The Thai fishing vessel Emerald Reefer has been removed from its beached location along the Muli Kolhu Faru reef near the Shangri-La Villingili Island Resort, where it ran aground in late November 2011.
After supporting the vessel for nearly two months, the reef area “looks destroyed” and is unlikely to recover in the near future, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has said.
The Emerald Reefer came to the Maldives in November to purchase locally-caught fish in Addu Atoll, which has only a few narrow channels permitting entry. The reefer is one of only a few large vessels to run aground in the Maldives.
As per Maldivian law, the boat’s owner was allotted 25 days to remove the boat before incurring a fine of RF700,000 (US$45,000) per day that the boat remained grounded.
Transport Minister Adil Saleem previously told Minivan News that the owner had unsuccessfully attempted to remove the vessel, and had left the matter in the hands of an agent in the Maldives.
The Transport Ministry began issuing the fine on December 14, 2011. At that time the Ministry was considering options for removal aimed at protecting the reef, which it believed had been damaged on impact and was incurring further damage as tides rocked the ship along the reef.
Saleem today informed Minivan that the vessel, which is damaged but salvageable and currently floating at a fixed location in Addu, is still under the its owner’s remit. Saleem expected the owner would settle his debts with the Maldivian government before selling or removing his ship from Maldivian waters.
The issue is now being addressed by B&C Transport Services, which assumed responsibility for the vessel after the previous agent told Minivan News he had “given up”.
Company owner Kuwa Mohavay said the ship would return to Thailand with a full load of fish once a propeller had been repaired and its debt to the Maldivian government was settled.
“There are cases with the EPA and the Transport Ministry. We don’t know how much money is owed, but we believe the insurance company will cover most of the costs. We are also holding close negotiations with the government to reduce the fine,” Mohavay said.
He added that the government was keen to help the Thai vessel, “because [the Thai company] are the only people transporting our fish.”
Mohavay said B&C Transport had had positive interactions with the Transport Ministry and the Transport Authority, but felt the EPA had reacted unfairly to the matter.
The EPA assessed the site of the incident with the Coast Guard on Friday, January 6. Director Mohamed Naeem said the damage was substantial.
“The corals have been crushed, with large coral heads dislocated. The reef framework has also been crushed,” he said, noting that the destruction covered an area of approximately 70 meters. He added that parts of the equipment used to salvage the boat remained stuck in the reef.
“I do not believe the damage can be recovered in any short period of time,” he concluded.
Mohavay argued that the only piece of equipment used to salvage the boat was a cable, which had been removed from the reef, and that the boat had “not left any pollution”.
Naeem said the EPA’s assessment with the Coast Guard would be used to determine whether further action could be taken to improve the situation.
Coral reefs are home to a variety of marine life, and are essential for maintaining a healthy degree of biodiversity in Maldivian waters. However, scientists argue that they are being damaged by global warming.
Islanders in the Maldives have pointed out that the once-colorful reefs of their islands are now pale and weak, home only to the lowliest of fish. Residents of Guraidhoo in Male’ Atoll point out that their reef was destroyed when land was reclaimed to build resort Kandooma next door.

I don't think there has ever been an incident on this scale in Addu in history. Ships that are much larger than this have crossed into Addu as far as back the middle of the last century.
Surely, the captain of this vessel must be held responsible for misguiding his ship into Addu waters. The evidence is that either he is very inexperienced or he failed his duties. Either way, we have to ensure that this never happens again.
He probably used his GPS to guide his vessel and GPS accuracy failed him. Use the 100 year old Admiralty Charts! They won't fail.
Its not the Captain who is held responsible. It is the owners who are held responsible because they are responsible for the captain, the boat,the sailors and the actions perpetrated by them. The boat should immediately be placed in MNDF custody until the fines have been paid. If not, the boat should be confiscated till a time when the debt to the Maldivian government is paid. If it is not paid within a year, the boat should be sold or auctioned to used for scrap metal to recover the costs of the fine.
Reducing the fine sends a horrible message and it would be a travesty for the Ministry to allow it.
The broker for this vessel is the agent of Transport Minister Adil. Make sure these people pay the due fines or under PNI rules government can demand a Bankers guarantee for significant amount, before the ship is released. Mistakes do happen and that is why the ships are covered by insurance for such lapses.
I have several questions regarding this incident.
1. How many times had the Master of MV Emerald Reefer made a similar approach throuth Villigili Kandu into Addu Atoll?
2. Why didn't he use the much wider (almost 8 cables wide) Gan Kandu? Even if his GPS fixes were erroneous, he should still have used his radar for terrestrial fixes and navigated his vessel safely through the much wider channel.
3. Is the vessel under arrest now? Have all their trading certificates been taken under the custody of Maldives Transport Authority?
4. The Honourable Transport Minister should not use his influence to reduce the fine for damaging the reef ecosystem due the vessel's grounding. Due process should be served, and seen to be served.
5. The fines, even if it exceed the value of the vessel will be covered by the vessel's P&I Club. The Master and responsible Officer's involved in the accident should be arrested immediately and MNDF or Coast Guard should place their Officers on board the vessel.
I can already smell rats here. This owner over the years had made enough money from FPID and other fish exporters at the expense of our fishermen and our elected and selected politicians. Both Adil Saleem former MD of STO Mohamed Maniku are lobbying for a reduction in the fines. They both got huge kick backs from this owner.
Shutting down an airline for safety reasons was called corruption. Penalties for reef damage also named as corrupt. Do we all believe that there isn't a soul left in this country who isn't corrupt? If so I think it's time we asked the Iranians to bomb us with their first nuke and get rid of us from the face of the earth. Looks like there's no hope :((
Another Thai cargo vessel grounded in Australia.