyranny of Gayoom... which is still trying to breathe a last sigh....

  4. Nasir was a tyrant and that's how we will remember him. He never was a hero of any sort. Gayyoom is a mere shadow of Nasir when it comes to brutality.

    Nasheed can't have it two ways; he can't name airports and buildings after Nasir on the one hand and then turn around and mumble apologies to people without even mentioning Nasir's name. He's trying to white wash the whole thing.

    Nasheed claims to know Maldivian history pretty well. Well, he's actually trying to distort our history!

  5. Nasir is good man.

    Thinadhoo poeple must follwo the order of central govt. If they obay Nasir, he did not have chance to take action against Thinadhoo. Thinadhoo poeple are looking bad poeple.

    In the past years did the govt take such action against any Island except Thinadhoo.

    If they were misbehaving the govt must take action to control.

    Thinadhoo poeples were BAD, Nasir was GOOD man.

  6. expulsion is not genocide, preident should also apologise to people of Gaddoo for the state not being able to prevent the atrocities thinadhoo people committed against Gadhdhoo. having said that, am totally against naming infrastructure after human beings and sanctifying people

  7. President Nasheed is to be congratulated for his courage in addressing difficult issues of history. Historical wrongs need to be corrected, if Maldives is to move forward as a united people. Otherwise mistrust will remain. Mistrust often ferments into dissent and social upheaval.

    Thinadhoo people may also have committed wrongs and have been punished. But the finger pointing againt them as traitors has continues till this day. The fact is that there is covert discrimination and blame. There are well known dhivehi swear words used againt them and people from South.

    Other historical wrongs like Mohamed Ameen death should also be investigated and put to rest.

  8. dhummari..

    it wasnt mere expulsion if you would try to find out more about it. shooting and setting fire on the island took place at the same time. All persons houses were burnt,note they had grand houses and stuff there and they were wealthy compared to islands like our capital back than, the people were forced to flee to the sea to save themselves from the fire. those who had vessels fled anywhere they could. All the pregnant ladies in that island lost heir babis in the sea that day... people were holding thir children in the sea for house...that was just the biggining.

  9. The appropriate name for the airport is Hulule international airport, Nasir was not a great man to be remembered, he is better to be thrown in to the dustbin of history along with Qayoom. Our history should begin with Anni, the only name that resonate freedom, dignity and human rights what we are born for.

  10. a nation at ease with itself, thats what Maldives needs to be.

    Set the record stright on history once and for all so that the country can be stable and can move forward. Otherwise petty issues will hold back progress and you will never develop.

  11. I think the president as the head of state should change the name airport with a new one without provoking more controversy. And the president must be able to reconcile among the people of Maldives to be one as we already know that:
    Unity we stand, Divide we fall.

    Indonesian citizen


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