Israeli flag burnings and ‘sit-together’ marks tale of two protests on International Human Rights Day

Protests erupted across Male’ over the weekend that saw the burning of Israeli flags and calls to “ban all Israeli medical teams” from practicing in the Maldives, alongside a “silent-sit together” against so-called “religious extremism”.

Protesters burned several Israeli flags in Republican Square and demanded the deportation of seven visiting Israeli eye surgeons, who are holding free eye camps in Male’ and the island hospitals.

Protesters gathered near the tsunami monument on International Human Rights Day, claiming that “Jews would not provide any form of assistance, unless there is a hidden agenda”, according to the website of the Islamic Foundation of the Maldives.

The religious NGO has previously called on the government to “shun all medical aid from the Zionist regime”, alleging the Israeli surgeons “have become notorious for illegally harvesting organs from non-Jews around the world.”

Religious NGO Jamiyyathusalaf has also called on the government to provide citizens with military training “before Jews take over the country”.

President Mohamed Nasheed today met with the doctors the Israeli ‘Eye from Zion’ NGO and said “a vast majority of Maldivians” appreciated the humanitarian work of the doctors.

The doctors “expressed their appreciation for the warm hospitality they received in the Maldives”, according to a statement from the President’s Office, and “also noted that there was a great demand for their services in the Maldives.”

Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Mohamed Didi, said there had been “no discussions” in the Ministry regarding the anti-Israel protests.

“We are not saying anything for or against the protest action taken this week,” he said.

Didi added that the Foreign Ministry was “more involved in state humanitarian projects and inter-faith charity work than the Islamic Ministry.”

“The major roles of the ministry are to raise Islamic awareness and bring scholars from different countries to visit,” he said.

Coinciding with protests opposing the visit of Israeli doctors, the Islamic Foundation published allegations on its website that only two of the seven visiting surgeons from Eye from Zion had at the time been granted licenses by the Maldives Medical Council (MMC).

An MMC spokesperson was reported as claiming that certificates produced by the seven-member Eye from Zion medical staff were not carrying official stamps. However, the spokesperson added that all the surgeons would be able to receive licenses to operate upon clarification of their legitimacy by the Israeli government.

Meanwhile,  a group of 30 Maldivians gathered near the artificial beach on Friday, up the road from the anti-Israel protest occurring at the tsunami monument, holding what they called a “silent sit-together” on International Human Rights Day.

Members at the gathering said they were attempting to oppose wider concerns over growing “religious extremism” in the country.

“Displaying a stark contrast to the loud truck and motorcycle cavalcade of religious conservatives who were protesting against Israeli doctors around the same time by announcing anti-Semitic messages through loud speakers, the youth that participated in the sit-down took a decidedly fresh approach towards protest,” a press release from the sit-together’s members claimed.

“The silent sit-together, conspicuous by the absence of any banners, megaphones, or sloganeering, aimed to send the message that youth are against religious extremism and supported Human Rights, Tolerance and Dignity for all humans.”

People participating in the protest said they were trying to start a “grassroots” movement against religious extremism, but did not wish to give their identities.


204 thoughts on “Israeli flag burnings and ‘sit-together’ marks tale of two protests on International Human Rights Day”

  1. doesnt these thunbulhi fools know how to tolerate anything? Im sure if some underage girls were brought to the country these idiots wud be the first to go to airport to receive them. AGAINST EXTREMISM!!!!

  2. @ Neil Merrett

    How do you define 'religious extremism"?

    Which religion?

    Secularist religious extremism?

  3. Oh my God! What a missed opportunity!

    MNDF should have rounded up all those who participated in this flag burning! If we had rounded up these guys we would have caught almost all the main "Islamic radicals" in our society.

    It is not too late. MNDF should go through the surveillance camera footage and arrest these lunatics. There is no place for such hate mongers in this country.

    Just look at these weirdos. Look at their costumes. These people belong to the caves of Afghanistan and not in the Maldives.

  4. (People participating in the protest said they were trying to start a “grassroots” movement against religious extremism, but did not wish to give their identities.)

    No need to give their identities.

    You wont miss them.

    Just take a hike down own Jumhooree Park and every tetra-pod around Male' on Fridays!

    I wish their masters would treat them a bit more humanely.

    But I have to disagree.

    It's NOT a silent sit-together.

    It's a bit louder than silent!

  5. So is this what Islam has come down to? My goodness what ignorant jihadists! The Government needs to act on the rise of intolerance before someone blows up in public space killing innocent lives

  6. Maldivians ought to be more educated and civilized than this. To spread hatred and fear against fellow human beings with noble causes is unreasonable and offensive. And to note the flag burning of another sovereign nation! Disgraceful. Such acts should be condemned.

  7. It's like the Rio Carnival of intolerance.

    Seriously. Are anti-Semitism and violent burning hatred the only thing these people have in their religion?

  8. Silent sit together against Islamic extremism? Wasn't it "Maldivians for freedom of religion March"

    If it was against Islamic extremism, how could it be for religious freedom?

  9. What we are seeing is the consequences of the heinous work of few Islamic clerics who not only distort Islam but also incite extremism and promotion of intolerance.

    Brain washed fools are unaware that they are remotely controlled by a bunch of outlaws who claim to be the custodian of f an alien version of Islam.

  10. Its the beardees again.

    On behalf of the idiots, ignorants, and the conniving hate mongers in this country, I deeply apologize to the visiting Israeli doctors.

    I just wonder, why are these idiots not displaying the 'supposed' beauty of our religion. I have not seen much recently, but then I should not really expect much from ignorants or paki/saudi funded/led extremists.

  11. @Ham. Religious Freedom and Against Religious Extremism are in fact, one in the same!

  12. This is a disgrace. Idiots like heck and the flea beards are the reason why Islam is in its dark ages right now. During the golden age of Islam it was the Muslim's who preserved the teaching of pagan Greeks and romans when Christianity was facing the dark ages. but sadly gone are the days the xenophobia and paranoia that runs in these circles are unbelievable. If they have their own way they would wipe out all the modern progress we made and return us to Middle ages.

  13. those who commented and mocked Islam, we are showing our hatred to Jewish. Do u guys know how many innocent Muslim children are being killed, how many Muslim sisters are being raped and by Israelis. how many houses of our Muslim Palestinians are being destroyed. Don't you guys see it. hmm you cant see. you guys may be amongst Zionist. lets see whats going to happen. may be we have to get ready for a lot of other free services from them.
    1- Free demolition of mosques and houses
    2- Free raping of our sisters
    3- Free killing of our children
    4- Free torturing and humiliation of our brothers

    lets get ready

  14. Ohh my god...The last thing I want to see in my country is flag burning. These evil extremists are doing everything they could to make our country to next Afganistan. If you cant cope our way of life please you are most welcome GO GO GO to Afganistan or Pakistan. Dont show your ignorance to our children and us. Please leave this country with your BIG veil wives. These guys grow their beard because they want to marry under age girls and marry as many as they could. They never care about their age. F******8 B*****. Leave this country. Don't spread religious hatred in this country. Shame on you.!!! If you dont like their service why cant you shut your mouth and stay home. Nobody is forcing you to see them. Dont try to speak on behalf of everyone. Islam is a good religion and it spread peace. If you represent true Islam why dont you meet them and propose Islam rather than your protesting. They are people like you. They believe in a religion just like you. Its your duty to teach them by peaceful meanings. They may become muslims. But the way you guys are acting people never will think of embracing islam or even learn Islam. You gurz are acting like Donkeys. Cmon grow up. NOT ONLY UR BEARD

  15. @abu Hussain, we are not mocking Islam. That is also our religion. You are mocking Islam and its true meaning. Dont you think we cared about our brothers and sisters like you do. Maybe we care much more than you because they way you are reacting will cause much harm to them. Do you think burning a flag and protesting in the street of Maldives will do any good to the Palestinians. Instead if you welcome them they may become the guardians to our Palestinian brothers and sisters. There is still time learn from our prophets. Time is still on your side

  16. Abu Hussain, by hating and burning a flags what you will gain, nothing. If you have pain in your ass get treated, be it Israeli or American, no matter whom you get the pain killer, it will work, same way it works for them. You are in a country not able to manufacturer even a paper clip. Better shut up and keep quite. President Nasheed please arrest all these fanatics who call themselves Islamic scholars, they are bunch of crooks, destroying everything little we have. They will call you every name, like dictator or what ever. Dont worry, arrest them all and send them to Guantanamo for life. If we have any national security threat, that is because of these few idiots make nonsense on air waves every day.

  17. Protests erupted across Male? that is a bit harsh as a description.
    And how many protested in the anti-Israeli doctor's march? the figure is not given, and it was not a lot either.

    All these flag burners should be sent to their countries of choice, either Pakistan or Saudi Arabia.
    We the majority of Maldivians are not interested in listening or participating in this hatred filled demonstrations.

    A warm welcome to the visiting Israeli doctors from us Maldivian Muslims who actually follow the prophets path of living in peace with others.
    And thank you for taking time to help out those in need here.

  18. @ yaamyn
    “Seriously. Are anti-Semitism and violent burning hatred the only thing these people have in their religion?”

    I think these people are burning the symbol of oppression in the middle east.
    It has instantly offended you?

    I am not particularly supporting their burning actions, but people do sometimes burn symbols of destruction and oppression, isn’t it? Like drugs?

    The symbol of violent occupiers?

    The symbol of violent death squads?

    The symbol of secret nuke keepers?

    Why I think this burning action would not help, is that we would never like to see even our national flag being burnt.

    Just a peaceful protest might have been enough, in my view.

    Can you explain what is anti-semitism? I thought Arabs were also Semites. So if someone is feeling anti-semitic it means they hate Arabs also or just Jews?

    What definition have you got for people who hate Arabs? I think you are suffering from that disease?

    Remember – Israel is a state that came into existence as a result of terrorist activities.

    I feel sad when our Muslim brothers like xa-yanu shows signs of being brainwashed by western media.

    Do you seriously think Jews would care for Muslims?

    There will come a day, when each one of us will have to bear the burden of our own actions. A day when there will be no intercession before God.

    Dear brother xa-yanu?

    “May Allah save us from these close-minded extremists, Aameen!”??

    Do you know what “close minded” means?
    It means intolerant of the views and beliefs of others.

    If you look carefully you will come to know who indeed is intolerant of the views of others. Do you know how many resolutions have been passed by the UN General Assembly denouncing the actions of Israel in the occupied Palestinian lands?

    How many of those resolutions have they kicked out and ignored, while going ahead with hundreds of ILLEGAL settlements in the West Bank and Gaza?

    Take out a map of the West Bank and Gaza and draw as many red dots as you can on it and gradually increase the dots. Then see for your self what happens eventually.

    I feel sad for you, because I was once just like you with regards to my view of Islam, and I can feel what is going through you.

    I can tell you it’s all the result of anti-islamic propaganda.

    Your comments are not against Islam but you have just been brainwashed to accept that Muslims are close minded terrorists.

    If Allah accepts your prayer and all these ‘extremists’ vanish from this world, do you have any idea what will happen?

    There will be no one to protest when Arabiyya or Mauhadh is closed down.

    No one to protest when Islam and Dhivehi is removed from syllabus.

    No one to protest the removal of the word Islam from our Constitution.

    No one to protest when our mosques are converted to party halls and land plots.

    No one to protest when the minarets are brought down along with the loud speakers.

    No one to protest when Islamic parties are banned in Maldives.

    No one to protest even if we see Quran being burnt in front of our eyes.

    No one to protest when our schools are replaced with schools from Zion.

    No one to protest when our hearts are replaced with hearts-from-Zion.

    There will be no one to protest, except protests from Zion?

    And moreover – no one on this site has ever defined what is extremism. Can you? Islam is a religion which governs all of our actions starting from how we should start our daily meals to how we should behave in warfare.

    So when you say extremist – what limits have they exceeded?

    Is extremism only in Islam?

    How about Secularist extremism?

    I think next time when these ‘sit-togethers against extremism’ takes place, all Muslims must join them to rid our country from Secularist extremism!

    Will you agree with me, xa-yanu or what is you answer to that?

    What is it that makes you defend Islam in an unsure manner while at the same time denounce Islam?

    Will you come out to protest to any of above actions if they ever occur in Maldives?

    Ask yourself, ask your heart.

    If the answer is NO then, you can see for your self what has hardened your heart towards Islam.

    My advice is “don’t lose your religion”

    Protest against your inner shaitan and save your faith, before you get ‘faith-from-Zion!’

    MN - Please replace my earlier comment with this one.

  19. @ Nash Rafeeq

    "Idiots like heck and the flea beards are the reason why Islam is in its dark ages right now. During the golden age of Islam it was the Muslim’s who preserved the teaching of pagan Greeks and romans when Christianity was facing the dark ages."

    Are you sure Muslims had no beards, back then?

  20. On what grounds do they expect the government to deport the doctors? They have no respect for the law. "Deport them just because of their nationality," does not work in this day and age. Governments must be fair. But of course the word "fair" is not in their dictionary either. It would be nice if they read anything online besides conspiracy theories and tips on how to maintain long beards.

  21. @abu Hussain

    Its great that you show so much empathy towards 'our' palestinian 'brothers & sisters'.

    But why cant you show the same Empathy towards our own children and women when they are subjected to daily abuse, rape and molestation in your own society - this '100 Per cent' Moslem Maldives.

    I do not see you or any of your 'flag burning' buddies protesting similarly against rape, domestic violence that happens in this society.

    And its ridiculous how the sufferings palestinian 'brothers' and 'sisters' are more important to you than the suffereings of our women and children in our society. As far as i am concerned, the empathy which you 'show' to palestinians are nothing but loads of Krap and full of hypocrisy.

  22. Its their RIGHT to burn whatever they want. the extremist secularists just cant take it wen a man dresses like that exercises his constitutional right to do anything thats is NOT illegal.
    its their cloth, their paint, their lighter and in a public place. no problem.

  23. Haha did they just print those flags to burn them?? This is funny..And what did they gain in burning them beside loosing valuable time, time they could have spent in mosque.

  24. not only jameeathul salaf. Even the jameeathul kufr has to join this flag burning. Look at what's happening in Europe and elsewhere. Are there not protests at Israeli whitewashing of their crimes everywhere? There are.. and people know what they are doing. They may not be harvesting organs now at IGMH but they are certainly doing this for PUBLIC RELATIONS. The agenda they have is to be able to say that they are engaged in humanitarian work in the 100% muslim country. They want to white wash their recent bombing campaign in Gaza which has tarnished their image a lot more than they thought.
    Now why shall we give these terrorists this opportunity? You don't have to be kaafir or atheist or agnostic to love terrorists. To love a terrorist country you have to have terroristic leanings or misunderstandings. That's why the whole world despises them. Not because they are jews, but because they (as a society) has been taken over by this terroristic philosophy called Zionism. Its the same as fascism. only worse than that.

  25. What a Shame, does these mullahs really understand what dammage they are doing to our country in addition to the current crisis. Israel or whoever, they have come on humanitarion grounds and to help the people of Maldives. We cant afford Partistan / Afganistan style extremism in Maldives. This will destroy our delicate tourism industry.

  26. @Leena
    “We the majority of Maldivians are not interested in listening or participating in this hatred filled demonstrations”

    The majority of Maldivians love Islam; they are aware of what God has mentioned about Jews in the Quran (5:82) and they are aware of the Zionist agenda and what’s going on in Palestine (murders, house demolitions, demolition of mosques, land grabs, occupation, blockades, ethnic cleansing, etc). The majority of Maldivians are peaceful people but they are willing to come out and participate in peaceful protests to show their displeasure at the organised attempts to put Maldivians into bed with Zionists. The majority of Maldivians - MDP members, DRP members, those from other parties and those who are not affiliated with any party – are ready to come out just like they came out to protest against legalizing alcohol on inhabited islands. So what you have said is nothing but wishful thinking indeed!

  27. A number of former Israeli soldiers have written a book about how Tel Aviv authorized the military to commit atrocities on Palestinian territories. Occupation of the Territories, which will hit the shelves on December 21, has been compiled on the initiative of the Israeli whistleblower Breaking the Silence, British newspaper The Independent reported on Sunday. Mind you, it is gruesome:

  28. VIVA PALESTINE! If the Israeli's wanna help us and the world,first give the basic needs of Palestinians and free them. Then show your kindness and mercy to others.We will spill our last drop of blood for Palestine and Masqidul Aqsa....ALLAH AKBAR.

  29. The state of Israel has approximately 1 million Muslim citizens, so I wonder how those flag-burning guys justify insulting a million of their brothers and sisters. A no-brainer. It's time for reasonable Maldivians to take to the streets in protest of the few that endanger their livelihoods and the future of their children.

  30. i think these talibans need to be put on a seperate island and let them fend for themselves. Hey hypocrypts, u are living on tourism money comming from KAFIRS. Why cant you accept that fact?? And u are selling G strings made by KAFIRS?? Oh yea! since u get money from that who cares how u get it huh...These arrogant mullas

  31. @fe_rk on Mon, 13th Dec 2010 4:03 AM

    "it's their right to burn what they want?" really?

    That reminds me, what was all the fiasco about when some american idiot wanted to burn a book, citing similar rights?

  32. I wonder why Minivannews is inferring the anti-zionist protest as religious extremism. What are your plans?

    If the "beardies" and those who wear Kurta are to leave to Pakistan / Afghanistan....then shouldn't the west-look-alikes leave to some western god-forsaken ice-cap???

  33. Nuthanasvas kamaa
    naamaan kamaa
    biruveri kamaa
    rulhiveri kan fathuraa meehunnakee
    migaumu halaaku kuraane baeh.
    E meehunah e furusathu ekakuves nudhee!!

    E meehun ge handhaanuga nethey 'umma' ge 'akhun' ekaku anekaku Pakistan ga maraa kameh.

    E kamaa dheytherey emeehun thibenee hanu!! Varah thaahirennu.
    Mee budhdhi gabool nukurevey, dhekolhunujehey vaahakaige verin.

  34. it reminds me of the prophets call to Islam in Thoif, a city near Mecca during his time. These bearded crooks should at least remember what tolerance and how our prophet have shown mercy to people just because prophet loved peace and cared for fellow humans. Seriously these beardies are not the kind of muslims we want to see. I also condemn the statement from Adhaalath, which is irresponsible and ill informed.
    Only these kind of good gestures from Israeli people will show us that the majority of people in that nation are peace loving and caring people. Even now most Palestinians are treated by Israeli Doctors. even after suicide bombings they treat both Palestinians and Israelis in the same hospitals without making any difference just because the victim is a Palestinian.
    Ignorant people will never see the truth coz they only see one side.

  35. @ Ashamed

    "On what grounds do they expect the government to deport the doctors?"

    Don't try to twist facts out of proportion.

    We were just asking our own government not to accept this aid from Israelis, because there is dangerous and ridiculously false SYMBOLISM here.

    First of all why should they call this an-eye=from-Zion?

    Do they want us to view everything from a Zionist perspective?

    Later on it will be a-heart-from-Zion?

    What does it all mean?

    Have we Maldivians ever protested about any doctor's religious background when they come to practice in Maldives?

    I think it is only fair to PROTEST as much as we could against these type of "AID" targeted at brainwashing the world of the injustices that occur daily in stolen Palestinian lands and the illegal settlements.

    Can you imagine what type of close-minded idiotic president Mr.Anni has become?

    He has gone ahead and made the historical mistake of inviting these false docs to our esteemed president's office and sit with them at the same table and misinformed them that "MAJORITY" of Maldivians appreciate their 'aid'??

    Anni must be the greatest LIAR ever, and downright insane to say that!

    Has he forgotten about his false promise that he will not do anything against the will of 'rayyithun'??

    Today we have an unfortunate president in Maldives who is hellbent to humiliate the Maldivian people by what ever method or excuse he could.

    Why does he hate us Maldivians so much?

    Is this what happens to you when you are educated from the UK?

    Total brainwashing??

  36. just because what happens politically in a nation does not mean that the citizens of the nation are all close minded extremists like you beardies. Majority of Israelis are peace loving and caring people. So don't judge a nation and all her people from one scale. If so I pray to ALLAH to save us from the close minded extremists in our nation like you. Yes we wont tolerate extremism in Islam. Coz we wholeheartedly believe and accept Islam as the religion of peace.

  37. @ Abdulla
    What i talked about was the majority of Maldivian Muslims who follow the prophets way of living in peace with others.

    Beleive me those who go around voicing hatred filled things against jews collectively and ask for Doctor's that came to treat patients to be thrown out just because of their religion is definetly not following the traditions of the prophet.

    For those deviant sects of Islam that delight in burning, screaming and killing, i definetly am not speaking for them.
    And Thank God a lot of Maldivians don't share their extreme views.

  38. @ Abdullah
    And please stop collectively quoting from Quran and Sunnah.
    The verse you mentioned is not the only one in Quran concerning Jews, there is lots of others.
    However i am not interested in using Quranic verses to battle out an argument.

  39. Maldivians have a tendency to compare And most of the time they don't know what they are talking. Holy book of one religion and a flag of a nation? If some blind maldivians sees Quran simply as another book why can't they see Israeli flag as a pieces of cloth?

    Lets wait and see how these protests end. Its unlikely that anni will do anything against the protests. If it were a political rally, even his thugs will come out. Those thugs who are most of the time drunk will not have the courage to face these guys who are willing to sacrifice themselves. These are also the people who voted for a change claiming that anni is a lesser evil than maumoon. Now they are begging the opposition to join them in these protests against anni. But I guess the opposition is in a mood to let them taste their change. So that doesn't simply mean that majority of Maldivians are supportive of these docs.

  40. Burning any falg should be disgustes me to see these mullah ass-tremists turning my beutifull country to Taliban hellhole...i want to live in a tolerant islamic society, and a society build on knowledge and education.

  41. when you are IN its really difficult to see anything outside the box. trust me. its all a delusion and imaginary world!
    none of this is real, its all hogwash from different social institutions that has conditioned the people to operate like machines, paralysing their thinking faculties..

  42. @ heck,

    "If Allah accepts your prayer and all these ‘extremists’ vanish from this world, do you have any idea what will happen?

    There will be no one to protest when Arabiyya or Mauhadh is closed down"

    congratulations heck. U are at your silliest best in believing that these extremists are the saviours of Islam. What a joke. U cannot be more irrational.

  43. Problem is not with individual people. problem is with israili state. Israili state defend killing innocent people, including children and women, they justified demolition of palastinian houses.

    How can we support such a state and even doctors backed by the same state.

    more over the belief of Jews is, they (jews) are selected people, thy have right to do any harm to human kind for their benefint and their survival.

    We never welcome Israili State.

  44. whats the problem for burning a zionist flag while we dont respect our own flag. As far as I know its the BLUE & colour YELLOW..! Thus here is a peice of advice. learn how to respect own flag. Postpone your talks on others flag for now. I dont see any issue in here buring this flag.

  45. More Palestinians are killed in the clashes between Hamas and Fatah than the Palestinians killed by Israelis, and also we can see Palestinians killing Israelis in much more brutal and barbaric ways such as committing suicides in the Market places aiming for mass killings..


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