HRCM investigating leak of child molestation allegations against MP

President of Human Rights Commission of the Maldives (HRCM) Maryam Azra has said that the commission has begun an internal investigation to find out the source of a story published in local newspaper Haveeru that the commission was investigating an MP regarding child molestation.

Minivan News understands that Haveeru removed the story from its website this afternoon.

When Minivan News queried Azra as whether the commission was investigating such a case, she replied “I do not know.”

”We are trying to find out who it was that has told Haveeru so,” she said.

Haveeru had quoted an official at HRCM as saying that a child molestation case related to a MP had been filed at commission, which was investigating alongside police.
The official declined to reveal the name of the MP, said Haveeru.

Spokesperson of HRCM Ahmed Rilwan told Minivan News that he would “have check whether such a case was reported to the commission.”

”The statement given to Haveeru by whomever was not an official statement,” he said.

A police spokesperson said police had no comment on the matter.


4 thoughts on “HRCM investigating leak of child molestation allegations against MP”

  1. Something fishy going on here ( our zoo, i mean parliament members are certainly capable of doing this ), so how come haveeru took it off their site in such a hurry?
    Did money change hands or was it the collective weight of the 77 'izzaitheyri' arses, i mean members?

  2. When Minivan News queried Azra as whether the commission was investigating such a case, she replied “I do not know.”

    Then how can you say that "HRCM investigating leak of child molestation allegations against MP"?

    There is no way you could report this article, without any source. How silly the Minivan News is.

  3. so, this is the reason why members are against death penalty. if it were to be implemented they would be the first ones to be convicted!!!

  4. Ah Ms. Azra. I don't know seems like not a very good answer coming from the president of the institution.

    She should be coached on how to less stupidly evade questions she doesn't want to answer. GET ON IT RILWAN. GO. NOW.


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