The Adhaalath Party has expressed concern over a memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed with Christchurch College at Oxford University last week to provide an annual scholarship for a Maldivian student.
The party claimed that the scholarship was the result of President Mohamed Nasheed, former Foreign Minister Dr Ahmed Shaheed and his successor Ahmed Naseem repeatedly “begging and pleading with Christian powers that Maldivians going to [Middle Eastern or Islamic universities] can only be stopped by sending Maldivian Muslim students to countries under the rule of the cross.”
The Adhaalath Party’s statement was accompanied by images of a church and what appeared to be choirboys.
In a statement last week, the Foreign Ministry noted that the scholarship “was initially discussed during President Nasheed’s visit to Oxford University in December 2010 and has now materialised into a wonderful opportunity for outstanding Maldivian students.”
“The scholarship will encourage Maldivians to study in the field of Environmental Sciences with a view to enhancing the Maldives’ capacity to manage the specific threats the country faces from climate change. On completion of their studies the scholars will return to the Maldives with exceptional expertise in this field.”
The Adhaalath party statement meanwhile claimed that Christchurch college “is a Christian religious college that offers modern education.”
“Former English Prime Ministers and Cabinet Ministers studied at the institution,” it continues. “In addition, a number of people who are Christian priests today studied there. The university also runs a Christian school for children called Christ Church Cathedral School. It is important to beware of scholarships our young ones could get from this school.”

Adhaalath goto hell. just becasue you goto a school doesnt mean you will convert. Stupid morons.
Better to study at Christchurch college and become a moderate christian priest instead of being a fundamentalist mullah after studying at Adhaalath sanctioned madrasses.
Please tell me this is a joke
Surely, someone in the Adhaalath party realizes how ridiculous they sound?
I actually thought some of them are smarter than this - and above this kind of desperate fishing for non-existent issues.
Seems Adhaalath party's leadership has been taken over by stupid idiots.
Please stop maligning Islam being zealots and bigots. please do not outlaw what Allah has made Halaal, and do not adjudge what is forbidden as halaal.
If you have so much so much vigour for the sake of Islam, please make our mosques busy with widespread calling towards Allah and his Prophet.
Please be crystal clear that there is no restriction to seek knowledge, be it from non-Muslims.
Islam is complete and there is no room for extremism and concoctions
Next thing you know, they'll be requesting all Maldivians to stop visiting these "countries under Christian rule" or maybe even more stupidly, going to places like Christchurch NZ cos it has the word "Christ" in it. God Almighty! How stupid did You make these dumbo's who allegedly want to save our eternal souls?
Surely this must be a Joke! I mean not even the Adaalath Party can be that Stupid?
Are these people seriously thinking of being ever in power or has MDP or DRP put in their agents inside Adaalath so that they look stupid.
They claim that Christian Priests studied there. We call can claim that terrorists studied in Madrassaas tDoes it mean that everyone who has attended a Madrassa are terrorists?
Today we had Sheikh Hussein Rasheed claiming that he see no reason why El Al should not operate to Maldives, and now Adaalath comes out with this idiocy.
I am sure they will claim that no Muslims should go to Christchurch in New Zealand too because the word Church is in there.
Then they would say that no Maldivians should go to Kings College as they may try to be Kings. Also they should not go to Queens College as they may try to becomes Queens. Now that would be interesting.
Why does the Maldivian Newspapers give any credence to the idiotic ramblings of the Adaalath Party? They have not even one member in The Majlis and are only in the Government because Majeed Baree is the brother of Sunland Nazeer and Sheikh Hussein Rasheed seems to be a sensible chap compared to other Sheikhs.
Maldivian Dimlightenment.
Even as I roll on the floor laughing, I cry for what is going to happen to this country with such idiots influencing government policy.
A future f***d.
AP should know it well that from the name of the college, Christchurch - it is Christ's(Jesus) Church. So parents, please don't apply the scholarship, the professors are all Christians and will convert your children to become Christians. By doing so, you also help to give those scholarships to students from other countries.
AP, you are right, BEWARE!!
adhalaath ur losing credibility by making issues out of nothin..
there'd rather alllow maldivians going to hindhu schools and becoming hindus, worshiping idols. adhaalaath is just the same as any suicidal heroine addicted moron.
OMG, I cant believe that EVEN Adhaalath could be this stupid... there are non-Muslims studying in our Maldivian schools (where Islam is taught as a subject), and I very much doubt that any of them have converted to Islam because they studied in a Muslim school..
For Christ's sake!
Can someone tell them it's a town name? Those backward retards are still stuck in the medieval ages.
... wait, dont tell them. I want those imperialist puppets to continue making fools out of themselves.
@Minivan news...this is a country with its majority as Muslims(apart from here and there hiding atheists,catholics,hindus,buddhists,maybe scientologists and jews practicing hidingly)...So your adding fuel to fire to create hatred(from the above mentioned minorities)for the majority of the population has insignificant effects on the population: And it's nothing new,majority of christians and catholics in the USA also are suspicious of high profile people like Tom Cruise who follow their own religion Scientology..they are ridiculed by the media&people alike in the most democratic country in the world for following what they believe was right..So it's not new!Don't keep crying so much about religious this,adaalath this and all that...It doesn't interest anyone except your few Islam haters...who i believe in this country are the people too lazy to follow the religion&are in need of an easy escape..that is by ridiculing and making fun of those who follow what they think is right.
@ tundo
I would prefer Muslim fundamentalists rather child abusers.
Adaalath must issue a single condemnation for all future govt actions. It would be less embarrassing for everyone.
Oh Adaalath this is the best one so far, thank you Minivan News for keeping me entertained, this will make me laugh for the rest of the week.
Christian priest will do a better job teaching Islam to us Maldivian, than these failed preachers of Adaalath Mullars, who has no sense of Religion.
Thanks for the laugh, Adhaalaath. I do agree that we need to send more people to Pakistan and middle east to produce more clowns like you guys.
I suggest adhaalath to migrate to another planet because here on earth 5 out of every 6 people are infidels. With such a ratio, imagine how many sins the infidels commit to anger God.
Scientologists deserve to be ridiculed.
So does people like you defending the adhaalath parteys.
Why am I not surprised that this sort of rubbish becomes headline news on Minivan? There is no doubt in my mind that Minivan has got a not-so-secrete agenda and we all know what that is.
Of course, Adhaalath is a joke, and no one really takes them seriously. However, at more and more regular intervals, we have these ridiculous pieces shown as headline news! I don't really care for Adhaalath, but dear fellow country men and women, beware of this Minivan organisation; they are trying desperately hard to create hatred between ourselves.
My goodness. Adhaalath party members. The name of the school maybe Christchurch but its not a christian missionary but an educational institution. First find facts before u start making a fool of ur selves.
Even the question 'Are they really that stupid?' need not be asked.
Is water wet? needn't be either...
Did you know if you take the word "adhalaath", jumble up all the letters, then add some, and then take some away, it spells "Jesus ". Be afraid, be very afraid!!!!!
Of-course Adhalath is against any form of modern education. How else are they to fill up their ranks with brain washed violent idiots. If Adhalath and their kin Islamic foundation and Salaf have their way all the education will be provided by fudermentalist madhrasaas where they were "Educated" at
What a joke!!!!
before we stop our kids from going to such 'non muslim' institutions, why not protest against non-muslims teaching our students? surely these indian n sri lankan teachers are 'infidels'?! and yes pls support maldivians goin to study in madrassas where terrorists were taught..more power to u dumbasses! bah! know that it is only u muslim fundies who are hell-bent on converting everyone!
We are sooo grateful Adhaalath Party for such a biggg and sensational exposure. Pl also appeal to all Maldivians to study in Pak Madrasas, grow foot-long beards, wear short trousers, cover ladies in Burqas. English be replaced by Arabic and for music we have Sheikh Fareed giving weekly lectures in Artifical Beach. Welcome to Paradise of Adhaalath Party.
hheheheheheheheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehehehheheheheheheheehehehehheehehh. this is just toooooooo funny! small minded fools!
OMFG! i pray god have mercy on these adalathians and give them a little bit of humility and enlightenment.
good god! i never imagined this much stupidity in this age!
Lately, I hear a few Maldivians lamenting the freedom that MDP have given to Maldives.
Hypocritical position.
The rich, those who controlled society were freer, way freer than any Westerner I had ever met. The rampant homosexuality, the drug abuse, the womanising, the gangsetrism, the murder, the corruption, the control of the judges, the lies, the slander, the defamation, the above the law lifestyle, all the whilst retaining a Muslim mask, from those who think of themsleves as conservative is perverse. It is perverse to hide your own narcissistic craving for power as a lamenting over the freedom of others.
You lament the liberation of the oppressed because you are losing your dictatorial hold over their hearts, they are losing their fear of your false production of the fear of hell which means, you are losing your life's aphrodisiac, your brutal repression over the minds of your ppl.
to Hilath, Yaamyn, Shadowrunner, Simon Shareef, to all others I have not mentioned who are either liberal bloggers, or who believe in justice, equity, development, luv you all, to rest of you brainless small hearted selfish small hearted losers, well you are absolute trash!
Dhunya Maumoon studied at Christ Church. Would she be a Nun, then?
Adalat live in 13 century /just stupid donkeys club
I am a Maldivian by birth, but I am a British citizen and speak perfect English language. On this occasion, I condemn the Adaalath Party as totally ignorant.
This is absolute ridicule and shows that these people are unfit for making decisions as a party. It is high time that we abolish this party. Can someone please take them to a court for this scandalous lies. These foolish beardies doesn't even know that the Christ Church College is attended by Muslims all over the world. Can I ask you why the Saudi Government is not offering us scholarships.
i wonder y minivan news bothers to bring this news. there are more stupid issues you can create as "news" if you want.
Probably you guys want more hits on the website. you could have inquire about the views of the environmentalist and NGO's in the maldives and use a more positive heading.
OR you could have ask other political parties for their view on this matter. i am sure they will have lot to say cause they cant wait to comment on anything HE Mr. president does.
"I am a Maldivian by birth, but I am a British citizen and speak perfect English language. "
Such a shame that you can't write it as well as you claim to speak it!
“I am a Maldivian by birth, but I am a British citizen and speak perfect English language. ”
Ahmed bin Addu bin Suvadheeb? What's wrong with that sentence? To me that sounds like perfect Queen's English?
-9000, Adhaalath.
this makes you something like -10000000.
God help you. 🙂