Islanders blame sorcery for brutal stabbing of 76 year-old man

A 76 year-old man has been found murdered with multiple stab wounds on Kudahuvadhoo island in Dhaalu Atoll.

Ali Hassan was found knifed at an uninhabited house around 8:00 pm on Sunday night.

Sub-Inspector of Police Ahmed Shiyam told Minivan News on Monday that a special team from the Serious and Organised Crime Department of police was dispatched to the island last night.

Reports have surfaced in the local media that the police detained four suspects from the island – however, Shiyam continued, “the team is currently investigating the murder and it is too soon to confirm anything in the case yet.”

Following the police examination, the victim’s body was returned to the family and buried this morning.

“The injuries sustained were horrific”, said Island Council President Ibrahim Fikry, who claimed to have seen the body.

Speaking to Minivan News, Fikry said that the victim’s forehead was slashed and that his neck was slit. “There were deep stab wounds to the chest and back, revealing the bones. The intestines were visible from a slash to the stomach,” he recalled.

The father of nine, known locally as “Ayubey”, was found murdered after he went out for prayer around 6:00pm, Fikry said.

“It seems he was attacked on his way back to home. The house where his body was found is situated close to where he lives,” he observed.

He added that the police discovered Hassan’s body inside a house while searching the area, after some locals reported an “unusual blood spatter on the road” near the house.

Sorcery afoot

The appalling murder has left many islanders on Kudahuvadhoo shocked and frightened.

Speaking to Minivan News, an islander from Kudahuvadhoo claimed that the victim was “unpopular” in the community for his alleged practice of sorcery.

“Because the wounds are so inhumane, some people believe the death was caused by Fanditha [sorcery] or Jinni [evil spirits],” he said under condition of anonymity.

According to the islander, the victim had previously been accused of using sorcery on a 37 year-old woman, who was reported missing at 2:00am on 4 December 2011 and whose body was found floating in Kudahuvadhoo lagoon later that morning.

The body was bleeding from an injury between her nose and mouth upon recovery, as if she had been punched or hit, the island council claimed at the time.

However Sub-Inspector Shiyam told Minivan News at the time that police had not noticed any incriminating injuries on the body and were not treating the incident as suspicious.

Hassan’s family was quoted in local media claimed that he was not a sorcerer, and claimed he had received death threats from another family on the island.

Hassan was formerly Deputy Chief of Gemedhoo island in Dhaal Atoll which was devastated in the 2004 tsunami. When the population resettled in Kudahuvadhoo, he was voted out of position over allegations of child abuse, said a council member.

The incident has meanwhile sparked fear among the island’s 3000 inhabitants, and some islanders “do not even come out of the house after dark”, according to a source.

“Some people believe that if sorcery is practiced wrong, the spell will be reversed, and the sorcerer can suffer paralysis, disability or in some circumstances even die at the hands of evil spirits”, he explained.

He added that dusk is generally considered to be the time of the day when Jinni are considered to be at large, and it was inadvisable to be out after dark. “Hassan’s body was found a few hours after the sundown,” he noted.

This is the second incident in three years in which the dead body of an old man was found abandoned, with injuries.

In September 2010 Hussain Mohamed Manik, a prominent businessman known as ‘Hussainbe’, was found dead inside an abandoned house on Hoarafushi in Haa Alifu Atoll.

Police at the time suggested that Hussain, age 61, may have been murdered, however due to lack of evidence for the charge the Prosecutor General (PG)’s Office instead pressed terrorism charges against three suspects who reportedly took him hostage and robbed him.


32 thoughts on “Islanders blame sorcery for brutal stabbing of 76 year-old man”

  1. Well well right after doing prayers this guy is attacked by Jinn, so these islands don't believe in the power of prayer to God, oh it was the perpetrator who floated this nonsense story in the first place.

  2. Let it not be so - as Allah (swt) would be most displeased with us, if we let such conjurers walk within our midst.

    Those who devotes their lives to the service of Shaitan/Iblees/the Great Deceiver or his servants, the demons, will certainly face hell after death.

    I suspect many of these so called "atheists" are involved - and I invoke their musical rituals, casually bandied about as "death metal" as undeniable evidence of their degeneracy and their love for demons and sorcey.

    Indeed, "Death Metal" is short-hand for devil worship, and is entirely deviant and undesirable. If I ever catch any child of mine listening to such music, or any music for that matter, I will immediately expel them from their home and discipline his mother for her evident failure.

  3. My fellow Maldivians, I am a man who is proud and bewildered our intricate tales of mythology and folklore

    However when mythology and folklore are intertwined with serious and REAL issues such as murder, rape, child must grudgingly utter and associate the the phrase "Raajje therey" to these nitwits that claim sorcery as the murder suspect

    WTF..peace and love

  4. I fear that the Jinn killed Ayyube. He should have not invoked such dark forces in the first place, and there are reasons why sihuru is forbidden in Islam. Subhanallah, what a miracle!

    This is a warning against everybody who wish to practice sihuru! Fear Allah SWT, for such Jewish practices is certainly from the Jew and Jewish Jinn! Only your Creator and Lord should be the one you seek guidance from, and He is the one you should bow down to! I fear inventions such as the 'iPhone' might also have some sort of Sihuru elements involved in it, because Jews can be up to no good my dear Muslim Maldivian brothers and non-fornicating sisters.

    “And they followed what the Shaitans chanted of sorcery in the reign of Sulaiman, and Sulaiman was not an unbeliever, but the Shaitans disbelieved, they taught men sorcery and that was sent down to the two angels at Babel, Harut and Marut, yet these two taught no man until they had said, "Surely we are only a trial, therefore do not be a disbeliever." Even then men learned from these two, magic by which they might cause a separation between a man and his wife; and they cannot hurt with it any one except with Allah’s permission, and they learned what harmed them and did not profit them, and certainly they know that he who bought it should have no share of good in the hereafter and evil was the price for which they sold their souls, had they but known this.” (Al-Baqarah: 102 )

  5. Jews Jews Jews.
    I am sure its the Jews who invented knifes, which was used as the tool here.

    Where is Sheik Imran? Please say it God's wrath for placing the statues in Addu. Please convince the gullible Maldivians, you dumbo!

  6. R.I.P.
    i can tell what is true name of this jinn ,fanditta and devil is:
    /every heavy drug addict can do this terrible assasination by order from some body to get next doze of sh..t
    and every heavy crime can do that for money/
    it is only demonstration of the real situation in (100% !!!???)muslims country

  7. @Dhivehi Hangover

    Yes, "Death Metal" is the culprit, why didn't I think about that earlier? Let's not forget those evil computer games, canned food, love movies, motor bikes, the telephone, gravity, buy-3-for-the-price-of-2 special offers and public toilets. All Satan's tools to misguide our beloved offspring. Let's stay in our caves and wait out the deluge, shall we?

  8. Looks like it's brewing up to be a very interesting case. In the earlier incident concerning the drowned woman, I vaguely remember reading (on Haveeru) that after she got lost, the islanders consulted another 'sorcerer' and he pointed out the location from where they found her dead body. A feud between wizards or an intricate murder case? Harry Potter or Sherlock Holmes? The choice is yours.

    @Deecay: You're the only one who has done so or even hinted at any such allegation.

  9. A low living standard and lack of education is to blame.

    It is a shame that this government perpetuates the quantity more than quality approach to education favored by insincere show-boaters across the world. We have half the population on the national top ten but none of them can tell Plato from Puff Daddy. More focus needs to be placed on imparting a better education rather than spoon-feeding text-book material to academically stunted kids who barf this material back to their examination papers and forget them the next day.

    We also need a better living standard for our people. Less economic problems, better availability of food and leisure opportunities develops a people.

    That said, denigrating a people and their beliefs is counterproductive. Most of us middle-class educated people in Male City have progressed to our level because we have everything that our unfortunate brothers and sisters in Kudahuvadhoo do not. So please don't criticize if you haven't walked in their shoes.

  10. Sorcery? You kidding me. That shit won't work and Jinnis wont come anywhwere near anyone who pray the compulory 5 prayers and recite Ikhlas, Falaq and Naas surah as a habit.

    Non-Muslims, thank you for not commenting on this!

  11. You've got to be crazy to accuse the government on what happened to that man. You really need to see a doctor and get your sanity tested.

    What does sorcery have to do with education system or the government? We so do not want to even learn something which is haram in Islam.

  12. @tsk tsk

    Given that you keep on blaming the current government for pretty much everything that's wrong with society at large, where were you before Nasheed got elected?


    sar·casm [sahr-kaz-uhm]: a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark

  13. tsk tsk, i always think of you as a proud, arrogant show-off opportunist...but youve hit the nail there. the whole quality quantity thing. god bless you man! hope you will be more humble and kind in future.


  14. @ Hassan:

    'Maldives 100% Jinni believers' should be the case since Maldives is a 100% muslim country. In Islam, we believe that Jinnis (evil spirits) exist. Even in Quran it is stated.

    I know you must have wanted to prove your super intellectual, but you just made a fool out of yourself.

  15. I will now proceed to steal my kid sisters lunchmoney and blame it on the evil jinni. I betcha my parents cant take the jinni to court. Hmmm... what else evil deed may i commit and blame on the evil jinni....

  16. is it true that sihuru is inside the iphone. because it is v. small but powerfull like jinni. any fatwa on this will be v. useful to me and friends

  17. There is no such thing as Jinni , Ghost what ever name u wanna call it , End of Story .

  18. This is definitively an act of Jews. The Jews are bringing bad jinni's to the islands now.

    There shouldnt be any better reason than the jews. We want justice, lets protest april 23rd against jews bringing bad jinnis. Allah Akbar

  19. Islanders and the Salafists blame sorcery for brutal stabbing of 76 year-old man.


  20. I was with these people in Gamandhoo at that time Mr.Ismail Saeed was the Island Chief. I was a teacher in that island.Now only i came to know it was abadoned and the people move to this Island,Kudahuvadhoo . I still remmeber some names from the Island, Issae (teacher), who probably married to Fathma, If any body from that island is willing to contact me by email, i am very happy, me too speak bit Divehi. "Kene Halu". Thanks-Chris

  21. By the way, I worked in Gamandhoo,Dalu Atoll and Kamadhoo,Baa Atoll. But Jinni is commonn but i or the people did not face any problem like this way at that time. Very Sad ! 100 % it is not Jinny by Humman only.


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