Islamic Foundation calls on government to sever diplomatic ties with Israel

The Islamic Foundation of the Maldives has called on the government to break off all diplomatic ties with Israel, a day after Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) announced that a team of seven Israeli doctors is due to arrive in the country to treat patients at the government hospital for a week.

The Foundation requested the government terminate all ties with Israel saying ”we do not want any sort of assistance from Jews.”

President of the Islamic Foundation Ibrahim Fauzy said that the organisation did not support accepting “any sort of assistance from Israel as long as they are in the lands of Palestine. We should fear that we might have to face the wrath of God.”

Fauzy explained that the Islamic Foundation does not recognise Israel as a state as “they have stolen the lands of Palestine by power and force,” adding that “it also against our religion to have relationships with Jews.”

In November last year, Foreign Minister Dr Ahmed Shaheed narrowly survived a no-confidence motion for his role in deciding to normalise relations with the Jewish state.

Dr Shaheed told Minivan News today that the “government does not have diplomatic relations with Israel” and has not signed any agreements to that effect.

He added that he was not aware of the visiting Israeli team as “doctors don’t come through the Foreign Ministry.”

Fauzy also claimed to have information that Israel was attempting to influence the education policy of the government, which has come under fire from religious NGOs for plans to make Islam an optional subject in A’ Levels and change four secondary schools in Male’ to single-sex schools.

”There will be cunning plans of them behind the scenes, they will not wish any good for Muslims, inside their heart,” Fauzy alleged.

In a press release yesterday, IGMH invited interested patients to register at their customer relations counter between November 28 and December 2 for appointments with the visiting Israeli doctors.


134 thoughts on “Islamic Foundation calls on government to sever diplomatic ties with Israel”

  1. Fauzy shoud know. Isn't this the same Fauzy that spent some time in the Guantanamo Bay Jail?
    Our most famous convict, would know all about who we should be and shouldn't be freinds with.

  2. Why minivan News haven't brought a comment from the Israeli Embassy in Delhi for the statement made by Islamic Foundation?

  3. What is if non Muslims break ties with Maldives? We want have ties with every nation on the planet as long as that nation does not violate democratic principles. Israeli is one of the great democracies in the world

  4. what century are we living in? i guess its still the century of the ignorant for the religious extremophiles,

  5. @Anbar

    Do you think democracy is shedding the bloods of Arabs? Do you think democracy is snatching and stealing the properties of others? Do you think democracy is bulldozers and AK-47? Then, if it is Israel is the best democracy.

  6. i'm a maldivian and i love israel. palestine is a terrorist organisation. we should be talking about cutting diplomatic ties with palestine and boycotting palestine.

  7. Fauzy and his ilk need a dose of history. Both Ibn Saud and King Faisal conspired with the Entente Powers in 1914-20 to destroy the Ottoman rule over Palestine, and to create a Zionist state so long as Ibn Saud and his Wahhabi warriors could grab all of Arabia, and so long as King Feisal could get a kingdom to call his own. Much later, Golda Meir of Israel cut deal with King Abdullah of Jordan to carve up Palestine between them. And still later, Kind Hussain of Jordan destroyed Palestinian resistance with Black September raids. Of course Israel was planted where it is to serve the interests of America and Britain; but it was made possible by the quarrelsome tribes of Arabia!

  8. What century are we living in?? Up please!! Wake up. We live in the 21st century where any country or people of any race that commit crimes are condemned and not afforded any diplomatic relations. This is the age of diplomatic and economic sanctions against any people who break International law!!!

    Don't you people who claim to be so modern and living in the space age that there is a budding movement by foreign investors and activists to join a campaign against companies doing business in the West Bank — aimed at hitting them in their pockets.

    This is economic pressures similar to the ones imposed against apartheid-era South Africa. Pension funds in Norway and Sweden have divested themselves of holdings in some firms involved in building in settlements or helping to erect Israel's contentious West Bank separation barrier.

    European activists are cranking up pressure on companies by exposing the West Bank ties and picketing stores that sell settlement goods. And some major U.S. churches are questioning companies as a precursor to possible divestment.

    Even western Christian churches have woken up and joined the efforts, while out self-styled Maldivian 'modernists' think they're got it all figured out!! "This is a divestment from companies supporting the occupation," said William Aldrich, head of the divestment task force at the New England Conference of the United Methodist Church.

    Divestment is meant to make a moral statement, said Aldrich, whose group recommends that Methodists sell stock in 29 foreign and Israeli companies, though that call has not been adopted by his church at the national level.

    The Associated Press reports further:

  9. Fauzee and the likes of him are ignorant fools. Just ignore them and don't give them any publicity.

    I don't agree with Israel's policies regarding the Palestinians nor the confiscation of Palestinian property and land. This is not a religious conflict; it's an economic conflict.

    Of course, nuts like Fauzee will try to make this a religious conflict, so they have a reason to exist and grow their beards.

    There are plenty of people in Israel who do not agree with the policies of their government.

    The use of the Jew word by Fauzee goes to show that he's just another anti-Semite.

  10. And they criticize secular Maldivians for saying Wahhabis have only one pillar to their faith.. mindless hatred.

    These people can simply never be happy.

    Can these idiots please shut up and let the rest of the country live in peace? They're Israeli doctors coming to treat sick Dhivehin.. and no, they're not coming in bulldozers.

    It is precisely people like this that prevents Palestinians or anybody else from achieving peace or mutual understanding.

  11. "it also against our religion to have relationships with Jews" - um... since when? Aren't Jews people of the book? I don't claim to be knowledgeable on this topic at all - but I was always lead to believe that the only people muslims can have relationships with (other than other muslims) are the people of the book - namely Christians and Jews.
    I think what the Islamic Foundation (and others) need to try to understand is the difference between the Israeli government, the Israeli people (many of whom do not agree with their government's policies) and the wider population of Jews (many of whom are not Israeli). Direct your displeasure at the Israeli government by all means if you disagree with what they are doing - but don't reject help from medical experts simply because of the country they come from.

  12. This is hate mongering. What Fauzy is saying about them having anything to do with our education system is just hearsay and speculation attained by his own paranoia towards jewish people. He does not have any evidence to this effect.
    But ultimately his goal is achieved becuase the general population will just gobble up anything that someone in this type of a post has to say. Just because you call yourself the president of a foundation doesn't give you any authority!
    I wonder if IGMH said that they were jewsish anyway because not all Israelis are jewish and their religion shouldn't count for anything in this case. It is about 7 human beings wanting to reach out to other human beings who could do with their help. This is just stereotyping gone wrong.

  13. Isreal is a regular contributor to the tourism in the Maldives. Islamic foundation has no legitimacy in making such a demand. We need to be friends with everyone regardless of their ethnicity or religion..

  14. 'adding that “it also against our religion to have relationships with Jews.”'

    Is that religion called Wahhabism?

    If a couple of doctors coming equals to the Maldives being bombarded by the Israeli military to this Guantanamo Bay convict, then he should be locked up in a mental institution.

  15. Why every national issue or debate has to be dominated by these so called Islamic societies or Islamists. Why media is giving so much attention to the nonsense these fellows talk. What they know about the capability of Israel in medical research and how advance they are in the world, in certain fields no one can compete them now. And also how much these people know, what we have in Maldives even, we have so many medicines and laboratory test kits manufactured in Israel, and they are the best in that area of medicine. So how can you avoid them simply its made in Israel.

  16. Oh Cmon religious fanatics. This country does not belong to you only. If you hate jews go to Iran and settle there but sadly you will find jews there too. Dont blame the faiths. Faith has nothing to do there actions. If they are coming here to treat people whats wrong with it? Get free treatment and Israel has one of the best doctors in the world. If you dont want there service, can you at least stay in the home and shut your big mouth. Let others get the free treatment. Don't speak on behalf of the Nation. Speak only to your self or get lost to TORA BORA and then marry young girls like other fanatics do in this regard the famous preacher FAREED.

  17. Why are Muslims so fond of severing things? Amputating hands, beheading infidels, female/male circumcision.. etc? And in the failed state of Pakistan, they severe noses, lips, ears off poor women.

    That aside,
    A jewish man murdered by extremists in their vile, savage blood-thirst. We can't let this man Fauzy run around spreading the word of his extremist benefactors in Soodi Arabia and the caves of Pakistan.

  18. I dont like many points in policy of Izrail but i dont mix politician decision , political games of Izrail government with ordinary people from Izrail,doctors,scientists etc/ if even policy of Izrail goverment is very agressive in some point it is not mean that all people of Izrail are bad. remember in Izrail many muslims too and many different nation there/Do you know that many medicine technic and way of treatment and medicine that you use come frome Izrail research labs.? Billions of life around the globe was save because of Izrail medical scientists works.
    But maybe Addalath idiots have such records in sciense too?
    Izrail it is multinational country and many very good people there too/do not mix politicians and ordinary people/Izrail people and scince on are very high level/But such party like Addalath ,never want to make Maldives a real 21 century country but Addalath dream is to take country in Neanderthal period /we must dont be are slaves of such Addalath idiots/
    Does not turn into xenophobic maniacs!

  19. Maldives earns from foreigners visiting our country. So we need their money. I agree completely with @yarmin and @live and let live.

  20. Fauzy,
    If you can bring in all the assistance we get from non Muslims, yes sure!

  21. Fauzy you say "israelis are in the land of palestine and your religion (probably taught by devil) tells you to hate human beings based on their place of birth".
    i say i ate an apple and defecate it after two minutes.
    BUT neither of those statements are an argument against bringing humans who know how to treat the diseases.

    Fauzy should be ashamed to hide behind the banner of Islam and represent islam. come out for who you are!

  22. Lets break ideological ties with Arabs and then decide who we should have diplomatic relation, I think Israel would be far more better nation to have diplomatic relations than Arabs.

  23. @Ahmed Bin Addu
    "There are plenty of people in Israel who do not agree with the policies of their government."

    I’m afraid the plenty you talk about are not that plenty. The overwhelming majority supports the land grabs from Palestinians and building jewish settlements, they support ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from the occupied lands and they support the ongoing blockade of the Gaza denying the population there of even the basic necessities. These cruel and inhumane activities are going on almost on daily basis but we do not hear these things thanks to the Zionist controlled mainstream media. Here are some of the demolitions that happened this very month that the mainstream media conveniently ignored:

    Al-Quds home razed despite court order

    Israel razes more Palestinian properties

    Israeli forces destroy another mosque

    As Muslims and as fellow human beings, it is our duty to raise our voice against these atrocities being committed against the Palestinians. I certainly would not be making an appointment with the visiting doctors however grave a medical condition I may have.

  24. See below from Professor Muqtedar M Khan:

    "Unlike the present day Islamists, Prophet Muhammad, when he established the first Islamic state in Medina – actually a Jewish-Muslim federation extended to religious minorities the rights that are guaranteed to them in the Quran. Prophet Muhammad’s Medina was based on the covenant of Medina, a real and actual social contract agreed upon by Muslims, Jews and others that treated them as equal citizens of Medina. They enjoyed the freedom to choose the legal system they wished to live under. Jews could live under Islamic law, or Jewish law or pre-Islamic Arab tribal traditions. There was no compulsion in religion even though Medina was an Islamic state. The difference between Medina and today’s Islamic states is profound. The state of Medina was based on a real social contract that applied divine law but only in consultation and with consent of all citizens regardless of their faith. But contemporary Islamic states apply Islamic law without consent or consultation and often through coercion. It is a sad commentary on contemporary Islamists that while democracy is a challenge to contemporary Islamic states, it was constitutive to the first Islamic state in Medina established by the Prophet of Islam."

    So where does the anti-Semitism of Islamic Foundation come from? It comes from the Moslem-hating Tsarist Russia, who fabricated the story of a Freemason-Zionist world conspiracy to dominate the world. Why? Because the Bolsheviks were inspired, funded, and directed by Jews!! It has nothing to do with Israel and Palestine!

  25. @chaachi
    Palestine is a terrorist organisation. Why are you so interested in protecting them? Do you work for them? You should be investigated for ties with terrorists. So that we can severe them.

    Forever with the Great state of Israel. Let the doctor's visit poor, ignorant Maldives and operate on the eyes of people like Fauzy lest they may see light again. let nurses come from israel. Let Natalie Portman visit maldives.


  26. Guys,

    It the strong that survives. Israel is strong. Economically, strategically, and military. They have a strong brother to back them up.

    So, hoot all you want. They will dominate, and they will succeed.

    I vote for Israel.

    Dont make this a religious conflict, with brother-brother stuff. We know what arabs mean by brothers.

  27. Pls Pls Pls can Jews leave us alone. Already you Jews have stolen the lands of Arabs. Now you Jews are here to steal the eyes of our people. Pls Pls Pls leave us alone.

  28. Humanitarian and economic assistance should always be welcomed. We should admire Israel as to how it protected itself. How strong its foreign policy is. Even China learned lessons from them.

    Every Middle-East & Gulf country has diplomatic or economic ties with them.

    Common on guys, wake up. This is 21st century. Dont give attention to guys like Fauzee - spreading fanaticism is their business - thats how they earn our hard-earned money and make merry and their young concubines.

  29. @Anbar

    “Lets break ideological ties with Arabs and then decide who we should have diplomatic relation, I think Israel would be far more better nation to have diplomatic relations than Arabs”

    I do not think many Maldivians would support that. I think most are aware of the systematic destruction of an entire people, the Palestinians, in the occupied territories. The least we could do to express solidarity with them is to boycott Israeli goods and reject their assistance, medical or whatsoever.

    I also think we should make people more aware of the brave young men and women who are actively resisting the atrocities being committed against the Palestinians, like Rachel Cory. Rachel was an American peace activist run over and killed by an Israeli army bulldozer while she was trying to prevent them from destroying a Palestinian home. She saw the plight of the Palestinians first hand and shared her thoughts with her mother in the many letters she wrote home. Here’s an extract from a letter to her mother dated February 27 2003:

    “When that explosive detonated yesterday it broke all the windows in the family’s house. I was in the process of being served tea and playing with the two small babies. I’m having a hard time right now. Just feel sick to my stomach a lot from being doted on all the time, very sweetly, by people who are facing doom. I know that from the United States, it all sounds like hyperbole. Honestly, a lot of the time the sheer kindness of the people here, coupled with the overwhelming evidence of the willful destruction of their lives, makes it seem unreal to me. I really can’t believe that something like this can happen in the world without a bigger outcry about it. It really hurts me, again, like it has hurt me in the past, to witness how awful we can allow the world to be. ….. So I think when all means of survival is cut off in a pen (Gaza) which people can’t get out of, I think that qualifies as genocide. Even if they could get out, I think it would still qualify as genocide.”

  30. “it also against our religion to have relationships with Jews”

    It is against WAHHABISM to have relations with Jews.

    For the rest of the Muslim world, Jews are considered among the people of the book.

    These sheiks think that they speak for all Maldivians, someone must remind them to come into the 21st century!

    "And do not dispute with the followers of the Book except by what is best, except those of them who act unjustly, and say: We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you, and our God and your God is One, and to Him do we submit." (Quran 29:46)

  31. when this was done by government fauzee was here in Maldives. he was silent. he was with government. but when they lose help of government. he is against.. what is this. can somebody tells me what is going on..islamic foundation is government is managed by ANNI, its his propaganda. but its going out of his control. tell Anni to assist Banbukeyo husein to make it correct by good funding.. we will see..

  32. @ibrahim

    Israel's founding fathers were terrorists who killed British forces in Palestine which forced the world to create a country called Israle.

    So terrorism began with Israel.

  33. Creating peace with a country is not a bad idea, but, I think as usual Anni wants to anger the Maldivians with this "new found love" with Israel.

    Anni loves ANYTHING that Maldivians dislike.

    That's the criteria for Anni's actions.

  34. go suck a lemon sheikh fareed and his followers. why dont he think of feeding his family than fighting the jews. im sure god will want him to do that more than what he dose now.

  35. Why are we confusing democracy with war against the enemy? Israel is at war with Arabs who are hell bent to destroy the democratic nation of Israel. Israel gives its people freedom including Israeli Arabs and every government of Israel is democratically elected. Israel has right to exist and protect their people from those who cannot sleep, eat or live until Israel is destroyed.

  36. lathee: "Pls Pls Pls can Jews leave us alone. Already you Jews have stolen the lands of Arabs. Now you Jews are here to steal the eyes of our people. Pls Pls Pls leave us alone."

    chaachi: "I certainly would not be making an appointment with the visiting doctors however grave a medical condition I may have."

    The above comments remind me of a sad joke.

    Q. How many Muslims does it take to change a Light bulb?

    A. None. They prefer to stay in the dark and blame it on the Jews.

    There is a concerted effort from Wahhabis to continuously keep our people in eternal slavery. They resist all our attempts to modernize, they resist our efforts to make peace or live in peace.

    These people clearly don't want us to mend fences or achieve peace. It's not that they're just anti-Semitic, they're pro-hatred and would love nothing more than eternal conflict.

  37. "Sappe" hey Misbah, don't pretend to be Sappe. We know that you're a messenger (piyoonu) in Supreme Court. Please so to an English learning centre and improve your english standard. I hope you won't get personnal.

  38. @heck
    you founded the british forces while you were in israel? fantastic. so what else did you do there?

  39. @chaachi
    you better stop using the Internet. the security it uses was invented by a band of Jews. and on top of that the internet iself was invented by another Jew, Leonard Kleinrock. quickly log off and wash your hands seven times.
    before you do that, other things you need to boycott:

  40. Dr. Shaheed is a big liar , in his no-confidence motion, he presented an agreement between Maldives and Israel. Why do he want to hide things from the public.

  41. Oh, and while we're on topic, the islamic foundation should stop whining about foreign/jewish/space doctors and dissolve their NGO in favor of creating a proper medical school for Maldivians so we can have Maldivians as doctors.

  42. @yaamyn: You must have read my entire comment as you have quoted my last sentence ignoring the main point. So I take it that you are for Palestinian house demolitions, grabbing of their lands, and ethnically cleansing them from the occupied territories.

    I’m not. I’m with the Palestinians and I’m with Rachel Corrie.

  43. @chaachi

    Yes. I read your entire comment.

    There was no 'point' to it. You just linked to some sob stories, and arrived at your forgone conclusion.

    What does Israeli doctors treating Dhivehi patients have to do with any of that?

    What has Israel ever done to Dhivehi Raajje or Dhivehin? We have no porblems with them, nor should we.

    There's a confused lobby in our country who mistakenly think of themselves as Arabs. As is obvious from this article, they have no interest in achieving peace or breaking down the barriers between us and the Israeli people.

    This whole 'lets boycott Israel' thing because Wahhabism cannot live with jews or in peace doesn't make any sense.

    By the same yardstick, I challenge you to send back all the Indians over your imagined grievances in Kashmir, send back all the English, Americans and Italians over their involvement in the War on Terror.. what then?

    How long will will you broil in hatred? How long will you wallow in self-pity? How is any of this going to improve your situation?

    The Maldives should establish and maintain excellent relations with not only Israel, but all countries. They are a potential tourist market, as well as a leader in technology - and Dhivehin have only to benefit from close association with them.

    Even the Arabs have accepted Israel as a reality, and established diplomatic ties. It's only a few wahhabi hatemongers that cannot swallow the idea of living together in harmony.


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