Israeli flag burnings and ‘sit-together’ marks tale of two protests on International Human Rights Day

Protests erupted across Male’ over the weekend that saw the burning of Israeli flags and calls to “ban all Israeli medical teams” from practicing in the Maldives, alongside a “silent-sit together” against so-called “religious extremism”.

Protesters burned several Israeli flags in Republican Square and demanded the deportation of seven visiting Israeli eye surgeons, who are holding free eye camps in Male’ and the island hospitals.

Protesters gathered near the tsunami monument on International Human Rights Day, claiming that “Jews would not provide any form of assistance, unless there is a hidden agenda”, according to the website of the Islamic Foundation of the Maldives.

The religious NGO has previously called on the government to “shun all medical aid from the Zionist regime”, alleging the Israeli surgeons “have become notorious for illegally harvesting organs from non-Jews around the world.”

Religious NGO Jamiyyathusalaf has also called on the government to provide citizens with military training “before Jews take over the country”.

President Mohamed Nasheed today met with the doctors the Israeli ‘Eye from Zion’ NGO and said “a vast majority of Maldivians” appreciated the humanitarian work of the doctors.

The doctors “expressed their appreciation for the warm hospitality they received in the Maldives”, according to a statement from the President’s Office, and “also noted that there was a great demand for their services in the Maldives.”

Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Mohamed Didi, said there had been “no discussions” in the Ministry regarding the anti-Israel protests.

“We are not saying anything for or against the protest action taken this week,” he said.

Didi added that the Foreign Ministry was “more involved in state humanitarian projects and inter-faith charity work than the Islamic Ministry.”

“The major roles of the ministry are to raise Islamic awareness and bring scholars from different countries to visit,” he said.

Coinciding with protests opposing the visit of Israeli doctors, the Islamic Foundation published allegations on its website that only two of the seven visiting surgeons from Eye from Zion had at the time been granted licenses by the Maldives Medical Council (MMC).

An MMC spokesperson was reported as claiming that certificates produced by the seven-member Eye from Zion medical staff were not carrying official stamps. However, the spokesperson added that all the surgeons would be able to receive licenses to operate upon clarification of their legitimacy by the Israeli government.

Meanwhile,  a group of 30 Maldivians gathered near the artificial beach on Friday, up the road from the anti-Israel protest occurring at the tsunami monument, holding what they called a “silent sit-together” on International Human Rights Day.

Members at the gathering said they were attempting to oppose wider concerns over growing “religious extremism” in the country.

“Displaying a stark contrast to the loud truck and motorcycle cavalcade of religious conservatives who were protesting against Israeli doctors around the same time by announcing anti-Semitic messages through loud speakers, the youth that participated in the sit-down took a decidedly fresh approach towards protest,” a press release from the sit-together’s members claimed.

“The silent sit-together, conspicuous by the absence of any banners, megaphones, or sloganeering, aimed to send the message that youth are against religious extremism and supported Human Rights, Tolerance and Dignity for all humans.”

People participating in the protest said they were trying to start a “grassroots” movement against religious extremism, but did not wish to give their identities.


204 thoughts on “Israeli flag burnings and ‘sit-together’ marks tale of two protests on International Human Rights Day”

  1. If the government is not doing any thing to contain extremism,then the public should should take initiative to form an organized stand towards extremism, before they create another Afghanistan here in Maldives, before our freedom and basic rights are taken away from us.

  2. this is a very low act from the Maldivians. The Israelis came to help the Maldivians. they did not come to preach any religion.

  3. For the sake of whichever God you believe in, please try, at least try to live in peace.

    AFAIK, I cant imagine, God almighty would want us to fight each other, supposedly in his cause, when (if we are right) he can destroy the whole universe, let alone a speck of Earth in it somewhere, with just a whiff.
    That is my belief. I believe I am entitled to my belief, contrary to some. Hence I would chose peace over hatred any day.

  4. Why are these people going to Maldivian doctors while Maldivians are killing each other every day?? Even some guy named Ali Jaleel blew himself up in Pakistan killing more than 25 people. You guys better stand up against your own country burning the Maldivian flag

  5. Come on!

    Jews are also created by Allah. Are you blaming Allah for creating and allowing Jews to prosper more than the Muslims? That's like saying Allah loves Jews more!

    Would that not be a revelation!!

  6. owww...sooo saad.they burnt the much sympathy for the jews..lets wait till we reach the time..its not so far..those of you who call them self as muslims but in love with the jews and their flad, know that there will be a time that even the trees will call to kill the be ready to cry more u educated,civilised great people..

  7. Ref: Wikileaks

    Why does Saudi Arabia asks USA to attack Iran? while they know it'll kill thousands of Muslims? why don't u deport all the Saudis and ban their products?

  8. whats so different between Arabiyya and Mauhadh and any other school. The only difference I see is ARABIC language. I studied in a school called Male' English School. I competed with students from MAuhadh in Quruan Competitions and oratory competitions. Some of my school mates even won trophies. So I dont see any difference between these schools and others. Sadly my school never exists anymore and its history. But still Im happy coz there are enough schools in this country for all.

  9. @ibrahim Mohamed on Mon, 13th Dec 2010 10:59 AM

    "it reminds me of the prophets call to Islam in Thoif, a city near Mecca during his time. These bearded crooks"

    even the guy you mentioned above as prophet was a bearded crook at that time. wow....

  10. @heck

    You should get off the Internet as a lot of the pioneers of the technologies and protocols that drive the Internet were/are Jewish. Same goes for mobile phones. You and you Salafi buddies should instead adopt the superior Salafi technologies. What's that? No Salafi technologies? No Salafi's advancing the state of science and technologies? Hmmm .... maybe that has to do with the Salafi ideology of looking backwards and never forward and being hell bent on destruction rather than construction.


    Being against the Israeli govt does not translate into extremism.

    i do not agree with the flag burners in their hatred for Jews... cos i do not believe Islam is about calling for such hate.

    But i do believe the Israeli govt is evil...and we shud not have ties with them... even in accepting their doctors.


  12. american zionists, british zionists, israel zionists these are the biggest threats existing in the world . they have big plans and secret agendas for the future. master plan is to make a world government and rule over the whole world. world war 1 and 2 were fought for these purposes. the jewish zionists were behind all these wars that took place. but this time it will be their biggest mistake to wage war against Islam (war on terrorism)

  13. have they collected any organ? thats a real question.
    how will smuggle out of the country?

  14. Kalo hurihaa laa dheenee meehune thibenjeheynee websitetuga liye liye,nika kereynama nikumeh muzaaahraa eh jasa bala....Insha Allah hama hilaa nukereyne....nikumejeyya boatha kadu raaine waki kuraananne...

  15. @Joker on Mon, 13th Dec 2010 2:50 PM

    "why don’t u deport all the Saudis and ban their products?"

    Oh well. Saudi pigs have found the holy grail of the muslim world. The annual tourist event and the world is groveling to take part in it.

  16. @ ibrahim Mohamed

    "Majority of Israelis are peace loving and caring people."

    If majority of Israelis are peace loving people, then why do they always elect a hard-lined government?

    Look at Maldives? We have elected a moron who sleeps with the enemy of Islam, a land robber!

    Are we proud?

  17. I am really concerned with the direction that Maldives is heading. We should be a peaceful country with moderate minds. It seems like that we are now heading towards extremism which without any doubt is going to effect us all very negatively.

    Islam is a religion of peace, tolerance and acceptance.

    May Allah help us to come out of this tragic crisis...

  18. Arabs are barbarians by nature. The way they treat women (50% of humanity) and their filthy arrogant ways are just a few examples of their sick mentality.

    Why are some of us pretending to be so sympathetic to the Palestinians? What the hell did the Salaf and Islamic Foundation jerks in our midst do to help the suffering of ordinary Palestinians? The western countries are the ones providing education and health care to the Palestinians even right now. The Arab neighbors swimming in oil money provide only little assistance.

    Just because some doctors came from Israel these hypocrites have suddenly become defenders of Palestinians! What a joke! Just because you burn a flag doesn't help the Palestinians ok!

    When Maldivians and the people of Indonesia (a muslim country) had to suffer from the Tsunami, who helped us muslims most? The Arabs gave peanuts! It was the Western countries (whom the satanist Islamic radicals condem with hatred) that came to our assistance immediately. It is thanks to Red Cross and Western countries that we were able to recover from the single worst disaster this nation ever faced.

    By comparison, the Arabs were quick to donate billions to Amercia to help during the Katrina disaster that struck New Orleans. Talk about muslim brothers!

    Copying Arab culture by making our women wear black from head to toe and the guys wearing white long "whatever you call it" and going around without shaving or brushing your teeth (except with a stick) doesn't make you morons better muslims.

    Indonesia and India alone have more muslims than the whole Middle East put together. Do the muslims in these countries behave like the sickos from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and all other God-forsaken -istans? No!

    If the government doesn't act against these fanatics soon, I bet the majority of this country will do something about it on their own!! Let us hope it doesn't come to that.

  19. @ Z-nut

    "U are at your silliest best in believing that these extremists are the saviours of Islam."

    Again that word extremists.

    How did they become extremists?

    By praying five times a day? By fasting the month? By going to Haj? By paying the zakath? Or by protesting against atheist tendencies? By keeping a beard? By reciting the Quran? By calling to keep your chastity and modesty? By going against evil? By trying to implement God's law? By flogging the fornicator? By stoning the adulterer? By bearing witness to the unity of God? By cutting the hands of the thief?

    By obeying God's commandments? Is that extremism?

    Let's see, now. Who could be the saviour of Islam, in your view?

    You and the Israelis?

    By the time you save Islam and when we look back, we have an eye-from-Zion, a heart from-Zion and a faith-from-Zion?

    Is that how you act as the saviour of Islam?

    Congrats, dear slayer of Islam!

    But remember! Everyone has an appointed time.

    I pray you repent before the angel of death meets you.

    Before you gape open your eyes with shock. Before you fall down in utter disgust.

    Before you throw one leg upon another. Before your dark soul is pulled out of your evil body.

    Before your nostrils are plugged with cotton. Before you are covered in three pieces of cloth.

    Before you are lowered to the pit. Before a fist of sand is blown on your coffin.

    Before your disappear beneath tons of soil. Before the water gets sprinkled.

    Before the people leave you alone underneath the soil. Before the sun disappears from the horizon. Before the night falls.

    Look at the graves!

    Imagine the rains pouring on those graves, on a dark gloomy day.

    When the roads are deserted. When the vehicles go screeching past you with their headlights on, trying to evade the storm. Not even noticing your lonely grave.

    When the wind blows eerily. When you peep through a window. Through the corner of your eyes, trying to ignore the loneliness.

    Wishing that day would never come! Listening to the drops of rain on the roof, hitting so hard as if the roof would blow away.

    I wish you would pray "Oh Allah! Bestow your mercy in the loneliness of my grave and in my fear and restlessness"

    The Quran 2:212

    "The life of this world is alluring to those who reject faith, and they scoff at those who believe. But the righteous will be above them on the Day of Resurrection; for God bestows His abundance without measure on whom He will."

  20. I just cought my eyes on one nice comment. "It’s like the Rio Carnival of intolerance."

    Now how distrubing that would be, as if maldivian's better have the real Rio bare naked Carnival instead.

  21. hey mullahs, why cant you guys go and jihad against somali pirates whom are your so called muslim brothers.

  22. Its high time to import some camels and destroy every building and built caves... back to stone age..

  23. Go and have a look at the website of 'Eye from Zion' and find out who they are. They are funded by a private Israeli businessman with the aim of promoting 'Israeli values' of charity and giving.

    Now, I should ask all of the commentators here, whether that's not a worthwhile cause.

    No one can deny it's a good and worthwhile cause to help poor people suffering throughout the world. However, Israel has a more immediate concern to attend to. The millions of Palestinians that are suffering as a direct result of the State of Israel.

    Without making any changes in their treatment of the Palestinians, no one is going to view Israel as a "humanitarian" state or that it has such values. The aim of missions like 'Eye from Zion' is to draw public attention away from Israel's atrocities in the Occupied Palestine.

  24. This is all very odd.

    I am no fan of Israel but can someone explain to me what connection the Maldives has with Israel?

    I can't think of a single affect that Israeli policy or action has had on the Maldives.

    If Maldivians are so worried about Human Rights why aren't they protesting against the actions of China, Russia, Zimbabwe, Al'Qaeda?

    Come to think of it, with all these Islamic extremists in your country now (the worst suppressors of Human Rights that there are), maybe you should just burn your own flag.

  25. Message to a flag-burner.

    Please get clear on one thing - there is no Allah, he doesn't exist. There is no God at all. You pray to no-one. Your rituals and traditions are for nobody.

    The books you worship as holy texts were written by uneducated primitive people who had no understanding of this planet or the universe. Those paying attention may have noticed that these books are often nonsensical and contradictory in nature, often cruel and silly - that is because they were written by primitive people, not a God.

    Please understand that you are wasting your life and your time on this planet. Grow up - there are no rules, there is no afterlife, there is no daddy in the sky. Religion is about threats and promises and denying the truth, no intelligent person can believe in these stories and one day no-one will - just like no-one now believes in Thor or Zeus or Ra.

    Try just letting everyone simply live as they wish to as long as they are not hurting others. We'd all be happier that way.

  26. @ Octopus

    "You should get off the Internet as a lot of the pioneers of the technologies and protocols that drive the Internet were/are Jewish."

    You don't understand, do you?

    If I as a Muslims have to get off the internet, because it is a Jewish product, then, I am afraid the whole world will have to get off a lot of things, because Muslims were the people who revived the dying ancient Greek and Indian knowledge to the whole world, while Europeans were scratching their heads trying to decode them!

    If not for Muslims, the world would never have achieved the European Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution or whatever!

    So keep to your esteemed ignorance and leave Muslims alone, ok?

  27. @ meedha

    "why cant you guys go and jihad against somali pirates"

    You sound like Anni's defence minister!

    Do your job properly and don't try to hide your poor performance in protecting our seas!

  28. @ SJF

    "Please get clear on one thing – there is no Allah, he doesn’t exist. There is no God at all. You pray to no-one. Your rituals and traditions are for nobody......... Try just letting everyone simply live as they wish to as long as they are not hurting others. We’d all be HAPPIER that way."

    You, please get clear on one thing - there is no HAPPINESS, real HAPPINESS doesn't exist without Allah. There is no happiness at all as your perceive it......try just letting everyone simply live as per God's commandments as long as they live to achieve real HAPPINESS in the hereafter!

    Your kind of happiness does not exist. It's your imagination. Grow up, and find REAL happiness!

  29. @ SJF

    "This is all very odd."


    By God, it's not odd.

    You sound very naive finding Madlives' protest against Zionism as odd.

    Yes. If you are a teacher from a neighbouring country you will find it a bit odd.

    It's none of our business, to find out what's odd and what not to you.

    Live you life and don't try to meddle with our internal and political affairs!

  30. @ Ilyas Ahmed

    "Copying Arab culture by making our women wear black from head to toe"

    How about copying Western culture by making our women wear only two black strings?!!

  31. Heck - I wonder if you read the things you write on here and can see the irony and hypocrisy in them. Now, you seem to be angry at everyone and everything - that's understandable, countries that force-feed their populations with stone-age dogma seem to produce a lot of angry, repressed and confused young men.

    But you should understand that saying that "there is no happiness without Allah" doesn't actually mean anything. It's a subjective notion asserted without any evidence or even agreement on what happiness is or how one measures it - it's basically just an empty platitude.

    Do you realise how silly it sounds to criticise Israel and advocate action and protest against this country and then to say that if someone criticises the actions of Maldivians then they should "mind their own business" and "not meddle with internal political affairs". You surely can see how utterly hypocritical that is?

    Personally, I don't mind what you believe. Everyone should be free to believe what they wish as long as they do not force others to believe it too. Sadly, this is not the case with Islam, it makes huge claims for itself and offers no evidence whatsoever to support it. It offers bribes and threats and claims that this is morality and decency. It is all a lie Heck and you are brainwashed by it.

    Don't you ever wonder why in countries like Maldives it is illegal to not be a Muslim? It's because they are scared of people showing this lie for what it is. If it were true then you wouldn't need to force it on people.

    Don't you think it is a bit of a coincidence that you just happen to be a Muslim? What do you think would have happened if you had been born in Russia, China, America? Would you still be a Muslim then - of course not. You believe the stories you were fed as a child. Open your eyes - it's happening all over the world and it always has.

    The reason that there is so much religious violence in the world today is because violence is all the religious zealot has to fall back on - he has no truth, no facts, no evidence, nothing to demonstrate or show, all he can do is say "if you don't believe this as well I will hurt you".

    Well that is not happiness or moral Heck. It is cowardice and brutality and evil. I wish the people of the Maldives all the best for the future. They have a choice - live in the real world and be free and happy in peace, or allow extremists to turn the country into destitution and bankruptcy. I hope you find the strength to stand up for what's right because, if not, it's only you who will suffer.

  32. @ heck

    The difference is, "women who copy western culture and wear only two strings" don't claim doing so makes them better Muslims.

    On the other hand, those who ape Arab culture and make their women wear BLACK from head to toe, do so claiming that such costumes is the correct Islamic dress code prescribed in Quruan which makes them better Muslims.

    Do you get it now?

    There is nothing in Quruan about making women wear "black" let alone any clause to say that one must cover your face.

    Bandaging a woman, or mummifying a woman from head to toe in black will not make the person go to Heaven. It is your "conduct" that decides on your fate in the hereafter.

    The problem I have with the Satanist Islamic fundamentalists is the fact that they are twisting our great religion and trying to drag us back to the Middle Ages. Twisting our great peaceful religion to spread hate is doing the work of Satan.

    Our Mullahs can raise hell and threaten to bring down the government by the mere suggestion to give a liquor license to Holiday Inn Hotel to sell alcohol in Male, but are totally silent when drugs are being sold in every single street corner and half of our youth are victims of drug abuse.

    Where are the religious leaders when our youth are being murdered on a daily basis by fellow 100% pure"muslims"? Where are the Mullahs when people are being robbed every day?

    The Islamic Shariah punishment for theft is amputation while the punishment for drinking alcohol is 40 lashes only. The punishment for murder is death.

    So, someone please tell me. Which sins are worse??? This 100% Muslim country (that we proudly like to call ourselves) is drowning in lawlessness and every sin of the worst kind. Yet our self claimed religious leaders only open their mouths to gain political mileage on selective basis.

    In the meantime, nutters like the the small time NGO Salaf and an even more smaller time Islamic Foundation only do the work of Satan by spreading hate amongst the public and tearing the unity of our society apart. These guys know little about Islam and only act as agents of foreign terrorist organizations.

  33. OMG how stupid can these people be. Prophet Muhammad did not expel all jews from medina or any other muslim cities. they were allowed to work and have business. and muslims also did business with them. we are also allowed to marry jewish women...aren't we? these people use a verse in the Quran that tells muslims not to take jews and christians as allies. instead of the word "allies" they use "friends". islam does not prohibit muslims from making friends with jews, doing business with them, helping them or seeking their help.

    "And there are, certainly, among the People of the Book [Jews and Christians], those who believe in God, in the revelation to you, and in the revelation to them, bowing in humility to God: They will not sell the Signs of God for a miserable gain! For them is a reward with their Lord, and God is swift in account. (The Noble Quran, 3:199)"

    "Not all of them are alike: Of the People of the Book [Jews and Christians] are a portion that stand (For the right): They rehearse the Signs of God all night long, and they prostrate themselves in adoration. They believe in God and the Last Day; they enjoin what is right, and forbid what is wrong; and they hasten (in emulation) in (all) good works: They are in the ranks of the righteous. (The Noble Quran, 3:113-114)"

    you only see what you want to see...

  34. @Ilyas Ahmed : I absolutely agree with you! These people (especially the Arabs) are hypocrites pretending to care for the 'Palestinian' brothers and sisters. While a part of the Palestinian population silently suffers in Gaza, those who escape the blockade to live in other Arab nations are treated like second class citizens. So much for brotherhood! How often does the Saudi's donate to Palestine as compared to the amount of time they spend vacationing in destinations like the Maldives, drinking expensive wines (which of course they preach Muslims shouldn't drink)?

    @heck : True - Muslims DID revive the Greek and Indian knowledge, and contribute to the Renaissance. But those Muslims in Andalusia, Turkey or Iraq did not pursue knowledge by suppressing women, fighting with fellow people for difference of opinions or being racist ( and ignorant), nor did they try to imitate the cloths Pakistani's wear! They were successful because their pursuit was for pure knowledge and intellectual thought. These (intellectual) Muslims were silenced by Imams and religious clerics, because they were a threat to their (Imamhood) power.

    If Islam is truly a religion of peace, why do we fight so much? Simply by greeting 'Peace be upon you' does not make us peaceful. Your beliefs maybe different (or extreme to majorities standards), but I'd respect you for your beliefs and do not wish to kill you or isolate your wives for wearing the hijab. Instead, people who hold your beliefs would do us harm, why? Allah judges us best and does not give you the authority to question the rest of us.

    If you don't want Zionist doctors, why don't Salaf bring 'Halal' doctors from Pakistan or Saudi? OR Educate such experts so that Maldives would not have to rely on any outside help - whether Jews or Christians or Atheists? Perhaps the 'Zionists' have an agenda, but fighting and generating hatred does not solve problems or extinguish their 'evil' plots.

  35. Aren't we getting off the subject a little?

    It's a laugh that some 'stylished' group burned a flag or 2 while conveniently forgetting the vast different forms of shit on their back!

    On the the other hand, the so called Eye whichever team is also interesting. Atleast half the team's medical licences had to be recognized or newly made by their authorities after they came? A slip, if we consider their capability; perhaps too tiny a nation we are? They can rectify it ofcourse, which they have done.

    No need for ourselves fighting like righteous faggards or blind lickers, self righteous whatever and so on!

    Since this has gone so far, perhaps the best thing to do is let the good half of the medical team have the opportunity to perform with the needy who's hopes have been risen; while being wary of the overall result/big picture.

  36. To continue, end of argument is if can can avoid arguments for good! There are too many hens and chickens.

  37. I agree with Abu Hussain, those that commented negatively on Islam has no proper background on it, yet seem to feel like they know Islam so well. Its like asking a dentist to give his understanding of international relations. The facts is, his opinion would be limited because his life does not revolve enough in studying about international relations, let alone give his opinion on it. He should stick to giving opinions on dentistry.

    Ofcourse just as comments given here by a few seculars in our society, they have not even kept themselves up to date on world events even from a human rights point of view. If they did, they would know the amount of hatred that even many non-muslims have towards Israel since obviously Palestine is not just made out of only Muslims. (Please try to get some education before your comments might show the lack of knowledge you have on certain subjects)

    In England and scotland, majority of the anti-israel and anti-zionist demonstrations which I have taken part were made out of non-muslims and human rights activists who were non-muslims as well. Only maybe 10% to 30% were muslims at different demos. So there is a big difference in the concept of human rights being spread in Maldives by few that has not really had a good education on its core values. Maybe they should go do some internship in the EU parliament first.

    Another comment was trying to make people presume that wearing black head to toe was something not from Islam. Again this is misleading because if one understands the Quran and Hadith and know about the wives of Rasurullah (pbuh) in depth, this idea would not exist since its purely wrong. We are to follow the life and ways of Rasurullah, just as a father asks their sons to follow how he the father is - to be successful in life. Maybe we all should ask the fathers, why their sons should follow their fathers, when there are all these cooler secular people out there?

    In the same manner, we cannot expect the girls to follow their father also, especially if there is a mother in the house. Usually girls are encouraged to follow their mothers to learn moral values of the same gender. Hence, in Islam the women also takes into account, the life of the wives of Prophet (pbuh).

    (So please try to use common sense and not embarrass yourselves because Islam is really not so hard to understand if you really learn it with the intention to benefit yourself and your religion).

    May Allah (swt) guide those that asks for guidance with honest intention of pleasing Allah (swt) and mislead those that tries to use their time and life given by Allah(swt) in support for Israel.

    If you all already knew the hadiths, than there would not be this disillusion that somehow being Arab makes you automatically a Muslim. Again shows your lack of knowledge in middle eastern history. Majority of Arabs these days are no better some seculars in Maldives. They are more nationalistic just like some seculars in Maldives. They give no attention to world events, just like some seculars in Maldives. Majority of Arab leaders support the state of Israel and is puppets of America. So how can they be called a Muslim, let alone be a believer who loves Allah (swt) and his Messenger(pbuh) ?

    I can only be grateful to Allah (swt) and my parents for being patient with me and getting me a good education. I see the importance of knowledge in life which can really make a big difference.

  38. Why does one has to be an Islamic Scholar to just understand this scenario which was created by extremists. It is just common sense and we just believe Islam as a religion of peace and humility. No matter what you thugs preach we will not forget the principle of Islam. Go and brainwash Pakistanis and Taliban's, you fools. Enough is enough. This is not how Muslims react to things. It is laughable that Adhaalath is making a statement about HEP by saying that he refused to meet Zakar or whatever, another hatemonger using Islam to become rich. What kind of stupid mentality does these fools have. Just question yourself what this Zakar is doing in the name of Islam. He is getting more money, just by blabbering, thundering typhoons and blaming all non Muslims for all the grievances we have due to selfish rulers like king of Saudi Arabia.hilarious.

  39. @ SJF

    "(But you should understand that saying that “there is no happiness without Allah” doesn’t actually mean anything.)"

    It means a lot!

    If you are blind how can you see the rainbow above?

  40. @ sewing machine

    {{“And there are, certainly, among the People of the Book [Jews and Christians], those who believe in God, in the revelation to you, and in the revelation to them, bowing in humility to God: They will not sell the Signs of God for a miserable gain! For them is a reward with their Lord, and God is swift in account. (The Noble Quran, 3:199)”

    “Not all of them are alike: Of the People of the Book [Jews and Christians] are a portion that stand (For the right): They rehearse the Signs of God all night long, and they prostrate themselves in adoration. They believe in God and the Last Day; they enjoin what is right, and forbid what is wrong; and they hasten (in emulation) in (all) good works: They are in the ranks of the righteous. (The Noble Quran, 3:113-114)”}}

    My dear sewing machine! The good lot you are referring to - they all recognized and accepted Islam when the message was delivered to them 1400 years ago!!

    You are still sleeping?

  41. @ Ilyas Ahmed

    "Our Mullahs can raise hell and threaten to bring down the government by the mere suggestion to give a liquor license to Holiday Inn Hotel"

    Mere? Mere suggestion?

    Yeah! Yeah!

    Only looking - no touching, isn't it?

    Hats off to you!

  42. @ SJF

    "Religion is about threats and promises and denying the truth, no intelligent person can believe in these stories and one day no-one will"

    Hello! Atheist - how are you?


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