The bright stars of Islam

It is a little known fact that many of the brightest, well-known stars in the sky have Arabic names.

The luminous Aldebaran of Taurus, the majestic Rigel of the Orion constellation… the night sky is studded with shining reminders of an age where the early Muslim astronomers mapped the heavens and the Earth, and committed the knowledge to thousands of paper manuscripts and stored them in the world’s first public lending libraries.

In the early centuries following the Prophet’s death, Muslims made tremendous intellectual and scientific breakthroughs in areas as varied as astronomy, arts, science, math, philosophy and literature: a period accurately portrayed as the ‘Golden Age’ of Islam.

Referring to what he called “civilization’s debt to Islam”, US President Barack Obama said in his famous speech at Cairo University in June 2009, “It was Islam… that carried the light of learning through so many centuries, paving the way for Europe’s Renaissance.”

From the pinnacle of scientific and intellectual achievement 800 years ago, the downward spiral of Muslims to outcasts of the knowledge society has been spectacular, and devastating.

Astronomy, like other scientific disciplines, is today largely the dominion of Western scientists. The Soviets fired man into space in 1961. NASA landed man on the moon in 1969.

Nearly five decades later, only one Islamic nation, Iran, has managed to even launch a domestic satellite – in 2009. Meanwhile, the Voyager 1 spacecraft, that left the Western hemisphere 33 years ago, continues to send back images from the farthest edges of the Solar System.

Statistics paint a bleak picture.

Out of every 10 students who attempt the O’Levels in the Maldives, only three achieve passing grades. Maldivian citizens have an average of a mere 4.7 years of schooling.

The Sachar Committee Report, commissioned by Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in 2006 to evaluate the social status of Indian Muslims, revealed that 25 percent of Muslim children under 15 didn’t attend schools, or dropped out early, despite free public education. Muslims were way behind the curve in literacy as well.

By the 10th century, Islamic centres like Baghdad, Cairo, Cordoba and Tripoli boasted great libraries containing between 600,000 and 3 million volumes, but the UN Human Development Report 2010, which weighs in literacy as a development factor, records only five Muslim states among the top 50 countries on its index, and none in the top 30.

Muslims take pride in the fact that the Guinness Book recognises Al-Qarawiyyin University in Fez, Morocco as the world’s first university to issue degrees. Ironically, not a single university from a Muslim country figures in the top 100 Times Higher Education world university rankings for 2010.

Only nine Muslims have ever won a Nobel Prize. Out of a population of 1.57 billion, exactly two have won the science prizes. In comparison, Jewish scientists and intellectuals have racked up 178 Nobels.

Some insight into this dismal performance can perhaps be gleamed from the reception to Nobel laureates at home.

Dr Abdus Salam, who won the Physics Nobel in 1979, was deemed a heretic in his home country of Pakistan. Dr Salam was certainly devout – he quoted from the Qur’an in his acceptance speech – but he subscribed to the Ahmadi sect which was declared un-Islamic in Pakistan in 1974. Consequently, the epitaph on his grave was defaced, by court order, to remove the word ‘Muslim’. His tombstone now reads, quite inaccurately, ‘the first Nobel Laureate’.

In Iran, religious conservatives criticized Nobel Peace prize winner Shirin Ebadi, a Human Rights lawyer, for not covering her hair during the ceremony, and alleged that the award was a conspiracy to “ridicule Islam”. Following attacks and raids on her home and office, Ebadi fled Iran and now lives in exile in UK.

These are reasons, perhaps, why President Musharraf of Pakistan, observed in February 2002, “Today we are the poorest, the most illiterate, the most backward, the most unhealthy, the most un-enlightened, the most deprived, and the weakest of all the human race.”

Egyptian scientist Dr Ahmed Zewail, who won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1999, said in an interview that it was not Islam that prevented progress in the Muslim world, but “politicised Islamic scholars who profess that knowledge is restricted to the study of scriptures.”

Indeed, a study by the Sustainable Development Policy Institute of Pakistan found that the Curriculum Wing of the Ministry of Education, which is controlled by Deobandi Islamists, had altered school textbooks to include material that allegedly glorified war and incited violence against minorities.

A government proposal to introduce science subjects in Pakistani madrassas was met with hostility. The five madrassa boards formed an umbrella organization – the Ittehad Tanzimat-e-Madaris-e-Deenia (ITMD), which vowed to defy all government attempts at reforms.

Likewise, religious conservative parties in the Maldives objected strongly to plans by experts in the Ministry of Education to make Dhivehi and Islam subjects optional to senior Secondary students.
The Ministry argued that students should be free to focus on subjects that would help them get enrolled into Universities. Religious groups, however, accused the Ministry of “anti-Islamic” policies.

In September 2010, the Adhaalath party condemned government plans to introduce co-education in 4 schools. They claimed co-education was “a failed concept”. Incidentally, all of the Top 10 universities of 2010 were co-educational institutes.

Similar objections were raised by clerics in Saudi Arabia towards the inauguration the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology – a vast, new $10 billion dollar, co-educational institution.

Maulana Syed Kalbe Sadiq, a senior Indian Muslim cleric and Vice President of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board rejected this view. Noting that even co-worship was permissible during the Hajj, he stated there was no basis to deny co-education to Muslim students.

Speaking at Aligarh Muslim University in 2010, he said, “In the 21st century, only those who adopt high-level modern education will survive”.

The late Sheikh Tantawi, Egypt’s top cleric and the influential head of Al-Azhar University, ruled that Muslim girls in France should obey French Law and continue their education despite the ban on Hijabs, because sacrificing one’s education would be ‘the greater evil’.

Nevertheless, young Muslim girls continue to be kept at home by religious conservative families in Muslim countries, including the Maldives.

“Read!” -the archangel Gabriel’s first words to an illiterate prophet sparked the beginning of a movement which led to one of the greatest periods of human cultural achievement and enlightenment.

Muslims have a legacy of generating a volume of knowledge that, historians say, outweighs the combined works of ancient Greece and Rome.

That legacy of reason and science appears to have been overwhelmed by dogma in the 21st century. A culture that produced intellectuals of the calibre of Al-Farabi and Ibn Rushd is today more closely identified by gun-toting militants.

In the Maldives, it appears increasingly implausible that Islam might someday be represented less by Islamist preachers and more by scientists like Dr Hassan Ugail. But such a day, if it were to come, would pay rich obeisance to the legacy of learned Muslim ancestors.

It could be argued that such intellectuals are equally, if not more, deserving of the title ‘ilmuverin’, or ‘Scholars’.

Perhaps what it takes to fire up the uninspired young Muslim generation is a set of healthy intellectual role models to finally step in to inspire and guide them.

Alternatively, they could look up at the same Arabic stars that fascinated their cultural ancestors, and be inspired by the distant, faintly-glowing reminders of their fiery intellect from an age gone by.

Image: An astrolabe made in Yemen in 1291, an ancient ‘computer’ used to calculate time and triangulate location, relative to the sun and the stars. They were also used to determine the time for Salah (prayers).


110 thoughts on “The bright stars of Islam”

  1. who is Yaameen Rasheed to talk about islam and its history and present? This is like Maumoon talking about nuclear science...a perfect example of the "all-knowing" maldivians who pretend to know about everything and have an opinion about everything from ants to missiles...

  2. The different between today and the past is that in the past there was not only coexistence between Islamic scholars and scholars of the various sciences, but encouragement as well. There was mutual respect and support for each other close to a time when the Christian's Catholic Church was hanging scholars as heretics. The Catholics were fanatics because their scholars were insistent on holding all powers within that religion unto themselves rather than allowing it to be defined by the people rather than a religious institution.

    With Islam, we now have our own fanatics. Islam is great because it does not allow a clergy. It does not allow the formation of archaic values to oppress society. Yet in spite of this, it is now a handful of conservative scholars who say that all others are wrong. Only 10% of Muslim scholars globally follow/preach ideologies that claim women and men must always be separated. That coeducational schools are heretical. And that any form of equality is against God's word.

    More moderate scholars need to speak up. And the breach between religion and science needs to be mended. Islam is not the close minded religion Adhaalath claims.And as they become more and more conservative, they only alienate the people they claim to represent. I will not believe Maldivains are that gullible. That they will forsake their heritage, traditions, and culture for what one conservative scholar says. At heart, the majority of Maldivains know the truth of God's love and His tolerance towards man. Hate and darkness will not be allowed to survive in this country.

  3. A very good article BUT first thing first;
    The author of this article, Yameen Rasheed is a kaafir. Not for writing this article but he has left the fold of Islam a long time ago. So the author is an atheist and he is writing about his former religion.

    second: many points he raised are true but there are very good reasons. What he omitted is the reason why the Muslims are in the situation they are in today. This is not about finding a scapegoat for the woes of Muslims today. but there are very good reasons. Like the West's continued support for tyrannical dictatorships of the Muslim world. For us the laymen Muslims this is about fikree hanguraama. but the Western kaafirs know that the only way they can keep Muslims low is by keeping them under dictatorships. That's why they supported the Shah of Iran, the ruler of Tunis, the president of Egypt etc. All these despots do and will have continued support of Western world because these are their puppets.

    third: that the Muslim world doesn't have much Nobel laureates is true but Yameen ignored the religious bias. We are all humans including those who sat on Nobel committee. So its very likely that they could be hostile to Muslims. That they are not free from error is evident by their awarding Nobel peace price to Obama only last year for achieving WHAT?

    fourth: Yameen mentioned jewish Nobel laureates dwarf the sum of all Nobel laureates of the Muslim world. This is of course true. What he omitted is that its the Jews who are the real power in Washington. They make all the rules in Tel Aviv and instruct their puppets in Washington to carry it out. So Israel is no match for any country on the face of the earth. Israel is an extension of America and its where the real agenda's of the world are set. However this does not absolve Muslims from their duty of learning and scholarship. Its true that Muslims have gone a long way from the teachings of Islam but the people cannot be blamed. Every people will have their leaders and they are the people who make or break them. So our problem is our leaders.

    Finally: Yameen seems to suggest, that for these defects that the ulema of Muslim society shall be replaced by secularists like Dr. Hassan (my view only) and by extension, atheists like the author...? This doesn 't seem to be an honest motive dho?

  4. Eh. Probably due to colonialism.Or western orientalist oprression. Or Islamphobia.

    Or something.

    Please refer to Bilal Phillips or Zakir Naik.

    Yes, they will clarify this issue for us - they are very well qualified.

    They make atheists pee in their pants.

  5. Great Article!!! A very important neglected issue! Intellect in our society is going to be lost if people use religion as an excuse to deprive their kids of education.

  6. A good article. Fundamentalist leaders of whatever religion take their followers back into the dark ages. This applies to Christian creationists who deny evolution, who believe the earth is only 6,000 years old and that man existed with the dinosaurs, just as it does to male centered Islamists who deny girls education and deny women the right to work. I have visited the Alhambra and other marvels of Islamic architecture, and also appreciate the efforts of early Arab astronomers in mapping and naming the is a great shame such achievements will not recur.

  7. Majority of Muslims live in squalor now, its a culture of will of god erroneously interpreted by Muslims

  8. Are you the same guy who runs a hate blog?

    Talking about early Muslim philosophers, they not only excelled in their relevant fields but they were also Islamic theologist. You will find the first thing they all had studied were Quran and Hadith.For an example famous Ibn Sina (Avicenna) memorised Quran at the age of 10.

    Both Ibn Sina and Ibn Rushd (known in the West as Averroes), Andalusian Muslim polymath and master of Aristotelian philosophy, were also Islamic theologists.

    But today those Muslims who particular go to Universities in the West are weak in their basic knowledge of Islam.

    Dr. Ugail may have done really well in the field of science and research but his Islamic knowledge may be at elementary level.

  9. I request the author of this article to pause here and go back to the books and see what made the few centuries following the death of the prophet the 'golden age' of islam. What is lacking in the Muslim Ummah today and then. Sor sure, the people during the golden age of islam was upon the Quran and Sunnah. And that was their key to success and thats what we are missing in Muslims today! But unfortunately if someone tries to follow the 'golden age of islam' he/she becomes, a fundamentalist, extremist or a terrorist.

  10. a very good article...enlightening, just what i was thinking....Maldivian imams are fools..only sex in their minds

  11. It is no coincidence that higher studies in Maldives do focus on everything else than science. Whether tourism, or marketing, computing. - but don't let it be science.


    Because students are deprived of the truth. They are taught what they are supposed to be taught, which is not necessarily the true world.

    As long as Youth TV keeps on broadcasting "The Evolution Deception" and similar, the population will continuously get brainwashed.

    I do not believe that a person who doesn't understand evolution can be a credible scientist.

    Very well researched article.

  12. first all politicians in the government be an example for the parents and the parents will b an example for the children..traaaaaa its so more thing....wot abt the bodu soabu? i mean the president....not really the president i mean the greedy corrupted evil rich power hungry orchestraters behind the puppet show to make the puppet (president) speak and act like they want to achieve what they want in respect to their own greed and less consideration for other poor beings!! is it possible to clean all these shit haa! if its possible i believe the problem is solved! good luck

  13. Hey 'che', I seriously absolutely doubt that the during the golden age of islam had them rampaging around the world, spreading terror, injustice, cruelty and depravity to every nation they managed to take a foothold of as they do today.

    Really, I doubt it.

  14. And while you're at it, referring to the megalomaniacal, tyrannical and oppressive 'religious leaders' in charge of islam today as "people who are leading the way to the golden age of islam" is a grievous insult.

  15. A very well written article. Dogma in itself which means a belief in something as the truth without questioning is not an issue. However those who strongly believe in what they think is true, do not think that two people see two different truths and forget to respect the difference of opinion.

    However behaviors of some people within the same religion can be cause for controversy and debate. For example in the Muslim World of Saudi workers are abused. At the same time Islam is supposed to have been the first to promote equality. Islam is not supposed to oppress women but Muslims do. Muslims love everything so called Western and even take refuge in Western countries but turn around and bites the hand that feeds them. Islam promotes Unity but Muslims are divided into so many Mazhabs and each Mazhab has many sects with small or more differences which never closes cos each one promotes their sect as the prime and right one

  16. this is a breath of fresh air

    first time in a long time that i heard about Muslims thinking of progressing rather than condemning

  17. @ hameed

    Hameed. I am confused now. Do you think this guy has any thing to do with Maakanaa Show, as well, apart from the hate blog?

    I have heard our President eulogize the guy who runs Maakana Show?

    What is the meaning of this, if the blogger and Maakanaa Show producer happens to be the same guy?

  18. agree with NArs on Sat, 22nd Jan 2011 10:14 PM

    @ Markaz on Sat, 22nd Jan 2011 8:24 PM
    bilal is already outa this topic and zakir naik is pretty good illusionist. he has also done a great job with word twisting.

    list of famous atheists for your reference.

    sorry buddy but i dont think anyone of them even knows who this zakir naik or bilaal is.

    please read carefully and see what these people have done for the good of humanity.

    also note that they didn't do it for the 72 virgins.your home work is to find out why they do it then.

  19. why is it hard for these intolerant atheists to accept this simple fact> That how much of a difficulty will it be for a god to give 72 virgins in heaven for a muslim who made it to paradise, when if all the galaxies were distributed equally among all humans then each one will be given >60! galaxies. just an example of the numbers! when you make intolerant jokes on islam, it just shows your ignorance.

  20. Hey satharey, wanna know something funny?

    Bilal philips is so mentally retarded, he has trouble differentiating between Stephen Hawkings (bends reality and doesn't afraid of anything) and Richard Dawkins (that one guy who trolled the fundies 12 times in a row.)


  21. @hameed, @heck

    Yes, you are totally right. Yamin Rasheed is the guy who runs the Maakana Show which is one of the best shows on TV. But sadly he is also the same guy who runs the hate blog. He also regularly posts comments using 'yaamyn' on minivan news.

  22. Well portrayed article. It is very much the truth what we see in day to day life in Maldives. A lot of children are deprived to go to English schools as the extremists believe they are harram. A lot of children miss having a good education because of their ignorant parents. A lot of children and women are deprived of their basic rights and needs by the mullahs.

  23. @ Yameen Rasheed

    What a totally twisted and meaningless article!

    You are up on a tree if you did not know that Muslims scholars' findings were very much DRIVEN by their faith which was very much a part of their daily life.

    The first thing they did before they discovered anything new was to take an ABLUTION and offer a TWO SETS PRAYER to Allah. Only then did they get down to work.

    What does it all tell you?

    That Muslims must convert to Atheism for any worldly progress?

  24. @ Derek Postance (The supposed saviour of Maldives from a Christian country?)

    "..also appreciate the efforts of early Arab astronomers in mapping and naming the is a great shame such achievements will not recur."

    Yes, my dear. Isn't it sad?

    The achievements will recur only when the SAME faith of early Muslims recur FIRST!

  25. in the BBC series, Light Fantastic i think they present the first humans who developed the scientific method. some detials from wiki:

    I watched this long time ago and i though what happened to Islamic civilization? what greed and ignorance came upon them?

    Our schooling system, our cultural values are not remotely close to what "golden age muslim states" would have been.
    you see the trouble today is everyone wants to take up religion as a profession, hence business. mostly populard by filthy ppl like Naik etc. that is why one commenter above said Dr ugail have elementary knowledge of islam. it appears people today believe that knowledge of islam is about how good you are reading out verses of quran and hadiths for any given purpose, mostly political. islam is a seperate knowledge? this is where it has gone wrong probably. where we forgot the commandment "learn" by Gibreel.

    Just out of curiosity, are you working for Minivan now? great article by the way!

  26. I advice caution, Yameen.

    Today morning, when I went to surf at Varunulaa Raalhugandu in Male', two guys on a motorcycle, wearing beards and truncated trousers (notice that I'm not labelling them Wahhabis because I know some good Wahhabis as well) came over and said to me:

    "You the Hilath who has been harassing Islam?"

    I wondered how I can "harass" a religion. I thought you can only harass things that are "living" and has a "mind" of sorts.

    Anyway, I told them: "Why don't you read my blog PROPERLY before criticizing me?"

    The one riding the motorcycle told me: "Are you a Muslim?"

    I replied: "Yes, but it is none of your business."

    Then when I made a move to go off, he called me to stop again and when I went over to him, he said: "Do you pray (perform namaz)?"

    Again I replied: "Yes, I do, but again it is nobody else's business."

    He then replied: "Actually, you have to be seen to be performing prayers."

    I replied: "Religion is something you keep in your hearts. It is not something you show off."

    Then when I made a move to go again, the one sitting behind him growled: "Maa balaa bodu vegen noolhehchey" - a sort of warning "not to cause mischief."

    Yameen, my dear friend, you could explain the true Islam but only to those who are willing to listen. These psychotic wackos have closed their minds and would not listen to reason.

    So I pray that you stay safe but if ever you feel you should stop writing because this government does not have any programs to adequately deal with Extremism, then by all means, take whatever precautionary measures you have to. I would not want you to suffer the same fate as Velezinee.

    And just want to share an interesting link from Maldives' journalist Hassan Ziyau's blog. Read this interesting blogpost titled, "Extremist ideology - Where is the full proof plan?" in which Ziyau laments a lack of coherent policy by successive Maldivian governments in tackling extremism:


  27. This article has some good points like progressive fields of study should be encouraged in the muslim world. But i feel it also has some narrow-minded points...

    like...Muslim scholars of the past pursued their studies with their faith intact & often sought answers from Quran & Sunnat...they didnt start questioning islam as they continued with their study. But today people who study philosophy & sciences start questioning their faith & turn into atheists...why?

    In case of Pakistan, i do agree there are psychotic people who use the name of ISlam to spread their twisted idealism like encouraging jihad. But in case of Maldives, i also feel that making Islam & dhivehi an option for secondary students is not good...if we are muslims & Maldivians, we should have at least basic knowledge of our religion & language. What happens when these students graduate & try to enter the work force? If they are entering govt service, they should be able to communicate & write well in dhivehi as per the constitution of this country. How are they going to answer their children's questions about religion?

  28. @Derek the atheist, where are you hiding? You haven't answered my questions. Derek come out.

  29. @Che

    Isaac Newton also practiced the Occult, but you wouldn't say that is the key to his success?

    There are thousands today, as well as during the golden age who pray 5 times and did all the ablutions. But we do not remember them like we remember Ibn Rushdh.

    What sets these great men apart is not that they prayed or worshipped, millions of other people do that even today. What sets them apart is that they didn't shun reason and science, despite their religious beliefs like todays sheikhs.

    Like the article says, they didn't become so dogmatic that they closed their minds to discovery. Reading about these great men makes you realize how small minded todays sheikhs are.

  30. @Yameen Rasheed, This article is totally messed up. You didn't mentioned that Christians conquered Iraq and took all the books, killed all the scholars and burn all the Universities. Also you didn't mentioned the fact now in Islamic world Islamic faith is at its lowest point. Most of them look for fame and easy money.

  31. Now Yameen my boy. Let me tell you something.

    No matter how accurately and concisely you present facts to us Mullahs, we will continue to mindlessly discredit each and every point you eloquently make. We will resort to personally attacking you, instead of deeply reflecting on the insights you present to us.

    We will call you Kaafir, even though it is taught clearly to us that no one is in a position to call the other a Kaafir.

    We will dig up all dirt we could dig up on you, neglecting the reality and valid information you put forth. Simply because its the Islamic way. And we know its true. Ali Rameez told us it is so. 'Che' here would agree to it.

    Because resorting to personal attacks and being in denial is the only defence us poor Muslims know.

    Allah knows best!

  32. have to say i did not learn anything from this. Pah... Poh. Yameens history knowledge is very limited.

  33. Good article. Yameen can write as long as Yameen can. If Hilath has a problem he can google on the facts of the article and write one of his own explaining contradictions.

  34. @ Yameen Rasheed

    A very educating article. Heart whelming to note that many present Muslim scholars have encouraging words for education particularly for 'women education' and even for co-education.

    “Read!” -the archangel Gabriel’s first words to an illiterate prophet sparked the beginning of a movement"

    "Only educated will survive in 21st century".

    So correct.

  35. This article is a "must read" for all Maldivians in general and all Muslims in particular.
    Why criticize the article or writer is not understandable. It highlights importance of education in ancient times in Muslim world. Even today some Islamic Scholars are for education at all cost ("Muslim girls in France...)

    Why despite such strong advocacy we lag behind in education? Why our preachers are so afraid of 'education' and want us to be illiteriate and backward? Until & unless due importance is given to modern education we will remain as Mr.Musharraf said

    "Today we are the poorest, the most illiterate, the most backward, the most unhealthy, the most un-enlightened, the most deprived, and the weakest of all the human race.”

  36. fringe elements like Hillath, Aniya, Veliziney and Yaamyn are now taking the lead to teach us Islam and moral ethics - what a joke!

  37. @zeenat

    I disagree with you. in the heart of almighty Allah and our prophet (PBUH) we muslims are the Strongest no matter what happen in this world. Get your faith straight.

  38. @zeenat

    I disagree with you. in the heart of almighty Allah and our prophet (PBUH) we muslims are the Strongest no matter what happen in this world. Get your faith straight.

  39. I find it sad that the only thing this article did was to just set up another stage for the constant bickering that plagues our nation,the articles great,sure.But in the end its like trying to show the beauty of the heavens to a bunch of blind people

  40. “Today we are the poorest, the most illiterate, the most backward, the most unhealthy, the most un-enlightened, the most deprived, and the weakest of all the human race.”

    so true. for as long as we have these mullah's influence over our ppl, we will remain so. this is why we need to fight back. these ppl in the name of religion are doing all sorts of evil. may god save us from these mullah's and show us the right path.

  41. A good article. Maldivians have to rethink about the education system, which created extremists, who portray a very different "brand" of Islam, who do not want to open their minds to reason and facts,and accuse any one who do so as infidels.

  42. Ahmed Aliased on Sun, 23rd Jan 2011 7:24 AM
    that youtube video reminds me of the "vaahaka kiyaameeha" from that brainwashing drama series Muhammad rasool lul laahi.(one shown during ramazan). good one. typical Muslim style defensive mockery arguments. hehe.

    muslim boy on Sun, 23rd Jan 2011 5:51 AM

    " why is it hard for these intolerant atheists to accept this simple fact> That how much of a difficulty will it be for a god to give 72 virgins in heaven for a muslim who made it to paradise," - muslim boy

    its really hard to blindly believe in an fantasy philosophy (religion) created by humans whom they say is created by some god to give it power so people wont question it.

    its hard to be a hypocrite for some people but maybe not people like you.

    when you talk about 72 virgins do you mean male or female virgins? are you also saying that all the goods done by people from other religions are a big waste. then i don't understand why Muslim god says Islam is fair!

    are you saying that volunteers who worked day and night to save Muslims from the earth quacks/floods, tsunamis (eg Indonesia, Maldives, Pakistan) are a big waste? (they don't get a chance from heaven?) what is fairness then?

    "when if all the galaxies were distributed equally among all humans then each one will be given >60! galaxies. just an example of the numbers! when you make intolerant jokes on Islam, it just shows your ignorance." - muslim boy

    how can that be an example to someone who dosnt even believe it. also note that you have mentioned "If" when u began writing. I could write many "If" and assume a lot of things. i can divide, subtract and make the equation even complex. 😉 wait a min! do u call this a fact? 😐 *speechless*

    cheers man. and remind you to think about the 72 virgins before you reply.

  43. It is really sickening to read some of the comments here by some people who refuse to see the truth. Whether they want to believe or not, this is one of the best article written so honestly about why most Muslim countries are so backward. And who is this Zakir Naik anyway? He is just a big mouth telling lies to deny reality. If someone asks him a difficult question he will get offended and try to change the subject. We have seen him doing this trick here in our country too. Fellow brothers, you have to open your eyes and learn to think critically.

  44. hey satharu!
    if you maintain that god did NOT create all this then, then i ask you who?
    who created this earth?
    what happened before bigbang?
    why doesn't the oceans sink through the porous earth?
    why are you and me here? why why?
    from what knowlege are you saying god did not create this creation? i know you haven't said it but you do imply this no?


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