Tory In Town

British Tory MP, Gary Streeter, has arrived at Male airport for a five day visit to the Maldives to hold discussions with the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) and the government.

He was received at around 10pm last night by a crowd of hundreds of cheering MDP supporters calling for the President’s resignation, chanting “Maumoon isthiufaa”.

During his visit, he will meet with the MDP’s shadow cabinet members, the Parliamentary Group and make an address to the party’s National Council. He will also visit the island of Thinadhoo, in Southern Huvadhoo Atoll to meet party members and speak at a meeting on Friday evening.

The MP for Devon South West will also meet with various government officials, including Elections Commissioner, Kaaf Dhaal Ahmed Maniku. He is scheduled to hold a round table discussion with members of non governmental organisations and journalists, and to make an address to the NGO Maldives Forum.

Streeter is Chairman of Conservatives Abroad, the Party’s International Office and the Conservative Human Rights Commission. He has asked a number of questions in the House of Commons about the pace of reform in the Maldives and is known to have a keen interest in Maldivian politics.

The purpose of his visit is also to discuss the possibility of greater cooperation between the MDP and the UK Conservative Party, with the help of the Westminster Foundation which works to promote democracy and help political parties with similar ideals around the world.

Part of the work of the Tories’ International Office is in building and supporting democracy in emerging countries, while the Human Rights Commission works “to champion the cause of people all over the world whose basic human rights are being abused”.

Streeter is a trained lawyer and currently sits on the UK Government’s Home Affairs Select Committee. He served as Minister in the Lord Chancellor’s Department in John Major’s government from 1995 to 1997. He has also been shadow secretary of state for International Development, Vice Chairman of the Conservative Party and a Shadow Minister in the International Affairs Department.
