“You are swine” and “the children that you bear from this marriage will all be bastard swine,” a tourist couple renewing their marriage vows in the Maldives were told in a ‘traditional Maldivian’ ceremony conducted in Dhivehi at Vilu Reef Beach and Spa Resort.
“Your marriage is not a valid one. You are not the kind of people who can have a valid marriage. One of you is an infidel. The other, too, is an infidel – and we have reason to believe –an atheist, who does not even believe in an infidel religion,” the ‘celebrant’ tells the couple, who appear completely unaware of the humiliation they are being subjected to.
A 15-minute video of the ceremony was uploaded on YouTube on October 24 2010 by a member of staff. Vilu Reef Manager Mohamed Rasheed told Minivan News that the staff member who uploaded the video did it as “a joke”, without “realising the seriousness of the potential consequences”.
Vilu Reef Beach and Spa Resort advertises itself as a place where couples can renew their wedding vows “hand in hand against a golden sunset backdrop” and where their “everlasting love” can be sealed by a “kaleidoscope of romantic hues” that covers the sky during the sunset.
In the video the ‘celebrant’ briefs the couple in English, prior to the ceremony, that it will be conducted according to “not only Maldivian” but also “Arabic and Islamic” norms.
Two wedding rings inside an open coconut, which appears to be lined with mother of pearl, are in front of the couple along with two fresh coconuts. The couple seem dressed for the ceremony, the woman in white as favoured by Western brides.
“Don’t look at her chest”, a man – possibly the videographer – is heard saying as the woman leans over to take a sip from the coconut. She adjusts her neckline.
Men, about ten or more, surround the area both outside and inside the palm fronds, which appears to be a make-shift wedding venue.
The celebrant twirls his thumbs over a piece of paper that he appears to be studying with deep concentration. A male voice asks him if the document is “something new”. He replies that it is “the seventh Article of the Penal Code”.
The document, of which there is a brief close-up in the video, has absolutely no relation to marriage laws in the Maldives. Words that are legible on the document refer to “staff employment”, suggesting that it is a document relating to employment regulations.
Asking the couple and other ‘officials’ to raise their hands as is customary for Muslim prayers, the ‘celebrant’ begins his marriage vows.
“Fornication has been legalised according to Article six, 1.11 of the Penal Code”, he chants in a tone favoured by religious scholars. “That is, frequent fornication by homosexuals. Most fornication is by males,” he continues.
“Research has shown that men have a higher sex drive than women,” he says. “According to Article 8 to 6 of the Penal Code, converting to Islam, or circumcision, is not desirable under any circumstances.
“Germs of anger and hatred will breed and drip from the tips of your penises,” he says.
The ‘celebrant’ then switches from his improvised “Islamic and Maldivian marriage laws” to reading aloud from the document in front of him in the same ‘religious’ tone. This time, what he chants to the couple is to do with terms of employment.
When he returns to the ‘marriage vows’, he refers to certain Articles of the Constitution and combines ‘Section e” and “Section f” to create the word “balhu”, which in Dhivehi means “swine”. ‘E’ in Dhivehi is the letter ‘baa’ and ‘F’ the letter ‘lhaviyani’.
The ‘celebrant’ mixes the two letters to make the word ‘balhu’, the full version of which, as used by the ‘celebrant’, is ‘nagoo balhu’. The literal translation of the term is ‘crooked tail’, believed to refer to a pig’s tail, and is considered to be one of the worst insults in the Dhivehi language.
“You are swine according to the Constitution,” he declares, solemnly.
He then asks the couple to stand up and hold hands. The ‘officials’, too, stand up and place their hands on the couples’. They form a séance-like circle and the ‘celebrant’ begins chanting.
“Aleelaan, baleelaan…”, he begins. What he is chanting is not a verse from the Qur’an, or marriage vows in Dhivehi, but are the words of a popular Dhivehi children’s game.
Words of the game, too, are changed to say “black swine” instead of what is contained in the original.
“Before buggering a chicken, check if the hole is clean. That is because the people of the countries that you are from are familiar with the taste of the ****holes of chicken,” he chants, still with hands held over the couples’.
“Do not treat with kindness people against whom violence is being committed. Commit more violence against victims of violence. You are not people who have been sent to this world to commit violence.”
He then returns to the matter of staff salaries, which he continues to chant in the same tone as he had done the insults. “Do not complain too much about salaries, or matters regarding salaries. That is against the Penal Code. This is not something I am saying for your benefit – it is a law that we have made.”
He begins to chant loudly about “black swine”, stringing insult after insult and delivering it in the same rather ominous tone that Maldivian religious figures choose to deliver their sermons in.
“You fornicate and make a lot of children. You drink and you eat pork. Most of the children that you have are marked with spots and blemishes… these children that you have are bastards,” he continues solemnly.
Someone else is heard at this point to tell the ‘celebrant’ to “say a little bit more, and then quit.”
The concluding chant is delivered in a gentler, softer voice: “Keep fornicating frequently, and keep spreading hatred among people. The children you will have from this marriage will all be bastard swine.”
While the couple are putting rings on each other’s fingers, someone is heard saying that the recording should stop. “Don’t you worry about it,” says someone else, and the recording continues.
“Aren’t they going to suck mouth?” someone is heard asking. “Make them suck mouth”, it is urged. ‘Sucking mouth’ is a term used by Maldivians to denigrate the act of kissing.
“So now, in Maldivian law, in Islam, you are already married”, says the ‘celebrant’, returning to English. The hapless couple are then told to relax and enjoy the celebrations that are to follow, by the end of which a certificate of their nuptials will be ready for them.

Once the ceremony is concluded, the celebrant, who is dressed in a shirt and tie – with the shirt left to hang loose over a traditional Maldivian sarong – swaggers out of the makeshift wedding venue – tugging at his tie and proclaiming himself “President of the Maldives Mohamed Nasheed.”
The celebrant, Vilu Reef Manager Rasheed told Minivan News, is an assistant Food and Beverage Manager named Hussein Didi. As he leaves the wedding venue having concluded his job, someone announces his presence, as “Ghaazee Hussein Didi”.
A Ghaazee is the Arabic name for a judge or magistrate, also adopted to mean the same in Dhivehi.
People clap loudly as the couple, whose marriage vows have just been mocked in some of the filthiest language known to Dhivehi, are videoed making their way to the next part of their ceremony – the planting of a coconut tree to mark the occasion.
Various types of insults about the woman and the man, their clothing and demeanour, are being spoken throughout in the form of a running commentary in a sports video.
As the bride bends down to plant the coconut tree, a man is heard is exclaiming, “Can see her breasts!” The ‘commentator’ observes, “She is wearing something”, he knows, he says, “because my beard has gone grey watching those things… I have seen so many of them now that I don’t even want to look any more when I see them.”
The groom, who is watering the new coconut tree which they have just planted, is totally unaware of the manner in which his wife and her breasts are being discussed by the group of Maldivian men ‘officiating’ at the renewal of their wedding vows.
‘Celebrant’ Didi tells the couple they should return soon to check on the progress of their plant, testament to what had taken place on the island that day.
The video concludes with the ‘commentator’ repeatedly urging the ‘celebrant’ to make the couple ‘suck mouths, suck mouths’.
The resort’s Manager Rasheed was unable to tell Minivan News how much the occasion had cost the couple or where they were from.
Asked if the couple had been made aware of the nature of the ‘wedding vows’ they had taken, Rasheed said they had been sent pictures but not the video.
“Our package includes sending them pictures on the CD the very same night”, he said. Rasheed added that the resort does not have a written ‘khuthuba’ or sermon from which to read, nor is the role of the celebrant undertaken by a designated person.
“It is done on a rotating basis. We have been doing it for ten years now, and from a very small start, it has grown into a very successful part of what we offer at Vilu,” he said.
Rasheed said he had become aware of the nature of the ceremony conducted by Didi shortly after it happened. He had banned Didi from performing any more ceremonies, but did not feel it was necessary to take any further action, until the video appeared on YouTube.
The staff member who uploaded the video, Ali Shareef, a shop assistant, is not being disciplined or investigated further, Rasheed said. He complied with the request by the management to remove the video from YouTube.
The ‘celebrant’, Didi, however is currently under investigation by the Head Office in Male’, Sun Travel and Tours.
Minivan News has learned that the ‘wedding package’ offered by Vilu Reef Resort lasts an hour, costs US$1300 which includes the services of a ‘celebrant’, a sailing trip and Maldivian music and dancing.
The happy couple can obtain photographs of their beautiful ceremony in the Maldivian sunset on Vilu Reef Resort for an additional US$440.
CEO of Sun Travel Ahmed Shakir was unavailable for comment.
Warning: Video contains profanity

just let you know Ibrahim that is fairly interesting.
Disgusting and not funny. The couple have been ripped-off and Islam has been mocked. Anything for money, huh? Disgusting!
I blame the resort managers. This should'nt have happened. But then, with ignorance such a culture being in place, I feel its the responsibility of the management to see over what goes on. And I wonder publishing this in English and on a site like this, will it hurt the industry more or bring justice more? Yes we should bring those resort staff to justice, but when it comes to revealing such stuff to the entire world, we should be cautious. This should be handled within the country.
Not a big deal.
Wat a shame on this! I'm a staff of Vilu Reef. Re-one of the comment on this I would like to say that Mr.Shiyam did not attend any wedding ceremony conducted by Mr.Hussain Didi. He attend on a wedding earlier as the Gazees who have conducted wedding ceremony on Vilu Reef never have used filthy languages. So how can he know this...
sad and i am wordless. shiyam must be held responsible for this without his knowledge and encouragement this will not take place
This is shame to us working in tourist industry. It is however normal for addu pple to play these kinds of pranks.. Deeply understood that they share the infidel or dirty bloodline if there was any balhu or nagoobalhu bloodline in maldives. The british.
Sun travels, as the management, should notify the guests of this professional mistake. The couple should be rewarded an understanding on service recovery bearing in mind that they can sue the resort..
As for the staff involved; they should be given a sentence on a "whatever penal code" for this planned terrorism against the country's economy in the large scale. This is highly regrettable...weather they are jews, arabs, christians, atheists, they dont deserve it...they were our guests and if this is an act of extremism, then i wud rather turn my back on it. Our religion and its practices teach us to look well after the guests who visit our home despite their nationality or religion or culture.
The so said 'removed video' still exists. and if by any chance...SUN travels or the person who put it on youtube removes it; i will myself put it on all the social networks unless and untill we know that the management of sun travels have accepted this deliberate act of un-supervised cheat and do their job to recover the ruined and stained status of resort weddings and guest services.
Minivan- please keep a close look on suntravels vilu. WE would like to know what action they take.
balhu means DOG///not swine...
the manager seems to be so proud of the incident. tsk tsk tsk. wat a shame. this should be investigated and action need to be taken against the management as well. the visitors do not pay a fortune to these guys just to get mocked at them. i am speechless and ashamed to call myself a Maldivian. for me this shows the ignorance of the management of the resort as a whole. action needs to be taken against them. they should not humuliate people at least considering the fact they belong to the human community.
ibrahim kalo: I have nothing against "beerattehin" or the so called Male' people? If you really go back to history, Male' was used by Giraavaru" people to gut the fish and there werent people living on the island. So where did the high and mighty Male' people come from? Did they emerge from sea around Male'?
The people who has mocked these innocent foreign couple should be punished too. That shows how we Maldivians think, for us everything in life is a sick joke! In life the priorities are ignored. Sad but true!
Shame! Insulting! Disgusting! This is far more damaging to Maldives tourism industry than anyone can imagine. All the authorities need to take serious action to ensure justice is done. Feel sorry for the foreign couple. I look forward to see Minivan follow-up the case.
I strongly condemn not only this act even Minivan News for direct translation for some text which is not even fit to be written in public media.
I call for stongest action possible to all concerned and the Managment should apologise to these innocent guests who had been made fools.
The Management can be liable for defamation and may have to pay a high price.
I call Minivan news to remove this article or put it back in a more appropriate reporting form.
They must be punished for this. and who did the translations? i think some meanings wrong.
Come on all you righteous people commenting on this post. It's as if you haven't done anything awful in the past. The only thing is, in this sense, most of the people are looking for instance and chance to blame the government and once you get the chance, you won't leave it, so as for you to find a way to blame some people who are connected to this, due to your hatred. -- SO WHO'S THE WORSE NOW IN THIS CASE?... EQUAL. Your hatred will kill you people. just leave it. WE'RE ALL ENTITLED BY OUR OWN OPINIONS BUT WE MUST LIVE OUR OWN LIVES, NOT TRYING TO ACT AS IF YOU ARE TRYING TO CARRY AND TRYING TO SOLVE ALL THE BURDENS IN THE WORLD.
On the other hand, don't generalize things and don't take it as a group. For whatever it is, I think that the management doesn't have anything to do with this. The person that has been appointed is just one of the LOST SOUL in the community. He might have been given the chance to change but he didn't change, and in this case we should trust that proper action has already been made against that person.
Always remember that in every basket of good apples, there will always be a spoiled one mixed to it. and it's never too late to get rid of it. So, just stop all the fuzz. Humans are humans although RATIONALS are fewer than the IRRATIONALS. and trying to give a fuzz about this matter is just based on your own selfish interests, and not really as a sympathy to the guests. So, in that case, you are also IRRATIONALS, isn't that? WHATEVER.
I guess it's time to put SUN TRAVELS, SHIYAM, and Vilureef Management into questioning. Put them under the spot light and under the microscope. Everyone is fed up with Shiyam and Vilureef management is being reported about many bad things in the past.
How could they employ a man like the Gazee in the first place?
I would really like to know what Min. Tourism and MTPB think about this!
What nonsense Minivan News trying to report that's not news, the following link in world headline today.
I don’t think this can be a fault of the management, I do believe in most of the resort owner’s or general manager’s will not participate most of the wedding ceremonies, yes it’s true there are will be a responsible personal for this event to organize on behalf of the management, and also I do believe that the management have to takes the necessary action or steps to the organizing committee. And mostly the person who did this or the personal who are involved we have to punish to them. We can’t simply destroy our atmosphere, we are the haven on the earth and the “Sunnyside of Maldives” why we all wants to destroy it? our hospitalities of Tourism is the only benefit that we are earn today at Maldives!, why we all media is so much concerned to destroy our hospitalities industry? MIDIA also have responsibilities, just simply you people are destroying your country incomes, I don’t think the Maldivian’s will accept this news simply place on the news papers or internet, it’s really shame… I don’t think you people love Maldives otherwise you people never place this on internet or news papers. I’m not saying the person who did or places this clipart on “YouTube” it’s totally wrong, and I think the person who did this was foolish mind guy, but you people “MIDIA” have to understand before you people placing this to the internet what was the fact will comes to the industry?! I really don’t understand our country “MIDIA” is steps to destroy our hospitality industry why???? What are the benefits you people will get it? This is a political game? Come-on guys this is your country and fight the last mints to save your country don’t destroy it simply! Naseer/Addu
minivan news ga mi liyun mi jehee hama ithura beryru dhuni ye mikan haam akurumuge magsadhuag, mi news bandhu kuruma govaalan, mee gose kamaka vias hama kuraakameh,sarukaarun mikaamaa medhu visnun muhinmu, mangmnt eg kushe noon meekee, hurihaa enme na vure minivan news ge kuh maa bodhu,
Shame to be a citizen of addu… there are 4 addu people involved in this on the “ceremony” mikahala hadi heyvumeh vehjjeyyaa addu meehun ge involvement varah bodu vaane. ahulaaq sumeh… cheedi.. disgusting. its like. i don knw.. m speech less.. for me this isnt fun, i bet, this guy has been practicing this for a long time. his fluency shows that!!, if i were the GM of villureef i wud hav resigned now!!!!!
Shame on Vilu reef and the resort management..
It has passed almost 3 days since this leakage... where is the managment??? are you sleeping Mr.Shiyam?? its ashame for all maldivians because of you. its not hussain didi who has to be concerened..
i was working in olhuveli island which is the sister property of vilureef on 2006. believe it or not even from that time the weddings were carried out this way by some shameless Maldivians and they humiliate these tourists over and over again without giving them a clew of what they say. so this has been happening in sun hotels for more then a decade..
and hell yeah these weddings are happening like this full support and presence of their managements. and I've seen it!
Shame on Rasheed. Rasheed is totally aware of this situation and this is not the first time it happened.
Each and evey wedding ceremony held at Vilu Reef was conducted like this.
I was working there for more than 02 years and I have worked as a wedding coordinator there and this was brought to management's attention already.
This is what is called "throwing away the baby with the bath water".
The disgusting act by some probably uneducated resort workers was not intended to hurt the wedding couple.
Minivan has made it a point to hurt the the wedding couple and all tourists who previously had similar ceremonies in the Maldives. Minivan has also made sure that tourism that we all depend on for survival is seriously affected. No doubt Minivan has thrown away the baby with the bath water.
We are shocked and worried about this. Its disgusting and shameful! Does this mean that Minivan news to WRITE this on? Perhaps Mr. Husain Didi did not intend any of the words he said in that ‘ceremony’. Even the guests will be aware that this is just a ceremony to make them feel good. The guests does not may be wanted to know what he said in the sermon but the most important thing is that the guests are enjoying and their main aim is also to enjoy this as a colorful event. However, there has to be a manner and discipline although this is part of a guest entertainment. Recently we have heard about the cartoons being printed on most of the magazines in Denmark insulting to prophet Mohamed (PBUH) As some of the viewers commented even Many guests sometimes use such kind of words that they may think the staff will not understand the language. My opinion is also that most of the staff may not intend (except few staff) any disrespect to guests under any circumstances
ey Ibrahim kaloaey. Vaahakaeh bunan heyyeve.Kaleyge visnun adhi thihuree 9 vana garune dark age gaeve. thigeygaa kuli dhakkaigen thibey beerattehin athun hoadhaa faisaa beynunkoggen namaves, 21 vana garunah thimaa loa hulhuven vejje noon.
i say...sun hotels!.. be more proffisional guys! you are responsible for these degraded things that you've been doing for long time!
He ! He ! Its disgusting! A shame isn't it? Perhaps this may be good to learn something. All staff may not have been supported or involved. Everyone can't be blamed!
@Mr. Karma
This is a shameful act indeed, but you can't blame it on the 'big bearded afghan-cult extremists who cut their trousers' as you say. Most of the people who grow beards are decent people just following the 'sunna' of our beloved prophet Muhammadh (pbuh) and they would NEVER indulge in such shameful activities.
I just heard Mr Shiyam is about to get married to an under-aged-girl. Maybe he should get this didi to perform the same rituals huh? How sick can Maldivians be?
Baaaaa! Mikoa thafirn kanbondo thevee kenevgen???? Look how the staff in the Tourism sector are treated by the management of the resorts...How many such complaints filed in the HRMC, Tourism Ministry and other related authorities in the country???? Any action taken to-date????
Thafiriye benafelau! Are these staff no human beings???? U naughty guys only recognize those who can afford visiting Maldivian tourist resorts with Euros and US Dollars are HUMANS????
Shame on U guys as well......There is no Tourism Ministry or any other authority as it has become a habit cheating the poor staff systematically here in the Maldives...Look at the Service Charge that the guests give for the staff, how many resorts provide this money to their staff?????? One Resort owner would decide they can only give 10% of the Service Charge to the staff whereas it's totally given by the guests to the staff...
Don't u think this is something that these culprit resort owners should be ASHAMED???? Shame on all those who do such inhuman things, be it a staff or a resort owner or those responsible authorities like the Tourism Ministry....then lalalaaaaaaa Jvvah, vayah, fazaa ah
I would say. This is indeed a very miserable scene to be witnessed. The management should somehow take the responsiblity. I doubt Shiyam of suntravels was aware of this... Knowing him, he is a very down to earth, kind hearted person who offers help to those in need. He would for sure , would not have accpted this kind of behaviour. I have personally seen how polite he is to the tourists and even to the staffs. SO, the management should take an action for this, but shiyam should not be accused of this.
GM Rasheed should resign. together with this Hussain Didi. They don't deserve any understanding. Not all the staffs are involved but these two persons should be removed from the resort. You can see that a lot of complaint against sun travels, vilureef and GM rasheed is being lodged to the ministry because of his inconsistencies and deficiencies as a general manager. too much. enough of your evil plots rasheed and shiyam. maldivians had enough, adduans had enough
I think the person who comments about Addu sham! You have realize this a country issue not only Addu! You have to love you country than you will realize what will happen! Just because you don’t like Addu people than you wants to destroy Addu citizen that’s very funny if you think like that than your mad person! I think you have a link of this mess otherwise you will never support against to your country? Because you’re against to your country peoples, no need to be jealous you have to believe your country each personal and love them, whether it’s Add or any part of this country!
About this “fake video” of wedding ceremony organizing committee have to take full responsibilities and the management has to take necessary steps against to them who are involved on this wedding!, and the management also have to apologize with the guest its peace and required…
And secondly, I don’t understand why the management has to resign, if the management has to resign, than the president of Maldives has to resign, when the auditor general is failed! Because this country is know on his control dhoo! You mean president have to look all the wedding and what’s going on each Island, that’s what you guys are thinking dhoo! Is that so?
All the resorts have an individual department and committees to fill full the day to day operations, manager’s jobs to fill full the outcomes difficulties, not put his hands on everything otherwise no need department heads, you guys just think a professional way of organization not on your home raining way ok,
And finally I have to say who was involved this kind of bad habit or using filthy language must be taken against necessary steps immediately and apologize from the guest if their still on a contact. This is the only fact that today we are earn that everybody have to understand, and this not the times that we have blame each other… I love my country & I hope that you will love your country too… Moh’d / Maldivian
The sermon of mock weddings should be read in the language of the couple. It seems the practice of using fowl language in this case has a long history. The guy who leads the process unleashes these words without intending its meaning. I feel that the management should apologize to the couple involved and refund money paid for them.
In addition the owner Shiyam should behave more morally by not marrying off girls young enough to be his granddaughters. This practice clearly is abuse of power and money. Isn’t he ashamed?
ooh..I really feel sorry for the couples and ashamed to call a Maldivian. Tourism ministry must intervene and investigate this problem. Mocking to those who feed them, hmm.. how cheap those nagoo balhun thah...and the fact that the resort is not taking any action against them shows they are also involved in this. I hope Minivan news would take this to Tourism Ministry and also thank Minivan news for their bravery bring these dirty things happening in the Maldives. Also I request minivan news to go airport and check how tour guides welcome tourists. Almost 90% of Maldivian tour guides greet them by saying " nagoo balhu or something like that". Maldivians are really unprofessional and they keep complaining foreign employment in the Maldives. Maldivians are disgusting especially those from addu...I hate this country...
@raheeda: if resort workers aren't happy, why don't they take it up with the management or better yet, quit?
marriage is a sacred thing, and to make a mockery of it is plain wicked. how would you feel if someone made fun of you like this in another language?
all human beings deserve respect, regardless of race, religion, or other factors.
saying that the resort management was not treating them right is not an excuse!
everybody faces trouble in the work place. doesn't mean we have to take it out on innocent guests!
WTF is the guy from resortworkers name try to say. is he sane? or is he that extremist lover trying to make a point!!
This is a sad day for all Maldivians - once a nation of people who were proud to be Maldivian! But alas, this is the sorry state of our society's moral fabric today.
But please guys get your facts right! Mr Shiyam is not in this video. So don't go saying that he is.
What should be concerning us is the fact that some of our people are carrying out such acts. The guests in this case have paid huge amounts of money to have this ceremony. So who should be accountable for not ripping them off? Tourism Ministry? Resort Owner/Management? TEAM? Where is consumer protection?
The idea that anything/anyone who is different from you should be treated with intolerance is not acceptable behaviour. Wonder who we can hold to account over this? Adhaalath/Islamic Foundation/Islamic Ministry? Education Ministry/EDC/Teacher's Association?/Media? for the hatred and intolerance that is taught in our primary school syllabus, and spewed out continuously in the media?
President Nasheed and his MDP government for ignoring or rather trading off social issues for more immediate/visible economic issues??
Or should it be ourselves as the general public who sit back and become spectators to this sorry mess?
I don't know the answers, but what I do know is that I am afraid I too agree with those who say that it's no longer proud to be a Maldivian!!
True nature of peoples will come up with instances like this!
But that does not mean that MALDIVIANS are dirty as this management that had been fostering and making mockery out of peoples and especially their clients!
Owner of this operation and more, is an "HONORABLE" Parliamentarian who was aligned to Maumoon who both have done "FAVOURS" for each other!
This shows what fake fronts and dirty behinds these people have!
A disgrace to Maldives and Maldivians!
this isn't what we call responsible journalism...what do u accomplish by publishing this article?
maldivesreortworkers must have been paid off by vilu reef management. this really is a very serious issue. and most maldivians really are ashamed of this act of a few degenerates. very sad.
It's time for Maldivians to realize that their country is nothing WITHOUT tourism particularly, the resorts. They have nothing else to be proud of. The beautiful atolls are gift from mother nature. Without it, no one will know the country called Maldives exist in this world!
It was really humiliating and disgusting act for what they have done to the guests, who like many others contribute to the Maldives economic development.
I really look forward for the reaction of both the guests and the resort.
Amazing how there are apologists for this humiliation too - not surprisingly, the "religious" types.
Would these morons react with such understanding if it were their fellow 'Muslims' being called swine or dogs?
These kinds of acts are beyond shameful, they're unforgivable.
what a shame. wasn't there the managers of the hotel at this wedding, if so why they didn't stop the idiots. being there if they haven't stop them that mean this was something always on going. I call the authorities to do a full investigation and punish those who are responsible and bane these guy from any tourist resort or hotel.