“You are swine” and “the children that you bear from this marriage will all be bastard swine,” a tourist couple renewing their marriage vows in the Maldives were told in a ‘traditional Maldivian’ ceremony conducted in Dhivehi at Vilu Reef Beach and Spa Resort.
“Your marriage is not a valid one. You are not the kind of people who can have a valid marriage. One of you is an infidel. The other, too, is an infidel – and we have reason to believe –an atheist, who does not even believe in an infidel religion,” the ‘celebrant’ tells the couple, who appear completely unaware of the humiliation they are being subjected to.
A 15-minute video of the ceremony was uploaded on YouTube on October 24 2010 by a member of staff. Vilu Reef Manager Mohamed Rasheed told Minivan News that the staff member who uploaded the video did it as “a joke”, without “realising the seriousness of the potential consequences”.
Vilu Reef Beach and Spa Resort advertises itself as a place where couples can renew their wedding vows “hand in hand against a golden sunset backdrop” and where their “everlasting love” can be sealed by a “kaleidoscope of romantic hues” that covers the sky during the sunset.
In the video the ‘celebrant’ briefs the couple in English, prior to the ceremony, that it will be conducted according to “not only Maldivian” but also “Arabic and Islamic” norms.
Two wedding rings inside an open coconut, which appears to be lined with mother of pearl, are in front of the couple along with two fresh coconuts. The couple seem dressed for the ceremony, the woman in white as favoured by Western brides.
“Don’t look at her chest”, a man – possibly the videographer – is heard saying as the woman leans over to take a sip from the coconut. She adjusts her neckline.
Men, about ten or more, surround the area both outside and inside the palm fronds, which appears to be a make-shift wedding venue.
The celebrant twirls his thumbs over a piece of paper that he appears to be studying with deep concentration. A male voice asks him if the document is “something new”. He replies that it is “the seventh Article of the Penal Code”.
The document, of which there is a brief close-up in the video, has absolutely no relation to marriage laws in the Maldives. Words that are legible on the document refer to “staff employment”, suggesting that it is a document relating to employment regulations.
Asking the couple and other ‘officials’ to raise their hands as is customary for Muslim prayers, the ‘celebrant’ begins his marriage vows.
“Fornication has been legalised according to Article six, 1.11 of the Penal Code”, he chants in a tone favoured by religious scholars. “That is, frequent fornication by homosexuals. Most fornication is by males,” he continues.
“Research has shown that men have a higher sex drive than women,” he says. “According to Article 8 to 6 of the Penal Code, converting to Islam, or circumcision, is not desirable under any circumstances.
“Germs of anger and hatred will breed and drip from the tips of your penises,” he says.
The ‘celebrant’ then switches from his improvised “Islamic and Maldivian marriage laws” to reading aloud from the document in front of him in the same ‘religious’ tone. This time, what he chants to the couple is to do with terms of employment.
When he returns to the ‘marriage vows’, he refers to certain Articles of the Constitution and combines ‘Section e” and “Section f” to create the word “balhu”, which in Dhivehi means “swine”. ‘E’ in Dhivehi is the letter ‘baa’ and ‘F’ the letter ‘lhaviyani’.
The ‘celebrant’ mixes the two letters to make the word ‘balhu’, the full version of which, as used by the ‘celebrant’, is ‘nagoo balhu’. The literal translation of the term is ‘crooked tail’, believed to refer to a pig’s tail, and is considered to be one of the worst insults in the Dhivehi language.
“You are swine according to the Constitution,” he declares, solemnly.
He then asks the couple to stand up and hold hands. The ‘officials’, too, stand up and place their hands on the couples’. They form a séance-like circle and the ‘celebrant’ begins chanting.
“Aleelaan, baleelaan…”, he begins. What he is chanting is not a verse from the Qur’an, or marriage vows in Dhivehi, but are the words of a popular Dhivehi children’s game.
Words of the game, too, are changed to say “black swine” instead of what is contained in the original.
“Before buggering a chicken, check if the hole is clean. That is because the people of the countries that you are from are familiar with the taste of the ****holes of chicken,” he chants, still with hands held over the couples’.
“Do not treat with kindness people against whom violence is being committed. Commit more violence against victims of violence. You are not people who have been sent to this world to commit violence.”
He then returns to the matter of staff salaries, which he continues to chant in the same tone as he had done the insults. “Do not complain too much about salaries, or matters regarding salaries. That is against the Penal Code. This is not something I am saying for your benefit – it is a law that we have made.”
He begins to chant loudly about “black swine”, stringing insult after insult and delivering it in the same rather ominous tone that Maldivian religious figures choose to deliver their sermons in.
“You fornicate and make a lot of children. You drink and you eat pork. Most of the children that you have are marked with spots and blemishes… these children that you have are bastards,” he continues solemnly.
Someone else is heard at this point to tell the ‘celebrant’ to “say a little bit more, and then quit.”
The concluding chant is delivered in a gentler, softer voice: “Keep fornicating frequently, and keep spreading hatred among people. The children you will have from this marriage will all be bastard swine.”
While the couple are putting rings on each other’s fingers, someone is heard saying that the recording should stop. “Don’t you worry about it,” says someone else, and the recording continues.
“Aren’t they going to suck mouth?” someone is heard asking. “Make them suck mouth”, it is urged. ‘Sucking mouth’ is a term used by Maldivians to denigrate the act of kissing.
“So now, in Maldivian law, in Islam, you are already married”, says the ‘celebrant’, returning to English. The hapless couple are then told to relax and enjoy the celebrations that are to follow, by the end of which a certificate of their nuptials will be ready for them.

Once the ceremony is concluded, the celebrant, who is dressed in a shirt and tie – with the shirt left to hang loose over a traditional Maldivian sarong – swaggers out of the makeshift wedding venue – tugging at his tie and proclaiming himself “President of the Maldives Mohamed Nasheed.”
The celebrant, Vilu Reef Manager Rasheed told Minivan News, is an assistant Food and Beverage Manager named Hussein Didi. As he leaves the wedding venue having concluded his job, someone announces his presence, as “Ghaazee Hussein Didi”.
A Ghaazee is the Arabic name for a judge or magistrate, also adopted to mean the same in Dhivehi.
People clap loudly as the couple, whose marriage vows have just been mocked in some of the filthiest language known to Dhivehi, are videoed making their way to the next part of their ceremony – the planting of a coconut tree to mark the occasion.
Various types of insults about the woman and the man, their clothing and demeanour, are being spoken throughout in the form of a running commentary in a sports video.
As the bride bends down to plant the coconut tree, a man is heard is exclaiming, “Can see her breasts!” The ‘commentator’ observes, “She is wearing something”, he knows, he says, “because my beard has gone grey watching those things… I have seen so many of them now that I don’t even want to look any more when I see them.”
The groom, who is watering the new coconut tree which they have just planted, is totally unaware of the manner in which his wife and her breasts are being discussed by the group of Maldivian men ‘officiating’ at the renewal of their wedding vows.
‘Celebrant’ Didi tells the couple they should return soon to check on the progress of their plant, testament to what had taken place on the island that day.
The video concludes with the ‘commentator’ repeatedly urging the ‘celebrant’ to make the couple ‘suck mouths, suck mouths’.
The resort’s Manager Rasheed was unable to tell Minivan News how much the occasion had cost the couple or where they were from.
Asked if the couple had been made aware of the nature of the ‘wedding vows’ they had taken, Rasheed said they had been sent pictures but not the video.
“Our package includes sending them pictures on the CD the very same night”, he said. Rasheed added that the resort does not have a written ‘khuthuba’ or sermon from which to read, nor is the role of the celebrant undertaken by a designated person.
“It is done on a rotating basis. We have been doing it for ten years now, and from a very small start, it has grown into a very successful part of what we offer at Vilu,” he said.
Rasheed said he had become aware of the nature of the ceremony conducted by Didi shortly after it happened. He had banned Didi from performing any more ceremonies, but did not feel it was necessary to take any further action, until the video appeared on YouTube.
The staff member who uploaded the video, Ali Shareef, a shop assistant, is not being disciplined or investigated further, Rasheed said. He complied with the request by the management to remove the video from YouTube.
The ‘celebrant’, Didi, however is currently under investigation by the Head Office in Male’, Sun Travel and Tours.
Minivan News has learned that the ‘wedding package’ offered by Vilu Reef Resort lasts an hour, costs US$1300 which includes the services of a ‘celebrant’, a sailing trip and Maldivian music and dancing.
The happy couple can obtain photographs of their beautiful ceremony in the Maldivian sunset on Vilu Reef Resort for an additional US$440.
CEO of Sun Travel Ahmed Shakir was unavailable for comment.
Warning: Video contains profanity

I am so ashamed to be a Maldivian right now. This is so sad and disgraceful. People pay us a lot of money to come to Maldives and is this how some resort staff repay?
The worst thing is this reflects so badly on the rest of the resorts and its owners. And that is very unfair. But we have to accept the blame.
I hope the management of Villu Reef takes proper action against it and make a public apology to the guests involved and to the public.
at first i thought, why would minivan post this. but then i thought, may be its time. may be its time we expose ourselves, our true selves and perhaps there is hope for change...
shame on all thos people who have no basic respect for other human beings and perhaps to themselves as well..
I just really hope the resort gets sued big time. Those staff should be fired, no questions asked there. This is really humiliating. On one side, there are people sacrificing everything to promote this country as THE destination to be at, spending thousands to market Maldives. People have worked overnight to give Maldives the reputation it has right now over the decades, but just ONE wrong move like this, and the whole country can be crushed economically.
Why don't people like Didi realize this? I would generally blame it on their upbringing. They are not aware of anything. They think that this little island nation is the world itself, and it is....invincible in every way. People are not aware of anything.
Second reason? Religion is being taught in a wrong way these days. People like this can never go to another country and live alongside people who follow other religions. This is because of something called intolerance. Intolerance is a big problem a majority of the Maldivians have, mainly because of the hate propaganda shown on television and radios 24/7 by the same people, who say the same things at non-muslims. However, there are groups of people who promote peace and tolerance amongst us, and I have to thank them. It will take time for more people to realize all this, and probably they will when something really bad happens.
This is a sad day for Maldives. A very sad day indeed. I never thought that Maldivians would fall so low.
Shame on you SHIYAM (SUN TRAVEL)You are a Sick Man and you are supporting to make your staff members like you. You all are sick you guys need help.
Since we (Maldivians) live through this Fragile industry i demand an a public apology from SHIYAM for the damage he have done. Believe it or not his will effect to many other resorts.
Personally I will find those guest name and nationality. They have all the rights to know about this and claim the money they spend. Their country (government)have all rights to take legal action against SUN TRAVEL and Maldivian Tourism industry. MTPB/ Maldives Government for abusing that poor.
I think we all owe an a Apology to those guest (Victim)
God bless that Couple and i hope SUN TRAVEL (SHIYAM). will be punished for this irresponsibleness misbehaver.
For God's sake what's wrong with so many ppl who rant as if Armageddon has arrived? It has not happened and nor has Vilu Reef paid us (maldivesresortworkers) to buy our loyalty. The fact of the matter is that these weddings are not new things in resorts. Nor are these make-me-feel-good marriage valid for purposes like inheritance or are legally binding. Nor are these religious ceremonies or civil ceremonies or any such sanctified rituals. These are just parts of the entertainment process in resorts. Even when guest do not renew their vows again in the resorts, many guests bring wedding gowns to take pictures of themselves in those dresses. This is not a new thing for tourism.
Nor is smiling broadly at guests and uttering gibberish a new phenomenon. Guests and staff indulge in fun like this every day. What counts is the service, the sincerity and the friendliness of the staff to the guests. Good guest service is not about being cold, unapproachable, reverent, officious and snobbish. Guests would much appreciate staff who would make fun and make their stay enjoyable than those who stand in awe and revered stance like zombies and are political correct.
Throughout this marriage in question, the staff were able to keep their cool which is an achievement. Not everybody can say all those 'things' while smiling at the guest and suppressing the urge to burst out laughing. Even if the couple secretly were aware of a smattering of dhivehi they would have burst out laughing and would not forget their fun moment in Maldives.
The problem with the majority of us is we do not see the positive side of this.
I was really supervise when “media” responsible journalism publish this kind of video translation on internet, if this is independent media so we don’t need this kind of media in Maldives, the media is destroying our country future, shame on this comments translator…. Hoodh / Maldivian
@maldivian on Wed, 27th Oct 2010 12:44 PM
"this isn’t what we call responsible journalism…what do u accomplish by publishing this article?"
Seriously tell us what is responsible journalism?
Is responsible journalism about ignoring or hiding the truth, so others can see you for who you are?
whatever way you look at it, the fact of the matter is, it is very inhumane and should never have happened. Especially, given that;
1- we are all human beings and everyone deserves to be treated like a human being
2- We brag about how "100% Moslem" we are and how islam is about equality, respecting people etc..etc...- I dont remember reading even prophet mohamed treating non-moslems inhumanely.
We, maldivians, as a society needs to come out of this cocoon where we pretent we are peace-loving (100% )moslems with great moral and ethical values and really see ourselves for who we are..i.e hypocrites (i know the truth hurts ). but we need to accept this truth if we are to move forward.I am a maldivian and i hate the fact we are such a double-faced society.
i'm not surprised. this is the only thing maldivians have to offer foreigners. historical accounts show that maldivian hospitality is a myth. consider Pyraad's accounts of his forced stay in Maldives. and moreover this is what happens when resort workers stay imprisoned in an island for long durations. they lose their mental faculties.. here we see the result of that degeneration. we must immediately do a mental evaluation of all resort employees.
27th October 2010
Subject: Video Released on YouTube titled “Fake Wedding in Maldives”
The video titled “Fake Wedding in Maldives” released on YouTube on 24th October 2010 depicts an event that occurred at Vilu Reef Beach & Spa Resort.
The corporate management of the resort is deeply saddened by this humiliating event and expresses its serious concerns over the incident, including the content shown in the video and the unforgivable conduct displayed by the staff involved in the incident.
The entire business of this company is built around services rendered to tourists and tourism. Therefore we cannot condone any act or incident that offends the very basis of our service ethos. The video contradicts the very core values of our corporate policy. And we condemn in it in its entirety.
The matter has been filed with the
Maldives Police Service for investigation.
Pending the outcome of the investigation, the staff involved in the ceremony shown on that video have been suspended from employment and removed from the resort premises.
The company assures all stakeholders and concerned parties and persons that it would take resolute action against every member of the staff and management found responsible for this disgusting act.
The management is in the process of contacting the two tourists who were victimized in this incident to extend sincerest apologies for this unacceptable incident. The management would offer compensation for the abuse they have suffered.
The management is also taking every necessary action to prevent any recurrence of a similar incident in future.
As responsible people involved in serious business, we sincerely apologize for the damage and serious repercussions this incident could cause to the tourism industry of the Maldives, the image of the country, the Maldivian people and their government.
Ahmed Shakir, Chief Executive Officer
Sun Investments Pvt Ltd
(Operator of Vilu Reef Beach & Spa Resort)
Im so ashamed. Im surprised about the managements involvement. The management of Vilu Reef should be banned from Tourism.This certainly reflect on Maldives Tourism. I'm afraid this the standards of one of the best resorts of Sun Travel. I wonder the standards of the rest of the resorts.
Disgraceful... they have to be punished,..
I blame resort management too...shows unprofessionalism from staffs and the management.
thats the main reason why people do not trust Maldivians,...
they have to cover it up, if not whole industry is going to be blamed.
what a shame...
I am observing with interest the different reactions to the article.
Personally I am shocked and trying not to react but look at the whole thing objectively. My conclusions
1. The guests have been very wronged and cheated - something must happen about this.
2. The perpetrators have crossed the line of human dignity, abused respect and rights of guests badly
3. Management has been irresponsible and unaccountable - so needs to be dismissed immediately
4. Owners of resorts are reponsible
5. Authorities should issue a statement and publicize the action they will take on this.
6. HRCM, MATI and MTPB should take a stand on this
7. Media should bring these issues out because it is the mechanism through which public get information and it effects every Maldivian
8. Islam was mocked and so were other religions
8. Undermining and condoning the act, or media for publishing this article is underestimating the gravity of the issues at hand
9. There is no cure without facing the issue and Maldives must go through the consequences and come out stronger and clearer on
- policies
- regulations
- protection of guests
- capacity of managements
- ability of staff to perform
and last not least have a system where fairness and justice prevails and people live with respect for the whole mankind regardless of religion, race, culture or nationality
at maldivian-
we accomplish the truth! the truth should prevail above everything else. its the medias responsibility to unveil the truth no matter what the consequences are, this is the 21 century! (eg, latest leaks from wikileak) and if you cant digest that, take a hike to the stone age!
i commend minivan for revealing such heinous acts committed by the filthy people in this country... maldivians need to face their own created demons now than never. the culprits involved should pay the price *heavily* for this limitless insult and denigration.
the tourism industry will take a huge blow once the tour operators come to know of this and only then can these ignorant fools realize their own "swine" riddled fate. i press the foreign couple to sue them and sue them HARD!
Im sorry... this is so shameful... and they claim to be better ppl??? i just dont know what to say... this is definetely not true muslims... munaafiq and hypocrites...
And then they have the nerve to complain about lack of economic aid and the dollar shortage.
Say... what'll happen if some internet superhero subtitles this thing and reposts it?.
The reaction of GM, resort & SUN ???
Maldives should pay attention not to underestimate growing concern about and reaction to islamist (not islamic) actions around the world and the impact on maldivian tourism ...
Bad reputation is hard to restore.
The comment from "maldivesresortworkers on Wed, 27th Oct 2010 1:35 AM" is another insult and I can hardly believe this is a real "maldivesresortworkers comment".
“Do not treat with kindness people against whom violence is being committed. Commit more violence against victims of violence. You are not people who have been sent to this world to commit violence.”
Well, you gotta admit, the dumbass was telling the truth about his religion here. 😛
Who is responsible for the act? However it is not every Maldivian's wish to see such lame action and arrangements. this is insane undeniable. Who ever is responsible must be brought to justice and proper action mus be taken. And whoever wrote the article also must consider the ethical implications as well.
This is not Maldivian. It is entirely an act of evil and sarcasm.
In my country[England]most people are married in a church,,that is,a religious ceremony..Renewal of your marriage vows would also be a religious ceremony..Now no religion in the world would use language like that on any couple renewing their vows..This leads me to think that this is the resort using the occasion to take as much money from their guests by false pretences..That in fact is a form of theft..The resort owes everyone an explanation,and quickly,or else your police should get involved..Will it happen ??????
This trend is getting worse as the current Islam and Quran teachers are referring to their students who are non muslims are kafirs (Infidels).. My son recently talked about a foreign student and referred to him as "kafir". I asked him who said that and it was the Arabic teacher...
Why can't we respect other beliefs and treat humans equaly
oh, and sabah?
They may remove it from youtube, but my computers have already saved it onto my archives. Out here, we have a saying, that once incriminating evidence reaches the internet... nothing, NOTHING can hold it down.
This is disgraceful! Sack em back to their islands. I call Sun Hotels to give this couple full compensation immediately!!
This is a sad day for the Maldives! The image of the country has been shattered. Our humble apologies to the abused couple.
This is all due to lack of professionalism. The GM of Vilu Reef is not a qualified person. He should have set standards to prevent these kinds of disgusting things from happaning. If the GM Rasheed says he is not aware of this, then its his inability to be a manager and it clearly shows how invalid he is. Can some body advise Shiyam to appoint qulaified staff in top positions of his resorts rather than foremen or Sarudhaaru type of ignorant and uneducated managers. A good manager will always set rules and make sure that rules are followed.
No professionalism and no proper supervision. Its time to learn the lesson. Another blow to our tourism industry which is already in a painful period. Vilu Reef has opened another window opportunity for our competitors.
Hey maldivesresortworkers!
I hear you're upset at minivannews because you chaps cant treat paying guests like dirt anymore due to epic journalism.
Do you have any safehouses and financial backups on foreign countries to fall back to? No? Too bad!.
After working several years in the tourism industry, I had to quite it because of such stupidity. Those of you who work or have worked in the tourism industry in the Maldives, know that most resort workers are from Addu or Fuah Mulak, and such behavior seem to be considered 'normal.' It would be very difficult to 'shift' the socio-cultural thought process of these people, who often curse, rape/harass tourists and fellow female workers. Most resorts management are aware of these things, but tend to turn a blind eye due to the profits that they reap.
It is doubtful that much would change or much action would be taken to correct this, especially now that the political system is a joke and the society is in chaos.
While it is true that most resorts exploit the resort workers by withholding their pay, service, and so on. But this definitely is not the way to deal with it. I feel sad for all those tourists who travel to the Maldives and be exploited in this or any other manner.
This article definitely would hurt the tourism in the Maldives. But it is better to 'fix' issues than sweep it under the rug. Thanks to Minivan news for bringing this issue to light.
one of the lowest level of humans beings ive ever witnessed. shamed to be a maldivian.
I'm not surprised. In Maldives most who work in resort and hotels are school drop-outs. Just like those in US ARMY.
Why tourists need mock marriages in the Maldives is because there is no way that even a civil marriage for them can be registered at court. Make this avialable to them. The State will collect legal fees for this and there will be a proper marriage certificate with Court stamp etc validating the event and the court can even charge a reasonable fee for conducting it in the resort.
Instead of that kind of civilized behavior now we have the 'biting the hand that feeds' you syndrome in this so-called SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE!
well to be honest.... i feel bad to call my self as a maldivian now... what ashame to the country and to the ppl......i belive hypocrites…can only do such a stupid thing... without knowing who ever did it.. is taking there own bread and butter....
Mee Dhivehi management in hingaa resort thakuga mikan higaa goi. Dhivehin nakee hamaekani laari ah ulhey baeh. **** boan deefaves laari libenikoh dhivehinnah ok vane. Baeh thanthanuga baraabarah customer care programme hingaa. Villu reef akee guest service ah ehaa samaalukan dey baeh noon. Rasheed ulhenee katheebeh hen ethan hingan.
Ehfuraehge kuda firihen group eh ulhey iru mikahala Kankan e kuranee emeehunge bolah mi service industry akee kihaa serious kameh kan vahdai deefa netheema. Customer is king consept kiyai nudeveythee.. **** u Rasheed!... kaleymen thiulhenee kihinei tha resort thah hingan.
Resort eh ge room boy aku room saafukoh nimeythanun HK supervisor ais fen bo thasheega spot ebahuri ey alun saafu kuraashey buneema, e room boy hadaa gothakee kulhu haakaafa saafu kuranee.. u knw why?? Ei eyna wash basin dookohfiyyaa again alun balun ethan saafu kuran jeheyne theeve… mee resort staffing mi devey service aa medun serious vaa varu
To those who say that this video chronicles a harmless joke and that we shouldn't make a big fuss over it...
You're right. This is a harmless joke. Let's all laugh it off, right?. Peace out, and rock on!.
Now let me play a harmless joke too... I'm gonna take this video, and make it available worldwide, and post it to any celebrity who is making plans to spend their vacation here. Really funny, right?
C'mon, you guys can play "good harmless jokes" - so you should be able to take what you dish out... right?.
@Ahmed Shakir
Sun Investments
Hey, if you think you are trying to damage control by blaming and dismissing the local employees and saying that there will be an investigation and compensating the couple, you are being very naive.
That statement to whitewash is definitely not going stop the management, you and the owner of Vilu Reef Mr Ahmed Suntravel Siyam from being accountable for numerous fake weddings held before in Vilu Reef.
This is not a one time incident. This has been happening in your resort. There is absolutely no way this could have kept taking place without your knowledge.
We are aware of who your boss Siyam is. He is a shameless Maldivian who has got money flowing out of his ears and an insatiable thirst for young girls.
His money has enabled him to buy votes to secure a seat in the Parliament. I can't believe these are the people who make laws for us.
He has recently divorced his 3 wives to marry his daughter's classmate - an 18 year old girl. We can't just dismiss this kind of behavior from an MP by simply saying that is his private life.
He should be sued. Let all his belonging go to the couples who got mocked in his resort. You have to be sued.
So if you think that you are trying to save your a** you are just being very stupid.
im just amazed that maldivesresortworkers seem to regard this as a joke. so you think crossing the boundaries of human dignity is funny?
you take a ridiculous sum of money from them just to verbally abuse them?
if you want to entertain, maybe you should organise a stand up comedy show and tell jokes in a language the audience can understand.
stupid idiots!
This is not acceptable by any standard. This shows how irresponsible the management of these resorts are. I bet this is not the 1st such ceremony held there. They are money by cheating guests. Shame on the management.
This is also proof enough that problem of this country is too many. If this is the situation this country will be a hell on earth in no time. No more a heaven on earth.
Government shall take responsibility for wide spread social ills like these.
the person who criticized the constitution of Maldives should be punished strictly, although he had spoiled the nations dependent income, hereafter he should be terminated from his career as well.
this is unacceptable! penalize the people involved - now!
on behalf of the people of Maldives, i'd like to apologize to the couple.
Hey Azra & Minivan News Team, This is ridiculous, you guys don't have to publish this in English! I also don't like what happen in this resort. Its a Shame! However, you should think before you publish this translation of those filthy words used!
Maldivians are the most shameless, uncivilized peoples I've ever seen in this modern age. What the football supporters did to foreign referees couple of nights ago, what we see in parliament, what we see in protests, now this. pis pis. I wish i was born in Korea.
A company cannot have values that the people (owners and management) do not uphold. What values are you talking about...Think of your past and talk about what you left along the way...you think people do not know. Siyam's life lies before the eyes of the people..
And now you have a whacking HR manager in the department who thinks you are maintaining Hilton standards...
Is this what you talk about?
Where is Siyam's voice? Should he not go on public TV, apologize to the Nation and the World?
@ Ahmed Shakir on Wed, 27th Oct 2010 2:02 PM - press release
Looks like your press release comes 10 years too late !!!
No point trying to scapegoat a few stupid junior staff.
The real problem is the management and owners which is where the REAL ROT of this whole thing is.
The REAL IMAGE of this resort is now out for all to see!!
This shows how uncivilised and incompetent these people are.
People like these have no integrity, morality, credibility or standing.
People like these give a bad name to this country, it's people and embarasses the nation in front of the whole world.
This is sickening.
The Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture should take action against this level of incompetency and the international embarassment this causes the tourism industry here!! These people are NOT FIT to run resorts.
what has happened is atrocious no doubt, but i honestly dont think the owners would have turned a blind eye on something this severe, which would cost them a fortune and much more in terms of publicity.
this is clearly a staged event by some isolated staff within the organization for their perverted pleasure. they need to be taken not to the police and prosecuted but to a psychiatrist for rehabilitation. this is exactly the repercussions we can expect when more than 30% of the tourism work force are either drug addicts or by-products of re-habilitation centres. this has brought shame to our industry in more ways than one
This is a response to "maldivesresortworkers" (i bet its just one desperate guy thinking everyone else working in the resorts are thinking the same as him)who think many people don't see the positive side of this issue.
Hehe...Looks who's talking now..The cool guy defending everyone working in the resorts, who think its all fun between the guest and staff.. hehehe maybe he should translate to the guest what the guy was saying then he know how "FUN" it was. 🙂
Maybe you should go to Hawaii and they charge you like US$2500 for a wedding vow.
Imagine:- The cool guy and his wife in front of many people celebrating his love/Marriage. Ceremony starts and A Hawaiian dude is saying "all kind of filthy, dirty things and cursing the cool guy and his wife in Hawaiian language. The cool guy was thinking oh man this is awesome. in fact they were so touched, both were in tears of joy and Happiness.
Later "The cool guy" found out there is a video of that ceremony in You Tube and many people were talking (Laughing/ humiliating the cool guy) about it.
I bet still The Coll Guy will remain as cool as a cucumber.kekeke
Btw i work in a resort where we also do this kind of ceremonies, but we do it with respect,love and joy. we let our guest feels the beauty of the event. and our "Dhivehi" words are beautifully written and we give a translation to our guest while we read them.
Please not every resort employ is NOT like you and we hate the fact you are using "Maldives resort workers" we are not workers... we are respected "employees" working for the passion we desire... so please CHANGE the name from Maldives resort workers to "The Wannabe Cool Guy".
Muvazzafunnnaa dheytherey rangalhah kanthah nukuraathee mee dho kuran v kamakee??? Mihaaru mulhi dhivehi raajje mi ladhu gannan jehunee dhethin meehegge sababun!!!
The HARMLESS JOKE involving me sharing this video worldwide is now in progress.
They can take that video down - but by now... I estimate that at least 30 copies of this clip are floating around on the tubes, replicating wildly.
I have viewed this video clip over and over again.
One thing that strikes me is teh calmness among the crowd of staff gathered there. None of them reacted when the so called priest started to say these bad words. In a normal circumstance, they would be shocked and few of them would also laugh at times when it is said in a funny way. But from what I have seen in this video, these guys are used to this type of weddings and were very calm through out the so called ceremony.
It is clear evidence that the resort managers were aware that this has been happening and would have never thought that a video like this would have ended up like this.
Now the manager (Ahmed Rasheed) would open his mouth and say he was not aware of this!! how can u beleive?
He must resign now!!!!
@ Ahmed Shakir on Wed, 27th Oct 2010 2:02 PM – press release
Thats it... You have no idea what kind of a damage this event has caused to the Maldives Tourism. wedding sector bring lots of interests to many people out there. i.e. Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon celebrate there wedding at One and Only Reethirah, that event alone create a enormous buzz and attract many Famous People to Reethirah like jayz and beyonce , Fergie and her Husband..ect
This is a developing and an important sector to the Maldives tourism.
We demand a public apology from SHIYAM. you think firing few staff and writing a comment here "Press release" will make everything perfect again. This will take years to recover.
If the government don't do anything about this we(All the Tourism and Human rights related organizations are talking about this as we speak) we will come to STRIKE against SUN TRAVEL (SHIYAM).
We demand an global apology from SUN TRAVEL (SHIYAM) not a cheap Press release from SHAKIR.
Everyone seems so embarrassed and angry about this, then The Wanna be cool guy comment came. i must admit its hilarious. 🙂
Vilu Reef sucks.
we as maldivians think very little of marriage. its marry one day and divorce the next. but to defile it like this is painful. today im sad to be a maldivian.
cool down folks... te biggest mistake here is by minivan for publishing this rubbis. journalism is good when its excercised responsbily.
the boys were just playing pranks..
as for money, every service in a resort is sold for money. nothing goes for charity